nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒09‒10
four papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. How incentives matter ? An illustration from the Targeted Subsidies reform in Iran By Stephane Gauthier; Taraneh Tabatabai
  2. Uzbekistan's higher education and research system: Main actors and recent reforms of doctoral graduation By Wegmarshaus, Gert-Rüdiger
  3. The state of doctoral research in Uzbekistan: Results of a survey of doctoral students in agricultural economics By Ganiev, Ibragim; Djanibekov, Nodir; Hasanov, Shavkat; Petrick, Martin

  1. By: Stephane Gauthier (PSE - Paris School of Economics); Taraneh Tabatabai (UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne)
    Abstract: We use the Targeted Subsidies Reform implemented in Iran in 2011 to recover empirically the social valuations of Iranian households relying on the assumption of optimal taxes. Unlike the existing literature, we do not restrict attention to a specific pattern for the incentive constraints associated with nonlinear income taxation. Instead we recover the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to these constraints. We find evidence of a significant redistribution toward the bottom three deciles of the income distribution before the reform. This redistribution is however limited by an incentive constraint where the rich envy the social treatment of the poor. At the outcome of the reform incentives no longer matter and the social welfare function of the government of Iran displays a Benthamite-like form.
    Keywords: social valuations,Iran,Targeted Subsidies,Principal-agent,incentive constraints,AIDS
    Date: 2016
  2. By: Wegmarshaus, Gert-Rüdiger
    Abstract: The objective of this study is to examine the conditions of higher education and the reform of doctoral graduation in Uzbekistan. The current system operates under strict government control. The President, the Supreme Attestation Commission at the Cabinet of Ministers regulating and monitoring academic graduation, and the relevant ministries fully determine the operation of the higher education and research institutions. State control leaves little room for academic selfrule or self-responsible university education. The teaching obligations of university staff fill the entire working day. This situation makes it almost impossible for university teachers to pursue an individual research agenda. The university system is chronically underfinanced. Technical equipment, library and information technology are not up to international standards, salary is comparably low providing few incentives for young researchers. The Uzbek Academy of Sciences serves as the main pillar of fundamental and applied research in the country. In 2013, doctoral graduation moved from a Soviet-style two-tier system including a PhD and a doctor of science degree to a more anglo-saxonian one-tier PhD system. The new President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced to return to a two-tier system by July 2017 and intends to notably raise the level of international cooperation of Uzbek academic institutions.
    Keywords: university education system,Academy of Sciences,PhD-graduation,Supreme Attestation Commission,international research cooperation,System der Hochschulbildung,Akademie der Wissenschaften,Promotionund Habilitation,Oberste Attestierungskommission,Internationale Forschungskooperation
    JEL: I20 I21 I23 I28
    Date: 2017
  3. By: Ganiev, Ibragim; Djanibekov, Nodir; Hasanov, Shavkat; Petrick, Martin
    Abstract: The present study assesses the state of doctoral research and postgraduate education in agricultural economics in higher education institutions (HEI) in Uzbekistan and outlines initiatives for change. To better understand the content, process, and outcomes of postgraduate education and doctoral research, a survey of 72 doctoral students in HEI was conducted. The survey data show that the respondents cooperate little with their peers outside of Uzbekistan, lack international peer-reviewed publications and training in relevant theories and methods, and are underrepresented in international scientific events and associations. Furthermore, the scarcity of research funds and individual research space, as well as an excessive teaching load were indicated as key factors affecting the quality of doctoral research. Almost all respondents were satisfied with their current supervision, but were interested in being co-supervised by foreign professors. Most PhD students wish to continue their professional career within academia. Future reforms should enhance the quality and relevance of structured education programmes for PhD students, raise the incentives for conducting high-quality research that is published internationally, and support national and international collaboration between researchers.
    Keywords: PhD survey,agricultural economics,postgraduate education system,student experience,Uzbekistan,Doktorandenbefragung,Agrarökonomie,Doktorandenausbildung,Studentenerfahrungen,Usbekistan
    JEL: I20 I21 I23 I28
    Date: 2017
  4. By: Imanzade, Afgan; Zeynalov, Anar; Hasanov, Seymur
    Abstract: The main goal of the research is to study what financial inclusion is and analyse its current status in the Azerbaijani economy. To that end, the monography analyses infrastructural elements to be shaped to make financial resources and services available, and the potential to deepen financial inclusion, researches international practice with respect to elements of financial infrastructure affecting stronger financial inclusion and includes case studies. The study also analyses the status of financial inclusion in the Republic of Azerbaijan as part of measuring financial inclusion and issues proposals on the actions to be taken.
    Keywords: access to finance,financial inclusion
    JEL: K20 G21 G30
    Date: 2017

This nep-cwa issue is ©2017 by Sultan Orazbayev. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.