nep-cul New Economics Papers
on Cultural Economics
Issue of 2014‒06‒07
one paper chosen by
Roberto Zanola
Universita' del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogadro

  1. Culture: Persistence and Evolution By Francesco Giavazzi; Ivan Petkov; Fabio Schiantarelli

  1. By: Francesco Giavazzi; Ivan Petkov; Fabio Schiantarelli
    Abstract: This paper presents evidence on the speed of evolution (or lack thereof) of a wide range of values and beliefs of different generations of European immigrants to the US. The main result is that persistence differs greatly across cultural attitudes. Some, for instance deep personal religious values, some family and moral values, and political orientation converge very slowly to the prevailing US norm. Other, such as attitudes toward cooperation, redistribution, effort, children's independence, premarital sex, and even the frequency of religious practice or the intensity of association with one's religion, converge rather quickly. The results obtained studying higher generation immigrants differ greatly from those found when the analysis is limited to the second generation, as typically done in the literature, and they imply a lesser degree of persistence than previously thought. Finally, we show that persistence is "culture specific" in the sense that the country from which one's ancestors came matters for the pattern of generational convergence.
    JEL: A13 F22 J00 J61 Z1
    Date: 2014–05

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