nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2014‒10‒13
thirty papers chosen by
Christian Zimmermann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  1. Intra-Industry Trade and Labour Market Adjustment in Turkey By ERLAT Guzin; ERLAT Haluk
  2. Locational Determinants of Foreign Investment Firms in Turkey By Sevkiye Sence Turk; Lale Berkoz
  3. Trade Implications of Turkey's Accession to the EU By Yontem Sonmez; Dr Scott McDonald
  4. Monetary Authorities and Exchange Rate Volatility: Turkey and other Cases By Harald SCHMIDBAUER; Ece DEMIREL
  5. Inflation Uncertainty and Risk Premium in Interest Rates: Case of Turkey By Selahattin BEKMEZ; Cem Mehmet BAYDUR; Esat BAKIMLI
  6. Macroeconomic Instability, Capital Accumulation and Growth: The Case of Turkey 1963-1999 By ISMIHAN Mustafa; METIN-OZCAN Kivilcim; TANSEL Aysit
  7. The Effects of Natural and Cultural Degradations in Trabzon Karadag High Plateau-Tourism Center, Turkey, on Eco-tourism Activities and Some Solution Proposals By Emrah Yalcinalp; Mustafa Var
  8. Alternative Options in the Design of a CO2 Tradeable Emission Permits Scheme in Turkey By SAHIN Sebnem; PRATLONG Florent
  9. The Impacts of Sectoral Demand for Military Expenditure on Peace Dividend: A Case for Turkey and Greece By Ali BAYAR; Durmus OZDEMIR
  10. Constructing an Energy-Disaggregated Social Accounting Matrix for Turkey By Dizem Ertac Varoglu; Ali Bayar
  11. Turkish EU Membership: a Simulation Study on Economic Effects By Pekka Sulamaa; Mika Widgrén
  12. Art as an Investment under High Inflation: an Empirical Study on Turkish Paintings By Aylin Seckin
  13. The Effect of Civilian Unemploment on Reenlistment Decision in Turkish Armed Forces By Nebile KORUCU GUMUSOGLU; Julide YILDIRIM; Semsettin KARASU
  14. Why ECO countries could become energy-dependent? By Mathias Reymond
  15. Estimation of socio-economic indicators of Azerbaijan By Arzu Suleymanov; Malik MEKHDIYEV; Arzu SULEYMANOV; Elnur ALEKBEROV; Rauf MUSAYEV; Samir KHANKISHIYEV
  16. Kazakhstan Legislation for Allocation of Mining Exploration Rights : Report 2. Applicability of Results from Report 1 in Kazakhstan and Recommendations on Potential Policy Changes in Kazakhstan By World Bank
  17. ВЛИЯНИЕ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ КАТАЛИЗАТОРОВ НА ПРОЦЕСС ГИДРОКРЕКИНГА ГУДРОНА By Gulbeniz mukhtarova; Мухтарова Г.С.; Аббасов В.М.; Ибрагимов Х.Дж.; Кольчикова И.В.; Ефендиева Т.Х.; Ибрагимова З.М.; Гусейнова Р.И.
  18. The Republic of Kazakhstan: Financial System Stability Assessment By International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.
  19. Economic-mathematical modeling of management decision-making to improve the efficiency of innovation organization By Alovsat Aliyev; Alovsat Aliyev; Roza Shahverdiyeva
  20. Factors influencing the formation of corruption in oil-rich countries By Masoome Fouladi; Hedieh Setayesh; Yazdan Goudarzi-Farahani
  21. Rebuilding Iraq: Economic Reform and Transition By Sergei SHATALOV
  22. Effects of rice price change on welfare: Evidence from households in Fars Province, Iran By BAKHSHOODEH M.; PIROOZIRAD M.
  23. Business Cycles in Oil Exporting Countries: A Declining Role for Oil? By Salman Huseynov; Vugar Ahmadov
  24. Fostering Inclusive Growth in Turkey by Promoting Structural Change in the Business Sector By Rauf Gönenç; Oliver Röhn; Vincent Koen; Fethi Öğünç
  25. Turkiye Enflasyon Hedeflemesi Deneyiminde Doviz Kurunun Rolu By Ahmet Benlialper; Hasan Comert
  26. Каталитическое облагораживание нефтяных газов совместным превращением с метанолом By Roman Starikov; С.Б. Агаева, С.И. Абасов, Р.В.Стариков, Ф.М. Насирова, Иманова А.А, Искендерова А.А., Исаева Е.С., Зарбалиев Р.Р.
  27. Оценка инновационного потенциала научно-технологического комплекса экономических зон By Arzu Huseynova; Гусейнова Арзу Догру кызы
  28. Oil price volatility and exchange rate of USA dollar on point of Iranian paper and wood products By Ali Bayatkashkoli
  29. The Unemployment Situation in Iraq after the War By Paul SLETTEN
  30. The Evaluation of Relation Between Spatial Distribution of Hotels and Business Services With Respect to Spatial Development of Istanbul By Ebru Kerimoglu; Hale Ciraci

  1. By: ERLAT Guzin; ERLAT Haluk
  2. By: Sevkiye Sence Turk; Lale Berkoz
  3. By: Yontem Sonmez; Dr Scott McDonald
  5. By: Selahattin BEKMEZ; Cem Mehmet BAYDUR; Esat BAKIMLI
  6. By: ISMIHAN Mustafa; METIN-OZCAN Kivilcim; TANSEL Aysit
  7. By: Emrah Yalcinalp; Mustafa Var
  8. By: SAHIN Sebnem; PRATLONG Florent
  9. By: Ali BAYAR; Durmus OZDEMIR
  10. By: Dizem Ertac Varoglu; Ali Bayar
    Abstract: This paper outlines how a 2011 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) with a rich disaggregation in the energy sectors is constructed for Turkey. The disaggregated SAM incorporates 38 production activities, 9 of which produce energy, 33 commodities, 2 factors of production as labor and capital, three institutional accounts as firms, households, and the government, a separate account for commodity and production taxes, a capital account, and finally the rest of the world (ROW) account. The data is extracted from a diverse range of sources including the Turkish Statistical Institute, Eurostat, OECD, and the International Energy Agency among others.  The cross-entropy method has been used to balance both the aggregated and the disaggregated versions of the SAM. The SAM is the core element of the database of the dynamic CGE model currently being developed for Turkey for climate change, energy, and green growth issues. See above See above
    Keywords: Turkey, Energy and environmental policy, General equilibrium modeling
    JEL: C67 C68 D57 D58
    Date: 2014–07–03
  11. By: Pekka Sulamaa; Mika Widgrén
  12. By: Aylin Seckin
  13. By: Nebile KORUCU GUMUSOGLU; Julide YILDIRIM; Semsettin KARASU
  14. By: Mathias Reymond
    Abstract: The ECO countries are net exporters of energy. If Azerbaijan, Iran and Kazakhstan are oil exporters, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan sell natural gas. The arrival on the scene of non-conventional gas, known as shale gas or firedamp – which has long remained unexploited due to cost and technical inaccessibility – should soon revolutionise the various gas and oil markets. And ECO countries are dependent on consumption strategies of their customers. In this paper we propose to make an inventory of the energy situation in the ECO countries and we suggest some ways to facilitate their transition energy and diversify their exports. - Data analysis - ratio calculation of vulnerability When countries seek to diversify their energy suppliers to reduce their vulnerability, exporters must also develop other energy strategies: - diversify energy choices - increase customers - reduce CO2 emissions
    Keywords: ECO Countries, Energy, Environmental and water issues
    Date: 2014–10–01
  15. By: Arzu Suleymanov; Malik MEKHDIYEV; Arzu SULEYMANOV; Elnur ALEKBEROV; Rauf MUSAYEV; Samir KHANKISHIYEV
    Abstract: Based on the estimation of socio-economic indicators of the Azerbaijan, it is possible to get comprehensive and detailed information basically about development of non-oil sector of country In the presented work, have been evaluated a group of indicators on the basis of covering a long period official statistical data of the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic Development of predictive models of mentioned indicators and conducting of express evaluation in different time incision creates the opportunity to give a proper development, sustainability of growth and diagnostics of the economy of Azerbaijan to the stated objectives
    Keywords: Azerbaijan, Socio-economic development, Sectoral issues
    Date: 2014–10–01
  16. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Education - Knowledge for Development Information and Communication Technologies - ICT Policy and Strategies Technology Industry Social Protections and Labor - Labor Policies Finance and Financial Sector Development - Debt Markets Industry
    Date: 2013–07
  17. By: Gulbeniz mukhtarova; Мухтарова Г.С.; Аббасов В.М.; Ибрагимов Х.Дж.; Кольчикова И.В.; Ефендиева Т.Х.; Ибрагимова З.М.; Гусейнова Р.И.
    Abstract: Основной задачей нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности на современном этапе является вовлечение в переработку все более тяжелых нефтяных фракций с повышенным содержанием высококипящих соединений, а также углубление переработки нефти с целью увеличения производства качественных моторных топлив и сырья для нефтехимии. Цель работы исследование процесса гидрокрекинга гудрона смеси Бакинских нефтей в присутствии высокодисперсного наноструктурного суспензированного катализатора под низким давлением для выработки дополнительного количества светлых нефтепродуктов и углубления переработки нефти. Опыты проводились во вращающемся автоклаве (емкостью 1л), при температуре 400 – 4500С, давлении 0.5 – 6 МПа. Полученный гидрогенизат после фильтрации от каталитической добавки и отложившихся на ней коксообразных продуктов, а также металлов Ni, V и Fe, Cu, подвергался разгонке с выделением бензиновой (н.к.-2000С), дизельной (200-3600С) фракций и остатка (>3600C).в результате термокрекинга гудрона с участием водорода (без катализатора) образуется 15% бензиновой и 22% дизельной фракции. При проведении аналогичного процесса в присутствии 1% каолининита, модифицирован ного 5% Ni выход бензиновой фракции возрастает с 15% до 32,8%, дизельной фракции уменьщается с 22% до 19,8%, а выход газов и кокса уменьшается с 18% до 12% и с 13% до 6%, соответственно.
    Keywords: Turkey, Other issues, Other issues
    Date: 2014–10–01
  18. By: International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.
    Keywords: Financial system stability assessment;Financial sector;Financial safety nets;Liquidity management;Bank resolution;Bank supervision;Insurance supervision;Securities regulations;Capital markets;Risk management;Economic indicators;Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes;Kazakhstan;
    Date: 2014–08–29
  19. By: Alovsat Aliyev; Alovsat Aliyev; Roza Shahverdiyeva
    Abstract: Economic-mathematical modeling of management decision-making to improve the efficiency of innovation organizationMethodology for building an economic and mathematical model Multiobjective optimization methods Methods of making management decisionsImproving the effectiveness of innovation organization construction of economic and mathematical model increasing production efficiency
    Keywords: Azerbaijan, Socio-economic development, Socio-economic development
    Date: 2014–10–01
  20. By: Masoome Fouladi; Hedieh Setayesh; Yazdan Goudarzi-Farahani
    Abstract: Corruption undermines economic development and therefore it is one of the major factors hindering economic growth and political stability, especially in the developing countries. Studies in recent years show that countries with rich natural resources have the potential to shape corruption. Several studies have been done about this subject and different factors have been considered that most important are mechanisms for transparency, good management, good governance, human development and the degree of state dependence on oil revenues. This paper examines the factors affecting the level of corruption in 31 oil countries. This study uses GMM method and the period of time is 2000 to 2010 The results indicate that the size of the oil sector, government size, inflation, private sector debt, liquidity and democracy have a direct relationship with the level of corruption in these countries. However, the added value of the agricultural and industrial sectors and human development, relationships are reversed. So that with an increase in these indicators, the level of corruption in these countries has declined.
    Keywords: Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Andvnzhy, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Oman, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arabic Emirates, United Kingdom, America, Venezuela and Vietnam., Other issues, Socio-economic development
    Date: 2014–10–01
  21. By: Sergei SHATALOV
  23. By: Salman Huseynov; Vugar Ahmadov
    Abstract: In this paper, we investigate business cycle regularities in oil exporting countries. We ask the question whether oil exporting countries are all alike or whether economic fluctuations and the response dynamics of macroeconomic variables are similar. Besides we also test for the possible sources of economic fluctuations and whether the oil is the main culprit behind business cycles in oil exporting countries. In this paper, we use different empirical methodologies to gain insights about the nature of the business cycles in the oil exporting countries. First, we draw on annual data to document stylized facts on economic fluctuations in these economies. Second, we also use principle component analysis and extract principle component of the panel on economic variables of the countries under the study. Third, we invoke to the methodology proposed by Giannone, Lenza and Primiceri (2012) to analyze impulse-response functions of GDP, household consumption, government expenditure, investment and import in 13 oil exporting countries under the study. In this study, we investigate the nature and possible sources of economic fluctuations in oil exporting countries using principle component and impulse-response analysis. The principal component analysis shows that the first two components can be statistically significantly explained by world GDP, but not by oil prices. We further develop our study using impulse-response analysis and find that a global demand shock is as important as oil supply and oil demand shocks in determining the dynamics of macroeconomic variables of interest. Though previous studies in this field underline the importance of institutional factors, we find that rising global political and economic integration can play a critical role in explaining business cycles of these economies. With increasing integration into the world economic system, oil exporting countries have become more susceptible to world business cycles, the sources of economic fluctuations have become more diversified, and consequently, the role of oil has declined over time. These results have crucial policy implications for the role of the fiscal and monetary policy in managing economic fluctuations in these economies.
    Keywords: Oil Exporting Countries (Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela), Monetary issues, Energy
    Date: 2014–10–01
  24. By: Rauf Gönenç; Oliver Röhn; Vincent Koen; Fethi Öğünç
    Abstract: Turkey’s business sector dynamism has underpinned broad-based and inclusive growth in the 2000s. However, the business sector is highly segmented, with a relatively small core of modern high-productivity corporations, and myriad small, less formal and low-productivity entities. This hampers efficient resource allocation and tends to entrench social inequalities. It also makes it difficult to build on-the-job human capital for the large number of low-skilled. This segmentation needs to be overcome to raise productivity in the informal, low-skill and low-productivity sector, and to facilitate resource transfers from low to higher productivity businesses. This ought to be achieved by aligning Turkey’s formal regulatory and tax framework with OECD best practice, rather than through “second-best” arrangements where noncompliance with rules co-exists with selective subsidies to parts of the formal sector. Labour market and business taxation reforms are particularly important to enable all categories of enterprises to operate flexibly on a rule-based, level playing field and to achieve productivity enhancing and socially inclusive restructuring. Promouvoir une croissance inclusive en Turquie en favorisant des évolutions structurelles dans le secteur des entreprises Pendant les années 2000, le dynamisme du secteur des entreprises a alimenté une croissance inclusive reposant sur une large assise. Cependant, il s’agit d’un secteur fortement segmenté, où coexistent un noyau relativement restreint d’entreprises modernes, très productives, et une myriade de petites entreprises moins formelles et à faible productivité. Cette dualité empêche une affectation efficiente des ressources et a tendance à figer les inégalités sociales. Elle rend également difficile la constitution de capital humain sur leur lieu de travail pour les nombreuses personnes faiblement qualifiées. Il faut dépasser cette segmentation afin de relever la productivité dans le secteur informel où le niveau de la productivité et des qualifications est bas, et faciliter les transferts de ressources des secteurs à faible productivité vers ceux où elle est plus élevée. Pour ce faire il conviendrait d’aligner le cadre réglementaire et fiscal formel sur les meilleures pratiques de l'OCDE plutôt que de tolérer le non-respect de la réglementation tout en octroyant des subventions sélectives à certains segments du secteur formel. Il est particulièrement important de réformer le marché du travail et le système d’imposition pour permettre à toutes les catégories d’entreprises de travailler de manière flexible, au sein d’un environnement fondé sur le respect de règles applicables à tous, et d’opérer une restructuration propre à favoriser l’amélioration de la productivité et la cohésion sociale.
    Keywords: productivity, taxation, labour markets, Turkey, growth, informality, structural change, changement structurel, marchés du travail, informalité, Turquie, productivité, croissance
    JEL: J2 J3 O1 O4 O5
    Date: 2014–09–16
  25. By: Ahmet Benlialper (Department of Economics, Ipek University); Hasan Comert (Department of Economics, METU)
    Abstract: Doviz kuru ortuk bir politika araci olarak enflasyon hedeflemesi uygulayan gelismekte olan ulkelerde kullanilmis olabilir mi? Bu makale bu soruyu cevaplamak ve enflasyonun belirleyicilerini incelemek icin ornek olarak Turkiye’nin 2002-2008 arasindaki enflasyon hedeflemesi deneyimini incelemektedir. Makalenin temel bulgulari sunlardir: Birinci olarak, Vektor Autoregressif (VAR) modelinden elde edilen sonuclar gostermektedir ki, bu donemde Turkiye’de enflasyonun temel belirleyicileri talep yanli unsurlar degil uluslararasi meta fiyatlari ve doviz kuru gibi arz yanli unsurlardir. Bu durumda, yerli paranin (TL’nin) bu donemde onemli olcude degerlendigini de dusundugumuzde, Turkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankasi’nin (TCMB) enflasyonla mucadelesinde liranin degerlenmesinden faydalandigi aciktir (bkz. Sekil 2). Bir baska deyisle, 2002-2008 yillari arasinda Turkiye’de yasanan dezenflasyon sureci onemli olcude doviz kurlarinda yasanan gelismelerle aciklanabilir. Ikincisi, ampirik kanitlar gostermektedir ki, TL’nin degerlenmesi TCMB’nin doviz kuruna yonelik asimetrik politika durusuyla iliskilidir. Hem VAR modeliyle yapilan ekonometrik analize hem de betimleyici istatistiklere gore soz konusu donemde liranin degerlenmesine izin verilmis/desteklenmis buna karsin deger kaybi durumunda saldirgan bir sekilde mudahale edilmistir. Biz enflasyon rejimleri altindaki bu durusu “ortuk asimetrik doviz kuru capasi” olarak tanimliyoruz.
    Keywords: Turkiye Ekonomisi, Enflasyon Hedeflemesi, Doviz Kuru, Merkez Bankasi Politikalari.
    JEL: E58 E52 F31
    Date: 2014–09
  26. By: Roman Starikov; С.Б. Агаева, С.И. Абасов, Р.В.Стариков, Ф.М. Насирова, Иманова А.А, Искендерова А.А., Исаева Е.С., Зарбалиев Р.Р.
    Abstract: Изучены особенности совместного превращения метанола и бутана и показана возможность регулирования продуктов распределения.синтез катализаторов на основе цеолита ZSM-5 и проведение каталитических испытаной в оптимальных условияхсовместная конверсия метанола и бутана в соотношении 1:5 при температуре 500С на катализаторе 4%Zr,1%Zn/HZSM-5, полученном последовательным введением активных компонентов циркония и цинка, приводит к увеличению суммарного выхода алкенов С2-С4 до 28,2% по сравнению с индивидуальным бутаном (14,2%), т. е практически вдвое, и в 4 раза (7,63%),по сравнению с идентичным процессом на исходном катализаторе HZSM-5.
    Keywords: Azerbaijan, Energy, Other issues
    Date: 2014–10–01
  27. By: Arzu Huseynova; Гусейнова Арзу Догру кызы
    Abstract: Главными факторами, определяющими инновационную активность территории, являются ее инновационный потенциал и результативность инновационной деятельности. Все характерные черты инновационного потенциала субъектов можно классифицировать по ряду признаков: внутренние средства и особенности структуры, качественные характеристики, социально-экономические отличия. К структурным особенностям следует отнести целостность, сложность, взаимозаменяемость элементов, их взаимосвязь и взаимодействие. Качественными характеристиками можно считать способность элементов потенциала к восприятию достижения научно- технического прогресса, гибкость мощность потенциала. Социально- экономические отличия заключаются в классовом характере и способности обладать мощностью. Инновационный потенциал может служить как характеристикой самих крупных систем, так и мелких, локальных. Особое значение приобретают научные исследования методов и принципов, регулирующих развитие инновационного потенциала научной деятельности в системе категорий рыночной экономики. Базовыми компонентами анализа становятся инновационные системы, инновационный потенциал, инновационные процессы, инновационные отношения, а также индивидуальная и корпоративная научная деятельность. Инновационный потенциал научной сферы как приоритетная потребность реального развития рыночной экономики является актуальным предметом научного осмысления.Основная цель - получение систематизированных представлений о проблемах и процессах, характеризующих научно-исследовательскую и инновационную деятельность, экономические и социальные аспекты научно-технологического комплекса. факторный анализ и теории нечетких множествВ Азербайджане использование прямых индикаторов затруднено из-за низкой достоверности статистики инновационной деятельности и отсутствия многих показателей в региональном разрезе. Отсюда проблема универсальной системы для определения уровня инновационного потенциала регионов остается актуальной. Основные результаты исследования. Мы предложили основные методики оценки инновационного потенциала. Нами было апробированы данные методики применительно к научно-технологическому комплексу экономических зон.
    Keywords: Azerbaijan, Socio-economic development, Socio-economic development
    Date: 2014–10–01
  28. By: Ali Bayatkashkoli
    Abstract: What is the effect of Shocks of oil price and exchange rate (USA$) on the Iranian point of paper and paper products? Vector Auto Regressive (VAR), estimating equations and Impulse Response Functions (IRF) Shocks of OPEC crude oil price on the point of paper and paper products were diverged, but the shock of USA dollar price hadn’t effected on the paper point.
    Keywords: Iran, Trade issues, Agriculture
    Date: 2014–10–01
  29. By: Paul SLETTEN
  30. By: Ebru Kerimoglu; Hale Ciraci

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