nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒06‒11
one paper chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Sir! I'd Rather Go to School, Sir! By Majbouri, Mahdi

  1. By: Majbouri, Mahdi (Babson College)
    Abstract: Military service is a popular method of army recruitment for governments of developing countries that are particularly prone to conflict. This study contributes to the largely underresearched issues of mili-tary service by looking at an unintended consequence of a military service exemption policy and an-swering a principal question: is there a fear of conscription among the youth? It uses a discontinuity in the military service law in an under-researched country, Iran, and offers causal evidence that fear of conscription entices young men to get more education against their will. This exogenous increase is used to estimate returns to education.
    Keywords: conscription, coercive labor market, natural experiment, regression discontinuity, higher-educational attainment
    JEL: I23 J47 I26 N35
    Date: 2017–05

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