nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2018‒02‒19
two papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. The role of Greece and Turkey as energy hubs in the region By Ketenci, Natalya
  2. Monetary System of Georgia in XI-XII centuries and its Effect on Economic Activity By Abuselidze, George

  1. By: Ketenci, Natalya
    Abstract: The Greek-Turkish relations have been complex in different aspects for a long time. However, neighborhood makes these countries close to each other in political, military and economic terms. Geopolitical location of Turkey makes it strategically important for Greece. Despite of the economic crisis in Greece bilateral trade between these two countries almost doubled for the last five years. Energy and minerals are significant part of this trade and it is expected that natural gas will be one of the most important determinants of the bilateral trade. The energy products trade is two sided and creates strategic meaning for both countries. This chapter analyzes energy markets in Greece and Turkey separately and the Greek-Turkish relations in terms of energy. Completed natural gas pipeline of 296 km connects Turkey and Greece and delivers natural gas of Azerbaijan to Europe. There are several planned or under construction projects that connect Turkey and Greece. Impact of Turkey and Greece as energy hubs on the Greek-Turkish relations and various possibilities for the future cooperation at the energy market are discussed in this chapter.
    Keywords: Energy hub, Turkey, Greece
    JEL: F0
    Date: 2017
  2. By: Abuselidze, George
    Abstract: This works covers peculiarities of formation of Georgian monetary system in XI-XII centuries and their effect on the international financial and economic relations. In this works we have researched the matters of formation of monetary policy of feudal age and their effect on development of foreign trade, methods of money formation important for the present world, which correct choice may provide increase of production volume and economic activity. Currency policy, geopolitical and geostrategic localization proved the country to turn into one of the economically strong economic states with high standard of life, developed system of socioeconomic relations approached to the international standards and democratic institutions.
    Keywords: History of Economy,Economic Development,Monetary Policy,Monetary System,Monetary History,Economic Activity,Europe: Pre-1913,Asia including Middle East
    JEL: E42 E52 N13 N15 O1
    Date: 2018

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