nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2013‒08‒16
five papers chosen by
David J. Pollard
Leeds Metropolitan University

  1. Shale Gas and the Relationship between U.S. Natural Gas, Liquified Petroleum Gases and Oil Market By Lindback, Morten; Osmundsen, Petter; Øglend, Atle
  2. Experience and Entrepreneurship By Rider, Christopher I.; Thompson, Peter; Kacperczyk, Aleksandra; Tåg, Joacim
  3. Efficiency and Productivity of Ukrainian Agroholdings By Balmann, Alfons; Kataria, Karin; Schaft, Franziska; Kulyk, Iryna
  4. What Does Politics Have to Do with Innovation? Economic Distribution and Innovation Policy in OECD Countries By Dan Breznitz; Amos Zehavi
  5. Trade Liberalization and Productivity Growth: A Recursive Dynamic CGE Analysis for Turkey By Dudu, Hasan; Cakmak, Erol H.

  1. By: Lindback, Morten (Fondsfinans ASA); Osmundsen, Petter (UiS); Øglend, Atle (UiS)
    Abstract: .
    Keywords: Shale Gas; Oil Prices
    JEL: A10
    Date: 2013–08–12
  2. By: Rider, Christopher I. (Goizueta Business School); Thompson, Peter (Goizueta Business School); Kacperczyk, Aleksandra (Sloan School of Management); Tåg, Joacim (Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN))
    Abstract: We document in two very different datasets an inverted U-shaped relationship between work experience and entrepreneurship among movers. The first dataset consists of 1,248, U.S. lawyers who were forced to seek alternative employment after the sudden dissolutions of their employers. The second consists of over 7.5 million observations on Swedish workers, where job separation is predominantly unrelated to job destruction. Our empirical results are consistent with a model of stochastic accumulation of employer-specific and transferable skills, where the mix between the two is not fully observable to outside parties.
    Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Employee mobility; Experience
    JEL: D20 J20 L26 M50
    Date: 2013–08–06
  3. By: Balmann, Alfons; Kataria, Karin; Schaft, Franziska; Kulyk, Iryna
    Keywords: Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade, Productivity Analysis,
    Date: 2013–06
  4. By: Dan Breznitz; Amos Zehavi
    Abstract: Despite the fact that the distributional impact of innovation has been recognized in the social science literature, hardly any work has been done on the distributional politics of innovation policy. This study offers a first step in this direction as well as asking whether a government’s ideology affects innovation policy from a distributional viewpoint. The paper uses both qualitative case study method and a statistical analysis of government R&D outlays for social purposes in twenty-six countries. In terms of innovation policy, neo-corporatist interest group representation is linked to relatively equitable public R&D investment and left-oriented governments are more likely to invest in social innovation than their rightist counterparts. Nevertheless, governments rarely consider innovation policy in distributive terms. Despite the significant distributional implications of innovation, it remains depoliticized in policy making.
    JEL: O38 D63 P50
    Date: 2013
  5. By: Dudu, Hasan; Cakmak, Erol H.
    Abstract: In this study, we analyze the effects of trade liberalization and productivity growth in agricultural activities on Turkey by using a dynamic CGE model calibrated to 2008 data. The simulation results suggest that Turkish economy is capable of accommodating the adverse effects of trade liberalization. There are significant welfare gains if trade liberalization is accompanied by the CAP payments in the accession scenario. Productivity increase in agri-food production by just decreasing food waste has prominent effects on welfare,trade and food security for the growing population.
    Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,
    Date: 2013–06

This nep-cwa issue is ©2013 by David J. Pollard. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.