nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2016‒04‒23
ten papers chosen by
Sultan Orazbayev

  1. Innovation, Competition and Productivity. Firm Level Evidence for Eastern Europe and Central Asia By Klaus S. Friesenbichler; Michael Peneder
  2. Granger Causality between Stock Prices and Trading Volume: Evidence from Turkey By Elif Akben-Selcuk
  3. Poverty trends in Turkey By Sirma Demir Șeker; Stephen P. Jenkins
  4. Economic growth and environmental pollution in Iran: evidence from manufacturing and services sectors By Mohamad Taghvaee, Vahid; Parsa, Hojat
  5. Factors Affecting on Acceptance of Mobile Banking by Customers (Case Study: The Branches of Tejarat Bank in Guilan Province, Northern of Iran) By Mohammad Taleghani
  7. Higher Education Policies and Overeducation in Turkey By Nader Habibi
  8. The Leadership Characteristics of Physical Education Teachers According to Turkey’s Geographic Regional's By Ferhat USTUN; I. Bulent FISEKCIOGLU
  9. Slipping through the Cracks of a Welfare State: Children of Immigrants in Finland By Matti Sarvimäki; Laura Ansala; Ulla Hämäläinen
  10. Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Kadın İstihdamını Artırır mı? Türkiye’de Hizmetler Sektörüne Yakından Bakış By Dalgıç, Başak; Fazlıoğlu, Burcu; Varol İyidoğan, Pelin

  1. By: Klaus S. Friesenbichler (WIFO); Michael Peneder (WIFO)
    Abstract: We investigate the drivers of firm level productivity in catching-up economies by jointly estimating its relationship to innovation and competition using data from the EBRD-WB Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey (BEEPS) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The findings confirm an inverted-U shaped impact of competition on R&D. Both competition and innovation have a simultaneous positive effect on labour productivity in terms of either sales or value added per employee, as does a high share of university graduates and foreign ownership. Further positive impacts come from firm size, exports, or population density. Innovation and foreign ownership appear to be the strongest drivers of multifactor productivity.
    Keywords: innovation, competition, productivity, development, transition economies, simultaneous system
    Date: 2016–04–13
  2. By: Elif Akben-Selcuk (Kadir Has University)
    Abstract: The objective of this study is to investigate the dynamic relation between daily BIST-100 index returns and percentage changes in Borsa Istanbul trading volume. A vector autoregression (VAR) model is constructed to test for Granger causality between stock prices and volume. The causality structure of the two variables is analyzed using the approach by Engle-Granger (1987). Analysis results show the existence of univariate causality from stock returns to changes in trading volume. This implies that past stock prices can be used to predict futures changes in trading volume. Furthermore, the results suggest that Borsa Istanbul is still inefficient since information contained in past prices is useful for making forecasts.
    Keywords: Granger causality, stock prices, trading volume, Turkey.
    JEL: G00 G12
  3. By: Sirma Demir Șeker; Stephen P. Jenkins
    Abstract: This paper provides new evidence about poverty trends in Turkey between 2003 and 2012 and the factors accounting for them. We give particular attention to issues of statistical inference, and the choice of the poverty line and the poverty measure. Our robust conclusion is that absolute poverty declined rapidly between 2003 and 2008 but fell only slightly between 2008 and 2012. Changes in relative poverty were negligible throughout. Using decomposition methods, we argue that the declines in the absolute poverty rate are largely accounted for by changes in the rate of economic growth rather than by distributional changes or changes in population composition.
    Keywords: poverty; Turkey; poverty dominance; consumption; basic needs; poverty line; poverty decomposition
    JEL: C12 D31 I32
    Date: 2015
  4. By: Mohamad Taghvaee, Vahid; Parsa, Hojat
    Abstract: This article aims to answer the question of whether the manufacturing (and mining) and services sectors in Iran should be reconstructed or grown as before, in order to improve the environmental quality. The global warming, if not global burning, is a dire warning about environmental pollution dangers to everyone, living on the Earth. In this field, Iran is a good candidate due to its significantly high share of CO2 emissions in proportion to the low share of economic growth in the world which can be remedied by economic growth, based on Environmental Kuznets Hypothesis (EKH). We employ the Auto-Regressive Distributed Model (ARDL) to examine the long run equilibrium relationship between CO2 emission and economic growth. The results show that, regarding EKC, the nexus of CO2 emissions and economic growth in either sector is in a sharply ascending phase. It implies that if manufacturing (and mining) and services sectors inflate, the quality of environment will decline owing to the intensive and pollutant energy-using structures. Thus, rather than growing, they should be reconstructed by importing cleaner and more efficient technologies and developing internal inventions.
    Keywords: Environment. Manufacturing. Services.
    JEL: Q5
    Date: 2015
  5. By: Mohammad Taleghani (Rasht Branch , Islamic Azad University)
    Abstract: This study is conducted to identify factors affecting the acceptance of mobile banking by Tejarat bank customers. The main models used in this study are the adoption of technology model and innovation and publishing model. This research method is descriptive - survey and in terms of purpose is practical. The population of this study is customers of Tejarat Bank city of Rasht, and a sample of 393 of these clients has been investigated. To analyze the data and test hypotheses PLS structural equation modeling methods were used. The results indicate that that perceived usefulness and ease of use are two important factors were identified in the acceptance of mobile banking. While the perceived risk and costs have no impact on the acceptance of mobile banking.
    Keywords: Acceptance mobile bank, perceived usefulness, perceived risk, ease of use and Tejarat Bank.
    JEL: M15 M30 M10
  6. By: Trostyanskiy Dmitriy Valer’evich; Kudaynazarova Dilnaz Koshkarbayevna
    Abstract: This paper is devoted to analysis of structural changes in industry of the Republic of Karakalpakstan under the impact of the environmental consequences of Aral sea’s evaporation. The research methodology consists of two approaches which are identification cause-effect in the structure of industry and indexation of structural shifts on sectoral level. Taking into account current year measures in industry economic and environmental development opportunities of the region in existing domestic and external conditions are assessed. Key words: structural changes, ecological impact, industry, development programs
    Date: 2016–03
  7. By: Nader Habibi (Brandeis University)
    Abstract: On October 15, 2015 the President of Istanbul University, Professor Mahmut Ak, shocked the attendants in the annual ceremony for the start of the 2015-16 academic year by announcing that student enrollments for current academic year have been reduced1. He further explained that this decision was motivated by the poor job market conditions for university graduates. The difficult labor market for university graduates is not an unnoticed issue in itself but the unemployment rate for university graduates has recently reached unprecedented levels that Turkey has never experienced before. Turkey is one of the few developed countries in which the unemployment rate for workers with university degrees is higher than the rate of less educated workers.
    Date: 2016–04
  8. By: Ferhat USTUN (Selcuk University Faculty of Sports Sciences); I. Bulent FISEKCIOGLU (Selcuk University Faculty of Sport Sciences)
    Abstract: The basic of research for determining the leadership characteristics of physical education teachers according to turkey's geographic regional's formed on 350 physical education teachers involving 237 male and 113 female chosen from 7 regional's by using accidental example method. The pattern of research is verbal. At fist the literature of subject was combed, ofter this to the aim of this research for defining the leadership characteristics of physical education teachers according to turkey's geographic regional's we the doctorate working that was named "Comparison of School Directors and. physical education teachers in private and Official School According to Their Leadership Behaviors" (Can 2002) Before applying the questionnaire that we prepared we chose the inside of Anatolian as a pilot regional and we did a questionnaire for applying to a hundred physical education teachers that consist of 35 questions. Fussing through this questionnaire after examining them with the experts of this subject we decided to decrease the questions to 30, and after this we started to study for our aim. The questionnaire contains two main parts, personal and branch knowledge our questionnaire analyzed and interpreted on SPSS static programme. At the analyzing of findings Frequency Method was used. And Chi-quare test was used for the analyze of the hypothesis between the physical education teachers that were working in Turkey's Geographic Regional's and the expression that is "I can be in an activity dealing with Physical Education by not ashing to the student’’ As a result; according to the questionnaire we found that they great ration of Physical Education teachers that were in questionnaire had a leadership behaviors but they were focused on teachers behaviors at the subjects of physical education not student focused. And as a result of this we can say that the wanting and interest of students are at the back. Another finding of us is that the expression "I can be in an activity dealing with Physical Education by not ashing to the students" will be change between the regional's. We can say- that the cause of that is the difference of the looking's of Physical Education teachers in Akdeniz, Ege and Marmara regional are different from the others and the deficiency of communication between teacher and students.
    Keywords: Leadership, Physical Education Teachers, Determine
  9. By: Matti Sarvimäki; Laura Ansala; Ulla Hämäläinen
    Abstract: We document large differences in educational attainment, criminal sentences and use of psychotropic medication between the children of immigrants and natives living in Finland. Among the offspring of immigrants from the OECD countries and the former Soviet Union, the disadvantage in education reverses and differences in criminal sentences disappear once we condition on parental income and location of residence. In contrast, large gaps remain for the children of immigrants from other regions, even conditional on background characteristics. Furthermore, the children of immigrants from all source areas are substantially less likely to use psychotropic medication than the offspring of natives despite their higher self-reported mental health problems. These results suggest that institutions designed to help disadvantaged natives do not fully reach the children of immigrants.
    Keywords: children of immigrants, second-generation immigrants, education, crime, health
    JEL: J15 I14 I21
    Date: 2016–03–22
  10. By: Dalgıç, Başak; Fazlıoğlu, Burcu; Varol İyidoğan, Pelin
    Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate of the relationship between foreign direct investment and women employment. Focusing on services sector with the highest rate of women employment, we empirically attest whether foreign direct investment creates job opportunities for women and decrease the gender inequality for women in terms of employment. Propensity Score Matching techniques and Difference-in-Difference techniques are employed to firm level data for Turkish services industry over 2003-2012. The results of the study suggest that foreign direct investment increase women employment and create good jobs for women.
    Keywords: Women employment, foreign direct investment, services industry, gender inequality, propensity score matching.
    JEL: D22 F61 F66 J16
    Date: 2016–01

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.