New Economics Papers
on Computational Economics
Issue of 2009‒05‒09
five papers chosen by

  1. Solving the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Time Windows using Column Generation By Johnson, Ellis L.; Wøhlk, Sanne
  2. How do services of owner-occupied housing affect income inequality and redistribution? By Jorge Onrubia; M. Carmen Rodado; Luis Ayala
  3. Time-adaptive versus history-adaptive strategies for multicriterion routing in stochastic time-dependent networks By Pretolani, Daniele; Nielsen, Lars Relund; Andersen, Kim Allan; Ehrgott, Matthias
  4. Regression methods for stochastic control problems and their convergence analysis By Denis Belomestny; Anastasia Kolodko; John Schoenmakers
  5. Towards an Integrated Global Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Model: Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture Simulation Model (GreenAgSiM) By Dumortier, Jerome; Hayes, Dermot J.

  1. By: Johnson, Ellis L. (School of Industrial and Systems Engineering); Wøhlk, Sanne (Department of Business Studies, Aarhus School of Business)
    Abstract: In this paper we consider the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Time windows. We suggest two algorithms for solving the problem to optimality and a heuristic for obtaining high quality solutions. To our knowledge this is the first paper to consider optimal solution of that problem.
    Keywords: CARP-TW; column generation; heuristics
    Date: 2009–01–26
  2. By: Jorge Onrubia (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); M. Carmen Rodado (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos); Luis Ayala (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
    Abstract: This paper aims at analyzing the redistributive impact that the inclusion of imputed rental market value of owner-occupied housing would have when quantifying ability to pay, rather than the legal imputation that considers cadastral values. We consider the Spanish Personal Income Tax as reference, due to the differential treatment that provides to this type of income, together with the higher percentages of ownership for primary residence in Spain. The analysis is carried out through a micro-simulation exercise in which different scenarios are proposed. Our results show that the measurement of income including market value incomes resulting from actual or potential use of significantly modifies income inequality and IRPF progressivity and redistribution.
    Keywords: owner-occupied housing services, inequality by income sources, personal income tax, progressivity, redistribution
    JEL: D31 D33 H23 H24
    Date: 2009
  3. By: Pretolani, Daniele (Department of Sciences and Methods of Engineering); Nielsen, Lars Relund (Department of Genetics and Biotechnology); Andersen, Kim Allan (Department of Business Studies, Aarhus School of Business); Ehrgott, Matthias (Department of Engineering Science)
    Abstract: We compare two different models for multicriterion routing in stochastic time-dependent networks: the classic "time-adaptive'' route choice and the more flexible "history-adaptive'' route choice. We point out some interesting properties of the sets of efficient solutions ("strategies'') found under the two models. We also suggest possible directions for improving computational techniques.
    Keywords: Multiple objective programming; shortest paths; stochastic
    Date: 2008–08–26
  4. By: Denis Belomestny; Anastasia Kolodko; John Schoenmakers
    Abstract: In this paper we develop several regression algorithms for solving general stochastic optimal control problems via Monte Carlo. This type of algorithms is particularly useful for problems with a highdimensional state space and complex dependence structure of the underlying Markov process with respect to some control. The main idea behind the algorithms is to simulate a set of trajectories under some reference measure and to use the Bellman principle combined with fast methods for approximating conditional expectations and functional optimization. Theoretical properties of the presented algorithms are investigated and the convergence to the optimal solution is proved under some assumptions. Finally, the presented methods are applied in a numerical example of a high-dimensional controlled Bermudan basket option in a financial market with a large investor.
    Keywords: Optimal stochastic control, Regression methods, Convergence analysis
    JEL: C15 C61
    Date: 2009–05
  5. By: Dumortier, Jerome; Hayes, Dermot J.
    Abstract: The Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture Simulation Model (GreenAgSiM) presented in this paper aims to quantify emissions from agricultural activity on a global scale. The model takes emissions into account that are directly attributable to agricultural production, such as enteric fermentation (methane), manure management (methane and nitrous oxide), and agricultural soil management (nitrous oxide). Furthermore, carbon stock differences from land-use change (carbon dioxide) induced by agriculture are included in the model. The model will provide policy makers with information about the greenhouse gas implications of policy changes.
    Keywords: agriculture, greenhouse gas emissions, land-use change, methane, nitrous oxide, soil carbon.
    Date: 2009–05–04

General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.