nep-cul New Economics Papers
on Cultural Economics
Issue of 2016‒04‒23
four papers chosen by
Roberto Zanola
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale

  1. Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy By Jaelani, Aan
  2. Strategic Differentiation by Business Models: Free-to-Air and Pay-TV By Emilio Calvano; Mihele Polo
  3. Culture, Diffusion, and Economic Development By Harutyunyan, Ani; Özak, Ömer
  4. Peasant Life and Russian Identity: The Plots About Peasants and Their Cultural Meaning in Russian Literature Before 1861 By Alexey V. Vdovin

  1. By: Jaelani, Aan
    Abstract: The tourism industry and creative economy in Cirebon can not be separated from the historical aspect of the city's growth and development as silk lines in the spread of Islam, trade, and acculturation is very smooth so that the ethnic diversification becomes a major part in tourist activities. With a qualitative approach that emphasizes the phenomenon of ethnic Cirebon with tourist objects that vary in every corner of this city, then this paper confirms that Cirebon is a tourist destination that is unique in terms of religion, culture, history, to the creative economy, especially religious tourism that will create this city as a friendly city for tourists
    Keywords: tourism industry, creative economy, heritage tourism, ethnic diversification, silk road
    JEL: A1 A13 B4 B41 D9 D91 L6 L83 N01 N3 N35 N9 N95 Q01 Z1 Z11 Z13
    Date: 2016–04–05
  2. By: Emilio Calvano (Università di Bologna and CSEF); Mihele Polo (Bocconi University, IEFE and IGIER)
    Abstract: Free-to-air and Pay-TV business models usually cohabit in broadcasting (and more generally in media) markets. We analyze a model in which two identical broadcasting stations compete for viewers and for advertisers. Differentiation by business model arises endogenously in equilibrium. A merger to monopoly maintains differentiation and comes with strings attached. Monopoly power leads to excessive subscription prices, changes the overall provision of advertising and induces an allocative inefficiency of advertising messages across stations. We therefore argue that the prevailing antitrust and regulatory practice of classifying FTA and Pay-TV operators in different relevant markets is misguided.
    Date: 2016–04–16
  3. By: Harutyunyan, Ani; Özak, Ömer
    Abstract: This research explores the effects of culture on technological diffusion and economic development. It shows that culture's direct effects on development and barrier effects to technological diffusion are, in general, observationally equivalent. In particular, using a large set of cultural measures, it establishes empirically that pairwise differences in contemporary development are associated with pairwise cultural differences relative to the technological frontier, only in cases where observational equivalence holds. Additionally, it establishes that differences in cultural traits that are correlated with genetic and linguistic distances are statistically and economically significantly correlated with differences in economic development. These results highlight the difficulty of disentangling the direct and barrier effects of culture, while lending credence to the idea that common ancestry generates persistence and plays a central role in economic development.
    Keywords: Comparative economic development, economic growth, culture, barriers to technological diffusion, genetic distances, linguistic distances
    JEL: O10 O11 O20 O33 O40 O47 O57 Z10
    Date: 2016–04–04
  4. By: Alexey V. Vdovin (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: The working paper explores the plot repertoire of Russian literature about peasants before 1861 and its sociocultural role for emerging models of Russianness. The author investigates different types of plots in 212 texts (fiction and drama, 1789-1861) using the methodology of ‘elementary plots’ extraction (elaborated by Tatiana Kitanina) and classifying them into such clusters as ‘Prohibited Marriage’, ‘Adultery’, etc. On the basis of such clustering, the paper analyzes the frequency of each type of plot in Russian literature and the literary and sociocultural background underlying the changes. Visualized data allows to compare the main Russian writers’ preferences and innovations in emplotment. In conclusion, frequent and rare types of plots are considered in relation to the discourse of Russianness because by the educated elite and literari perceived Russian peasants as carriers of authentic Russian identity.
    Keywords: mid-19th century Russian literature, tales of peasant life, distant reading, Russian identity, Russian nationalism
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2015

This nep-cul issue is ©2016 by Roberto Zanola. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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