nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2015‒05‒30
eleven papers chosen by
Christian Zimmermann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  1. Import Dependency in Turkey: an Input-Output Analysis By Osman Aydogus; Cagacan Deger; Elif Tunali Caliskan; Gulcin Gurel Gunal
  2. Akilli Uzmanlasmaya Yönelik Bölgesel Arastirma Ve Yenilik Stratejisi Hazirlama Kilavuzu By Nese Kumral; Mehmet Güclü
  3. Multiple dimensions of regional variation of impoverishment in Iran By Mahoozi, Hosnieh
  4. The Inheritance of Educational Inequality among Young People in Developing Countries By Pastore, Francesco; Roccisano, Federica
  5. Do Stock Returns Provide a Good Hedge Against Inflation? An Empirical Assessment Using Turkish Data during Periods of Structural Change By Akturk, Halit
  7. EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT IN UZBEKISTAN By B. Nazarova; S.Saidkarimova; Sh. Obloqulova
  9. Insurgency and Small Wars: Estimation of Unobserved Coalition Structures By Francesco Trebbi; Eric Weese
  11. Institutions as key drivers of collective action in WUAs [Water User Associations] of Uzbekistan By Mochalova, Elizaveta; Anarbekov, Oyture; Kahhorov, U.

  1. By: Osman Aydogus (Department of Economics, Ege University); Cagacan Deger (Department of Economics, Ege University); Elif Tunali Caliskan (Department of Economics, Ege University); Gulcin Gurel Gunal (Department of Economics, Ege University)
    Abstract: Import dependency is important for the development process. High import dependency implies, among many items, a vulnerability to foreign exchange shocks. This study examines the intermediate inputs import dependency of Turkish economy. Main contribution is the construction of an import matrix for year 2008, whereas the most recent official one is from year 2002. The analysis reveals dependency of Turkish economy on especially raw material inputs obtained from abroad.
    Keywords: input-output models, import dependency, Turkey
    JEL: C67 F10 O50
    Date: 2015–05
  2. By: Nese Kumral (Department of Economics, Ege University); Mehmet Güclü (Department of Economics, Ege University)
    Abstract: Akilli uzmanlasma stratejisi belirli faaliyetlerde arastirma ve yenilige dayali bir uzmanlasmayla bölgenin (kendi kaynaklarina dayali) ekonomik dönüsümünü hedefleyen bir stratejidir. Diger bir ifadeyle, uzun dönemde bölge ekonomisini daha rekabetci ve daha sürdürülebilir bir ekonomiye dönüstürme stratejisidir. Bu strateji daha önceki bölgesel kalkinma stratejilerinin basarisizliklari üzerine ortaya cikmistir. Bu calisma TRB2 bölgesinde akilli uzmanlasma stratejisinin olusturulmasi icin bir kilavuz sunmayi amaclamaktadir.
    Keywords: Akilli uzmanlasma, Bölgesel Kalkinma
    JEL: R11 O31
    Date: 2015–04
  3. By: Mahoozi, Hosnieh
    Abstract: Concerning the demands of Sen's (1987) Capabilities Approach to assessment of human wellbeing, the paper estimates the values of frequency and breadth of multidimensional poverty in Iran. It distinguishes specific regions as Tehran, other urban areas, and rural areas and it reveals that the proportion of rural areas in multidimensional poverty has increased from 1999 to 2007, in spite of relatively high rate of GDP growth in that period. It also detects the specific socio-economic group's deprivation type which is invaluable information for effective policy targeting.
    Keywords: multi-dimensional poverty,welfare distribution,Iran
    JEL: D63 O53
    Date: 2015
  4. By: Pastore, Francesco (University of Naples II); Roccisano, Federica (Catholic University Milan)
    Abstract: This letter provides new evidence on the extent of the inheritance of educational inequality in the eight developing countries (Azerbaijan, China, Egypt, Iran, Kosovo, Mongolia, Nepal, Syria) where the ILO carried out the first wave of School-to-Work Transition survey. We observe different patterns of correlation between the level of intergenerational mobility, the educational upgrade and the role of parents' in sons' and daughters' education.
    Keywords: intergenerational mobility, educational persistence, developing economies
    JEL: D63 H52 I24 P46 P52
    Date: 2015–05
  5. By: Akturk, Halit
    Abstract: This paper provide empirical evidence on the relation between stock returns and inflationary expectations using a panel of firm level data covering a broad range of industries and Turkish common stock market index from 1986 to 2013. I use survey of inflationary expectations to examine Fisher hypothesis where I show, no matter the data is aggregate or disaggregated; ex-ante inflationary expectations and stock returns are positively related, whereas ex-post inflationary realizations are negatively related. I find that holding stocks of manufacturing industry firms provide for about 15% better hedge in comparison to that of service industry firms.
    Keywords: Fisher effect; stock returns; hedging; inflation
    JEL: E31 E43 G15
    Date: 2014–07
  6. By: Usman Sharifkhodjaev
    Abstract: This paper discusses about brand management in the media market of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The author focuses on studyof leading websites of the country, such as “” and “”. Also in the paper based on the views of market participants identifies the main problems faced by the media in brand management. Key words: Brand, brand management, mass-media, electronic mass media
    Date: 2015–03
  7. By: B. Nazarova; S.Saidkarimova; Sh. Obloqulova
    Abstract: The present level of scientific, technical and socio-economic development based on knowledge, determines the leading role of education in the renewal of all aspects of society.Education, among the factors influencing thefunctioning of the human potential, occupies a leading position.Radical reforms initiated in Uzbekistan, called for the creation of the education system that was adequate for socio-economic transformation of societyand the perspectives of its development.The concept of reforming education, developed in Uzbekistan, envisages the followings as the most important goals:the reorientation of the education systemonto market economy and open society; creation of equal opportunities foreducation as a condition for raising the standard of living; improvingthe system of financing education in order to provide a stable and qualified educational services and increase efficiency of resources utilization; improving the management of the education sector.The concept of public policy and the reform of education in Uzbekistan were embodied in the new Law “On Education” and the National Professional Training Program, adopted on August 29, 1997 by the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Key words: education, development, uzbekistan
    Date: 2015–03
  8. By: Toshmurodova Buvsara
    Abstract: Uzbekistan being one of the rapidly growing countries in Central Asia is characterized as emerging economy. Nowadays, Uzbekistan Government encourages entrepreneurs/companies to manufacture high value added products and become competitive players in global market. Thus, Uzbekistan needs to develop and improve contemporary management systems; including financial management. This article includes interesting information about the history of development of financial management in Uzbekistan. Author tried to describe improvement trends of financial management system in Uzbekistan by using theoretical and scientific analysis. There were written some key issues for development of financial management systems. Author approached to financial management as a system which plays a vital role in development of the whole organization. There was explained financial management domain. It’s notable that information system issues of financial management were also described. Paper shows the basic results of research aiming to investigate financial management issues in Uzbekistan. Availability of two things – systematic approach and principle of system is characterized as main condition to develop financial management systems. Key words: financial management, financial data, financial resources
    Date: 2014–12
  9. By: Francesco Trebbi; Eric Weese
    Abstract: Insurgency and guerrilla warfare impose enormous socioeconomic costs and often persist for decades. This paper studies the detection of unobserved coalitions of insurgent groups in conflict areas, and their main socioeconomic determinants. We present a novel methodology based on daily geocoded incident-level data on insurgent attacks, and provide an application in the context of the Afghan conflict during the 2004-2009 period. We show statistically that the Afghani Taliban are not an umbrella coalition, but rather a highly unified group, and that their span of control has grown substantially beyond ethnic Pashtun areas post-2007.
    JEL: O1 P48
    Date: 2015–05
  10. By: Tursunova Nargiza
    Abstract: Each item has a price, but not every company is able to independently set the price at which it wants to sell its goods. Firms need to have a streamlined method of setting prices for their goods, and their financial condition depends on it. When choosing a method of pricing, there must be considered and internal and external constraints. The paper discusses the stages of formation of prices in a continuous process of pricing, as well as methods of pricing, their advantages and disadvantages. This paper includes interesting information about the transfer pricing and its interrelationship with tax issues in terms of world economy and Uzbekistan. Author tried to describe need of transnational corporations and holding companies for transfer pricing and potential of Uzbekistan to develop and regulate transfer pricing. There were written some key issues for implementation of transfer pricing. Author approached to transfer pricing as a tool which plays an important role in effective regulating transnational corporations’ activities in Uzbekistan. It’s notable that legislation issues of transfer pricing were also described. Paper shows the basic results of research aiming to investigate transfer pricing issues in Uzbekistan. Availability of two things – systematic approach and principle of system is characterized as main condition to regulate transfer pricing. Key words: Pricing, Transnational corporations, Tax, National legislation
    Date: 2015–03
  11. By: Mochalova, Elizaveta; Anarbekov, Oyture; Kahhorov, U.
    Abstract: This paper presents a multifactor approach for performance assessment of Water Users Associations (WUAs) in Uzbekistan in order to identify the drivers for improved and efficient performance of WUAs. The study was carried out in the Fergana Valley where the WUAs were created along the South Fergana Main Canal during the last 10 years. The farmers and the employees of 20 WUAs were questioned about the WUAs\u2019 activities and the quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. This became a base for the calculation of 36 indicators divided into 6 groups: Water supply, technical conditions, economic conditions, social and cultural conditions, organizational conditions and information conditions. All the indicators assessed with a differentiated point system adjusted for subjectivity of several of them give the total maximal result for the associations of 250 point. The WUAs of the Fergana Valley showed the score between 145 and 219 points, what reflects a highly diverse level of the WUAs performance in the region. The analysis of the indicators revealed that the key points of the WUA\u2019s success are the organizational and institutional conditions including the participatory factors and awareness of both the farmers and employees about the work of WUA. The research showed that the low performance of the WUAs is always explained by the low technical and economic conditions along with weak organization and information dissemination conditions. It is clear that it is complicated to improve technical and economic conditions immediately because they are cost-based and cost-induced. However, it is possible to improve the organizational conditions and to strengthen the institutional basis via formal and information institutions which will gradually lead to improvement of economic and technical conditions of WUAs. Farmers should be involved into the WUA Governance and into the process of making common decisions and solving common problems together via proper institutions. Their awareness can also be improved by leading additional trainings for increasing farmers\u2019 agronomic and irrigation knowledge, teaching them water saving technologies and acquainting them with the use of water measuring equipment so it can bring reliable water supply, transparent budgeting and adequate as well as equitable water allocation to the water users.
    Keywords: Water users associations; Performance evaluation; Performance indexes; Water supply; Technology; Economic aspects; Sociocultural environment; Farmer participation; Organizational development; Valleys
    Date: 2014

This nep-cwa issue is ©2015 by Christian Zimmermann. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.