nep-cwa New Economics Papers
on Central and Western Asia
Issue of 2007‒01‒06
two papers chosen by
Nurdilek Hacialioglu
Open University

  1. Is Asia Prepared for an Aging Population? By Peter S. Heller
  2. The Russian-Ukrainian Political Divide By Amelie Constant; Martin Kahanec; Klaus F. Zimmermann

  1. By: Peter S. Heller
    Abstract: Many Asian countries (such as China, Singapore, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, and the Philippines) will experience a significant aging of their populations during the next several decades. This paper explores how these aging Asian countries are addressing and anticipating the challenges of an aging society. It suggests that Asia's preparedness for an aging population is decidedly mixed. While growth policies have been successful, much work is still needed in many countries to establish an adequate and farsighted policy framework in the areas of pensions, health insurance, and labor market policies.
    Date: 2006–12–12
  2. By: Amelie Constant (IZA, Georgetown University and DIW DC); Martin Kahanec (IZA); Klaus F. Zimmermann (IZA, Bonn University, DIW Berlin, Free University Berlin and CEPR)
    Abstract: The Orange Revolution unveiled significant political and economic tensions between ethnic Russians and Ukrainians in Ukraine. Whether this divide was caused by purely ethnic differences or by ethnically segregated reform preferences is unknown. Analysis using unique micro data collected prior to the revolution finds that voting preferences for the forces of the forthcoming Orange Revolution were strongly driven by preferences for political and economic reforms, but were also independently significantly affected by ethnicity; namely language and nationality. Russian speakers, as opposed to Ukrainian speakers, were significantly less likely to vote for the Orange Revolution, and nationality had similar effects.
    Keywords: transformation, voting preferences, Ukraine, ethnicity, Orange Revolution
    JEL: D72 J15
    Date: 2006–12

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