Abstract: |
The paper aims to provide some empirical evidence to strengthen the debate
around the project-based organisation, which tends to qualifies the latter as
the dominant organising form among the creative industries. Our focus is the
performing music industry. We recur to an unique database we have built on the
basis of data provided by ENPALS (Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza
per i Lavoratori dello Spettacolo) in Rome (Italy), which collects the pension
contributions for the workers of performing arts among all Italian public and
private organisations. The output of our descriptive analysis confirms that
the project based organisations, that in our case of the performing music
regard primarily the event management, are the most diffuse form in this
field. Moreover, our research gives some interesting hints on the
characteristics of the performing music labour force, asserting the project
based workers as the category that includes the majority of workers in the
industry. |