nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒11‒26
three papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Comparative Analysis of Afghanistan and Pakistan Central Banks Monetary Policy By Tahiri, Noor Rahman
  2. How to respond to climate change at the local level: A guideline for Turkish cities By Krellenberg, Kerstin; Turhan, Ethemcan
  3. Regional Marketing Potential, the Key Factor of Investment Development of the Region By nanuli Okruashvili; Lia Metonidze

  1. By: Tahiri, Noor Rahman
    Abstract: This paper provides a broad overview of monetary policy cooperation of Afghanistan and Pakistan central banks through the differences framework of policy analysis. The framework proves useful for interpreting past policy decisions and mistakes of Policy during the 2005 but when closely examined within the context of the information available and policymaker perceptions in real time of those country , this change is indirect than usually appears at first glance with reviewing analysis in this research we also find the real GDP, Inflation, GDP per capita, PPP, GDP per capita, current dollars, GDP per capita, constant dollars, GDP, current U.S. dollars, External debt and Economic growth measure through the world banks internet measuring of Afghanistan and Pakistan compression .
    Keywords: Host Country Growth, GDP, Policy
    JEL: C54 D12 E52
    Date: 2017–11–01
  2. By: Krellenberg, Kerstin; Turhan, Ethemcan
    Abstract: The overall aim of this project was threefold. By organizing workshops at the science-policy interface, the project wanted to: 1. Raise awareness for climate change in Turkish cities and the necessity to develop response action at the local level; 2. Further the exchange between different actors such as academicians, politicians, representatives from the private sector, and civil society as well as between Germany and Turkey in particular; 3. Work on the transfer of solutions to combat climate change at the local level.
    Date: 2017
  3. By: nanuli Okruashvili (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University); Lia Metonidze (St. Andrew the first-called Georgian University of the patriarchate of Georgia,)
    Abstract: The aim of the presented paper is to analyze the current level of development of the marketing potential of the region and the development of regional marketing in general in Georgia. The given work examines the contemporary methodology of the region?s socio-economic development policy. Specifically, regional marketing, the positive experience of which has been acquired in the west?s highly developed economies. It is reasonable to believe that the use of regional marketing and widely distributed promotion of marketing and investment in the area of the region and the attractiveness of the region's marketing and investment attractiveness.. The authors of the research have identified the problems in the field of the process of creation of marketing potential of the country?s regions. The conclusion is that the Effective Regional Marketing Strategy ensures the creation of a recognizable system of unique peculiarities of the region, which is the key factor in attracting investments, including foreign direct investments, in the region. Such strategy will contribute to creation of the region?s recognizable system of unique marketing features. In addition, proper governance of the region, its effective positioning or re-positioning, creates new conditions for its investment attractiveness and long-term development.
    Keywords: marketing, regional marketing, regional marketing potential, regional policy, investment attractiveness of the region
    JEL: M00 M31 M39
    Date: 2017–10

This nep-cwa issue is ©2017 by Sultan Orazbayev. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.