nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2007‒06‒23
eight papers chosen by
Nurdilek Hacialioglu
Open University

  1. The Bilateral J-curve: Turkey versus her 13 Trading Partners By HALICIOGLU, Ferda
  2. Analysis of Gender Disparity in Meghalaya by Various Types of Composite Indices By Mishra, SK
  3. The Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus for Turkey By HALICIOGLU, Ferda
  4. Türkiye’de Bölgesel Yenilik Sistemi ve Devlet Üniversiteleri By Aykut Lenger
  5. Production Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Turkish State Agricultural Enterprises By Ertugrul Deliktas; Mehmet Candemir
  6. Relative deprivation in the labour space By Verme Paolo
  8. A Factor Analysis to Investigate the Life Value Directions of Certified Public Accountants By Bayazitli, Ercan; Yayla, Hilmi Erdogan; Gurel, Eymen

  1. By: HALICIOGLU, Ferda
    Abstract: This study empirically analyses bilateral J-curve dynamics of Turkey with her thirteen trading partners using quarterly time series data over the period 1985-2005. Previous studies on the J-curve of Turkey are based on only aggregate data and they reveal mixed results. Short and long-run impacts of the depreciation of Turkish lira on the trade balance between Turkey and her thirteen trading partners are estimated from the bound testing approach and error correction modeling. The empirical results indicate that whilst there is no J-curve effect in the short-run, but in the long-run, the real depreciation of the Turkish lira has positive impact on Turkey’s trade balance in couple of countries. The stability of the long-run trade balance equations is also checked through CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests.
    Keywords: J-curve; co-integration; stability tests; Turkey
    JEL: C22 F31 F14
    Date: 2007
  2. By: Mishra, SK
    Abstract: Subjugation of women in certain spheres of life is very common in the patriarchal societies and it has a long history. In India, women have little social or economic independence. They are treated inequitably at home as much as at the workplace outside. Perhaps, it is so for the Indian society is predominantly patriarchal. However, Meghlaya, a state in North East India, presents a case different than the rest of the country at large (except Kerala and some other pockets). A very large majority of population in the state belongs to three tribes, Garo, Jaintia and Khasi, well known for their being matrilineal (and matrifocal). In this paper we investigate how women in Meghalaya perform, vis-Ã -vis men, in the socio-economic sphere. The investigation is based on Census of India-2001 data. Two sets of nine variables that measure socio-economic inclusion of people in development have been obtained, first for men and the second for women, and from these variables a composite index has finally been constructed. Many methods of constructing a composite index are discussed and applied on the data for obtaining loadings on the variables. Analytic methods (e.g. principal component/factor analysis) and synthetic methods (MSAR, MEFAR and MMAR) have been compared empirically. We find that the synthetic methods perform better than the analytic methods in representing the constituent variables judiciously and meaningfully. Do matrifocal societies favour women in socio-economic sphere and help achieve gender equality? We conclude that indeed they do so. The tribes of Meghalaya whose societies are organized on matrifocal principles have obtained much greater gender equality than the societies (e.g. Hindu and Muslim) that are organized on the patriarchal principles.
    Keywords: Gender equality; Patriarchy; Matriarchy; Matrifocal; Matrilineal; Meghalaya; India; Tribes; Khasi; Garo; Jaintia; composite index; principal component; factor analysis; extraction; rotation; inclusive; synthetic; analytic; indices; absolute correlation; entropy-like function; maximin; Differential Evolution; North East; Hindu; Christian; Muslim; religion
    JEL: O53 J71 Z12 C43
    Date: 2007–06–18
  3. By: HALICIOGLU, Ferda
    Abstract: This study investigates the validity of the demand-pulling and the supply-leading hypotheses using annual data from 1968 to 2005. The bounds testing approach to cointegration is conducted to establish the existence of a long-run relationship between financial development and economic growth. An augmented form of Granger causality analysis is implemented to identify the direction of causality among the variables both in the short-run and the long-run. The empirical findings suggest uni-directional causation from financial development to economic growth.
    Keywords: Growth; financial intermediation; causality; cointegration; Turkey
    JEL: C22 F40 O52
    Date: 2007
  4. By: Aykut Lenger (Department of Economics, Ege University)
    Abstract: (This paper is in Turkish) This paper investigates the role of state played in the regional innovation systems through state universities and legal and institutional setup in Turkey. After a discussion of the lack of regional perspective in policy-making until very recently, the paper examines two salient laws that have ramifications for regional economics. The technology development regions/centers, university-industry joint research centers and state universities on account of public research undertaken in and their role in the mentioned centers/regions seem to be key elements in regional innovation systems. The econometric analysis forwarded that each of these elements has a positive and statistically significant effect on the patenting performance of regions.
    JEL: R1 O18 O31
    Date: 2007–05
  5. By: Ertugrul Deliktas (Department of Economics, Ege University); Mehmet Candemir (Odemis Vocational Studies, Ege University)
    Abstract: This paper examines the productivity performance of Turkish State Agricultural Enterprises using Data Envelopment Analysis approach. Regarding this, the paper mainly focuses on production efficiency or technical efficiency and total factor productivity growth of the enterprises over the 1999-2003 period. In the second stage of the study, we use a regression analysis to estimate the affects of potential factors influencing the production efficiency of the enterprises. The empirical results indicate that during this period, the agricultural enterprises experienced technical regress, on average, while the technical efficiency improved 1.5 percent. On the other hand,, the total factor productivity decreased 1.2 percent due to 2.7 percent technical regress over the study period. Also, the results of regression estimation indicate that irrigation rate, tractor as an indicator of existing technology, and the geographic regions of enterprises are important determinants of production efficiency.
    Keywords: State agricultural enterprises in Turkey, total factor productivity growth, data envelopment analysis
    JEL: C43 D24 Q12
    Date: 2007–04
  6. By: Verme Paolo (University of Turin)
    Abstract: The paper develops a concept, a measure and an index of relative labour deprivation based on theories of social justice, a, labour participation model and an index of relative dleprivation. The use of these tools is tillustrated with kousehold data onn urban migration in Turkey. It is shown how they can be effective in providing policy recommendations in areas characterized by heterogeneous communities
    Date: 2007–02
  7. By: GHATAK, Anita; HALICIOGLU, Ferda
    Abstract: This study is concerned about foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth across the world for the period of 1991-2001. This article produces fresh empirical evidence on the relation between FDI and economic growth obtained from single-equation and simultaneous equation estimates for 140 countries using macro economic variables. The results indicate that a positive and statistically significant estimate of coefficient of FDI is obtained from single equation ordinary least squares method for real per-capita GDP regressions in all but one case. There exists a positive and statistically significant relation between the real per-capita GDP and FDI in the case of many countries but correlation coefficient between exports-GDP ratio and percentage FDI is found to be insignificant. Country risk rating and the telecommunications variables are significant in all the relevant regressions and correlation estimates.
    Keywords: Foreign direct investment; multinational corporations; composite risk rating; instrumental variable method; omitted variable method; simultaneous equation method.
    JEL: O11 F15
    Date: 2006
  8. By: Bayazitli, Ercan; Yayla, Hilmi Erdogan; Gurel, Eymen
    Abstract: This study uses the theory of values which bases on Schwartz (1992)’s 10 core life values to explore the life value directions of 448 Certified Public Accountants from Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants of Turkiye (TÜRMOB) registered 31 different chambers. A questionnaire is applied to the sample and SPSS 13 packaged software is respectively used in data entrance-analyze and factor analysis (Principle Components Analysis, Equamax Rotation) processes. We find that certified public accountants in Turkiye have 8 life value directions as Conformity, Power, Universalism, Stimulation, Tradition, Belonging, Benevolence and Hedonism.
    Keywords: Life values; accounting profession; certified public accountant’s life values in Turkiye
    JEL: M41
    Date: 2006–10–01

This nep-cwa issue is ©2007 by Nurdilek Hacialioglu. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.