nep-cul New Economics Papers
on Cultural Economics
Issue of 2022‒06‒27
one paper chosen by
Roberto Zanola
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

  1. Sustainable Lifestyle Revolution: Agrohoods, Ecowellness and Biophilia Trends By Julia M. Puaschunder

  1. By: Julia M. Puaschunder (The New School, New York, USA)
    Abstract: The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is an external shock to all world societies with lasting impact. With millions of infected already and no foreseeable end as well as an estimated 10-50% of those previously infected with COVID-19 to face a longer-term or long-term health impact and/or chronic debilitation, the broad-based and long-term impact COVID Long Haulers has the potential to change our world and modern society lastingly. Generation COVID-19 already now exhibits three trends towards de-urbanization to live in Agrohoods, attention to Ecowellness and Biophilia design preference. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, de-urbanization trends evolved with a massive flow of people having moved from large metropolitan areas to more rural spaces to socially distance and enjoy nature while being productive online. New community development in harmony with nature are forming in so-called Agri- or Agrohoods, which are neighborhoods that are directly attuned to the surrounding and celebrate the natural and cultural heritage. Creative Ecowellness options and sustainable lifestyle innovations take into account health and well-being, considering the given natural constraints set by ecological limits. The environment is also represented by biophilic architecture design trends booming, which resemble or use the natural environment. For instance, the fashion world has picked up the trend in the form of sustainable fabrics. The United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP-26) discussed sustainable fashion trend solutions as a broad-based integration of sustainability in everyone’s lifestyle that aids in the transition to a greener economy. Plant- and fungus-based clothing booms in the design world as a carbon-negative and organic alternative to fast fashion. Given the widespread impetus of COVID-19 and the long-term impact of Coronavirus Long Haulers, the proposed trends are likely to become general sustainable changes heralding a pro-environmental Renaissance.
    Keywords: Agrohood, Architecture, Biophilia Trends, Biophilic Design, Community, Coronavirus, COVID-19, De-urbanization, Design, Ecowellness, Environment, Generation COVID-19, Lifestyle, Pandemic, Social Justice, Sustainability, Trend Analysis
    Date: 2021–12

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