nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒06‒04
seven papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Modeling the Processes of Economic and Monetary Integration By Dobronravova, Elizaveta
  2. Discerning Granger-causal chain between oil prices, exchange rates and inflation rates: Evidence from Turkey By Citak, Yusuf Ensar; Masih, Mansur
  3. Is There an Income Convergence across Provinces of Turkey? By Sumru Oz
  4. Казахстанская национальная программа открытого доступа: What is dead may never die By Iskakov, Aziz
  5. Global Infrastructure Projects as the Factor of National Economies’s Development (the case of the Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline) By Marina Tolstel; Irina Anikina; Albina Gukova
  6. Global Infrastructure Projects as the Factor of National Economies’s Development (the case of the Turkish Stream Gas Pipeline) By Marina Tolstel; Irina Anikina; Albina Gukova
  7. The Role of Program Financing in the System of Higher Education By George Abuselidze; Madona Mikeladze

  1. By: Dobronravova, Elizaveta (Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA))
    Abstract: On 1 January 2015, the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union between the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation entered into force. Since January 2, 2015, the Treaty on the Accession of the Republic of Armenia to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union has entered into force, and since August 6, 2015 - the Agreement on Accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. The contract implies the creation of an economic union, within the framework of which it is ensured the creation of unified markets for goods and services, common markets for factors of production, as well as the implementation by member countries of agreements on harmonization of monetary, fiscal and monetary policies. Objective of this work is to analyze the factors affecting well-being of Russia and Countries of the EEA in the processes of economic integration.
    Date: 2017–03
  2. By: Citak, Yusuf Ensar; Masih, Mansur
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the Granger-causal relationship between oil prices, exchange rates and inflation rates using Turkey as a case study. Revealing this relationship will give us a roadmap to cure fragile Turkish economy. Standard time-series approaches are used to investigate this relation. Our empirical findings tend to indicate that there is a long run relationship between these variables and that the CPI appears to be the variable leading exchange rate and oil prices. The results are plausible and have strong policy implications.
    Keywords: Oil Price, Exchange Rate, CPI, PPI, Turkey, cointegration, exogeneity, endogeneity
    JEL: C58 E44 G15
    Date: 2017–05–12
  3. By: Sumru Oz (Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum)
    Abstract: In this paper, whether there is a convergence of per capita incomes across Turkish provinces during 2004-2014 period is examined following the availability of per capita incomes of Turkish provinces for this period as of December 2016. Considering that firms and households of different regions within a country tend to have access to similar technologies, share a common central government, therefore have similar institutional setups and legal systems, and they can be assumed to have roughly similar tastes and cultures, absolute income convergence is expected to hold across regions of a country. The results of the nonlinear least squares regression show that the absolute convergence across 81 Turkish provinces, which is estimated as 1.2 per cent per year, is lower that than those estimated for the US states, Japan prefectures, and the members of the EU. However, once a proxy for human capital is included besides the initial level of per capita income as a second explanatory variable in the regression equation, the speed of convergence increases to 2.2 per cent per year. This implies that once the differences in educational attainment across Turkish provinces are held constant, there exists conditional income convergence of similar magnitude found in studies on convergence across regions of other economies. Taking into consideration the evidence that the attitude towards, especially girls' education differs to a large extent between eastern and western regions of Turkey, the same regressions are repeated for 41 western and 40 eastern provinces, separately. The results show that the estimated conditional convergence reaches as high as 4 per cent across eastern provinces, while it is around 2 per cent across western provinces once the ratio of the population with 15 years of age and over who completed at least high school is controlled for. This result implies that an effort to change attitude towards education in eastern Turkey is critical in increasing the speed of convergence, thus reducing income inequality across Turkish provinces.
    Keywords: Growth, Output Convergence, Human Capital, Turkey.
    JEL: O15 O18 O47
    Date: 2017–05
  4. By: Iskakov, Aziz
    Abstract: Within the framework of this article, intermediate results of the analysis of the need and prospects for the development and implementation of a national open access program in Kazakhstan are presented. The positions of Kazakhstan organizations and researchers in international initiatives in the field of open access to the results of scientific (scientific and technical) activities are investigated, and the necessity of improving the state policy in the sphere of education and science in support of the information infrastructure is substantiated. Implemented earlier and current projects in the field of open access, as well as the main NAPs and policy documents regulating the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan were studied. The analysis of existing budgetary programs administered by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of implementation of these documents is carried out. In the course of the study, the goals and objectives of the national initiative on open access, the basic principles for the development of an efficiency assessment system and the public-private partnership model applicable in the implementation of this program were formulated. *** В рамках настоящей статьи представлены промежуточные результаты анализа потребности и перспектив разработки и внедрения национальной программы открытого доступа в Казахстане. Исследованы позиции казахстанских организаций и исследователей в международных инициативах в сфере открытого доступа к результатам научной (научно-технической) деятельности, а также обоснована необходимость совершенствования государственной политики в сфере образования и науки в части поддержки информационной инфраструктуры. Изучены реализовавшиеся ранее и действующие проекты в сфере открытого доступа, а также основные НПА и программные документы регламентирующие развитие науки в Республике Казахстан. Проведен анализ действующих бюджетных программ администрируемых Министерством образования и науки Республики Казахстан в рамках реализации этих документов. В ходе проведения исследования были сформулированы цели и задачи национальной инициативы открытого доступа, базовые принципы разработки системы оценки эффективности и модели государственно-частного партнерства применимые в реализации данной программы.
    Keywords: knowledge economy, research infrastructure, open access, open access, scientific communication
    JEL: H83 O32 O34 O38
    Date: 2017–05
  5. By: Marina Tolstel (Volgograd State University, Russia); Irina Anikina (Volgograd State University, Russia); Albina Gukova (Volgograd State University, Russia)
    Abstract: The current stage of the economy’s development differs from the past ones in that the role of global infrastructure projects acquires ever more importance and that forming and designing of such programs becomes now a much more sophisticated process, all of this has led to a situation where we have to revise our system of economic methods of the evaluation benefits of a global infrastructure project for all involved countries. The existing methods and ways of evaluation influence global infrastructure projects on socio-economic development of the participating countries are to be complemented by new approaches reflecting the market changes and the advent of new financial instruments and stratagems. The aim of the paper is to evaluate influence the global infrastructure project on socio-economic development of the participating countries in the globalized world economy with respect to its main economic and social consequences and synergy effects (the case of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline). The aim of the paper is to evaluate influence the global infrastructure project on socio-economic development of the participating countries in the globalized world economy with respect to its main economic and social consequences and synergy effects (the case of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline). The authors crated methodological approach to the study of infrastructure projects influence on socio-economic development of the members based on the identification, evaluation and prediction of the influence of factors external and internal environment on the changing economic potential of the infrastructure projects participants. Adequate investment in the development of infrastructure is an important driver of long-term economic growth. Traditionally, infrastructure has been funded mostly through public investment. However, in view of scarcity of budgetary resources and lack of capacity within the government to implement these ambitious programs, the strategy of the government relies significantly on promoting investment through a combination of public investment and private participation (include foreign investors). The presented methodological approach allows to define and early diagnose the global infrastructure projects which facilitate a multiplication effect within the national economy.
    Keywords: global infrastructure projects, economic development, international investment, globalization
    JEL: B16 C18 F02 F21 F63 H54
    Date: 2017–05
  6. By: Marina Tolstel (Volgograd State University, Russia); Irina Anikina (Volgograd State University, Russia); Albina Gukova (Volgograd State University, Russia)
    Abstract: The current stage of the economy’s development differs from the past ones in that the role of global infrastructure projects acquires ever more importance and that forming and designing of such programs becomes now a much more sophisticated process, all of this has led to a situation where we have to revise our system of economic methods of the evaluation benefits of a global infrastructure project for all involved countries. The existing methods and ways of evaluation influence global infrastructure projects on socio-economic development of the participating countries are to be complemented by new approaches reflecting the market changes and the advent of new financial instruments and stratagems. The aim of the paper is to evaluate influence the global infrastructure project on socio-economic development of the participating countries in the globalized world economy with respect to its main economic and social consequences and synergy effects (the case of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline). The aim of the paper is to evaluate influence the global infrastructure project on socio-economic development of the participating countries in the globalized world economy with respect to its main economic and social consequences and synergy effects (the case of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline). The authors crated methodological approach to the study of infrastructure projects influence on socio-economic development of the members based on the identification, evaluation and prediction of the influence of factors external and internal environment on the changing economic potential of the infrastructure projects participants. Adequate investment in the development of infrastructure is an important driver of long-term economic growth. Traditionally, infrastructure has been funded mostly through public investment. However, in view of scarcity of budgetary resources and lack of capacity within the government to implement these ambitious programs, the strategy of the government relies significantly on promoting investment through a combination of public investment and private participation (include foreign investors). The presented methodological approach allows to define and early diagnose the global infrastructure projects which facilitate a multiplication effect within the national economy.
    Keywords: global infrastructure projects, economic development, international investment, globalization
    JEL: B16 C18 F02 F21 F63 H54
    Date: 2017–05
  7. By: George Abuselidze (Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University); Madona Mikeladze (Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University)
    Abstract: The development of education in any country or society is one of the most urgent issues. When we talk about the development of education, above all we must take into consideration governmental funding system. High education and research funding is priority in most developed countries. Georgia, as the region's geopolitical and geostrategic center a few years ago began formation of the liberal democratic value-based society. Over the last period in Georgia reforms in educations system is ongoing, that led to changes in governments funding policy system. However, the higher education system is still far from Western standards of teaching and learning processes. The most significant problem in the educational system is inefficient financial management. The article above discusses the mechanisms for financing higher education in Georgia, financial management of the educational system, basically problems in program funding and their solutions. methods of studying observation, analysis and synthesis, progression from abstract towards concrete, notional experiment and experience. With the help of the article we have attempted to analyze one of the sides of the problem: how the state supports priority higher educational institutions and what the connection between consumed resources and learning outcomes is. The research clearly showed that financing education has become a priority direction for Georgia. The reform of the financing system has eliminated corruption in the educational system, increased competitiveness among the higher educational institutions, provided preparation of human resources in the fundamental fields of science and education, socially indigent population were given opportunity to get education. However, the same research also showed that the preparation of specialists with competences relevant to the modern requirements cannot be accomplished by financing only certain (though priority) programs.
    Keywords: Higher education; education management; budget; program financing
    JEL: H75 I21 I22 I28
    Date: 2017–05

This nep-cwa issue is ©2017 by Sultan Orazbayev. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.