nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2017‒02‒05
eight papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Determinants of Obesity in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis from a Developing Country By Deniz Karaoglan; Aysit Tansel
  2. Determinants of Obesity in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis from a Developing Country By Karaoğlan, Deniz; Tansel, Aysit
  3. Women-Led Enterprises in Turkey By Tolga Cebeci; Sammar Essmat
  4. Female Entrepreneurship in Turkey By Cagla Okten
  5. Adult Health Outcomes during War: The Case of Afghanistan By Parlow, Anton
  6. Birth and Fertility during War: Afghanistan from 2007 to 2010 By Parlow, Anton
  7. Сельскохозяйственная политика в производстве хлопка и диверсификация агропромышленного комплекса в Таджикистане By Umarov, Khojamahmad
  8. Опыт сельскохозяйственной реструктуризации в Туркменистане By Aganov, Stanislav; Kepbanov, Yolbars; Ovezmuradov, Gurbanmyrat

  1. By: Deniz Karaoglan (Bahcesehir University, Department of Economics); Aysit Tansel (Middle East Technical University, IZA Bonn, ERF, Cairo)
    Abstract: This study investigates the factors that may influence the obesity in Turkey which is a developing country by implementing Quantile Regression (QR) methodology. The control factors that we consider are education, labor market outcomes, household income, age, gender, region and marital status. The analysis is conducted by using the 2008, 2010 and 2012 waves of the Turkish Health Survey (THS) prepared by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT). The obesity indicator in our study is the individual’s Body Mass Index (BMI). QR regression results provide robust evidence that additional years of schooling has negative effect on individual’s BMI and this effect significantly raises across different quantiles of BMI. QR results also indicate that males tend to have higher BMI at lower quantiles of BMI, whereas females have higher BMI at the top quantiles. This implies that females have higher tendency to be obese in Turkey. Our findings also imply that the positive effect of age on individual’s BMI levels raises across the quantiles at a decreasing rate. In addition, the effect of living in urban or rural areas do not significantly differ at the highest quantile distributions of BMI. Our results also reveal that the negative effect of being single on BMI increases gradually in absolute value across the quantiles of BMI implying that single individuals have less tendency to be obese or overweight compared to the married or widowed/divorced individuals. Moreover, the negative effect of being in labor force on individual’s BMI increases across the quantiles of BMI implying that an individual is more likely to be obese if he/she is out of labor force. Finally, the impact of household income on BMI is positive and significant all quantiles.
    Keywords: Obesity, adults, BMI, quantile regression, Turkey
    JEL: I12 I18 C21
    Date: 2017–02
  2. By: Karaoğlan, Deniz (Bahcesehir University); Tansel, Aysit (Middle East Technical University)
    Abstract: This study investigates the factors that may influence the obesity in Turkey which is a developing country by implementing Quantile Regression (QR) methodology. The control factors that we consider are education, labor market outcomes, household income, age, gender, region and marital status. The analysis is conducted by using the 2008, 2010 and 2012 waves of the Turkish Health Survey (THS) prepared by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT). The obesity indicator in our study is the individual's Body Mass Index (BMI). QR regression results provide robust evidence that additional years of schooling has negative effect on individual's BMI and this effect significantly raises across different quantiles of BMI. QR results also indicate that males tend to have higher BMI at lower quantiles of BMI, whereas females have higher BMI at the top quantiles. This implies that females have higher tendency to be obese in Turkey. Our findings also imply that the positive effect of age on individual's BMI levels raises across the quantiles at a decreasing rate. In addition, the effect of living in urban or rural areas do not significantly differ at the highest quantile distributions of BMI. Our results also reveal that the negative effect of being single on BMI increases gradually in absolute value across the quantiles of BMI implying that single individuals have less tendency to be obese or overweight compared to the married or widowed/divorced individuals. Moreover, the negative effect of being in labor force on individual's BMI increases across the quantiles of BMI implying that an individual is more likely to be obese if he/she is out of labor force. Finally, the impact of household income on BMI is positive and significant at all quantiles.
    Keywords: obesity, adults, BMI, quantile regression, Turkey
    JEL: I12 I18 C21
    Date: 2017–01
  3. By: Tolga Cebeci; Sammar Essmat
    Keywords: Finance and Financial Sector Development - Microfinance Gender - Gender and Development Poverty Reduction - Inequality Private Sector Development - Business Environment Private Sector Development - Small and Medium Size Enterprises
    Date: 2015–12
  4. By: Cagla Okten
    Keywords: Finance and Financial Sector Development - Microfinance Private Sector Development - Small and Medium Size Enterprises Gender - Gender and Development Social Protections and Labor - Labor Markets Poverty Reduction - Inequality
    Date: 2015–12
  5. By: Parlow, Anton
    Abstract: In using spatial variations of the conflict experience in Afghanistan, I estimate mortality and health risks for adults, and thus a casual effect of war on these health outcomes. I find limited support that adults are more likely to die in areas more affected by the conflict than others. However, I find pronounced effects on adult health outcomes, e.g. adults are more likely to be sick in the provinces affected by violence. Though, this effect reverses in sign once focusing on women of reproductive age which could be driven by reported improvements in maternal health services in these provinces.
    Keywords: Armed Conflicts, Adult Health, Mortality
    JEL: I12 O12
    Date: 2016–12–15
  6. By: Parlow, Anton
    Abstract: Using spatial variations in the experience of war-related violence between 2007 and 2010 in Afghanistan, I estimate that birth rates are about eight percent higher for households living in provinces affected by violence the most, thus, an insurance effect may be present. The results remain robust after accounting for migration as well as community level fixed effects and are more pronounced for the poorest households but reverse in sign for the poor and middle class households. Additionally, I find that stillbirths are more likely and more women are currently pregnant in these provinces. These two fertility outcomes are possible channels explaining increased birth rates in the provinces affected the most by violence.
    Keywords: Armed Conflicts, Birth Rates, Fertility
    JEL: I12 O12
    Date: 2016–09–23
  7. By: Umarov, Khojamahmad
    Abstract: Основная цель данной статьи - представить изменения в хлопковом секторе Таджикистана и роль диверсификации в сельском хозяйстве с момента обретения независимости. В первой части данной статьи представлена информация об изменениях в госрегулировании производства хлопка с момента независимости, включая динамику закупочных цен на хлопок-сырец, а также описание особенностей процесса приватизации хлопкоочистительных заводов. Также представлена картина изменений в основных категориях сельскохозяйственных производителей и их вклад в производство сельскохозяйственной продукции, и дано описание организационных изменений, которые произошли в секторах поставки материалов и производственных ресурсов. В следующей части статьи представлены вопросы государственной политики и меры по продовольственной безопасности по основным сельхозкультурам и их влияние на структуру сельского хозяйства. В этом плане дана оценка недавних реформ в сельскохозяйственном секторе, направленных на диверсификацию производства сельскохозяйственных культур; а также отражены вопросы продовольственной безопасности и экспорта сельхозпродукции на новые рынки.
    Keywords: продовольственная политика,диверсификация сельского хозяйства,экспортный потенциал,Таджикистан,food policy,agricultural diversification,export potential,Tajikistan
    JEL: P41 P47 Q15 Q18
    Date: 2016
  8. By: Aganov, Stanislav; Kepbanov, Yolbars; Ovezmuradov, Gurbanmyrat
    Abstract: Данный отчет представляет основные моменты земельной реформы и аграрной реструктуризации в Туркменистане. В первой части отчета основное внимание уделяется описанию хода аграрной реформы с представлением хронологии основных осуществленных мер аграрной политики, а также рассмотрена организация поставки материалов и ресурсов в сельскохозяйственное производство. Центральная часть отчета отведена на описание изменений в структуре посевов, а также динамики развития различных категорий сельскохозяйственных производителей и их вклад в развитие аграрного сектора и продовольственной безопасности страны. Как показывает исследование, земельная реформа и аграрная реструктуризация в стране в целом проводились со значительными функциями государства в регулировании этих процессов. На основе реформирования сельского хозяйства за период с 1992-2013 гг. общая посевная площадь в стране возросла на 25 %, в то время как, крестьянские объединения остаются основной категорией в сфере производства сельскохозяйственной продукции, базирующейся на арендной системе земледелие с целью выполнения государственного заказа стратегических культур.
    Keywords: продовольственная политика,реструктуризация хозяйств,диверсификация сельского хозяйства,food policy,farm restructuring,agricultural diversification
    JEL: P41 P47 Q15 Q18
    Date: 2016

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.