nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒12‒03
one paper chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic of Afghanistan By Tahiri, Noor Rahman

  1. By: Tahiri, Noor Rahman
    Abstract: The present study attempts the impact of foreign direct investment on gross domestic product (GDP) of Afghanistan by taking a time- series data for the period of 2001-2014. It is applied ordinary least square (OLS) method through simple regression. T-statistic is significant and P-value is also significant at 5% level. The F-test was also significant at 5% level so the overall model is significant. The results indicated that there is positive significance relationship between foreign direct investment and gross domestic product (GDP) in Afghanistan. The study suggests that Government may focus on to attracting foreign direct investment and improve its agriculture and mine sector latest technology and Machineries for better economic growth.
    Keywords: Capital formation, GDP, FDI, Inflation
    JEL: C02 D22
    Date: 2017–10–10

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.