nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2016‒08‒14
one paper chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. The Impact of Agricultural and Trade Policies on Price Transmission in Central Asia By Bobokhonov, Abdulmajid; Pokrivcak, Jan; Rajcaniova, Miroslava

  1. By: Bobokhonov, Abdulmajid; Pokrivcak, Jan; Rajcaniova, Miroslava
    Abstract: This paper investigates the market integration between international and domestic markets in the case of two-transition countries namely Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. More specifically, our study aims to understand the extent and speed of price transmission from international to local market. We have used cointegration techniques to analyse the price transmission mechanism, such as a vector error correction model (VEC). We have found strong cointegration evidences between world market and domestic market of Tajikistan while no cointegration was observed in case of Uzbekistan. Tajikistan has liberal trade while Uzbekistan frequently used protectionist trade policy.
    Keywords: price transmission, market integration, agricultural trade, food prices, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Demand and Price Analysis, Q1,
    Date: 2016–07

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