nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2018‒04‒23
five papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Islamic Republic of Iran; 2018 Article IV Consultation - Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Islamic Republic of Iran By International Monetary Fund
  2. Production and Exports of Kidney Beans in the Kyrgyz Republic: Value Chain Analysis By Tilekeyev, Kanat; Mogilevskii, Roman; Abdrazakova, Nazgul; Dzhumaeva, Shoola
  3. Islamic Republic of Iran; Selected Issues By International Monetary Fund
  4. Exchange Rate Developments and Policies in the Caucasus and Central Asia By Mark A Horton; Hossein Samiei; Natan P. Epstein; Kevin Ross
  5. A Growth-Friendly Path for Building Fiscal Buffers in the Caucuses and Central Asia By Edward R Gemayel; Lorraine Ocampos; Matteo Ghilardi; James Aylward

  1. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: The recovery has broadened to the non-oil sector and the authorities sustained macroeconomic stability in challenging circumstances. Nevertheless, the legacy of sanctions and policies of that period have left incomes at the levels of a decade ago and unemployment high. A weak banking sector, structural bottlenecks and heightened uncertainty constrain Iran’s growth potential.
    Date: 2018–03–29
  2. By: Tilekeyev, Kanat; Mogilevskii, Roman; Abdrazakova, Nazgul; Dzhumaeva, Shoola
    Abstract: This report provides results of the study of the kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) production and the marketing value chain in the Kyrgyz Republic. The main tool of this survey is field study of farmers, dealers-wholesalers, and bean exporters with elements of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as the results of desk analysis using open sources of information. The report analyzes agrotechnical conditions for bean production, including data on bean-related phytosanitary safety and the situation with bean-related food safety standards when exporting it and marketing problems in foreign markets. Findings of the study include the main barriers and constraints to increasing domestic production, improving bean quality and processing, and improving the phytosanitary situation and food safety standards; recommendations on Kyrgyz bean market improvement are also included.
    Keywords: kidney beans, exports, production, value chain
    JEL: Q12 Q13 Q17
    Date: 2018–03–01
  3. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: Selected Issues
    Date: 2018–03–29
  4. By: Mark A Horton; Hossein Samiei; Natan P. Epstein; Kevin Ross
    Abstract: Since late 2014, exchange rates (ERs) and ER regimes of the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) countries have come under strong pressure. This reflects the decline of oil and other commodity prices, weaker growth in Russia and China, depreciation of the Russian ruble, and appreciation of the U.S. dollar, to which CCA currencies have historically been linked. Weaker fiscal and current account balances and increased dollarization have complicated the picture. CCA countries entered this period with closely managed ER regimes and, in many cases, currencies assessed by IMF staff to be overvalued. CCA central banks have price stability as their main policy objective, and most have relied on ER stability to achieve this objective. Thus, the first policy response involved intervention in local foreign exchange (FX) markets, often with limited communication. In this context, the IMF staff has reviewed ER policy advice and implementation strategies for CCA countries.
    Date: 2016–05–16
  5. By: Edward R Gemayel; Lorraine Ocampos; Matteo Ghilardi; James Aylward
    Abstract: Since 2014, large and persistent external shocks have hit the CCA region, particularly a slump in global commodity prices and slower growth in its key economic partners. Fiscal accommodation, along with currency adjustment, has helped the CCA mitigate the impact of the external shocks. However, amid weakening revenues, increased public spending has widened budget deficits, weakened external balances, and increased public debts. Fiscal policy and strengthening fiscal frameworks must play a central role in helping build buffers and ensuring debt sustainability while supporting growth. This requires (1) tightening fiscal policies to reduce deficits to help restore external balance and fiscal sustainability, (2) strengthening tax systems and tax collection and tilting expenditure toward a more productive and growth-enhancing composition, and (3) implementing public financial management reforms and strengthening fiscal institutions, including through fiscal rules.
    Keywords: Fiscal analysis;Fiscal management;Fiscal policy;Growth acceleration;Economic growth;Production growth;Fiscal analysis;Fiscal management;Fiscal policy;Growth acceleration;Economic growth;Production growth
    Date: 2018–04–10

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.