nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2016‒02‒04
eleven papers chosen by
Christian Zimmermann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  1. Research on Land Use Functions in Central Asia: A bibliometric analysis By Hamidov, Ahmad; Helming, Katharina; Balla, Dagmar
  2. When and where do we see regional poverty reduction and convergence ? lessons from the roof of Turkey By Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Yang,Judy; Inan,Osman Kaan; Nguyen,Minh Cong; Montes,Jose
  3. What are the impacts of Syrian refugees on host community welfare in Turkey ? a subnational poverty analysis By Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Yang,Judy; Inan,Osman Kaan
  4. Uzbekistan: Foreign Trade Liberalization and Basic Mechanisms on reduce trade barriers By Nigora, Talipova
  6. Transformations and current trends of water governance in Central Asia By Abdullaev, Iskandar
  7. Agricultural Incentives in the Kyrgyz Republic under the Influence of Changing Macroeconomic Conditions By Zhunusova, Eliza; Herrmann, Roland
  8. How equitable is access to finance in turkey ? evidence from the latest global FINDEX By Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Inan,Osman Kaan; Yang,Judy
  9. Current state and future prospects of crop insurance in Uzbekistan By Muradullayev, Nuriddin; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Mustafaqulov, Sherzod
  10. Kyrgyz Republic - Social sectors at a glance By Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Calvo,Paula Andrea; Nguyen, Minh; Posadas,Josefina
  11. Consulting Services in Uzbekistan Agriculture By Ibragimov, G.A.

  1. By: Hamidov, Ahmad; Helming, Katharina; Balla, Dagmar
    Abstract: Agriculture is the backbone of Central Asia’s (CA) economy providing economic and social stability in the region. Sustainable use of agricultural land is therefore of critical importance to economic growth, human well-being and social equity, and ecosystem services. However, severe land degradation through salinization, erosion and desertification is evident and respective impacts on human health and ecosystem services are suspected. This paper aims to analyze current research on agricultural land use in CA through applying the Land Use Functions framework. In particular, it examines the type and relative shares of environmental, economic and social aspects of agricultural land use addressed in existing scientific literature. This study analyzed scientific publications dealing with agricultural land use in five CA countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. A systematic database search of international peer-reviewed articles was conducted using the ISI Web of Science. We selected the English-language articles that were published between 2008 and 2013. After the analysis of paper titles, abstracts and keywords, we found 362 articles relevant to agricultural land use in CA. The analysis indicated that publications concentrating on environmental and economic dimensions of land use functions were primary focus of land use scientists. By contrast, social aspects of land use functions, such as employment, human health and recreational services, and landscape aesthetics received far less importance by international scholars. Interestingly, large portion of articles focused on issues of agricultural land use in Uzbekistan. This is due to the fact that the country extensively benefited from large international research projects in the last decade. By applying the Land Use Functions framework, we identified international research focus and knowledge gaps that future scientists can contribute to the sustainability of agricultural land use in CA.
    Keywords: Land use functions, sustainable development, research gaps, agriculture, Central Asia, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Development, Land Economics/Use,
    Date: 2014–11
  2. By: Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Yang,Judy; Inan,Osman Kaan; Nguyen,Minh Cong; Montes,Jose
    Abstract: In the past decade, Turkey has experienced a notable level of poverty reduction at all levels (extreme poor, poor, and vulnerable). The steady decline in poverty was also resilient to the decline in gross domestic product per capita growth during the crisis. However, although poverty convergence was strong before the financial crisis, there was an absence of regional convergence afterward. This paper analyzes poverty trends, poverty convergence, economic mobility, and the determinants of poverty reduction at the regional level over the period 2006?13. The analysis finds that agricultural growth in the east was an important contributor to Turkey's regional poverty reduction. In additionally, employment growth in the services sectors boosted poverty reduction throughout the entire country. From a fiscal perspective, the amount of per capita central spending is also linked to poverty reduction, although more strongly for regions in the west.
    Keywords: Subnational Economic Development,Regional Economic Development,Pro-Poor Growth,Rural Poverty Reduction
    Date: 2016–01–28
  3. By: Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Yang,Judy; Inan,Osman Kaan
    Abstract: In recent years, Turkey has been host to more than two million Syrians seeking refuge. Initially concentrated in the southeastern regions, these refugees now reside throughout the country. There are many questions from policy makers regarding the impact of the population of Syrians Under Temporary Protection on the host community. This paper examines the impact of migrants on regional host communities from a poverty perspective. The paper does not find any negative impacts on poverty for the host community from the increasing population of Syrians Under Temporary Protection as of 2013, despite the high poverty rates experienced among the recent migrants.
    Keywords: Regional Economic Development,Pro-Poor Growth,Rural Poverty Reduction,Population Policies,Housing&Human Habitats
    Date: 2016–01–28
  4. By: Nigora, Talipova
    Abstract: After independence, Central Asian countries embarked on the path of radical socio-economic and political transformation. Growing economic openness of countries contributes towards joining the world community. Each of them in its own way has built a strategy of reforming the economy and solve the problems of the former administrative system. Today, Central Asian countries differ significantly in population, territory, natural resources, level of socio-economic development, political orientation. They are characterized by different degrees of readiness to cooperate and integrate with the rest of the world. The growing economic openness of the country contributes to refocus its entry into the world community. In the article on example of Uzbekistan discussed issues of foreign trade liberalization and mechanisms to reduce trade barriers, as factors for integration of countries in the region.
    Keywords: integration, trade barriers, liberalization, import, export, Agricultural and Food Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, International Relations/Trade,
    Date: 2014–11
  5. By: Makhkamov Bakhtiyor Shukhratovich
    Abstract: In article the role and value of information and communication technologies in Uzbekistan, as engine of all economy, investments promoting attraction to the country, to creation of new workplaces, introduction of progressive technologies in production and management, that is finally – to the stable economic growth and increase of a standard of living are researched. Questions of formation and development of National information system which main objectives is development of telecommunication technologies, networks and infrastructure of communication, creation of information systems of automation of activity of government bodies and the centralized databases in the republic are also considered. Key words: information and communication technologies (ICT), legislative base of ICT, National information system
    Date: 2015–12
  6. By: Abdullaev, Iskandar
    Abstract: Current water governance systems in Central Asian countries are shaped by recent water sector reforms and are past dependent. Since collapse of soviet system, countries of the region are implementing water policies, in line with their national development strategies. Moreover, agricultural reforms, socio-political changes have result new situation in rural areas which are having strong influence on everyday water management. The water management became a playground for different interest groups at all hierarchical levels. In this research, author has been applying institutional analysis, comparative study approach to understand system of water governance in different Central Asian countries. Author tried to link impact of the changes at local, national and regional levels on regional cooperation.
    Keywords: water governance, water management, Central Asia, institutional analysis, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Institutional and Behavioral Economics, International Development, Land Economics/Use, Political Economy, Public Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,
    Date: 2014–11
  7. By: Zhunusova, Eliza; Herrmann, Roland
    Abstract: Together with the rest of the economy, the agricultural sector in Kyrgyzstan has undergone crucial reforms during the transition period following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The policies influencing agricultural incentives, i.e. farmgate prices, have also changed substantially. Recent macroeconomic developments, such as the booming gold mining sector and an increasing inflow of workers' remittances on the one hand, and increasing import prices on the other hand, are also likely to have an impact on agricultural incentives through the influence on the exchange rate. This paper aims at investigating the impact of both direct agricultural policies and changing macroeconomic conditions on agricultural incentives for the case of Kyrgyzstan. Nominal Rates of Assistance (NRAs) are estimated in order to quantify direct distortions of agricultural prices resulting from the policies in the agricultural sector. NRA estimates show that domestic prices for major food crops in Kyrgyzstan are raised beyond world market prices due to a general encouragement of food-crop production based on food self-sufficiency goals. Relative to food crops, export crops tend to be penalized by lower and less stable NRAs as well as by poor market integration. In the second step, the True Protection Concept is employed in order to analyse relative incentives between importable, exportable and nontradable sectors in the Kyrgyz economy. The true-protection analysis shows that around half of the burden of the price increase for importables is shifted to the exportables sector, including agricultural exportables. This means that if prices in the importable sector increase in response to exogenous factors or certain trade policies, domestic exporters, both agricultural and non-agricultural, would be taxed implicitly. Since the Kyrgyz government seeks to promote exports, findings from the present study may serve as a background for future trade and agricultural policy development.
    Keywords: agricultural incentives, true protection concept, Kyrgyz Republic, Agricultural and Food Policy, International Development, International Relations/Trade,
    Date: 2014–11
  8. By: Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Inan,Osman Kaan; Yang,Judy
    Abstract: Access to finance is a key component of poverty reduction, as it enables individuals to make economic decisions that can improve their welfare. The equality of access among different groups in society is also crucial for correctly allocating the positive benefits of improved financial services. In Turkey, bank account, debit card, and credit card ownership, which can serve as the main indicators of access to finance, are at a remarkably high level. However, adjusting the coverage rate of these indicators by controlling for age, education, gender, an income reveals that gender is the main source of inequality in Turkey at the individual level. Despite the progress made in addressing the gender disparity in access to finance between 2011 and 2014, females in Turkey continue to be financially less included. Moreover, Turkey's low level of savings and high rate of informal borrowing compared with its peers diminish individuals'resilience to future shocks. Promisingly, Turkey has been able to improve its rate of savings significantly over the past few years, although it continues to be among the countries that save at a lower level.
    Keywords: Debt Markets,Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Access to Finance,Emerging Markets
    Date: 2016–01–28
  9. By: Muradullayev, Nuriddin; Bobojonov, Ihtiyor; Mustafaqulov, Sherzod
    Abstract: This study describes the importance and development of agricultural insurance sector in Uzbekistan. Agricultural insurance sector in Uzbekistan was established with the state initiative and government organizations still play an important role in service provision. However, agricultural insurance functions without state subsidies and about 30 percent of the crops are insured. This is comparatively better result while compared to other countries in the region. However, sectors still has several development constraints which are not discussed in the international literature. Therefore, the objective of this study is to describe the development path and challenges in agricultural insurance market in Uzbekistan. Discussions in the study show that access to favorable credit and very high risk averseness of agricultural producers created demand for agricultural insurance in the country which is functioning without the state subsidies. However, premium rates currently charged seem to be very high when compared neighboring countries who subsidize agricultural products. Furthermore, lack of coverage during the systemic drought years could be considered another challenge constraining further development of insurance market in Uzbek agriculture. Establishment of index insurance market could be considered as an alternative option to provide coverage during the systemic drought years since price of the index-based products lower than multiple crop insurance products.
    Keywords: Central Asia, transition economy, insurance demand, risk sources, drought, Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance, Financial Economics,
    Date: 2014–11
  10. By: Azevedo,Joao Pedro Wagner De; Calvo,Paula Andrea; Nguyen, Minh; Posadas,Josefina
    Abstract: Traditional benchmarks to assess performance rely on unconditional rankings or regional averages. This paper uses a recently developed methodology based on quantile regressions and initial conditions to propose alternative benchmarks for social sectors in Kyrgyz Republic. Covering a wide set of indicators, the analysis reveals mixed results for Kyrgyz Republic. The country has made important strides in many social areas, with outstanding results in reducing child mortality and undernourishment. However, other areas are still key challenges and demand further attention and resources, as evidenced by the underachievement in maternal mortality, educational performance, and increasing informality in labor markets.
    Keywords: Labor Markets,Population Policies,Early Child and Children's Health,Labor Policies,Primary Education
    Date: 2015–08–01
  11. By: Ibragimov, G.A.
    Abstract: There are many factors for influencing Agricultural enterprises efficiency, one of them is consulting (extension) service. In this article described and analyzed organizing ways of consulting service, its role, importance and ways of improving in Agriculture. Research provided through questionnaire and participations was 100 Agricultural enterprises. Farming - a new form of agricultural activity in Uzbekistan for the 21st century. Uzbek government always pays attention to the developing of farms and this gave already own results. Today the farmers play a significant role in agricultural production in Uzbekistan. Farms produced 3400 thousand tons of raw cotton1, and 8050 tons of grain2 in 2014. Although the results significantly, but scientific research shows these figures should be even more. Tests revealed that the head of farms were representatives of different professions. This was the reason for the initial stage of farms decreases the efficiency in production. In many countries that developed agricultural production found an original solution for this problem: consulting service for agricultural enterprises.
    Keywords: Agricultural enterprises, services entities, consulting (extension) service, usage of consulting service, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,
    Date: 2014–11

This nep-cwa issue is ©2016 by Christian Zimmermann. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.