nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2009‒07‒28
ten papers chosen by
Nurdilek Hacialioglu
Open University

  1. Impact of IT related Trade Facilitation Measures on SMEs: An Overview of Indian Experience By Sachin Chaturvedi
  2. Where the State Makes War on its own People By People's Union for Democratic Rights PUDR
  3. Global economic and financial crisis: India’s trade potential and future prospects By Prabir De
  4. Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as a National Regulator By Usha Thorat
  5. The Effects of Age Structure on Economic Growth: An Application of Probabilistic Forecasting in India By Alexia Prskawetz; Thomas Kögel; Warren C. Sanderson; Sergei Scherbov
  6. Trade and Social Development: The case of Asia By Nilanjan Banik
  7. Analysis of Innovation and Energy Profiles in the Turkish Manufacturing Sector By Okay, Nesrin; Konukman, Alp Er S.; Akman, Ugur
  8. Küreselleşme ve Enflasyon:Küresel Çıktı Açığı Hipotezi-Türkiye Örneği By Ercan Eren; Serkan Çiçek
  9. "Financial crisis, monetary policy reform and the monetary transmission mechanism in Turkey" By James Butkiewicz
  10. Evaluating the impact of Egyptian social fund for development programs By Abou-Ali, Hala; El-Azony, Hesham; El-Laithy, Heba; Haughton, Jonathan; Khandker, Shahidur R.

  1. By: Sachin Chaturvedi (Research and Information System (RIS))
    Abstract: This paper examine the extent of automation of trade facilitation in India and to assess the impact of automation on SMEs in the country.
    Keywords: Impace of Information Techonology, SMEs, India
    JEL: F1
    Date: 2009–05
  2. By: People's Union for Democratic Rights PUDR
    Abstract: A report on violation of people's rights during the Salwa Judum campaign in Dantewada, Chhattisgarh.
    Keywords: salwa judum, chhattisgarh, people's rights, CPI, Maoist Movement, India, adivasi, Indian, Malnutrition
    Date: 2009
  3. By: Prabir De (Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS))
    Abstract: This paper estimates the trade potential for India using the augmented gravity model and then attempts to determine the importance of trade remedies. Based on panel data, this gravity model is the first-ever attempt to estimate India’s trade potential in the pre- and post- global economic and financial crisis period. The estimates of India’s global trade potential reveal that the magnitude of India’s trade potential is at its maximum in the Asia-Pacific region, followed by Africa and Latin America. Potential for expansion of trade in the post-crisis period is highest for countries such as China. However, in a large part of the world, India’s trade has remained unrealized, which provides further opportunities to expand despite the slowdown in global demand. There is a strong complementary role, as the findings of this paper indicate; i.e., tariff liberalization and trade facilitation, which taken together can help build export momentum in the crisis period.
    Keywords: Financial crisis, India, gravity model
    JEL: F1
    Date: 2009–05
  4. By: Usha Thorat
    Abstract: The multi-dimensional role of RBI and how it reponded to the financial crisis is depicted in the presentation. [Presentation made at the 56th EXCOM Meeting and FinPower CEO Forum organised by APRACA at Seoul, Korea].
    Keywords: RBI, financial crisis, India, FII, growth, GDP, financial companies, NBFCs, monetary authority, forex, employment intesive sectors
    Date: 2009
  5. By: Alexia Prskawetz; Thomas Kögel; Warren C. Sanderson; Sergei Scherbov
    Abstract: During recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the explanatory power of demographic variables in economic growth regressions. We estimate a new model of the effects of age structure change on economic growth. We use the new model and recent probabilistic demographic projections for India to derive the uncertainty of predicted economic growth rates caused by the uncertainty in demographic developments.
    Keywords: Economic growth, age structure, probabilistic demographic projections, India
    Date: 2009–05
  6. By: Nilanjan Banik (Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR))
    Abstract: Much of the cause of inequality in Asia results from lack of inability to absorb predominantly rural based population into urban centric manufacturing and services sector.This paper examines the income inequality, the case with China and India and examine the relationship between trade and social development index.
    Keywords: Trade, Socail Development, Asia
    JEL: F1
    Date: 2009–06
  7. By: Okay, Nesrin; Konukman, Alp Er S.; Akman, Ugur
    Abstract: We present Turkey’s manufacturing-sector innovation data and, for the first time, analyze likely relationships among GDP growth, sectoral innovation intensities, energy consumptions, and energy-saving potentials. We detect a power-law-like relationship between the projected energy-saving potentials and realized energy consumptions of the manufacturing-sector groups. We observe that the energy consumptions of the sectors do not change significantly despite varying innovation levels during transitions from economic crisis and recovery periods. We conclude that the Turkey’s manufacturing sectors’ energy consumptions are insensitive to their innovation levels, or their innovation activities are not energy-efficiency- and energy-saving-oriented, reflecting Turkey’s past supply-oriented energy policy. The leader innovating sectors are, nevertheless, expected to contribute more to Turkey’s energy-saving and energyefficiency policies if their innovation potentials can be directed to achieve higher energy savings and energy efficiencies via government incentives within the agenda of the recent energy-efficiency and R&D laws.
    Keywords: Manufacturing sector; Innovation; Energy consumption; Energy saving potential; Energy efficiency; R&D; GDP; Turkey
    JEL: Q48 Q55 L52 O3 Q43 L60 Q4
    Date: 2009–07–19
  8. By: Ercan Eren (Department of Economics, Yildiz Technical University); Serkan Çiçek
    Abstract: The aim of paper to search whether there is a change in relationship between inflation rate and domestic economic activity in Turkey and to test whether an increase in the level of globalization has an impact on this changing. The findings point out that the slope of Phillips Curve has declined in Turkey. The effect of globalization that is foreseen the reason of flattening, is tested by global output gap hypothesis. The results show that globalization has an impact on domestic inflation rate -especially on traded goods inflation rate. özet Çalışmanın amacı Türkiye’de enflasyon oranı ile yurtiçi ekonomik aktivite arasındaki ilişkinin seyri noktasında bir değişimin olup olmadığını araştırmak ve küreselleşme düzeyinde yaşanan artışın bu değişim üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını sınamaktır. Elde edilen bulgular Türkiye’de Phillips eğrisinin eğiminin azaldığına işaret etmektedir. Azalışın nedeni olarak öngörülen küreselleşmenin etkisi, küresel çıktı açığı hipotezi çerçevesinde sınanmıştır. Tahmin sonuçları küreselleşmenin Türkiye’deki enflasyon oranı üzerinde –özellikle ticarete konu olan malların enflasyon oranı üzerinde– etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.
    Keywords: Central Banks, Monetary Policy, Globalization, Inflation
    JEL: E52 E58
    Date: 2009
  9. By: James Butkiewicz (Department of Economics,University of Delaware)
    Abstract: Turkey experienced a financial crisis in 2000-2001 which led to significant financial reforms. The reforms resulted in a switch to a floating exchange rate, granted greater central bank independence and pursuit of a more credible monetary policy. Investigation of the channels of monetary policy in both periods finds that monetary policy’s output effects have been strengthened considerable by the reforms. In the pre-crisis period monetary policy was highly inflationary, while in the post-crisis period, monetary policy targets low inflation and has become a tool for output stabilization. These results support the importance of central bank independence and a credible policy.
    Keywords: monetary transmission mechanism, central bank independence, inflation targeting.
    JEL: E42
    Date: 2009
  10. By: Abou-Ali, Hala; El-Azony, Hesham; El-Laithy, Heba; Haughton, Jonathan; Khandker, Shahidur R.
    Abstract: The Egyptian Social Fund for Development was established in 1991 with a mandate to reduce poverty. Since its inception, it has disbursed about $2.5 billion, of which nearly two-fifths was devoted to supporting microcredit and financing community development and infrastructure. This paper investigates the size of the impact of the Fund’s interventions, whether the benefits have been commensurate with the costs, and whether the programs have been targeted successfully to the poor. The core of the impact evaluation applies propensity-score matching to data from the 2004/2005 national Household Income, Expenditure and Consumption Survey. The authors find that Egypt’s Social Fund for Development programs have had clear and measurable effects, in the expected direction, for all of the programs considered: educational interventions have reduced illiteracy, health and potable water programs have lowered household spending on health, sanitation interventions have cut household spending on sanitation and lowered poverty, and road projects have reduced household transportation costs by 20 percent. Microcredit is associated with higher household expenditures in metropolitan areas and urban Upper Egypt, but not elsewhere. The Social Fund for Development’s road projects generate benefits that, by some estimates, exceed the costs, as do health and potable water interventions; this is less evident for interventions in education and sanitation. The Fund argues that its mission is primarily social, and so should not be judged using a cost-benefit analysis. The Fund support for microcredit is strongly pro-poor; the other programs analyzed have a more modest pro-poor orientation.
    Keywords: Health Monitoring&Evaluation,,Rural Poverty Reduction,Housing&Human Habitats,Population Policies
    Date: 2009–07–01

This nep-cwa issue is ©2009 by Nurdilek Hacialioglu. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.