nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2015‒04‒02
forty papers chosen by
Christian Zimmermann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  1. Monthly Report No. 9/2014 By Serkan Çiçek; Vladimir Gligorov; Michael Landesmann; Roman Römisch; Hermine Vidovic
  2. PKK Suicide Attacks in Turkey By OZHAN HANCILAR
  3. Freedom of Movement Rights of Turkish Nationals in the European Union By Yalincak, Orhun Hakan
  4. Economic Impacts of Korea-Turkey FTA By Kilinc, Zubeyir; Mavuş, Merve; Oduncu, Arif
  5. Political economy of financial reforms in authoritarian transition economies. The case of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan By Alexandr Akimov
  6. Turkey-United States Relations in the Axis of New Middle East By KürÅŸat Kan; Engin Kılıçarslan; Arif Behiç Özcan
  7. A Case study in the framework of crisis communication: Turkish Airlines Crisis in 2012 By Emrah BAÅžER
  11. Syrian Crisis: Turkey, Lebanon And Jordan News Agency's Perspectives By Bahar Ayaz
  12. The Media treatment of the "Three Children" Discourse of Turkish Prime Minister in Media Texts By Nurullah Terkan
  13. Competitive Conditions in the Turkish Banking Systems By Ömer AkkuÅŸ; Taner Sekmen; Ä°lyas Şıklar
  14. Symbols of the handkerchief in Turkish Culture By Ahu Fatma MANGIR
  16. The Effect of International Trade on Manufacturing Industry Wages: The Case of Turkey By Hacer Simay Karaalp; Sevcan GüneÅŸ
  17. Product and Country Concentration In Foreign Trade: The Case of Turkey (2003 – 2013) By Ahmet Ay; Mehmet Mucuk; Mustafa Gerçeker
  19. The Development of Accounting in Turkey and Analysis of the Accounting Culture In Terms of International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) By Esin Yelgen; Nilüfer Tetik
  20. A New Legal Approach Towards the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Peaceful Resolution By Edgar Elbakyan
  21. Stock Financing as an Alternative Financing Technique and its Applicability in Turkey By Yunus Ceran; Gamze ÅžekeroÄŸlu; Merve Öz
  22. Shaping the manufacturing industry performance in Turkey: MIDAS approach By Ibrahim Turhan; Ahmet Sensoy; Erk Hacihasanoglu
  23. TURKEY ON THE WAY OF UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE THROUGH THE HEALTH TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM (2003-13) By Jesse Bump; Susan Sparkes; Mehtap Tatar; Yusuf Celik; Meltem Aran; Claudia Rokx
  24. Trust towards Administrative Institutions among Youth in Turkey: the Case of Konya By Erhan Örselli; Esra Banu Sipahi
  25. Development students' communicative competence in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the higher educational establishments of Turkey By Daria Lagutina Sariyildiz
  27. Revisiting the Muslim Feminists’ Discourse on Gender Equality By Adibah Muhtar; Akmaliza Abdullah; Siti Suhaila Ihwani
  28. Iran and Czech Political and Cultural Relation By Mohsen Modir Shanechi
  30. Consumer Innovativeness in Purchase of Hi-Tech Home Appliances and the Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in Electronics Market - A Field Study from Eskisehir , Turkey By Celil Koparal; Nuri Calik
  32. Estimating the rebound effect of technological improvement in Iran’s industry sector By Mirhossein Mousavi; Mona Mash'hadi Rajabi; Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh
  33. Exploring Hotel Employees’ Individual and Work-Related Outcomes from the aspect of Customer Online Reviews: A Qualitative Approach By Alaattin Basoda
  34. A Study on Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) Scale in Turkish By SERDAR BOZKURT; ESIN ERTEMSIR; YASEMIN BAL
  35. Organisational Routines may not be Effective for the Emerging Market Firms By Meltem Yavuz; Rıfat Kamaşak
  37. Integration vs. Security: Revisiting Armenia´s Decision to Join the Eurasian Economic Union By Vahram Ter-Matevosyan
  38. Politics and Literature in Turkish Historical Novel: Kemal Tahir, Atilla İlhan and A.H. Tanpınar By ASLI DALDAL
  40. Alcohol, Adultery and Prostitution in the Ottoman Period: Konya Example (1650-1750) By Cemal Çetin

  1. By: Serkan Çiçek (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw); Vladimir Gligorov (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw); Michael Landesmann (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw); Roman Römisch (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw); Hermine Vidovic (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, wiiw)
    Abstract: Graph of the month Regional gross value added in Turkey (p. 1) Opinion corner Turkey and the EU (by Serkan Çiçek, Vladimir Gligorov and Michael Landesmann; pp. 2-4) The Turkish economic conundrum (by Serkan Çiçek; pp. 5-8) Regional disparities in Turkey (by Roman Römisch; pp. 9-12) Turkey a ‘great power’ of migration? (by Hermine Vidovic; pp. 13-16) Recommended reading (p. 17) Statistical Annex Monthly and quarterly statistics for Central, East and Southeast Europe (pp. 18-38)
    Keywords: regional development, regional disparities, Turkey, EU accession, new EU Member States, monetary policy, exchange rate, interest rates, inward and outward migration, skill structure, age structure
    Date: 2014–09
  2. By: OZHAN HANCILAR (Pamukkale University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Turkey)
    Abstract: This paper will look at the suicide attacks of an illegal armed group in Turkey, the PKK, which is classified as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union. The group has been waging a violent separatist campaign against Turkey since 1984. At present, a fragile peace process is underway between the Turkish government and the PKK. In recent years, suicide attacks have become one of the most effective ways of terrorism. Although most of these attacks have been carried out by Islamist extremists, suicide terrorism is not limited to Islamic fundamentalism. Several non-religious terrorist groups, have used suicide attacks for their political ends. The PKK began to use suicide terrorism in mid-1996. Most of the PKK suicide attacks have been carried out by women. The group’s suicide campaign, which left up to seventeen security personnel and seven civilians dead, has been one of the least effective suicide campaigns in the world. After providing a brief background on both suicide terrorism and the PKK, the paper will discuss the PKK’s suicide attacks. In addition to academic works, the paper will be based on sources from the media.
    Keywords: PKK, Suicide Attacks, Turkey, Female Suicide Bombers
    JEL: D74 H56 K14
    Date: 2014–10
  3. By: Yalincak, Orhun Hakan
    Abstract: This article is concerned with the evolving free movement rights of Turkish nationals in the European Union (‘EU’). The right to move freely represents one of the fundamental freedoms of the internal market, as well as an essential political element of the package of rights linked to the very status of citizenship of the EU. Given the fact that the holding of the nationality of a Member State is the condition sine qua non for acquiring citizenship of the EU, Turkish nationals are clearly not yet citizens of the EU; at best, they can be described as “EU citizens in being.” While the rights granted to Turkish nationals by the EU, are amongst the most extensive granted to third country nationals (‘TCNs’), the outer limits of their freedom of movement rights are firmly rooted in the specific free movement provisions in EU-Turkey Association Law. This naturally gives rise to several inter-related questions: how far should the free movement rights granted to EU nationals be extended to Turkish nationals, as citizens of an accession state? How do the freedom of movement rights of Turkish nationals compare with EU nationals? The freedom of movement rights for Turkish nationals, within the context of Turkey-EU relations, has been an important issue for Turkish citizens ever since 1980 when strict visa requirements were introduced. This problem confronts all strata of Turkish society, including the business community, the academic world, students, journalists, and almost 3 million family members of Turkish nationals living in the EU. This paper shows that the free movement rights of Turkish nationals under EU-Turkey Association law is independent of the political talks surrounding the re-admission agreement and “visa dialogue,” which are aimed at gradually permitting free movement in the EU for Turkish nationals. This paper shows that under the text of the AA, and as confirmed by ECJ case law, Turks have substantial free movement rights within the EU arising from EU-Turkey Association Law and these new agreements and requirements are evidence that the political consideration of the EU block continue to trump the legal considerations.
    Keywords: Ankara Agreement, Turkish citizens, EU citizens, Citizens Rights Directive, European Union, EU-Turkey Customs Union, free movement law,
    JEL: J0 J00 K2 K20 K29 K4 K40 K42 O1 O10 Z0 Z00
    Date: 2013–09–01
  4. By: Kilinc, Zubeyir; Mavuş, Merve; Oduncu, Arif
    Abstract: The trade volume and diversity of the products traded between Korea and Turkey have been increasing since early 2000s. On top of this, the enthusiasm of the countries in exploring new opportunities led them to start the negotiations on signing a free trade agreement in 2010. The process was finalized in 2012. The agreement foresees that all of the trade tariffs on industrial products and most of the tariffs on agricultural products will be removed in seven and ten years, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first one that investigates possible economic impacts of this agreement on Korean and Turkish economies. It employs a computable general equilibrium model and uses the Global Trade Analysis Project database. It finds that the agreement will benefit both parties in terms of GDP and export. In particular, total gains of Korea and Turkey would be as high as 0.129 and 0.054 percent of their respective GDPs. Finally, the exports of Korea might increase by up to 0.139 percent where that of Turkey might increase by 0.164 percent.
    Keywords: Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Analysis, Free Trade Agreements (FTA), Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP), Korea, and Turkey
    JEL: F10 F14
    Date: 2015–02
  5. By: Alexandr Akimov
    Keywords: Financial Reform, Transition Economics, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Political Economy, Dictatorship
    JEL: G18 O16 P33
    Date: 2015–01
  6. By: KürÅŸat Kan (Selcuk University); Engin Kılıçarslan (Selcuk University); Arif Behiç Özcan (Selcuk University)
    Abstract: After the end of the cold war, the international system and security parameters in the region where Turkey is located have changed and bipolar system and security policy based on east and west axis have become dysfunctional. Turkey had some difficulty to integrate itself into the new international system after Cold War era. It has needed to redefine and adapt its former international policy as a result of some crisis especially after 2000s. Moreover, it has had to exercise a more active and flexible foreign policy due to its improving economic potential and democracy. In this new international policy period, political leadership and national politics have played an essential role. Its former international policy, which involved soft power and having no problems with her neighbors, was considered utopic and romantic by some and functional by some others. However, this policy has become dysfunctional due to some regional and national crisis after 2000s.This study involves Turkish and American relations, Turkey’s approach to regional problems and how Turkey’s relation to America is perceived by the countries in the region. The study discusses the new dynamic policy exercised by Turkey, which used to exercise a static foreign policy in an extremely dynamic region, and effects of this new foreign policy on its relations to USA, which has been exercising a dynamic foreign policy in the region since World War II. Turkish Israeli relations with reference to Middle East peace process, Erdogan’s Davos outburst, Israel’s attack on Gaza Freedom Flotilla; aftermath of Turkey’s policy with Iran related to Nuclear Exchange and UN’s sanctions in USA and Middle East; the emergence of IS (The Islamic State) and problems as a result of its emergence are the focal points of the study.
    Keywords: Turkey, USA, Middle East, Turkish foreign policy, Turkey-United States relations
    JEL: F50
    Date: 2014–12
  7. By: Emrah BAÅžER (Anadolu University)
    Abstract: Crisis is an event that any kind of organization may experience any time. So crisis is an important concept for the field of public relations. While surviving any kind of crisis two key concepts grab attention, which are crisis management and crisis communication. In this case study, Turkish Airlines crisis in 2012 was examined in the framework of crisis communication. To explain the background of the crisis, after the proposal of the bill of law, which prohibits strike on aviation sector in Turkey to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Turkish airlines staff who are the members of The Voice of Aviation Workers in Turkey (Hava-iÅŸ) started a slowdown strike which caused the cancelation of 223 flight, damnification of more than 100 thousand passengers and dismissal of 305 workers. The strike which caused aforementioned crisis was carried out by Turkish airlines staff who are the members of The Voice of Aviation Workers in Turkey in Atatürk Airport in May 29, 2012 between 3.00 am and 11.30 pm. In the first part of the study, crisis, crisis management, concepts of crisis communication and crisis response strategies were defined. The second part of the study includes the methodology of the study, general information about Turkish Airlines, early warning signals, the crisis, the reactions of Turkish Airlines towards the crisis and lessons learnt from the crisis. The methodology of the study is determined as descriptive analysis. The reactions of Turkish Airlines towards the crisis were discussed through the perspective of Public Relations Response Typology. The remarkable points of the results of analysis are that the institution pursued monologism and used so-called “dark web siteâ€, which is used only in crisis period. The study ends with the discussion of all findings and implications for executives and researchers.
    Keywords: Crisis Management, Crisis Communication, Public Relations, Public Relations Response Typology, Turkish Airlines
    Date: 2014–10
  8. By: Burcu Ozcan (Firat University);
    Abstract: We aim to analyze the stochastic convergence hypothesis for 14 major tourist source markets of Turkey using monthly data over the period January 1996 to December 2012. To this aim, we use recently developed the two-step LM (Lagrange multiplier) unit root test that allow for two structural breaks in data. Our findings indicate that 10 out of 14 markets are stochastically converging, meaning that tourism polices and strategies directed at these markets are successful. In other words, the presence of convergence in the tourism market indicates that the difference between total visitor arrivals to Turkey and visitor arrivals from any one of the converging source markets is not drifting apart.
    Keywords: tourism market, convergence hypothesis, structural breaks, unit root tests
    JEL: L83 C22
    Date: 2014–06
  9. By: Mustafa Tahir Demirsel (Selcuk University); Adem Öğüt (Selcuk University); Mehmet Mucuk (Selcuk University)
    Abstract: In developing countries adequate and necessary investment cannot be realized since their domestic savings rate is low and foreign savings rate is very low. Here FDI helps diminish domestic and foreign savings deficits. Capital account liberalization in Turkey was initiated in conjunction with the process of economic and financial reforms that started in 1980, and was fully completed in 1989. In this paper, the objective is to analyze the relationship between FDI and economic growth in Turkey by using the data covering the time period between 2002:Q1 and 2014:Q1. For this purpose unit root test, Johansen cointegration test, and variance decomposition were applied. According to the findings there is no relationship between these variables in the long run.
    Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Performance, Economic Growth
    JEL: A10 E00 F30
    Date: 2014–10
    Abstract: The most important feature of non-governmental organizations is comprising of people consensually. Primarily, non-governmental organizations’ force is related with that feature. So, communities which coexıst readily and intended for the same aims are able to have a big energy. If like communities increase in number, different ideas will be able to find voice in the society and in this way democracy culture will be able to settle further in the society. Non-governmental organization is a broad concept , which must examine in every respect. But this study is about only the non-governmental organizations which have legal personality in Turkey and theirs capacity to sue in the actions for nullities in administrative procedure.In the first part of the study which is comprised of two parts; meaning, covering and activities of non- governmental organization will be clarify and non- governmental organizations in Turkey will be researched with their’s legal and constitutional basis. In the second part; firstly the concept of “advantage aggression†which is the prior condition of actions for nullities in administrative procedure will be explained. Besides, Turkısh councıl of states decions in the actions which have been filed by the associations, the unions, the endowments and the public occupational organizations in Turkey will be researched.
    Keywords: Non-governmental organization, association, union, endowment, public occupational organization, actions for nullities, advantage aggression.
    JEL: K30 K30 K30
    Date: 2014–10
  11. By: Bahar Ayaz (Gazi University)
    Abstract: Uprisings, which started in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, demanding freedom and democracy against dictatorships began to affect Syria in March 2011. Soon after, this uprisings created a crisis which media have shown a lot of interest. There have been many studies examining the attitudes of European and American media. The aim of this study is to show and compare Syria’s neighbours views according to this crisis. In this study, Turkey’s, Lebanon’s and Jordan’s news agencies news about Syria are analysed. Anadolu Agency (Turkey), the Lebanese National News Agency NNA (Lebanon) and Jordan News Agency PETRA (Jordan) are examined within the framework of this study. This news agencies have different ownership structures. Anadolu Agency is autonomous, Jordanian News Agency is independent and the Lebanese National News Agency has a state-owned structure. This different ownership structures are also analysed and compared. The three neigbours of Syria will be compared with a method of content analysis. The outstanding topics, prominent actors, neglected issues are examined. The fundemental differences are revealed. At the end of the study, it was clear that all agencies were reporting news correspondingly to their foreign policies, regardless of ownership structures. While Jordan news agency neglected the Syrian crises because of a fear of similar situation in the country, Lebanon news agency reflected states complex structure. On the other hand, Turkey’s news agency represented Turkish foreign policy which shows similar attitudes with USA.
    Keywords: Syrian Conflict, Uprisings, Content Analysis, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan
    JEL: F50 F29 Y80
    Date: 2014–10
  12. By: Nurullah Terkan (Selcuk University Communication Faculty)
    Abstract: It is seen that the population policies which appear as efforts to control the population may vary depending on the location and the strategies of the countries that they had in the course of history. The population policies in Turkey from the beginning of the republic until 1965 called for an increase in population, but after that year the policies demanded that population be brought under control by reducing the population growth rate. Today it is claimed again that the population should increase. According to data of the Turkish Statistical Institute, the population of Turkey is expected to increase at a slow rate until 2050 and reach its highest point in 2050 with 93,475, 575 people. Expected to start decreasing by 2050, the population is anticipated to fall down to 89,172,088 in 2075. If current trends in demographic indicators remain the same way, it is predicted that population in Turkey will continue ageing. This situation is marked as a problematic issue by the government; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the leader of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and Prime Minister advices that each family have at least three children. This study is intended to put forward how the discourse of “three children†of the prime minister was presented in media texts and what kind of discourses were produced out of the three children discourse. The texts that were taken up for this analysis are all newspaper columns. Columns of four national and daily newspapers with different ideologies (Cumhuriyet, Hürriyet, Sabah, Yeni Åžafak) were analyzed with a time period from the year 2008 when the prime minister started this discourse of three children until today.In the study, critical discourse analysis was used in an effort to point out how the discourse of “three children†of the prime minister was depicted in newspaper columns and the types of discourse that were generated through this issue in the same columns. Critical discourse analysis provides important data in bring out the ideologies that are re-produced by way of discourse in media texts, in determining around what themes any given subject is presented in media discourse, and finally in identifying the relationships between media-government-ideology and discourse by way of analyzing ideological representation through texts.
    Keywords: Children, Population Policy, Three Children Discourse, Turkish Media.
    Date: 2014–10
  13. By: Ömer AkkuÅŸ (Anadolu University); Taner Sekmen (EskiÅŸehir Osmangazi University); Ä°lyas Şıklar (Anadolu University)
    Abstract: In this paper, we investigate competition in Turkish banking sector over the period 2003– 2012. In order to understand the competitive condition in Turkish banking sector, we use the well-known Panzar-Rosse model based on a nonstructural estimation of the H-statistic by employing the quarterly panel data set. The emprical evidences indicate that the Turkish banking sector operates under conditions of monopolistic competition. Therefore, although there have been growing structural changes in the Turkish banking sector since 2000s, there is no remarkable change in the market structure of the Turkish banking sector and it can still be characterized by the monopolistic competition.
    Keywords: Competition, H-Statistic, Panzar-Rosse Model, Turkish Banking Sector
    JEL: D00 G28 L10
    Date: 2014–06
  14. By: Ahu Fatma MANGIR (Selçuk University)
    Abstract: Accepted as cultural value, the handkerchief which was introduced into Anatolia from Central Asia has still persisted its importance as both functional and symbolic meanings. Even it has been known and used since B.C., introduction of the handkerchief in Turkish life based on Central Asia with the evidence of images in stones belonging to century.The handkerchief has introduced in Turkish culture as metarial item and several symbolic meanings and these symbols which has been still continued in our times can be understood due to the different usage of the handkerchief. It has been also used as communitacation tool for the people’s feelings, emotions and thought. They all have been expressed through the handkerchief.The handkerchief which was seen in Central Asia with the evidence of images in stones, balbals and miniature has been persisted its existence as a part of Turkish culture. The portrait of Turkish Rulers with smelling a rose in one hand and holding a handkerchief in the other were drawn traditionally. Especially, the handkerchief became essential part of those portrate of Ottoman Empires. In this study, the cultural and symbolic functions of handkerchief will be studied and the importance of the handkerchief in Turkish culture will be explanied.
    Keywords: Handkerchief, Symbol, Culture, Symbols of the reign
    JEL: Z00 Z00
    Date: 2014–10
  15. By: Veli Erdinç Ören (UÅŸak University, Banaz); Merih Tetik (Anadolu University, Graduate of School of Social Sciences)
    Abstract: Globalization trend that spreads widely in the world of economical and technological development has provided many values to be shares at international levels, by removing the borders of the countries. In the globalised world, changes happen in activities of companies as in many fields with the help of developments in information and communication technologies. Companies have been starting activities globally and the number of multinational companies has been increasing, and in this context, the movements of goods, service and capital have been passing the national borders. Globalization has affected the science of accounting as the other disciplines. Depending on these developments, the applications of accountancy which is used at national level before have been inadequate in providing information that the users of financial tables have required. Works that were launched to solve this problem in developed countries resulted in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) which have been gradually adopted by other countries as the common language of accounting. International Accounting Standards Board has been formed and International Accounting Standards have been published in the process of making up common accounting language. European Union accepted these standards in 2005 and wanted all the members and candidate states to accept them. These standards have been accepted in our country since 2006 and started to apply at the enterprises depending on The Capital Markets Law. The New Turkish Commercial Code enacted on 14 February 2011 obliges to implement “The Turkish Financial Reporting Standards†by the 1 January 2013. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the perception of accounting standards by accountants. Furthermore, previous studies on the subject were examined and comparisons were drawn. Universe of the study consists of accountants in Uşak Chamber of Certified Public Accountants. Face to face surveys with the questionnaires have been carried out and the results have been analyzed by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). According to the survey results, the accountants expressed their perception that IFRS supply accurate, transparent and reliable financial reporting. On the other hand, the findings of the study reveal that the accountants also have information about IFRS, but they are not completely ready for the adaptation of IFRS.
    Keywords: Turkish Financial Reporting Standards (TFRS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), UÅŸak, Turkey.
    JEL: M41 M41 M41
    Date: 2014–10
  16. By: Hacer Simay Karaalp (Pamukkale University, Department of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations); Sevcan GüneÅŸ (Pamukkale University, Department of Economics)
    Abstract: As a result of international trade liberalization policies, what is the effect of increasing volume of trade between developed and developing countries on wages of the countries have been the subject of many studies. The goods composition of international trade between developed and developing countries, also called north-south trade, consists of technology and capital-intensive exports goods of developed countries where skilled labor used and labour intensive, light industry and agricultural exports goods of developing countries where unskilled labor is intensively used. Stolper Samuelson Theorem, based on the Heckscher–Ohlin Model, stated that factor incomes between two open economies would convergence through the increasing volume of trade. In this context, many empirical studies in the literature revealed that trade lead to increase and decrease income inequality. In this study, the relationship between Turkey’s top five manufacturing exports sectors to EU-15 which are manufacture of motor vehicles, wearing apparel, textiles, electrical equipments and food products and total manufacturing and wages are analyzed by employing a time series unit root, the Johansen cointegration and Granger causality tests for the period of 2005:Q1-2014:Q1. Data for the individual exports (Million U.S. Dollars) are provided from TurkStat (Turkish Statistical Institute) according to the ISIC Rev.4 classification and the gross wages-salaries index which is used as a proxy for real wages, were also taken from TurkStat according to the NACE Rev.2 classification. According to the findings, test results revealed a uni-directional long-run and short-run relationship between exports of labour intensive products of Turkey such as manufacture of wearing apparel, textiles and food products. While the increase of exports leads to increase the real wages of manufacture of wearing apparel, textiles, food products and total manufacturing in the long-run, exports also affected real wages in the manufacture of wearing apparel and food in the short-run.
    Keywords: Exports, Manufacturing Sectors, Granger Causality test, Turkey
    JEL: F14 J31 C32
    Date: 2014–10
  17. By: Ahmet Ay (Selcuk University); Mehmet Mucuk (Selcuk University); Mustafa Gerçeker (Selcuk University)
    Abstract: Foreign trade is playing a major role in Turkey’s economic development and prosperity. For this reason it is required to provide diversification of export products for obtaining the expected return on foreign trade. The aim of this study is to analyse the developments in Turkey’s foreign trade diversification. In this context Gini-Hirschman concentration method was made use of and concentration coefficients were calculated for import and export on the basis of both country and product making use of the concentration made. Statistical findings obtained on product basis have revealed that although diversification of products exported increased in both periods this increase did not realize at the expected rate. On the other hand, the change in the diversification of products imported is bigger than export but change occurred in the direction of decrease in diversification rather than in the direction of increase. Country based concentration decreased in terms of both export and import.
    Keywords: Export, Import, Concentration
    Date: 2014–12
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiencies of participation banks, which conduct interest-free banking transactions, and commercial banks within the Turkish finance system and determine whether they have made progress in a year-by-year process or not. In this context, using the continuous financial data between the years 2011 and 2013 belonging to 4 participation banks and 16 public and private commercial banks operating in the banking sector, efficiencies of the banks were measured through the Data Enveloping Analysis and whether or not there was progress in their efficiency on a yearly basis was investigated using the Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index. According to the results of the analysis conducted using input-output components by adopting the mediation approach, although the efficiency levels of the banks exhibited a slight drop by the years, an increase was observed in their total factor productivities. When the efficiency scores of commercial banks and participation banks are evaluated within themselves, it is seen that with the exception of 2013, the mean efficiency values of participation banks are higher than the mean efficiency values of commercial banks.
    Keywords: Participation Banks, Commercial Banks, Turkish Banking Sector, Data Envelopment Analysis, Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index, Efficiency.
    JEL: C14 G21
    Date: 2014–07
  19. By: Esin Yelgen (Akdeniz University); Nilüfer Tetik (Akdeniz University)
    Abstract: Culture may be defined as ‘the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another’. Each human group shares its own social norms, consisting of common characteristics, such as a value system which is adopted by the majority of constituents. Moreover accounting is determined by culture and the lack of consensus in accounting practices between countries, because the purpose of accounting is not technical but rather cultural. The culture of a country determines the choice of its accounting techniques and the perception of its various accounting phenomena. For this reason, the accounting culture is to limit the style of financial reporting by determining the principles and rules to be followed in financial reporting and by determining the principles, rules, and valuation measures that the financial reporting based on. Globalization, increase in the international movement of capital, the development of capital markets, changing conditions of competitions, legislative regulations and specialization are the factors affecting accounting culture. Another factor which affects accounting culture is the unfolding experience with the implementation of international accounting and financial reporting systems. International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) is formulated for the standardization of accounting regulations all over the world. A growing number of countries have adopted IFRS developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and other countries plan to adopt or converge with IFRSs in the near future. IFRS is a set of accounting principles that is generated to support processes of principle based reporting. IFRS is very useful for making the comparability, intelligibility and transparency of the financial statements. Because accounting standards necessitate the development of one unique accounting system across the globe, this necessity leads to changes in the perceptions of accounting and thus a decline in the affect of culture on accounting. When the accounting regulations in Turkey are considered, it can be seen that accounting culture is shaped in parallel with economic and political relations. Accounting culture in Turkey has been discussed within the culture model of the Continental Europe through uniform accounting plan which has to be implemented as from 1994. On the other hand, with IFRS applications, it tends to be closer to the Anglo-American culture model. In the light of these developments, the aim of our study is to discuss the term of accounting culture theoretically; and analyze the affect of International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) over accounting culture in Turkey.
    Keywords: Development of Accounting in Turkey, Hofstede-Gray Theory, Accounting Culture, Accounting Valuations and IFRS
    JEL: M41 M48 M49
    Date: 2014–10
  20. By: Edgar Elbakyan (Yerevan State University)
    Abstract: The current research aims at proposing a new legal approach regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between The Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) Republic and Azerbaijan, as well as The Republic of Armenia as a third party involved in the case. The conflict emerged with its current embodiment in late 1980s, due to the national movement of the Armenians in Karabakh for self-determination and reunification with Armenia. The non-violent phase of the conflict lasted no more than half a year and soon after the emergence of the Armenian movement, Azerbaijani then authorities with the help of the Soviet Internal Security Forces and OMON, launched a military attack towards the Armenian population in Karabakh intending to disarm the local Armenian self-defense militia detachments and uproot the Armenian livings in the given region. The active phase of the conflict, i.e. war of national liberation of Karabakh Armenians against the newly independent Azerbaijani Republic lasted from 1991 till 1994. During the war the newly independent Republic of Armenia conducted humanitarian, military and moral support to its compatriots in Karabakh. Azerbaijan in its turn gained the full support of The Republic of Turkey, as well as solidarity of some Islamic states etc. Russia was amongst the sole countries conducting a policy of keeping balance between belligerents both by arms supply and diplomatic stance. Generally by the Russian mediation the Armenian sides and the Azerbaijani side signed a truce agreement in May, 1994 which is in force up till now.The OSCE Minsk Group is delegated the mandate to provide a multilaterally acceptable peaceful resolution for both sides. The negotiations so far proved a little success, though they are an effective tool in keeping the fragile peace in the front line.The current research presents a thorough investigation of the historical roots of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the current legal paradigm of the conflict, as well as some basic postulates and theoretical approaches necessary for understanding and dealing with the conflict both on the scientific and academic sphere and on the “realpolitik†level.As the quintessence of the paper, the author suggests a new legal approach towards the conflict resolution assuming as a basis both the principles and norms of international law as well as the local conditions and factors peculiar to this single conflict.
    Keywords: Geopolitics in South Caucasus, Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Conflict Resolution
    JEL: F50 F51 F54
    Date: 2014–10
  21. By: Yunus Ceran (Selcuk University); Gamze ÅžekeroÄŸlu (Selcuk University); Merve Öz (Selcuk University)
    Abstract: Banks are important institutions that finance economies by collecting deposits and lending those deposits as creditors. Today, most of the businesses that need funding sources primarily apply to the banks for receiving loan. Loans provided by banks are classified according to the nature of the loans and the cost of each varies according to their attributes. The important thing is for businesses using the most appropriate loan with the least cost.The concept of “stock financing†which is often heard recently emerges as an alternative financing technique. Here the main aim is minimizing the cost of seeking new funds and trying to find new funds at the financial value of current inventories of business. In this respect in the study the applicability of stock financing techniques, appearing very attractive for business, in Turkey are discussed.
    Keywords: Inventory Management, Stock Financing, Banking, Loan
    JEL: G21 G32
    Date: 2014–12
  22. By: Ibrahim Turhan; Ahmet Sensoy; Erk Hacihasanoglu
    Abstract: We aim to and out whether the exchange rate (against US dollar) or the interest rate (in local currency) is a better variable in predicting the capacity utilization rate of manufacturing industry (CUR) of Turkey after the 2008 global financial crisis. In that manner, we implement dynamic mixed data sampling (MIDAS) regression model to forecast monthly changes in CUR by using daily changes in the exchange rate and the interest rate separately. The results show that exchange rate has a better forecast performance suggesting that it is a stronger determinant in shaping the manufacturing industry.
    Keywords: MIDAS, forecasting, capacity utilization rate, exchange rate, interest rate
    JEL: C53 E47 E61 F31 O40
    Date: 2015–03
  23. By: Jesse Bump; Susan Sparkes; Mehtap Tatar; Yusuf Celik; Meltem Aran; Claudia Rokx
    Abstract: Beginning in 2003, Turkey initiated a series of reforms under the Health Transformation Program (HTP) that over the past decade have led to the achievement of universal health coverage (UHC). The progress of Turkey?s health system has few ? if any ? parallels in scope and speed. Before the reforms, Turkey?s aggregate health indicators lagged behind those of OECD member states and other middle-income countries. The health financing system was fragmented, with four separate insurance schemes and a ?Green Card? program for the poor, each with distinct benefits packages and access rules. Both the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and Ministry of Health (MoH) were providers and financiers of the health system, and four different ministries were directly involved in public health care delivery. Turkey?s reform efforts have impacted virtually all aspects of the country?s health system and have resulted in the rapid expansion of the proportion of the population covered and of the services to which they are entitled. At the same time, financial protection has improved. For example, (i) insurance coverage increased from 64 to 98 percent between 2002 and 2012; (ii) the share of pregnant women having four antenatal care visits increased from 54 to 82 percent between 2003 and 2010; and (iii) citizen satisfaction with health services increased from 39.5 to 75.9 percent between 2003 and 2011. Despite dramatic improvements there is still space for Turkey to continue to improve its citizens? health outcomes, and challenges lie ahead for improving services beyond primary care. The main criticism to reform has so far come from health sector workers; the future sustainability of reform will rely not only on continued fiscal support to the health sector but also the maintanence of service provider satisfaction.
    Keywords: access to health care, access to health care services, access to health services, administrative control, allocative efficiency, antenatal care, Capita Health Expenditure ... See More + child mortality, Childbirth, citizen, citizens, communicable diseases, deaths, Debt, delivery system, demand for health, demand for health services, doctors, Economic growth, economic resources, emergency vehicles, Employment, expenditures, financial protection, financing of health care, focus group discussions, fragmented financing system, General practitioners, Health Administration, Health Affairs, health care, Health Care Costs, health care delivery, health care expenditures, health care facilities, health care providers, health care sector, health care services, health care system, health centers, HEALTH COVERAGE, Health Data, health delivery, health delivery system, Health Expenditure, Health expenditure growth, Health Expenditure per capita, health expenditures, Health facilities, health finance, Health Financing, health financing system, health indicators, health infrastructure, health insurance, health insurance scheme, Health Insurance System, Health Organization, health outcomes, Health Planning, Health Policy, health posts, health professionals, Health Project, health reform, health reforms, health risks, health sector, health sector reform, health sector workers, health services, health spending, Health status, health status indicators, health supply, health system, Health System Efficiency, Health Systems, Health Systems in Transition, health workers, health workforce, Health-Care, Health-Care System, Health-Financing, Healthcare Spending, hospital autonomy, hospital beds, Hospital management, Hospital Sector, hospitals, HR, human development, human resources, illness, Immunization, income, income countries, income households, individual health, induced demand, infant, infant mortality, infant mortality rate, inservice training, insurance, insurance coverage, insurance schemes, integration, labor market, level of health spending, life =expectancy, life expectancy, life expectancy at birth, live births, local authorities, maternal health, maternal health services, medical centers, Medical Policy, medical school, medical specialties, medicines, Midwives, Ministry of Health, morbidity, mortality, National Health, National Health Insurance, National Health Policy, Newborn Health, nurses, Nutrition, old system, outpatient services, paradigm shift, paramedics, parliamentary seats, party platform, patient, patient care, Patient Cost, patient satisfaction, patients, pharmaceutical expenditures, pharmacists, pharmacy, physician, physicians, pocket payments, policy change, policy decisions, policy goals, Policy Research, political power, political turmoil, popular support, Pregnancy, pregnant women, prescription drugs, preventive health services, primary care, primary health care, primary health care facilities, private insurance, private pharmacies, private sector, private sectors, professional associations, progress, provision of health care, Public Expenditure, Public Health, public health care, public health expenditures, public health system, Public Hospital, Public Hospitals, public providers, public sector, public service, public support, purchaser-provider split, purchasing power, purchasing power parity, quality assurance, quality of care, quality of services, rural areas, scientific evidence, series of meetings, service delivery, service provider, service provision, service quality, service utilization, Social Insurance, Social Policy, Social Security, social security schemes, socioeconomic development, socioeconomic status, State Planning, supply of health care, Sustainable Development, Trade Unions, Under-five mortality, urban centers, workers
    Date: 2014–09
  24. By: Erhan Örselli (Necmettin Erbakan University); Esra Banu Sipahi (Necmettin Erbakan University)
    Abstract: The concept of trust is one of the important signs of living together and a reflection of one’s feelings about social others. Although social, administrative and political consequences of the concept has been a subject of research, there is an increase in the attention paid to the concept after Putnam’s inclusion of trust as one of the component of social capital. The concept of trust is defined very differently in different social science disciplines and therefore there is no consensus on a single definition. Coleman has defined the concept as ‘decision to cooperate under uncertainity’ while Hardin defines it ‘interconnected interests’. According to Braun, trust is a characteristic of a the relationship between two people. Miller and Listhaug defines the concet as a summary of those attitudes that political system will be responsive even when there is no permanent survelliance. Since trust towards public institutions is an abstract concept, it is difficult to measure it. In the literature, there are different theories about the source of trust and its determining factors as well as its explanations. Trust emerges from the legitimacy of administrative-political system, specific experiences of public insitutions and services and the dynamic interaction between these two factors. Further, the volatility of public opinion about public institutions and cognitive chaos makes research about the concept of trust more problematic.Young people are most dynamic actors of social and political life. Notwithstanding their dynamism, recent research shows that among youth there is a decrease in interest and trust towards political and social life. This study aims to understand the level of trust among youth in Turkey towards social, administrative and political institutions. The study utilizes Uslaner’s three dimensional classification and defines trust as ‘trust towards institutions’. A survey has been conducted among mainly university students in Konya to determine their level of trust towards institutions. The study uses data from a 2012-2013 Project to increase political participation of youth and supported by the Ministry of Turkish Youth.
    Keywords: Trust, trust towards institutions, Youth
    JEL: H83
    Date: 2014–06
  25. By: Daria Lagutina Sariyildiz (Hacettepe University, Graduate School of Foreign languages)
    Abstract: The influence of Russia on the worlds' political arena and global economy led to dynamic integration of Russian language into the world community. Russian language holds a particularly important place among the foreign languages taught in the higher educational establishments of Turkey. The main challenge of teaching Russian is developing students' communication competence. In this regard, we believe that the most effective method is interactive teaching, with the following tools: a) maps, slides, multimedia, modern computer and Internet programs as means of implementation of communicative situations in the classroom; b) communicative games.When using modern effective technologies of interactive learning high motivation, focus, verbal activity, personal interest is observed among students at high level of all communication functions. A peculiar feature of interactive learning is teacher’s attitude towards a student not as an object but an equal partner of the learning process. In this respect teacher should master numerous and diverse technologies of communicative education.Modern educational technologies considered in this study promote students’communicative competence, enhance students' motivation and thus, optimize learning process. The use of interactive technologies for teaching Russian makes lesson entertaining and truly modern. Such formation of educational activity plays an important role in the development of the communicative competence of foreign students, promotes development of their speech capabilities, develops an interest in the Russian language and Russian culture.
    Keywords: Russian language, educational technologies, communicative competence, interactive methods.
    JEL: I23 I20
    Date: 2014–07
    Abstract: In today’s world, more women than ever are entering the labour force but the majority of top management positions in almost all countries are primarily held by men. Female managers generally tend to be concentrated in lower management positions and have less authority than men. (Catalyst, 1991). The recent research studies show that there is an increase of woman participation in business life, but this participation generally is not seen in senior-level management but generally seen in in low-levels.One of the major obstacles of economic development is that women are not getting their fair share in economic opportunities. “Glass ceiling†which prevent women reaching in top management positions has been described as individual, organizational and social factors were examined under a theoretical framework.Examining the reasons why women’s presentation in senior management levels and strategically important positions is lower compared to men constitutes the aim of this study. Conducting a literature survey, the concept of “Glass Ceiling†has been explained and the obstacles confronting women in preferment to senior management positions have been presented depending on the related studies held in Turkey and other countries.
    Keywords: Glass ceiling syndrome, women managers, career barriers
    JEL: M10 M19 M00
    Date: 2014–07
  27. By: Adibah Muhtar (UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA (UTM)); Akmaliza Abdullah (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia); Siti Suhaila Ihwani (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
    Abstract: The concept of gender deals with women's and men's place in society and social expectations from them. Gender relations vary from society to society and they are shaped in historical process. Gender equality, concisely defined as equal rights, opportunities and treatment between men and women, is yet an on-going contentious concept among Muslim feminists and women activists. Of late, gender studies have garnered a large number of interests from researchers across the globe, not to mention the Muslim World. The awareness of gender and Feminism in Muslim societies emerged by end of 19th century, namely in Middle East countries like Egypt, Turkey and Iran. Initially, Muslim women’s movement had been focusing on claiming women’s rights in public sector particularly in education, along with the Nationalism campaigns. However, as the Muslim feminist scholarship expands and grows, the discourse is shifted to contending Islamic Law pertaining women, attempting to reinterpret and re-read Islamic sources, and eventually reconstruct the Shari’ah or Islamic Law.The Muslims by and large are looking into this debatable notion from three standpoints. First, those who advocate total equality between men and women in every spheres of life, regardless of the differences in the natures and traits between both parties, physically and psychologically. Second, at the opposing end those who deny much of women’s rights and inevitably practice bias towards women in their customs and traditions, which subsequently create some kind of defensive and rebellious reactions from women. Third, those who advocate the moderate approach in dealing with gender issues, and seeking for the best appealing viewpoint by highlighting the ‘complementary idea’ in men-women relation. Hence, this paper attempts to revisit the trajectory of Muslim feminists and put forward the discursive notion of gender equality among Muslim scholarships, accentuating the various perspectives and approaches in dealing with it. It proposes that even though gender is not specifically discussed as a distinctive theme in Islam by early Muslim scholars, it nevertheless allocates distinctive status, rights and opportunities for women, corresponding to their distinctive natures and traits.
    Keywords: Muslim feminist, woman, gender, equality, feminism
    Date: 2014–05
  28. By: Mohsen Modir Shanechi (Department of Political Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch, Mashhad)
    Abstract: In this article, after noting the first point in relations of Iran and Europe in modern times, the historical relations between Iran and Czech in political and cultural sides would be considered. This relations could be studied both in formal or state and public spheres. In formal side, the relations between two countries started around nine decades ago. In public side, in political aspect, Czechoslovakia was one of the Eastern European countries during cold war in where some of the leaders of the Iranian Communist Party leaved and politically activated. In public cultural aspect however the main point is the situation of some Czech figures such as Vaclav Havel among Iranian intelligentsia.
    Keywords: Iran, Czech, politcal relations, cultural relations
    Date: 2014–10
  29. By: MAHMUT TEKÄ°N (Selcuk University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences); ERTUÄžRUL TEKÄ°N (Selcuk University, Vocational School of Social Sciences)
    Abstract: Logistics is a young sector in Turkey, and it has made progress in recent years. Local companies not only compete among themselves, but also compete with international companies. Nowadays businesses a competitive advantage in the global market and provide products andservices in order to maintain this condition , the speed , cost and must give importance to quality. For this advanced technology supply chain and logistics systems are obliged to make it available. This study e- logistics and e- logistics applications in the pharmaceutical sector was conducted to investigate. Working in the pharmaceutical sector in the province of Konya located in the pharmaceutical supply chain distribution warehouses and pharmacies and drug procurement and distribution system was carried out to investigate the e- logistics applications .E- logistics and e- logistics applications in drug delivery, this study examined consists of three basic parts. In the first chapter of logistics, supply chain management, logistics management and marketing issues are discussed. In the second part of the study , e- logistics applications in the pharmaceutical industry and from various sources have been investigated theoreticall yexamined . In the third chapter of Konya e- logistics applications in the pharmaceutical industry practices were analyzed through the SPSS program. The study results were evaluated according to the survey findings related recommendations are presented.
    Keywords: Logistics, E-Logistics, Competition, Pharmaceutical Sector, Supply Chain
    JEL: M10
    Date: 2014–10
  30. By: Celil Koparal (Anadolu University); Nuri Calik (Anadolu University)
    Abstract: This study intends to find out the consumer innovativeness and perceived risk in high technology product adoption. A survey on 460 respondents who are selected via stratified sampling of whom 452 are found eligible to be analyzed. The respondents are required to answer 50 questions of which three on ordinal scale and the five are related to demographic characteristics of these respondents. The rest 42 are statements which are designed to reflect the purchase and usage behavior of high-tech products of these people. The study consists of five parts. The first part is an introduction where the scope and the purpose of the study are concisely stated. The second part relates to the theoretical background of the subject matter and the prior researches carried out so far. The third part deals with research methodology, basic premises and hypotheses attached to these premises. Research model and analyses take place in this section. Theoretical framework is built and a variable name is assigned to each of the question asked or proposition forwarded to the respondents of this survey. 42 statements or propositions given to the respondents are placed on a five-point Likert scale. Three statements are placed on ordinal scale and reflect the traits attached on hi-tech products ranking in terms of importance. The remaining five questions about demographic traits as age, gender, occupation, educational level and monthly income are placed either on a nominal or ratio scale with respect to the nature of the trait. Ten research hypotheses are formulated in this section. The fourth part mainly deals with the results of the hypothesis tests and a factor analysis is applied to the data on hand. Here exploratory factor analysis reduces 42 variables to seven basic components as "Technological innovativeness, perceived risks, creative reuse, consumer innovativeness, cognitive innovativeness, technology readiness and technological sophistication. Cronbach's Alpha for scale reliability is (ï¡ = 0.747) and the sample adequacy ratio (KMO ) is 0.938. In addition non-parametric bivariate analysis in terms of Chi-Square is applied to test the hypotheses formulated in this respect. The fifth part is the conclusion where findings of this survey is listed.
    Keywords: Consumer innovativeness, risk perception, creative reuse, technological sophistication, cognitive innovativeness.
    JEL: M31
    Date: 2014–10
  31. By: Åžükrü BALCI (Selcuk University Communication Faculty); Salih TÄ°RYAKÄ° (Selcuk University Communication Faculty)
    Abstract: The social networks such as Facebook and MySpace provide opportunity to individuals for presenting themselves, develop relations with other people and also offer ability to continue of them. Furthermore, social networks are used to interact with the people they know and also the new people they want to meet. By naturally Facebook is a very helpful social networking when it is used consciously. But use of excessive and pointless of it carries with the problem of addiction. Facebook addiction is a fairly common problem among young people. Addiction may lead an experience of erosion in social relations. Facebook addicts may experience problems with their families, friends, at work or in school. Addicted people may pass less time outside of their home and may spend less time with their friends. They may be insensitive to the happenings around while they are with computer. They may prefer to meet their friends on computer to face to face relations outside. Here, in the sample of the area survey conducted with the high school students in Konya City tries to reveal the addiction profiles of students. The data of research are collected by questionnaire technique based on the face to face interviews with 494 participants. In the results it is found that, the addiction levels of female students are higher than the levels of male students. The Facebook addiction level increase when the time passing in using of Facebook in a session and weekly using of the frequency of Facebook increase. Also results show us the using experience of Facebook has a significant positive correlation with Facebook addiction.
    Keywords: Keywords: Social sharing networks, Facebook, addiction, high school students
    Date: 2014–06
  32. By: Mirhossein Mousavi (Alzahra University); Mona Mash'hadi Rajabi (Graduated from the University of Alzahra); Mahmoud Mahmoudzadeh (Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh)
    Abstract: Rebound effect refers to the phenomenon that energy savings from improvement in energy efficiency are lower than expected due to unintended second-order effects. The main reason of improving energy efficiency is Technological improvement. According to Khazzoom formula, the rebound effect of improving technology is equal to price elasticity of demand so in this research natural gas demand function is estimated. In addition to the economic drivers (natural gas price, price of substituted energy factors, industry value added), there are number of exogenous factors that drive energy demand. This research therefore uses Structural Time Series Model to estimate natural gas demand in Iran`s industry sector during 1988 to 2009 and then Khazzoom rebound effect is calculated. Estimated short run and long run rebound effect in Iran`s industry sector are 63 percent and 133 percent respectively, with a generally increasing UEDT in a decreasing rate. UEDT has upward sloping but level of UEDT is fixed during the period of research so the model is “smooth trend modelâ€. Relating to the research findings improving technology in Iran`s industry sector reduces Natural gas consumption up to 37 percent in short run. But in long time period increases Natural gas consumption up to 133 percent. So in short run technological improvement can reduce consumption approximately but in long run price policy reform should be used simultaneously.
    Keywords: Rebound effect , industry sector, natural gas, technological improvement, structural time series model
    JEL: C59 L69 Q31
    Date: 2014–10
  33. By: Alaattin Basoda (Selcuk University, Faculty of Tourism)
    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine hotel employees individual traits and work-related attitudes and behaviors based on customer e-reviews. Qualitative research methods were used to analyze the data gathered from 522 foreign customers e-comments in English for three resort hotels (high scored in top-3 on an international online commercial travel platform, dated to the year 2013) located in Antalya Region, southern coast of Turkey. Firstly, results indicated that customers have generally evaluated hotel all employees as highly friendly, helpful, hard-working, polite, lovely, amazing, smiling, efficient and attentive persons. Secondly, they evaluated individual traits of the only certain departments staff; Entertainment Staff as highly entertaining, hard-working, and friendly persons; Food and Beverage (service) Staff as highly friendly and smiling persons; Front-Office Staff as highly friendly and helpful persons, and Housekeeping Staff as neat, smiling and brilliant persons. Finally, customers evaluated employees work-related attitudes and behaviors as the aspect of interaction, relationship, service performance, extra-roles and service/customer orientation. A discussion of the findings, implications, and recommendations for future research were all presented.
    Keywords: Employee outcomes; customer reviews; human capital; E-WOW; decision making
    JEL: J24 J29 J89
    Date: 2014–10
    Abstract: High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) are generally defined by the combination of single practices that collectively affect organizational performance. High performance human resource practices can be listed as provision of job security, extensive skills, training, promotion, results-oriented appraisal and broad career paths. HPWS foster employees’ shared perceptions of an organizational environment that motivates discretionary behaviors that contribute to organizational performance (Sun, Aryee & Law, 2007). HPWS are expected to contribute to employees in a positive way in terms of certain skills and duties due to flexibility and empowerment they provide (Yalabık et. al., 2008). HPWS has the greatest potential to provide sustained competitive advantage to companies they adopt it. The main idea of HPWS is to create an organization based on employee involvement, commitment and empowerment without employee control. HPWS organizations use an approach that is fundamentally different from the traditional hierarchical or bureaucratic approach which is known as control oriented approach (Tomer, 2001). The aim of this study is to investigate the validity and reliability of the HPWS scale in Turkish which was developed by Sun, Aryee and Law (2007) and analyze the relationship between HPWS and demographic variables. In this perspective, the theoretical background and literature review about HPWS is given and then the statistical results are discussed in the context of the validity and reliability of the scale. The scale developed by Sun, Aryee and Law (2007) has 8 dimensions as “Selective Staffingâ€, “Extensive Trainingâ€, “Internal Mobilityâ€, “Employment Securityâ€, “Clear Job Descriptionâ€, “Results-Oriented Appraisalâ€, “Incentive Reward†and “Participationâ€. The method which was proposed by Brislin et. Al. (1973) is used for the translation of the scale. This method consists of a process as translating to the target language, evaluating the translation, translating back to the source language, evaluating the translation again and consulting to the experts. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis is used for the scale. Then the results and findings are discussed according to the current literature of HPWS.
    Keywords: High performance work systems, human resource management, reliability, validity.
    JEL: M12 M19
    Date: 2014–10
  35. By: Meltem Yavuz (Istanbul University School of Transportation and Logistics); Rıfat Kamaşak (Yeditepe University)
    Abstract: Understanding the internal dynamics of an organisation’s routines makes it possible to learn more about the organisation, observe the operation of power dynamics, and foresee the potential conflicts that are likely to emerge (Pentland & Feldman, 2005). Eisenhardt and Martin (2000, p. 1106) identify routines as “complex and analytic processes that extensively rely on existing knowledge, linear execution, and repetition to produce predictable outcomes at different organisational levelsâ€. Routines facilitate the learning in the organisations about “what the firm does and how it does†through being transmitted to firm’s culture and employees (Zollo & Winter, 2002). Some theorists (e.g., Zollo & Winter, 2002; Ray et al., 2004; Salvato & Rerup, 2011) emphasise the other important contribution of routines which is the execution of codified procedures (such as the standard procedures for the fulfilment of customer orders, creation and execution of marketing campaigns, and launch or development of new products) that serves as a driving force of the firm’s whole organisational productivity. Although organisational routine literature based on the research that was mostly conducted in developed countries suggests a strong association between routinisation and firm performance and sustained competitive advantage, this may not always be true especially for the emerging market firms. Hence, strategic flexibility which “allows firms to respond quickly to dynamic and unstable environmental changes by committing resources to new courses of action, and recognise and act promptly when it is time to halt or reverse existing resource commitments†(Liu et al., 2013, p. 82) is particularly important for the firms operating in emerging markets. Therefore, repetitive and stable routines may not address the context and environment-specific problems of the firms and high strategic flexibility requirement of emerging market firms may discharge routinisation for their strategic operations.As a support to this argument, a recent research (Kamasak, 2013) that was conducted on a multi-industry sample of 176 Turkish firms revealed some noteworthy results. In the study, whilst no relationship between organisational routines and organisational performance was found business processes were significantly associated with performance. In fact, this finding is consistent with the high strategic flexibility requirements of the Turkish firms. Therefore, the suggestion about the ineffectiveness of organisational routines for emerging market firms may be explained within the context of high strategic flexibility requirements of them as a consequence of the country-specific hyperchanging social, economic, and political environments that were highly observed in most emerging markets.
    Keywords: organisational routines, strategic flexibility, firm performance, emerging market firms
    JEL: M10
    Date: 2014–06
    Abstract: The regulatory transactions performed by the Executive Power in Turkish laws are statutory decrees, decrees, regulations and other unnamed regulatory transactions. The unnamed regulatory transactions are the title to a set of general regulatory transactions. In other words, it is a general concept to express many transactions with unlimited numbers. The reason to selection of this concept is that such transactions cannot be mentioned by the constitution which is the highest norm. The hierarchy of norms which were introduced to the legal World by Hans Kelsen are also applicable in the operation of the regulatory transactions of the administration. However since the general regulatory transactions enacted by the administration increase rapidly day by day cause different arrangements to be brought forward in the same matters. The solution to some problems incurred by during the implementation stages cannot be achieved by Kelsen pyramid only. The administrative units at the same hierarchy stages may include contradictory provisions, then it is also possible that they may contradict with some regulatory transactions emanated under public administration. This paper studies what kind of a hierarchy is present between the general regulatory transactions of the administration, the solution to the legal issues between the general regulatory transactions encompassing contradicting norms, how the general regulatory transactions breaching the superior norms can be abolished and how the senior management will act in case when the people of execution.
    Keywords: General Regulatory Transactions, Hierarchy of Norms, General Regulatory transactions of the Administration in Turkish Law, Abstract Transactions of Executive Power, Statutory Decrees, Decrees, Regulations, Unnamed Regulatory Transactions.
    JEL: K30
    Date: 2014–06
  37. By: Vahram Ter-Matevosyan (American University of Armenia)
    Abstract: On September 3rd, 2013, the President of the RA Serzh Sargsyan abruptly shifted the direction of Armena’s long-praised integration preference with the EU and announced “Armenia‟s decision to join†the Russia-led Customs Union. To make his move more profound and convincing, the President accentuated that Armenia depends on Russia for security and that was a critical determinant for Armenian integration preferences. In the aftermath of the visit „securitization‟ started taking place with the choice being presented as a security issue. That step by the President of Armenia was initially perceived either as an extraordinary or an isolated case. However, when 80 days later Ukraine followed the suit and announced its decision to stop the preparation of signing the Association Agreement with the EU, it became more than obvious that we became witnesses of a paradigmatic shift in the regional integration processes.These two cases illustrate not only Russia‟s changing priorities and strategies pertaining regional integration issues in the post-Soviet space, but also reasserts changing paradigms in the integration strategies in general. The prevailing uncertainty among the Eastern Partnership countries even a few days prior to the Vilnius Summit affirms that presumption. This highly contentious problem along with Russia‟s recent bold foreign policy moves will occupy the agenda of experts and practitioners alike long after the mentioned summit and, therefore, a well-thought out research needs to be carried out in order to identify general patterns and tendencies. Overall, the study aims to contribute to the academic and increasingly intensifying public debates about the determinants of Armenia's integration choices. Two sets of pertinent research questions will be considered during the research: In what ways did the military-political cooperation, trade and institution-building/strengthening strategies influence integration aspirations of not only Armenia but also other CIS members?; How did the dominant integration projects/doctrines/ideologies/thoughts influence Armenia’s decision? What visible and invisible factors influenced Armenia's decision?Based on the aforementioned questions following hypotheses are developed:1. The regional developments, notably both cooperation projects and conflicts, are directly correlated with the integration decision of the RA. 2. Economic development and institutional efficiency play secondary role in determining Armenia’s integration prospects. 3. The more guarantees a regional actor has in provision of Armenia’s national security, the stronger leverage it has on Armenia’s integration decisions.
    Keywords: Armenia, Russia, Integration, Security, European Union, Eurasian Customs Union
    JEL: F50 F52 F53
    Date: 2014–12
    Abstract: Literature is an important component of a community’s culture.The relationship between literature and culture is a complex one: literature shapes a given culture and in turn is shaped by it. A literary piece of work is not the solitary production of the writer whose sole incitement is inspiration. Quite the contrary, literature is not neutral vis a vis the cultural and political requirements of its community. In fact culture itself is in no way immune from the surrounding ideology and politics of identity. This means that literature, culture and politics(of identity) are inseparable from each other and they all constitute different circles of the same chain of knowledge. This presentation will focus on the works of three famous Turkish writers namely Ahmed Hamdi Tanpınar,(Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü-The Society for Setting Clocks, 1961 ) Kemal Tahir (Devlet Ana, 1967) and Atilla Ilhan (Dersaadet’te Sabah Ezanları, Morning Prayers in Istanbul, 1981) whose historical novels are the best examples of the complex relationship between literature, culture and politics of identity formation. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar's Saatleri Ayarlama Enstitüsü is an allegorical novel criticizing various aspects of the Kemalist Ideology. The present analysis will mostly concentrate on the "leadership aspect" of Kemalism that Tanpınar implicitly criticizes. The "father complex" he talks about is the most controversial aspect of the Kemalist ideology. Kemal Tahir's Devlet Ana, on the other hand, is no doubt one of the most influential historical-novels of the late-Republican Era. In a sense it exemplifies Tzvetan Todorov's emphasis on how a novel can be more influential than a mere history book in propagating a peculiar understanding of history. Kemal Tahir's aim here is to transfer his philosophy of nationalism to the reader via a history novel based on a myth. Atilla Ilhan’s Dersaadet’te Sabah Ezanları is also a historical novel. Similar to Kemal Tahir’s Devlet Ana, this novel also constitutes a good example of Todorov’s emphasis on literature and history. Similar to Devlet Ana, its language and narrative style gives us the impression that the author(or more truly the narrator) does in fact live in those days with these people(there exists a reality effect, the impression of reality which substitutes truth with fiction). To increase this impression of reality, both authors(Tahir and İlhan) adds some familiar(but somehow obscure, even mystical) figures among the protagonists.
    Keywords: Literature, Politics, History
    JEL: Y90
    Date: 2014–10
  39. By: Hüseyin MuÅŸmal (Selçuk University)
    Abstract: The study that called as the incidents of violance to women and abortion according to court records of Konya at the first half of XVIII. Century, in general scale aims to investigate view of man to woman in familiy in Ottoman Public. Besides, it targets determination of difference of man and woman’s attitutes and behaviors in the scale of case that was seen in court records particularly in Konya.As unspoken topic, there are cases that pegnant women demanded punishment or purchase Money when they aborted or gave prematüre birth after argument and beating. Particularly this study aims to investigate determination of historical bound of leaning about violance to woman; and in generally, aims to investigate view of man to woman in example of Konya public in Konya city which was one of the biggest city of Anatolia in Ottoman Empire era an deven now is between the biggest cities of Republic of Türkiye and is known with conservative side, by using these cases.
    Keywords: Woman / Konya / Ottoman
    Date: 2014–06
  40. By: Cemal Çetin (Faculty of Letters, Departments of History, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey)
    Abstract: It is possible to mention crimes and criminals wherever people dwell. Definition of offence may vary according to societies in accordance with the influences of culture and religion. In Ottoman Law which has its roots in ecclesiastical and customary sources, it is observed that crimes are categorized in three groups as the ones requiring boundary, ones requiring retaliation and finally the ones requiring corporal punishment and political ban. Demonstration, prescription, jurisdiction and penalisation processes of these offences are all defined by ecclesiastical and customary law. While the ecclesiastical law is characteristically precise with regards to the jurisdiction and penalisation of offences, customary law adopted more practical solutions on these. In case of discrepancy, predicaments were overcome by bringing Islamic scholars’ views into action.In Ottoman law, adultery and prostitution which are regarded in boundary offences and drinking alcohol which was regarded in corporal law are observed to constitute integrity both as they cause liability to each other and are all related with recreation. In addition to being the actions banned by Islamic Law, they also drew the reaction of the society. In this reaction, individuals’ fear of being seen to be keeping quiet about these offences committed in the neighbourhood as well as the religious and moral worries played important roles. On adultery, prostitution and consuming alcohol, there are complementary judgements in both ecclesiastical and customary law with regards to occurrence, proving and punishment. When these judgements and court registries are compared, it is observable that not always is this theory valid and did the course proceed in the same way. Accordingly, sometimes inhabitants are observed to change the direction of prosecution process directly with their statements and moreover they are also seen to get involved in the process as a direct source of law.In this study, incidents of adultery, prostitution and alcohol incidents devolved to the court of Konya is going to be analyzed based upon the Konya Şer’iyye Registers generated in between 1650 and 1750 years. In this process, questions about how and where these incidents took place, which section of the society the criminals were from, how they were taken to the court, how the prosecution process went on, what the punishments were and what the reactions of the society were to these incidents are all going to be answered.
    Keywords: Alcohol, Adultery, Prostitution, Konya, Ä°slamic Law
    JEL: K36 K11
    Date: 2014–06

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