nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒08‒20
one paper chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. NOWCASTING THE NEW TURKISH GDP By Baris Soybilgen; Ege Yazgan

  1. By: Baris Soybilgen (Istanbul Bilgi University); Ege Yazgan (Istanbul Bilgi University)
    Abstract: In this study, we predict year-over-year Turkish GDP growth rates between 2012:Q1 and 2016:Q4 with a medium-scale dataset. Our proposed model improves upon \citet{Modugno2016} and outperforms both the competing dynamic factor model (DFM) and univariate benchmark models. Our results suggest that in nowcasting current GDP, all relevant information is released within the contemporaneous quarter; hence, information content regarding leading variables is limited. Moreover, we show that the inclusion of financial variables deteriorates the forecasting performance of the DFM, whereas credit variables improve the prediction accuracy of the DFM.
    Keywords: Dynamic factor model; Nowcasting; Gross domestic product
    JEL: E37 C33
    Date: 2017–08

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