nep-cse New Economics Papers
on Economics of Strategic Management
Issue of 2025–03–17
five papers chosen by
João José de Matos Ferreira, Universidade da Beira Interior

  1. Industry-science-interaction in innovation: The role of transfer channels and policy support By Carioli, Paolo; Czarnitzki, Dirk; Rammer, Christian
  2. Knowledge of Technological Artefacts: Investigating the Linguistic and Structural Foundations By Siddharth, L.; Luo, Jianxi
  3. Climate action response plans in firms: Understanding the characteristics of firms planning for a more sustainable future By Lenihan, Helena; Perez-Alaniz, Mauricio; Rammer, Christian
  4. Exporting and Technology Adoption in Brazil By Cirera, Xavier; Comin, Diego Adolfo; Vargas Da Cruz, Marcio Jose; Lee, Kyungmin; Soares Martins Neto, Antonio
  5. The Effects of Energy Prices on Firm Competitiveness : Evidence from Chile By Amann, Juergen; Grover, Arti Goswami

  1. By: Carioli, Paolo; Czarnitzki, Dirk; Rammer, Christian
    Abstract: We investigate the effects of different channels of industry-science collaboration on new product sales at the firm-level and whether government subsidies for collaboration make a difference. We distinguish four collaboration channels: joint R&D, consulting/contract research, IP licensing, human resource transfer. Employing firm-level panel data from the German Community Innovation Survey and a conditional difference-in-differences methodology, we find a positive effect of industry-science collaboration on product innovation success only for joint R&D, but not for the other three channels. The positive effect is limited to subsidized collaboration. Our results suggest that government subsidies are required to bring firms and public science into forms of collaboration that are effective in producing higher innovation output.
    Keywords: Industry-science collaboration, transfer channels, product innovation, treatment effects analysis
    JEL: O31 O38
    Date: 2024
  2. By: Siddharth, L.; Luo, Jianxi
    Abstract: Design and innovation processes primarily generate knowledge upon retrieving and synthesising knowledge of existing artefacts. Understanding the basis of knowledge governing these processes is essential for theoretical and practical advances, especially with the growing inclusion of Large-Language Models (LLMs) and their generative capabilities to support knowledge-intensive tasks. In this research, we analyse a large, stratified sample of patented artefact descriptions spanning the total technology space. Upon representing these descriptions as knowledge graphs, i.e., collections of entities and relationships, we investigate the linguistic and structural foundations through frequency distribution and motif discovery approaches. From the linguistic perspective, we identify the generalisable syntaxes that show how most entities and relationships are constructed at the term level. From the structural perspective, we discover motifs, i.e., statistically dominant 3-node and 4-node subgraph patterns, that show how entities and relationships are combined at a local level in artefact descriptions. Upon examining the subgraphs within these motifs, we understand that artefact descriptions primarily capture the design hierarchy of artefacts. We also find that natural language descriptions do not capture sufficiently precise knowledge at a local level, which can be a limiting factor for relevant innovation research and practice. Moreover, our findings are expected to guide LLMs in generating knowledge pertinent to domain-specific design environments, to inform structuring schemes for future knowledge management systems, and to advance design and innovation theories on knowledge synthesis.
    Date: 2025–02–07
  3. By: Lenihan, Helena; Perez-Alaniz, Mauricio; Rammer, Christian
    Abstract: Firm-level Climate Action Response Plans (CARPs) are strategic plans comprising firms' climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments. Given the importance of CARPs for meeting climate change targets, encouraging firms to develop CARPs is paramount. When designing evidence-based approaches to drive firm-level CARPs, it is essential to know the resources and capabilities that enable firms to develop CARPs. Drawing on novel and highly detailed data on firms in Ireland, and using a direct matching approach, our study examines the characteristics that distinguish firms that develop and do not develop CARPs. We find that firms developing CARPs: (1) Exhibit strong market performance, in terms of productivity and sales; (2) Engage in international markets; (3) Are highly R&D and innovation active; and (4) Already use digital technologies. Such insights suggest that CARPs require firms to have high levels of resources and skills when designing their responses to climate change. The paper proffers potential policy and managerial implications, in terms of encouraging firms to develop CARPs.
    Keywords: Firm-level climate action, Climate Action Response Plans, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change Mitigation, Firms' R&D and innovation, Greenwashing
    JEL: Q54 Q56 Q57 L21 M14
    Date: 2024
  4. By: Cirera, Xavier; Comin, Diego Adolfo; Vargas Da Cruz, Marcio Jose; Lee, Kyungmin; Soares Martins Neto, Antonio
    Abstract: There is limited evidence on the role of participating in international trade in the diffusion of technologies. This paper analyzes the impact of exporting on firms’ adoption of more sophisticated technologies, using a novel dataset, the Firm-level Adoption of Technology survey, which includes more than 1, 500 firms in Brazil. The survey provides detailed information on the use of more than 300 technologies, combined with data from Brazil’s census of formal workers and export data from the Ministry of Trade. To address critical endogeneity concerns, the analysis applies difference-in-differences with multiple periods to examine the effects of entering export markets on technology adoption. The findings show that exporting has a positive effect on firms’ likelihood of adopting advanced technologies in business functions related to business administration, production planning, supply chain management, and quality control, which are important for managing tasks associated with export activities.
    Date: 2023–05–25
  5. By: Amann, Juergen; Grover, Arti Goswami
    Abstract: This paper analyzes the impact of changes in energy prices on the competitiveness of manufacturing firms in Chile. Using the Chilean Annual National Industrial Survey data, the paper illustrates that, first, increases in energy prices generally do not hurt firm competitiveness. Second, the impact of energy prices depends on the fuel type—while electricity price increases are negatively correlated with firm outcomes, fossil fuel price increases have a positive association with investment and firm productivity, a result that is consistent with the strong version of the Porter hypothesis. Third, these effects are heterogeneous and vary by firm attributes such as size, ownership and location. Fourth, investigating non-linear patterns in firm outcomes based on the level of energy prices, the findings show that the positive correlation between fossil fuel price increases and capital upgrading is particularly pronounced when energy prices are at relatively low levels.
    Date: 2023–05–08

This nep-cse issue is ©2025 by João José de Matos Ferreira. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.