nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2016‒08‒28
four papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Sanctions and Export Deflection: Evidence from Iran By Jamal Ibrahim Haidar
  2. The EDB System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration: Eurasian Integration’s Trends from 1999 to 2012 By Vinokurov, Evgeny; Libman, Alexander; Pereboyev, Vladimir
  3. Can Natural Gas Save Lives? Evidence from the Deployment of a Fuel Delivery System in a Developing Country By Resul Cesur; Erdal Tekin; Aydogan Ulker
  4. Economic Growth and Technological Progress in Turkey: An Analysis of Schumpeterian Mechanisms By Attar, M. Aykut

  1. By: Jamal Ibrahim Haidar
    Abstract: This paper studies whether export sanctions cause export deflection. Using exporter-level data, I show how two-thirds of Iranian exports were de?ected to non-sanctioning countries, and at what cost. I show that aggregate Iranian exports actually increased after sanctions. Even though sanctions did not reduce Iranian exports, they exercised pressure on Iranian exporters, who incurred welfare losses as they had to reduce prices and increase quantities while exporting to a new destination.
  2. By: Vinokurov, Evgeny; Libman, Alexander; Pereboyev, Vladimir
    Abstract: For almost two decades, regional cooperation and integration has remained one of the most pertinent issues of economic policy in the post-Soviet countries. There have been hundreds of initiatives and projects that aimed at deeper bilateral and regional cooperation and integration. In many cases, these initiatives had overlapping membership and objectives, or they ceased to exist, or were re-established by the same actors. Agreements with similar content, such as free trade areas or customs unions, were signed over and over again by the same countries. This variety of outcomes needed a comprehensive system to monitor and assess the current processes of economic, political and social interaction between countries. The CIS region did not possess any of these comprehensive studies and measurements. Therefore the assessments normally had to be done on ad-hoc basis. The blank space was filled by the large-scale research project initiated and implemented by the Eurasian Development Bank. The outcome of the project was the System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration.
    Keywords: regional integration; economic integration; post-Soviet; Russia; Eurasia; Eurasian Economic Union
    JEL: F13 F15 F5
    Date: 2015
  3. By: Resul Cesur; Erdal Tekin; Aydogan Ulker
    Abstract: There has been a widespread displacement of coal by natural gas as space heating and cooking technology in Turkey in the last two decades, triggered by the deployment of natural gas networks. In this paper, we examine the impact of this development on mortality among adults and the elderly. Our research design exploits the variation in the timing of the deployment and the intensity of expansion of natural gas networks at the provincial level using data from 2001 to 2014. The results indicate that the expansion of natural gas services has caused significant reductions in both the adult and the elderly mortality rates. According to our point estimates, a one-percentage point increase in the rate of subscriptions to natural gas services would lower the overall mortality rate by 1.4 percent, the adult mortality rate by 1.9 percent, and the elderly mortality rate by 1.2 percent. These findings are supported by our auxiliary analysis, which demonstrates that the expansion of natural gas networks has indeed led to a significant improvement in air quality. Furthermore, we show that the mortality gains for both the adult and the elderly populations are primarily driven by reductions in cardio-respiratory deaths, which are more likely to be due to conditions caused or exacerbated by air pollution. Finally, our analysis does not reveal any important gender differences in the estimated relationship between the deployment of natural gas networks and mortality.
    JEL: I10 I15 I18 O13 O18 Q42 Q48 Q53
    Date: 2016–08
  4. By: Attar, M. Aykut
    Abstract: This paper studies a second-generation Schumpeterian model to understand the nature of technological progress and economic growth in Turkey. It identifies some structural parameters numerically and tests whether certain Schumpeterian mechanisms work. Results show that, while horizontal (product) innovation works as determined in theory, vertical (process) innovation does not operate in the long run. Since the paper directly estimates the structural forms originating from the general equilibrium of the model economy, results do not carry any endogeneity bias. The paper also explains, in a quite transparent way, why the Turkish economy did not converge to frontier economies. The most appropriate policy under resource constraints is to strengthen the incumbent firms and support their growth, and the formation of new enterprises is not a policy priority.
    Keywords: R & D, entry, process innovation, product innovation, productivity, policy.
    JEL: O32 O41 O50
    Date: 2016–08

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.