nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2015‒06‒20
twenty-one papers chosen by
Christian Zimmermann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  2. An Analysis of Twitter Messages Shared by Turkish Parliamentarians in terms of Democratic Culture By Abdulkadir GÖLCÜ
  6. Wiretapping As a Secret Investigation Measure in Turkish Criminal Jurisdiction Law By Mehmet Onursal Cin
  7. Regional Inflation Convergence In Turkey By Hasan Engin Duran
  8. Satisfactory time use elasticities of demand and measuring well-being inequality through superposed utilities By Okay Gunes; Armagan Tuna Aktuna-Gunes
  9. The Impact of Double Tax Treaties on Foreign Direct Investments: Evidence from Turkey’s Outward FDIs By Sava Çevik; Mehmet Okan Ta
  10. Measuring the effect of informal work and domestic activities on poverty and income inequality in Turkey By Armagan Tuna Aktuna Gunes
  12. Domestic activity patterns pertaining to households and informality in Turkey By Armagan Tuna Aktuna Gunes
  14. The Effects of Compulsory Military Service Exemption on Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment By Huzeyfe Torun; Semih Tumen
  15. Statistical Analysis of Educational System of Georgia By Lia Charekishvili
  16. Lean Education System: A Case Study By Tolga Memika; Tülay Korkusuz Polat
  17. Cultural Determinants of Corruption and Bribery: A Cross-Country Comparison By Mehmet Okan Ta; Sava Çevik
  18. Factors affecting the electronic exchange of data through viral marketing (Case Study: E-Commerce Users in Rasht City-Northern of Iran) By Mohammad Taleghani
  19. Medium-term prognosis of residential real estate market price indices in Tbilisi, Georgia By Nino Beraia; Marine Natsvaladze
  20. The Effects of Materialism and Consumer Need for Uniqueness on Frugality By Hülya Bak
  21. Sustainable Agriculture Development Problems in the Context of Providing food security in Georgia By Marine Natsvaladze

  1. By: Bak (Aksaray University); Süleyman Koç (Aksaray University)
    Abstract: Current account deficit (CAD) is particularly the main vulnerability of Turkish economy in the post 2001 crises period. High level of CAD/GDP ratio was a crisis indicator for Turkish economy but this remarkable indicator can not cause any crisis despite of 5 percent period mean value in the post 2001 crisis era. In this study we try to determine dynamic relationship among CAD, real effective exhange rate (REER) and economic growth in Turkey by using Vector Autoregression (VAR) method in the 2003Q1-2014Q3 period. Based on the estimated VAR model, impulse-response functions and forecast error variance decompositions shows that current account deficit (CAD) is a strong determiner of economic growth in Turkey. We also found that CAD and REER are granger cause of economic growth in Turkish economy.
    Keywords: Current Account Deficit, Vector Autoregression, Growth, Real Exchange Rate, Turkish economy.
    JEL: C32 F32 F31
  2. By: Abdulkadir GÖLCÜ (U)
    Abstract: Parliamentarians are one of the most important persons for the healthy running and well-being of democratic system. Democratic system naturally demands different points of views and it is nourished by political and cultural tolerance, pluralism and respect. For this reason, parliamentarians work as important actors in promoting democratic values and culture, especially, by representing different political perceptions, they make valuable contributions to modern democracies. With the participation of communication technologies and social media to political life, parliamentarians have become more visible and attainable to public opinions. Particularly, their intense usage of social media for reaching these public opinions turns social networking sites into an Agora which was a central spot in ancient Greek city-states and the center of spiritual and political life of the city. At this point, content of the messages written by parliamentarians become so important for formation of democratic values and culture among people fallowing parliamentarians on social media environments. At that point, this study aims to analyze Twitter messages shared by Turkish parliamentarians during the voting process of Domestic Safety Packet in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey whether they promote democratic culture or not. 30 parliamentarians from different political parties were selected as sampling among 550 Turkish parliamentarians because of their intense usage of Twitter. As for the analysis of the messages, discourse analyze method of Teun Van Dijk will be used.
    Keywords: Democratic Culture, Parliamentarians, Twitter, Discourse Analyze.
  3. By: Ümit Süleyman ÜSTÜN (Assoc. Prof. Dr.) (Selçuk Üniversitesi); Faruk B (Selçuk Üniversitesi)
    Abstract: The legality principle of taxes is arranged in the 73rd article of Turkish Constitution: “Taxes, dues, fees and similar charges shall be enacted, amended and repealed by the law”. By this provision, it has been stressed that the basic authority on taxation appertains to national assembly. The provision granting the authority about taxation to Council of Ministers is set at the 4th (the last) paragraph article 73 of Turkish Constitution: “Council of Ministers may be empowered to make amendments within the lower and upper limits prescribed by the law on provisions of exemptions, exceptions, reductions and rates related to taxes, duties, fees and similar charges”.In this study, we try to explain the scope of the legality principle of taxes in Turkish Constitution. Also the authority about taxation given to the Cabinet is also examined in this presentation.
    Keywords: Tax, legality principle of taxes, Turkish Constitution
    JEL: K34
  4. By: Ertan Cinar (Anadolu University); Soner Demirel (Anadolu University)
    Abstract: The demand of the air transportation is showing increase rapidly in Turkey. At the same time,
    Keywords: Airlines, websites, content analysis.
    JEL: R40 C40 L81
    Abstract: Clustering analysis is currently one of the most popular and advanced mathematical grouping methods both in finance and other existing sciences. The purpose of cluster analysis is to determine the units similar to each other in terms of their characteristics studied, and to define their clustering structures. The banking sector is the most important partner of organizations and countries against developing world economy and fluctuations in global competitive environment. The importance of profitability is clear for banks so in this study we want to cluster banks in Istanbul Stock Exchange based on profitability. There are three public banks, eleven private banks and twelve foreign banks in Turkey. This study aims to cluster 26 banks, listed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange by using profitability ratios. Four profitability ratios employed in the clustering were obtained through the end of the financial statements of the banks. The financial statements are taken from the internet sites of the Banks Association of Turkey. The average of the values of the profitability ratios belonging to the years 2003-2013 were used as the data of the analysis. As a result of the k-cluster analysis, the first, second and third clusters consist of 11, 2, 11 banks respectively. We have found the most similar banks and the less similar banks in our data set and also it is concluded that banks have formed a homegenous structure with the banks except existing groups (public, private and foreign).
    Keywords: banks, profitability, clustering analysis
    JEL: G00
  6. By: Mehmet Onursal Cin (Selcuk University, Faculty of Law)
    Abstract: Organized Crimes are increasing all over the world. Besides, communication technologies evolving rapidly. And criminal organizations benefit from this case. Local Investigation authorities who have to struggle with organized crime are also required to take advantage of this technological development. During a criminal investigation, wiretapping is a very important method of obtaining evidence. This measure is the most effective one in the other secret investigation measures and it also violates freedom of communication and private life, which are under guarantee of Turkish Constitution. Because of that the legal formulation and implementation should be performed very carefully.The aim of this article is to discuss the legal and social dimensions of wiretapping system in Turkish Criminal Procedure. Although it is similar to the German System, due to political, social and demographic conditions, some major changes have been made.According to Turkish Constitution Art.22 which entitled Freedom of communication; everyone has freedom of communication. This freedom and its confidentiality can only be limited because of national security, public order, prevention of crime, protection of the general public health and ethic rules or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. In order to limit these freedoms, an authorized judge should make a decision that depends counted reasons by Art.22. Also The European Convention on human rights (ECHR) Art.8 regulates that all people have right to be respected their private and family life, for his home and correspondence. As a Law State no one have permit to violate the Constitution and ECHR. It is a serious crime to wiretap or to use a machine to capture the communications of others without court approval, unless one of the parties has given his prior consent. In recent years, due to the implementation of the unlawful wiretapping in Turkey, we can say that Turkish Criminal Jurisdiction System experienced many sensational cases and scandals. Many official institutions have authority to wiretap in our law system. (Police, Army, Intelligence Agency) But the real problem is illegal eavesdropping. The government must struggle to these malicious people who eavesdrop to citizens by wiretapping devices that can be easily purchased over the Internet. Because this type of listening, has been put majority of our people into “someone’s eavesdropping me" paranoia.In this context, the study aims to investigate the way of using wiretapping and its shortcomings in the process of criminal investigation of Turkish criminal system.
    Keywords: wiretapping, eavesdropping, criminal jurisdiction law
    JEL: K14
  7. By: Hasan Engin Duran (Izmir Institute of Technology, City and Regional Planning Department, 35430 Urla-Izmir, Turkey)
    Abstract: The aim of the present article is to analyze the convergence of regional inflation rates in Turkey from 2004 to 2015 by adopting a distribution dynamics approach, namely discrete time Markovian chains. Convergence across regional inflation rates is politically a crucial matter for two reasons. First, if inflation rates differ largely between regions, monetary policy can hardly satisfy the needs of all regions equally. Such that, places which experience high inflation rates naturally require a contractionary monetary policy while the ones which experience low inflation need rather an expansionary monetary stance. Second, inflation differentials are likely to create a regional dispersion in real interest rates which induce differential effects on local economic growth. The outcomes of our research can be summarized in two groups. First, inflation disparities have declined over time, especially during the post-crisis period; after 2010. Hence, aggregate price stabilization and disinflation process in Turkey is coupled with convergence in inflation rates across regions. These results are confirmed using several methodologies (panel unit root tests and Kernel Density Estimates). Second, in addition to the findings in the literature, we found that regions change their relative inflation rate positions quite often. This indicates that regional inflation behaivor is random and non-structural as the relatively high and low inflationary places tend to change their quintiles frequently in time. Similarly, a geographical randomness of inflation is also verified using Moran I’s test.
    Date: 2015
  8. By: Okay Gunes (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS); Armagan Tuna Aktuna-Gunes (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS, EEP-PSE - Ecole d'Économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics)
    Abstract: In this article, the satisfactory consumption and labor supply elasticities of demand are measured through a model of time allocation that includes eight time assignment equations by using the full time use (the temporal values of the monetary expenditure plus time spent) concept obtained by matching the Classic Family Budget survey with the Time Use survey for Turkey. The cross-sectional data covers the period of 2003-2006 in Turkey. The elasticity results show a clear picture of the relationship between satisfactory consumption and working with commodity demands for Turkey. As a contribution to the literature, we explore the reasons behind the demand for satisfactory consumption through working decisions by measuring well-being inequality for each consumption group. In order to increase the robustness of our result, overall well-being inequality is measured by introducing the axiom of superposed utility of preferences. As expected, overall well-being inequality declines to 0.26, which is 119 percentage points lower than the average rate of well-being inequality (0.57) in Turkey.
    Abstract: Dans cet article, les élasticités de consommation satisfaisante et de l'offre de travail de demande sont mesurées par un modèle d'allocation du temps qui comprend huit équations en utilisant du temps complet (les valeurs temporelles des dépenses monétaires plus les dépenses temporelles) obtenu par l'appariement statistique des enquêtes turques sur le Budget des Familles avec l'enquête sur l'Emploi du Temps. Les données transversales couvrent les années 2003-2006 en Turquie. Les résultats des élasticités montrent une image claire de la relation entre la consommation satisfaisante et l'offre du travail avec les demandes de bien pour la Turquie. Comme contribution à la littérature, nous explorons les raisons derrière de la demande de consommation satisfaisante grâce à la décision de travail en mesurant l'inégalité de bien-être dans chaque groupe de consommation. Afin d'augmenter la robustesse de nos résultats, l'inégalité du bien-être général est mesurée en introduisant l'axiome d'utilité superposée de préférences. Comme prévu, l'inégalité de bien-être général diminue à 0,26 qui est de 119 points de pourcentage moins que le taux moyen de l'inégalité de bien-être général (0,57) en Turquie.
    Date: 2015–02
  9. By: Sava Çevik (Selcuk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics); Mehmet Okan Ta (Selcuk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Economics)
    Abstract: Double tax treaties (DTT) are mainly signed to overcome the problem of international double taxation and to coordinate national tax systems in bilateral or multilateral economic interactions. However, one more reason to engage in DTTs is to facilitate international economic flows for capital especially and to attract foreign capital. To increase foreign direct investment (FDI) is a desirable policy goal for both developing and developed countries. In order to examine whether DDTs have significant impact on FDIs, this paper analyzes Turkey’s outward FDI stocks to 71 host countries over the period of 2001-2012. In analyses, we use Turkey’s FDI stock toward the host countries as dependent variable. In addition a number of control variables, we analyze the impact of a dummy of presence of DTTs and the age of treaty. As the estimation technique, we mainly use fixed effect estimators and regressions with panel-corrected standard errors (PCSE) to handle heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation, in addition to some other specifications for robustness aims. After controlling for various determinants of bilateral FDI stocks, the study’s results show that DTTs are indeed positively associated with foreign investment toward the host country from Turkey. This finding supports policy considerations on the impact of DTTs on FDIs. The results hold for various of specifications.
    Keywords: double tax treaties, foreign direct investments, international double taxation
    JEL: H87 F21 H25
  10. By: Armagan Tuna Aktuna Gunes (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS, EEP-PSE - Ecole d'Économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics)
    Abstract: In this article, we propose to calculate the size of the population living in poverty, measured through uni- and multidimensional poverty indices, and the Gini coefficient using extended full (time plus money and informal earnings) incomes, from cross-sectional data covering 2003-2006 in Turkey. Thus monetary incomes are corrected by adding the earnings gathered from informal activities and the monetary values of time spent in domestic activities into declared incomes, producing an error-free estimate of the size of the population living in poverty and the Gini ratio overall. To show the effect informal activities with the domestic ones have on poverty, changes in the joint probability of being in informal activity while being considered poor is measured by means of a bivariate probit model using extended (money plus informal earnings) income and extended full incomes.
    Abstract: Dans cet article, nous proposons de calculer la taille de la pauvreté, mesurée par l'indice de pauvreté uni- et multidimensionnelle, et le coefficient de Gini en se basant sur les revenus complets-élargis (le temps plus les revenus monétaires et informels) à partir de données transversales couvrant les années 2003-2006 en Turquie. Ainsi, les revenus monétaires sont corrigés en ajoutant les ressources monétaires obtenus grâce aux activités informelles et les valeurs monétaires du temps consacré aux activités domestiques dans les revenus déclarés, ce qui permet une estimation sans erreur pour la taille de la population vivant dans la pauvreté et le coefficient de Gini global. Afin de mieux montrer l'effet des activités informelles avec celles domestiques sur la pauvreté, les changements dans la distribution conjointe de probabilité de travailler dans le secteur informel et d'être considérés comme pauvres sont mesurés par un modèle probit bidimensionnel en utilisant les revenus élargis (les revenus monétaires plus informels) et les revenus complets-élargis.
    Date: 2015–02
  11. By: Faruk B (SELÇUK ÜN); Ümit Süleyman ÜSTÜN (SELÇUK ÜN)
    Abstract: We need to mention about the presidential systems rather than a presidential system. As it is not possible to make a single definition of the presidential system, it is not possible to assess in the same category made the match a certain pattern of multiple presidential system. There are different state applications of the presidential system. So this system varies from country to country. For example, the US presidential system applied is different from the presidential system implemented in Latin America. In the presidential system applied in the US is strong in both the legislative and executive. In the US there is a strong legislature. The legislature is weak in Latin American countries such as Mexico and Venezuela. Presidents in these countries are extremely powerful. A common feature of these systems is that the president is elected by the people. So the president and parliament on all presidential systems is determined by different election. Therefore, there is two seperate sources of legitimacy based on the election of the president and parliament in presidential systems.
    JEL: K10
  12. By: Armagan Tuna Aktuna Gunes (CES - Centre d'économie de la Sorbonne - UP1 - Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - CNRS, EEP-PSE - Ecole d'Économie de Paris - Paris School of Economics)
    Abstract: We investigate underlying determinants of informality by representing the Turkish Time Use Survey in 2006 and the Household Budget Surveys for the years from 2003 to 2006 conducted by Turkish Statistical Institute. Following the descriptive methodology proposed by Gronau and Hamermesh (2006), the main focus is to describe the household data by highlighting the main features and revealing the relative importance of expenditures of time and goods through an exhaustive set of commodities and assign time and goods inputs to each in order to measure their relative goods intensities. The analysis of the evolution of commodity per time spent during 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 reveals the fact that the average value for total expenditures per total time spent show increases in a decreasing trend (concave shape) over these years. Supposing that the average time spent among these years in constant on average (meaning that they did not really change from one year to another), the result of this accounting support the hypotheses that the amount of consumption present in household production during these years decreased. Our findings could be used as guides to better understanding the socio-economic conditions in developing countries and to obtain more accurate measurements of the size of informality, poverty and income inequalities.
    Abstract: Nous enquêtons sur les déterminants sous-jacents de l'informalité en représentant l'enquête Emploi du temps 2006 et les enquêtes Budget des familles de 2003 à 2006 menées par l'Institut Statistique de la Turquie. Conformément à la méthodologie descriptive proposée par Gronau et Hamermesh (2006), l'objectif principal est de décrire les données sur les ménages en mettant en évidence les principales caractéristiques et en révélant l'importance relative des dépenses du temps et des biens à travers un ensemble de produits et les entrées des biens et le temps assigné pour chacun afin de mesurer leurs intensités de biens relatifs. L'analyse de l'évolution des produits par les dépenses du temps pendant les années 2003, 2004, 2005 et 2006 révèle le fait que l'augmentation des valeurs moyennes pour les dépenses monétaires totales par celles temporelles baisse (en forme concave) au cours de ces années. En supposant que les dépenses du temps moyens pendant ces années sont constantes (ce qui signifie qu'ils n'ont vraiment pas changé d'une année à l'autre), le résultat de cette analyse soutient l'hypothèse que la consommation actuelle de la production des ménages au cours de ces années a diminué. Nos résultats pourraient être utilisés comme guides pour mieux comprendre les conditions socio-économiques dans les pays en développement et pour obtenir des mesures plus précises de la taille de l'informalité, de la pauvreté et des inégalités de revenus.
    Date: 2015–02
    Abstract: The municipalities have history more than 150 years within administrative structures; Metropolitan Municipalities Law has been introduced as to be applied in Ankara and Istanbul for the first time in 1984 based to regulation clause 3, article 127 Constitution “Special location units can be organized for big location centers”. 1984 year, number 3030 “Metropolitan Municipalities Law” has been implemented until 2004 and then it has been changed with 2004 year number 5216. After eight years application, number 6360 new “Metropolitan Municipalities Law” has been accepted in 2012 so number 5216 code has been repealed therefore existence of totally 30 Metropolitan municipalities in our country borders have been officially accepted. Population density and surface area, efficient public service, democratic attendance level, providing developed optimal enormity in mean of high and culture in municipalities are being aimed in new law.Strategic plan is a guide showing future plans of an organization and how to apply those plans; priorities, processes, policies and strategies that organization will need upon developed vision are decided. Preparing strategic plan of metropolitan municipality is included in duties of metropolitan municipality subject to Metropolitan Municipalities Law. Also, issuing Activity Reports by municipalities at the end of every year is obligatory in the frame of strategic plan. In this study, under chapters “Assessing of Organizational ability and Capacity” included in Activity Reports Ankara and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipalities have been assessed through application a comparison.
    Keywords: Local Governments, institutional capacity, Strategic Plan, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, Ankara Metropolitan Municipality
    JEL: G38 M12
  14. By: Huzeyfe Torun (Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey); Semih Tumen (Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)
    Abstract: Based on a law enacted in November 1999, males born on or before December 31st 1972 are given the option to benefit from a paid exemption from the compulsory military service in Turkey. Exploiting this natural experiment, we devise an empirical strategy to estimate the intention-to-treat effect of this paid exemption on the education and labor market outcomes of the individuals in the target group. We find that the paid exemption reform reduces the years of schooling among males who are eligible to benefit from the reform relative to the ineligible ones. In particular, the probability of receiving a college degree or above falls among the eligible males. The result is robust to alternative estimation strategies. We find no reduction in education when we implement the same exercises with (i) data on females and (ii) placebo reform dates. The interpretation is that the reform has reduced the incentives to continue education for the purpose of deferring military service. We also find suggestive evidence that the paid exemption reform reduces the labor income for males in the target group. The reduction in earnings is likely due to the reduction in education.
    Keywords: Compulsory military service; draft avoidance; intention to treat; education; earnings.
    JEL: C21 I21 J21 J31
    Date: 2015–06
  15. By: Lia Charekishvili (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Invited Associated Professor)
    Abstract: Creation and formation of the high quality educational system, eradication of which should contribute strengthening the Political and Economic power of Georgia, growth of the prosperity of population, and creation of reliable conditions of intrepidity of the country. In spite of the problems the reforms of the systems in the country are still going. The significance of transition to the standard international educational classification is emphasized.The specifics of the Knowledge Economics in Georgia, which is considered as unifier and appraiser of scientific, educational, and technical progress, is impossible to be evaluated with just one value. One of the specifics is that there are no enough investments in the country to make educational inventions successful.It is designated that educational and economic staff in Georgia is evaluated only by qualitative indices. Realization of educational qualification system inside the population reserves of our country and stirring up the process of exchanging the knowledge between the generations is left without attention. The science is almost removed from the direct responsibility of taking care and controlling the educational system. Here are some statistics on education: 90.8% of Georgian pupils at the beginning of the school year 2013-2014 were involved in Public schools while the remaining 9.2% attended private schools. In comparison, in 2000-2001, 98.3% were enrolled in Public schools and only 1.7% were private school pupils.In Georgia there is no gender differentiation while entering a school. Out of 553,016 pupils enrolled in secondary school at the beginning 2013-2014 school year, 47.4% were female and 52.6% were male. In 2013-2014, there were 19 Public Higher Educational Institutions with 83.3 thousand students. Approximately 27% or 34.5 thousand students were enrolled in private institutions. From 2000-2001 to 2012-2013, the quantity of public institutions decreased by 27%, while the number of students decreased by 21.3%. Government expenditure of Georgia on education as percentage of GDP was about 2% in 2012 and expenditure on education as percentage of total government expenditure - about 7%. While in Argentina total government expenditure was 15% in the same year, in Armenia 14%, in Belarus and Barbados 13%, in Chile –19%.Lastly, I would like to mention that the household’s expenditures share on education in 2013 equaled 2.7% of the total amount. It is very important because private education institutions are paid. This cost is heavier for pupils/students coming from low-income families, where current earnings are crucial to their immediate well-being.
    Keywords: Law on Education of Georgia, view of education system of Georgia, education statistics of Georgia, analyses of education of Georgia
    JEL: I21 C10 C19
  16. By: Tolga Memika (Sakarya University); Tülay Korkusuz Polat (Sakarya University)
    Abstract: The number of students in the institutions of secondary education approaches 5.5 million in the Turkish education system. Such a big system should be managed very well in order to educate successful students. In successful managements, successful results are obtained by taking proper steps. The key to good management is examination of the current state and determination of correct strategies in agreement with the objectives. This system aims not only at maximum quality but also to minimize the cost. In this way, it will also enhance customer satisfaction and its preferability. Previously used only in the manufacturing systems, lean philosophy is also available in the service sectors today. In this study, the current system at private high schools – one of the most important parts of the education sector included in the service sector – was examined; the processes of the high school were defined and analyzed; and the waste was determined. Lean thinking and lean tools were utilized to eliminate waste and to enhance quality and customer satisfaction.
    Keywords: Lean; Lean Management; Process; Process Management; Lean Education System
    JEL: M29 L30 Z00
  17. By: Mehmet Okan Ta (Selcuk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences); Sava Çevik (Selcuk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences)
    Abstract: Corruption and bribery are observed to be a common behavior not only in developing or transition economies also for all countries. Bribery is emerging as related to the societies’ economic, political or cultural structures. Therefore, the factors that determine the behavior of bribery are also emerging as a versatile and multi-dimensional. However, even if bribery and corruption cases arise from various factors, the economic consequences of both actions impose significant costs and undermine the society’s cultural structure.In this paper, generally the corruption and especially the bribery process are analyzed by the factors determining this process. The study examines the linkages between the bribery behavior and the society’s cultural institutions and structures. Thus, it aims at revealing the cultural determinants of corruption and bribery behavior. For this purpose, the study firstly makes cross-country comparisons through the corruption perception index the data from Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) and World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators. Then, it is considered correlations and associations between the corruptions scores of the countries the countries’ cultural values and structures through data which is obtained from the World Value Survey (WVS) and the European Value Survey (EVS). WVS and EVS have large sets of variables to develop indexes for cultural classifications at its various dimensions. Thus, it can be analyzed the corruption scores of countries together predictors on cultural characteristics which is obtained from WVS/EVS at aggregated level, and on other macro level economic factors through cross-section regressions.The study also seeks to determine the predictors of bribery behavior at micro level using Turkey data of WVS. The WVS contains a question on how much the individuals tolerate the bribery. In this section, the study uses the bribery acceptance of individuals as a dependent variable, and estimates the effect of determinants as individual values, attitudes and demographic variables.
    Keywords: Bribery, Corruption, Cultural determinants, World Value Survey, Corruption Perceptions Index, Developing Countries.
    JEL: D73 A13 Z10
  18. By: Mohammad Taleghani (Rasht Branch , Islamic Azad University)
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is the factors affecting the electronic exchange through viral marketing. Methods According to the research objectives is applied researches and the method of collecting data is field and according to the survey research is conducted. The sample comprised Rasht e-commerce users. The sample size of 384 was calculated by using simple random sampling. The instrument used to collect the required data, is questionnaire that its validity and reliability was calculated by validity method of content and determined reliability by Cronbach's alpha and were distributed after modifying questions and multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses of this study, and collected data was analyzed by SPSS software. According to the research main question that factors such as capturing images, targeting resources, combining technology, ease of use of the product, needs to be part of a group, need to be different and altruism can be effective in use viral marketing, all hypotheses are confirmed.
    Keywords: Viral Marketing, Electronic exchange, E-Commerce, Users of e-commerce.
    JEL: M31 M00 M30
  19. By: Nino Beraia (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University); Marine Natsvaladze (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi state University)
    Abstract: The importance of real estate market could not be overstated for economics in countries like Georgia, where the share of the construction and real estate sectors is totaling 30% in whole economy. The real estate market is far from being perfect market and this imperfection defines the peculiarity of the research methods. Performing high quality analytical work on real estate market is very difficult and complex task, which brings together working out the methodology relevant to the accessible data (every country has its own difficulties regarding the quality and accessibility of real estate market data), also the rules of interpreting the data and algorithm of drawing out the recommendations.The methods of prognosis of real estate market indices could be classified as follows:1.Expert’s prognosis based on the methods like intuition, deep knowledge of local market, method of analogies;2.Heuristic prognosis – quantitative and qualitative analysis of factors, method of scenarios;3.Fundamental prognosis of factors (construction volume, supply, demand) – based on the analysis of economic situation and its influence on real estate market;4.Prognosis based on Regression models – regression analysis, statistical modeling;5.Prognosis based on multi factor models and Neural Network modeling.In the current article are given the prognosis based on the regression model and the heuristic prognosis of residential market in Tbilisi, Georgia. The outcomes are than compared and checked against the real situation, finally are given the recommendations.The results suggest that the best solution is to use the method combining both heuristic and statistical approaches.
    Keywords: Real estate market, real estate market indicies, prognosis, residential market
    JEL: A10
  20. By: Hülya Bak (Aksaray University)
    Abstract: This paper examines the relationships between materialism, frugality and consumers’ need for uniqueness (CNU) among Turkish consumers. Although each concept is different with respect, these are two common characteristics that these concepts share: i) a lifestyle, ii) a personality trait. Each concept is important for understanding consumer choice and consumption of products. Consumer choice is not only the outcome of rational process, but also individuals’ underlying needs. Frugality may be driven by CNU and materialism derived from personal experience. Individuals conspicuously consume to signal their wealth and to be different from other. Materialism and CNU are closely related. However, there is uncertainty on whether the relationship between these variables is causal or non-casual. Despite this uncertainty, both variables are expected to have influence on frugality. This study was carried out between dates of September 2014 and February 2015. Firstly, the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was carried out and then, structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the hypothesis. Analysis results show that materialism and CNU2 have negative impact on frugality and these impacts were not statistically significant. CNU1 has positive impact on frugality and only the relationship was statistically significant. Finally, the study has limitations and is provided suggestions for further research.
    Keywords: Materialism, Frugality, Consumers’ Need for Uniqueness, SEM, Consumer Behaviour.
    JEL: M31
  21. By: Marine Natsvaladze (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)
    Abstract: Due to the peculiarities of the natural resources of Georgia the main priority of the agriculture is the development of bio production. Production of bio products is alternative, modern system of agricultural products production, which has steadily increasing economic potential. Current research shows that the rapid increase in production of bio products could be a good alternative for agricultural development of Georgia, but the growth rate of bio production is quite low than expected. The present paper examines the situation of bio production in agricultural sector of Georgia. The main aim of the research was to evaluate the role of bio-production in sustainable development of agriculture of Georgia and to work out some recommendations for further development. According to our goal, these problems were:1.Evaluation of consumers interest and approach to bio-products;2.Evaluation of Georgian producer’s interest in bio-market;3.To identify the reasons of underdevelopment of bio-products market in Georgia.4.Improve implementation of sustainable agriculture policy.Our research showed that despite consumers readiness to purchase bio-products, the segment of the Georgian market is developing more slowly than in other countries. The research show that for producers the most influential are the economic factors and the least influential are the social factors.The agricultural politics of Government played a significant role in development of the market. The most important directions include: Promotion of Georgian bio-products, supporting the bio sector of agriculture and developing the local and export bio markets.The systematic approach to the problems will help to develop the bio-farms:Qualification: The farmers need to have enough knowledge about the bio-farming, bio-products and the perspectives of the bio-production, also how to transfer from the traditional to the bio farming.Support: The farmers could transfer from traditional to the bio farming easily with financial and informational support.Certification: Bio producer should have the guarantees that after all required procedures they would not have any problems with certification.Sales: The farmer needs a serious support in organizing the problems of export and entering the international markets, they could not do it alone.Bio-production - quality oriented, sustainable, and rapidly growing and perspective production could become the main priority for Georgian agriculture. In this regard, bio-products may be considered as a direction of developing sustainable agriculture.
    Keywords: bio production, sustainable development, agriculture, agriculture policy, bio products market
    JEL: O13

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.