nep-cmp New Economics Papers
on Computational Economics
Issue of 2024‒05‒06
fifteen papers chosen by

  1. Bankruptcy prediction using machine learning and Shapley additive explanations By Hoang Hiep Nguyen; Jean-Laurent Viviani; Sami Ben Jabeur
  2. Empowering Credit Scoring Systems with Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning By Javier Mancilla; Andr\'e Sequeira; Iraitz Montalb\'an; Tomas Tagliani; Francisco Llaneza; Claudio Beiza
  3. Long Short-Term Memory Pattern Recognition in Currency Trading By Jai Pal
  4. Deep Learning Based Measure of Name Concentration Risk By Eva L\"utkebohmert; Julian Sester
  5. Chain-structured neural architecture search for financial time series forecasting By Denis Levchenko; Efstratios Rappos; Shabnam Ataee; Biagio Nigro; Stephan Robert
  6. Detection of Temporality at Discourse Level on Financial News by Combining Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning By Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez; Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez; Ana Barros-Vila; Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no
  7. BERTopic-Driven Stock Market Predictions: Unraveling Sentiment Insights By Enmin Zhu
  8. Debiased Machine Learning when Nuisance Parameters Appear in Indicator Functions By Gyungbae Park
  9. Construction of a Japanese Financial Benchmark for Large Language Models By Masanori Hirano
  10. Mean-Variance Efficient Large Portfolios : A Simple Machine Learning Heuristic Technique based on the Two-Fund Separation Theorem By Michele Costola; Bertrand Maillet; Zhining Yuan; Xiang Zhang
  11. Supervised Autoencoder MLP for Financial Time Series Forecasting By Bartosz Bieganowski; Robert Slepaczuk
  12. Using Machine Learning to Forecast Market Direction with Efficient Frontier Coefficients By Nolan Alexander; William Scherer
  13. Enhancing Educational Outcome with Machine Learning: Modeling Friendship Formation, Measuring Peer Effect and Optimizing Class Assignment By Lei Bill Wang; Om Prakash Bedant; Haoran Wang; Zhenbang Jiao; Jia Yin
  14. On the potential of quantum walks for modeling financial return distributions By Stijn De Backer; Luis E. C. Rocha; Jan Ryckebusch; Koen Schoors
  15. Quantum computing approach to realistic ESG-friendly stock portfolios By Francesco Catalano; Laura Nasello; Daniel Guterding

  1. By: Hoang Hiep Nguyen (CREM - Centre de recherche en économie et management - UNICAEN - Université de Caen Normandie - NU - Normandie Université - UR - Université de Rennes - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Jean-Laurent Viviani (CREM - Centre de recherche en économie et management - UNICAEN - Université de Caen Normandie - NU - Normandie Université - UR - Université de Rennes - CNRS - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Sami Ben Jabeur (ESDES - ESDES, Lyon Business School - UCLy - UCLy - UCLy (Lyon Catholic University), UCLy - UCLy (Lyon Catholic University))
    Abstract: Recently, ensemble-based machine learning models have been widely used and have demonstrated their efficiency in bankruptcy prediction. However, these algorithms are black box models and people cannot understand why they make their forecasts. This explains why interpretability methods in machine learning attract attention from many artificial intelligence researchers. In this paper, we evaluate the prediction performance of Random Forest, LightGBM, XGBoost, and NGBoost (Natural Gradient Boosting for probabilistic prediction) for French firms from different industries with the horizon of 1-5 years. We then use Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP), a model-agnostic method to explain XGBoost, one of the best models for our data. SHAP can show how each feature impacts the output from XGBoost. Furthermore, single prediction can also be explained, thus allowing black box models to be used in credit risk management.
    Keywords: Shapley additive explanations, Explainable machine learning, Bankruptcy prediction, Ensemble-based model, XGBoost
    Date: 2023
  2. By: Javier Mancilla; Andr\'e Sequeira; Iraitz Montalb\'an; Tomas Tagliani; Francisco Llaneza; Claudio Beiza
    Abstract: Quantum Kernels are projected to provide early-stage usefulness for quantum machine learning. However, highly sophisticated classical models are hard to surpass without losing interpretability, particularly when vast datasets can be exploited. Nonetheless, classical models struggle once data is scarce and skewed. Quantum feature spaces are projected to find better links between data features and the target class to be predicted even in such challenging scenarios and most importantly, enhanced generalization capabilities. In this work, we propose a novel approach called Systemic Quantum Score (SQS) and provide preliminary results indicating potential advantage over purely classical models in a production grade use case for the Finance sector. SQS shows in our specific study an increased capacity to extract patterns out of fewer data points as well as improved performance over data-hungry algorithms such as XGBoost, providing advantage in a competitive market as it is the FinTech and Neobank regime.
    Date: 2024–03
  3. By: Jai Pal
    Abstract: This study delves into the analysis of financial markets through the lens of Wyckoff Phases, a framework devised by Richard D. Wyckoff in the early 20th century. Focusing on the accumulation pattern within the Wyckoff framework, the research explores the phases of trading range and secondary test, elucidating their significance in understanding market dynamics and identifying potential trading opportunities. By dissecting the intricacies of these phases, the study sheds light on the creation of liquidity through market structure, offering insights into how traders can leverage this knowledge to anticipate price movements and make informed decisions. The effective detection and analysis of Wyckoff patterns necessitate robust computational models capable of processing complex market data, with spatial data best analyzed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and temporal data through Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models. The creation of training data involves the generation of swing points, representing significant market movements, and filler points, introducing noise and enhancing model generalization. Activation functions, such as the sigmoid function, play a crucial role in determining the output behavior of neural network models. The results of the study demonstrate the remarkable efficacy of deep learning models in detecting Wyckoff patterns within financial data, underscoring their potential for enhancing pattern recognition and analysis in financial markets. In conclusion, the study highlights the transformative potential of AI-driven approaches in financial analysis and trading strategies, with the integration of AI technologies shaping the future of trading and investment practices.
    Date: 2024–02
  4. By: Eva L\"utkebohmert; Julian Sester
    Abstract: We propose a new deep learning approach for the quantification of name concentration risk in loan portfolios. Our approach is tailored for small portfolios and allows for both an actuarial as well as a mark-to-market definition of loss. The training of our neural network relies on Monte Carlo simulations with importance sampling which we explicitly formulate for the CreditRisk${+}$ and the ratings-based CreditMetrics model. Numerical results based on simulated as well as real data demonstrate the accuracy of our new approach and its superior performance compared to existing analytical methods for assessing name concentration risk in small and concentrated portfolios.
    Date: 2024–03
  5. By: Denis Levchenko; Efstratios Rappos; Shabnam Ataee; Biagio Nigro; Stephan Robert
    Abstract: We compare three popular neural architecture search strategies on chain-structured search spaces: Bayesian optimization, the hyperband method, and reinforcement learning in the context of financial time series forecasting.
    Date: 2024–03
  6. By: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez; Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez; Ana Barros-Vila; Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no
    Abstract: Finance-related news such as Bloomberg News, CNN Business and Forbes are valuable sources of real data for market screening systems. In news, an expert shares opinions beyond plain technical analyses that include context such as political, sociological and cultural factors. In the same text, the expert often discusses the performance of different assets. Some key statements are mere descriptions of past events while others are predictions. Therefore, understanding the temporality of the key statements in a text is essential to separate context information from valuable predictions. We propose a novel system to detect the temporality of finance-related news at discourse level that combines Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques, and exploits sophisticated features such as syntactic and semantic dependencies. More specifically, we seek to extract the dominant tenses of the main statements, which may be either explicit or implicit. We have tested our system on a labelled dataset of finance-related news annotated by researchers with knowledge in the field. Experimental results reveal a high detection precision compared to an alternative rule-based baseline approach. Ultimately, this research contributes to the state-of-the-art of market screening by identifying predictive knowledge for financial decision making.
    Date: 2024–03
  7. By: Enmin Zhu
    Abstract: This paper explores the intersection of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and financial analysis, focusing on the impact of sentiment analysis in stock price prediction. We employ BERTopic, an advanced NLP technique, to analyze the sentiment of topics derived from stock market comments. Our methodology integrates this sentiment analysis with various deep learning models, renowned for their effectiveness in time series and stock prediction tasks. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate that incorporating topic sentiment notably enhances the performance of these models. The results indicate that topics in stock market comments provide implicit, valuable insights into stock market volatility and price trends. This study contributes to the field by showcasing the potential of NLP in enriching financial analysis and opens up avenues for further research into real-time sentiment analysis and the exploration of emotional and contextual aspects of market sentiment. The integration of advanced NLP techniques like BERTopic with traditional financial analysis methods marks a step forward in developing more sophisticated tools for understanding and predicting market behaviors.
    Date: 2024–04
  8. By: Gyungbae Park
    Abstract: This paper studies debiased machine learning when nuisance parameters appear in indicator functions. An important example is maximized average welfare under optimal treatment assignment rules. For asymptotically valid inference for a parameter of interest, the current literature on debiased machine learning relies on Gateaux differentiability of the functions inside moment conditions, which does not hold when nuisance parameters appear in indicator functions. In this paper, we propose smoothing the indicator functions, and develop an asymptotic distribution theory for this class of models. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed estimator exhibits a trade-off between bias and variance due to smoothing. We study how a parameter which controls the degree of smoothing can be chosen optimally to minimize an upper bound of the asymptotic mean squared error. A Monte Carlo simulation supports the asymptotic distribution theory, and an empirical example illustrates the implementation of the method.
    Date: 2024–03
  9. By: Masanori Hirano
    Abstract: With the recent development of large language models (LLMs), models that focus on certain domains and languages have been discussed for their necessity. There is also a growing need for benchmarks to evaluate the performance of current LLMs in each domain. Therefore, in this study, we constructed a benchmark comprising multiple tasks specific to the Japanese and financial domains and performed benchmark measurements on some models. Consequently, we confirmed that GPT-4 is currently outstanding, and that the constructed benchmarks function effectively. According to our analysis, our benchmark can differentiate benchmark scores among models in all performance ranges by combining tasks with different difficulties.
    Date: 2024–03
  10. By: Michele Costola; Bertrand Maillet (EM - EMLyon Business School); Zhining Yuan; Xiang Zhang
    Abstract: We revisit in this article the Two-Fund Separation Theorem as a simple technique for the Mean-Variance optimization of large portfolios. The proposed approach is fast and scalable and provides equivalent results of commonly used ML techniques but, with computing time differences counted in hours (1 minute versus several hours). In the empirical application, we consider three geographic areas (China, US, and French stock markets) and show that the Two-Fund Separation Theorem holds exactly when no constraints are imposed and is approximately true with (realistic) positive constraints on weights. This technique is shown to be of interest to both scholars and practitioners involved in portfolio optimization tasks.
    Keywords: Two-Fund Separation Theorem, Machine learning, Robust portfolio, High-dimensional Portfolios, mean-variance efficient portfolios
    Date: 2024–03–01
  11. By: Bartosz Bieganowski; Robert Slepaczuk
    Abstract: This paper investigates the enhancement of financial time series forecasting with the use of neural networks through supervised autoencoders, aiming to improve investment strategy performance. It specifically examines the impact of noise augmentation and triple barrier labeling on risk-adjusted returns, using the Sharpe and Information Ratios. The study focuses on the S&P 500 index, EUR/USD, and BTC/USD as the traded assets from January 1, 2010, to April 30, 2022. Findings indicate that supervised autoencoders, with balanced noise augmentation and bottleneck size, significantly boost strategy effectiveness. However, excessive noise and large bottleneck sizes can impair performance, highlighting the importance of precise parameter tuning. This paper also presents a derivation of a novel optimization metric that can be used with triple barrier labeling. The results of this study have substantial policy implications, suggesting that financial institutions and regulators could leverage techniques presented to enhance market stability and investor protection, while also encouraging more informed and strategic investment approaches in various financial sectors.
    Date: 2024–04
  12. By: Nolan Alexander; William Scherer
    Abstract: We propose a novel method to improve estimation of asset returns for portfolio optimization. This approach first performs a monthly directional market forecast using an online decision tree. The decision tree is trained on a novel set of features engineered from portfolio theory: the efficient frontier functional coefficients. Efficient frontiers can be decomposed to their functional form, a square-root second-order polynomial, and the coefficients of this function captures the information of all the constituents that compose the market in the current time period. To make these forecasts actionable, these directional forecasts are integrated to a portfolio optimization framework using expected returns conditional on the market forecast as an estimate for the return vector. This conditional expectation is calculated using the inverse Mills ratio, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model is used to translate the market forecast to individual asset forecasts. This novel method outperforms baseline portfolios, as well as other feature sets including technical indicators and the Fama-French factors. To empirically validate the proposed model, we employ a set of market sector ETFs.
    Date: 2024–03
  13. By: Lei Bill Wang; Om Prakash Bedant; Haoran Wang; Zhenbang Jiao; Jia Yin
    Abstract: In this paper, we look at a school principal's class assignment problem. We break the problem into three stages (1) friendship prediction (2) peer effect estimation (3) class assignment optimization. We build a micro-founded model for friendship formation and approximate the model as a neural network. Leveraging on the predicted friendship probability adjacent matrix, we improve the traditional linear-in-means model and estimate peer effect. We propose a new instrument to address the friendship selection endogeneity. The estimated peer effect is slightly larger than the linear-in-means model estimate. Using the friendship prediction and peer effect estimation results, we simulate counterfactual peer effects for all students. We find that dividing students into gendered classrooms increases average peer effect by 0.02 point on a scale of 5. We also find that extreme mixing class assignment method improves bottom quartile students' peer effect by 0.08 point.
    Date: 2024–04
  14. By: Stijn De Backer; Luis E. C. Rocha; Jan Ryckebusch; Koen Schoors
    Abstract: Accurate modeling of the temporal evolution of asset prices is crucial for understanding financial markets. We explore the potential of discrete-time quantum walks to model the evolution of asset prices. Return distributions obtained from a model based on the quantum walk algorithm are compared with those obtained from classical methodologies. We focus on specific limitations of the classical models, and illustrate that the quantum walk model possesses great flexibility in overcoming these. This includes the potential to generate asymmetric return distributions with complex market tendencies and higher probabilities for extreme events than in some of the classical models. Furthermore, the temporal evolution in the quantum walk possesses the potential to provide asset price dynamics.
    Date: 2024–03
  15. By: Francesco Catalano; Laura Nasello; Daniel Guterding
    Abstract: Finding an optimal balance between risk and returns in investment portfolios is a central challenge in quantitative finance, often addressed through Markowitz portfolio theory (MPT). While traditional portfolio optimization is carried out in a continuous fashion, as if stocks could be bought in fractional increments, practical implementations often resort to approximations, as fractional stocks are typically not tradeable. While these approximations are effective for large investment budgets, they deteriorate as budgets decrease. To alleviate this issue, a discrete Markowitz portfolio theory (DMPT) with finite budgets and integer stock weights can be formulated, but results in a non-polynomial (NP)-hard problem. Recent progress in quantum processing units (QPUs), including quantum annealers, makes solving DMPT problems feasible. Our study explores portfolio optimization on quantum annealers, establishing a mapping between continuous and discrete Markowitz portfolio theories. We find that correctly normalized discrete portfolios converge to continuous solutions as budgets increase. Our DMPT implementation provides efficient frontier solutions, outperforming traditional rounding methods, even for moderate budgets. Responding to the demand for environmentally and socially responsible investments, we enhance our discrete portfolio optimization with ESG (environmental, social, governance) ratings for EURO STOXX 50 index stocks. We introduce a utility function incorporating ESG ratings to balance risk, return, and ESG-friendliness, and discuss implications for ESG-aware investors.
    Date: 2024–04

General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.