nep-cul New Economics Papers
on Cultural Economics
Issue of 2025–01–13
five papers chosen by
Roberto Zanola, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

  1. Streaming problems as (multi-issue) claims problems By Gustavo Berganti\~nos; Juan D. Moreno-Ternero
  2. Learning in creative tasks: Evidence from a digital platform By Zhong, Jiatong
  3. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Evolution of Culture By Hendriks, Patrick; Sturm, Timo; Mehler, Maren F.; Buxmann, Peter
  4. Le parcours des barons québécois des médias By Pierre Lortie
  5. Trends of Violence in Movies over the Past Half Century By Fotouhi, Babak; Tohidi, Amir; Touserkani, Rouzbeh; Bushman, Brad J.

  1. By: Gustavo Berganti\~nos; Juan D. Moreno-Ternero
    Abstract: We study the problem of allocating the revenues raised via paid subscriptions to music streaming platforms among participating artists. We show that the main methods to solve streaming problems (pro-rata, user-centric and families generalizing them) can be seen as specific (well-known) rules to solve (multi-issue) claims problems. Our results permit to provide strong links between the well-established literature on claims problems and the emerging literature on streaming problems.
    Date: 2024–12
  2. By: Zhong, Jiatong
    Abstract: This paper explores learning-by-doing in the context of creative tasks using detailed data on fiction writers from a digital publishing platform. I construct measures to quantify authors' performance over time and document significant variation in both starting levels and rates of improvement. Learning manifests as an improvement in quality instead of the speed of production. Quality improvement can last for several years, much longer than typically observed in manufacturing settings, and authors do not improve fastest at the beginning. These findings show that human capital accumulation has distinctive features in the context of creative and complex tasks, which institutions should consider in the training and evaluation of new workers in creative occupations.
    Keywords: learning by doing, learning curves, creative tasks
    JEL: D83 J24 J46 L82
    Date: 2024
  3. By: Hendriks, Patrick; Sturm, Timo; Mehler, Maren F.; Buxmann, Peter
    Abstract: Culture is fundamental to our society, shaping the traditions, ethics, and laws that guide people’s beliefs and behaviors. At the same time, culture is also shaped by people—it evolves as people interact and collectively select, modify, and transmit the beliefs they deem desirable. As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more integrated into our lives, it plays an increasing role in how cultural beliefs are (re)shaped and promoted. Using a series of agent-based simulations, we analyze how different ways of integrating AI into society (e.g., national vs. global AI) impact cultural evolution, thereby shaping cultural diversity. We find that less globalized AI can help promote diversity in the short run, but risks eliminating diversity in the long run. This becomes more pronounced the less humans and AI are grounded in each other’s beliefs. Our findings help researchers revisit cultural evolution in the presence of AI and assist policymakers with AI governance.
    Date: 2024–12
  4. By: Pierre Lortie
    Abstract: LE QUÉBEC DES BÂTISSEURS This chapter recounts the leading role played by Quebec entrepreneurs in the development of a media industry and a rich ecosystem, from the very beginnings of broadcasting in the 1920s to the present day. The chronology of milestones is determined by the evolution of technologies - radio, terrestrial television, cable television, the Internet - and changes in the regulatory framework to reflect changes in the media industry structure and the nature of the competitive environment. The contribution of universities to the training of audiovisual professionals and craftsmen is emphasized as well as access to capital as a necessary condition for ensuring competitiveness and supporting business growth. The main stages in the development of Cogeco, Québecor and TC Transcontinental, the three main companies in the sector that are now billionaires, are then described. The chapter concludes with a summary of the challenges facing all media categories, and the initiatives taken by the governments of Canada and Quebec to counter the deleterious effects of the web giants' stranglehold on the media industry. LE QUÉBEC DES BÂTISSEURS Ce chapitre retrace le rôle de premier plan joué par les entrepreneurs québécois dans le développement d'une industrie des médias et d'un riche écosystème, depuis les débuts de la radiodiffusion dans les années 1920 jusqu'à aujourd'hui. La chronologie des étapes est déterminée par l'évolution des technologies - radio, télévision hertzienne, câblodistribution, Internet - et par les changements apportés au cadre réglementaire pour refléter les changements dans la structure de l'industrie médiatique et la nature de l'environnement concurrentiel. Le récit met l'accent sur la contribution des universités à la formation des professionnels et des artisans de l'audiovisuel, et sur l'accès au capital en tant que condition nécessaire pour assurer la compétitivité et soutenir la croissance des entreprises. Les principales étapes du développement de Cogeco, Québecor et TC Transcontinental, les trois principales entreprises du secteur aujourd'hui milliardaires, sont ensuite décrites. Le chapitre se termine par un résumé des défis auxquels sont confrontées toutes les catégories de médias et des initiatives prises par les gouvernements du Canada et du Québec pour contrer les effets délétères de la mainmise des géants du web sur l'industrie des médias.
    Keywords: Advertising agency, Audiovisual, Cable distribution, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), Advertising expenditures, Print media, Film production, Daily newspapers, Radio, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Television, agence de publicité, audiovisuel, câblodistribution, Conseil de la radiodiffusion et de la télévision canadienne (CRTC), dépenses publicitaires, presse écrite, production cinématographique, quotidiens, radio, radiodiffusion, télécommunications, télévision
    Date: 2024–12–05
  5. By: Fotouhi, Babak (University of Maryland College Park); Tohidi, Amir; Touserkani, Rouzbeh; Bushman, Brad J.
    Abstract: This study analyzes trends of violence in movie dialogues over the past 50 years using a dataset of over 160, 000 films. Results show that mentions of violent actions have an overall increasing trend. After controlling for genre, non-crime movies also exhibit such an increasing trend, across the cases of male characters, female characters, as well as all characters combined.
    Date: 2025–01–03

This nep-cul issue is ©2025 by Roberto Zanola. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.