nep-cul New Economics Papers
on Cultural Economics
Issue of 2013‒10‒25
five papers chosen by
Roberto Zanola
University Amedeo Avogadro

  1. The Role of Medialabs in Regional Cultural and Innovative Policy By Andrzej, Klimczuk
  2. Creative Ageing Policy in Regional Development By Klimczuk, Andrzej
  3. Sport Talent, Media Value and Equal Prize Policies in Tennis By Pedro Garcia-del-Barrio; Francesc Pujol
  4. Chinese resource demand and the natural resource supplier By Dungey, Mardi; Fry-McKibbin, Renée; Linehan, Verity
  5. How much is the Amazon worth ? the state of knowledge concerning the value of preserving amazon rainforests By May, Peter H.; Soares-Filho, Britaldo Silveira; Strand, Jon

  1. By: Andrzej, Klimczuk
    Abstract: Purpose of this article is to introduce the concept of a new cultural institution, "medialab". Media laboratory is an interdisciplinary institution that combines the tasks of scientific, educational, cultural and artistic institutions. They are spaces in which technology and digital media are designed. Article introduces the main features of medialabs and possible public tasks in the field of regional cultural policy and innovation policy. It also draws attention to the challenges and barriers in the organization and management of these centers.
    Keywords: creative industries, cultural policy, innovation policy, interdisciplinary institutions, technology transfer
    JEL: O31 O32 Z11 Z13
    Date: 2013
  2. By: Klimczuk, Andrzej
    Abstract: The shaping of creative economy is particularly important for development of cities and regions. This process can be analyzed in conjunction with changes in work and leisure time and their place in the human life cycle. This article aims to approximate the main features of: contemporary position of elderly people, creative ageing policy, benefits from seniors creativity and controversies linked to this concept. This essay also indicates the patterns of recommendations and activities in development of services for older people which may be the subject of further in-depth research. These examples exist in: (1) documents and strategic programs, (2) the activities of network organizations and (3) the activities of urban cultural and artistic institutions.
    Keywords: creative capital, creative economy, silver economy, arts and ageing, cultural and artistic institutions, creative ageing policy, intergenerational policy
    JEL: J14 Z13 Z18
    Date: 2013
  3. By: Pedro Garcia-del-Barrio (Economia i Organitzaci¿ d'Empresas Universitat Internacional de Catalunya); Francesc Pujol (School of Economics and Business AdministrationUniversity of Navarra)
    Abstract: Given the economic and commercial implications of sports, the media value of players and teams is considered a major asset in professional sports businesses. This paper aims to assess the economic value of intangible assets in the tennis industry. In order to rank the media value of professional tennis players (both men and women), we measure the intangible talent of players based on their exposure in the mass media. We use the ESI (Economics, Sports and Intangibles) methodology to examine some issues related to the competitive structure of tennis. Then, we explore whether policies regarding prize money could be more efficiently designed to account for the economic contribution of the players. The paper uses weekly data on the media presence and popularity of 1,400 professional tennis players (700 women and 700 men competing in 2007, espectively, in the WTA and ATP).
    Keywords: discrimination, pay and performance, professional tennis, media value, evaluation of intangible assets
    JEL: J24 J33 J71
    Date: 2013–02–01
  4. By: Dungey, Mardi (School of Economics and Finance, University of Tasmania); Fry-McKibbin, Renée; Linehan, Verity
    Abstract: This paper provides empirical evidence on the effects of Chinese resource demand on the resource rich natural resource supplier using the example of Australia. A structural VAR model is used to examine the effects of Chinese resource demand, commodity prices and foreign output on the macroeconomy with a formally specified mining and resources exports sector. The key findings of the paper are that shocks to Chinese demand and commodity prices result in a sustained increase in commodity prices and mining investment and a positive impact on the resources sector. However, these shocks eventually lead to lower real domestic output with factors of production moving out of the non-resources sectors and into the resources sector, resulting in a fall in non-resource sector output which is not fully offset by the rise in resources sector output. The results also indicate some market power by the natural resource supplier.
    Keywords: China, resource demand, commodity prices, mining investment, resources sector Speci?cation tests, weak instruments, bootstrap.
    JEL: Q30 F41
    Date: 2013–07–01
  5. By: May, Peter H.; Soares-Filho, Britaldo Silveira; Strand, Jon
    Abstract: This paper surveys the current state of knowledge concerning the value of the Amazon rainforest, including a survey of work to date to quantify changes in economic values when the rainforest cover changes. The focus is on local and regional impacts of forest loss or protection, including both gross values of forest protection and opportunity costs of converting the forest to other uses including agriculture. Important gross value items surveyed are timber and non-timber product extraction from a sustainably maintained rainforest; local values of eco-tourism; biological resources including bio-prospecting; a range of hydrological impacts including watershed protection, hydropower production, and changes in rainfall patterns; and impacts of forest fires and their control. Mapping such values in geographical space is of high value for implementing efficient and effective (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation ) programs for protecting the remaining forest. The current data basis for such mapping is found to be quite weak and in need of improvement for all value elements.
    Keywords: Climate Change Mitigation and Green House Gases,Environmental Economics&Policies,Wildlife Resources,Climate Change and Environment,Forestry
    Date: 2013–10–01

This nep-cul issue is ©2013 by Roberto Zanola. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.