nep-cis New Economics Papers
on Confederation of Independent States
Issue of 2020‒01‒20
fourteen papers chosen by

  2. The Concept of Inheritance by Right of Representation: A Comparative Analysis of Civil Law in Russia and France By Natalia V. Rostovtseva
  3. What makes a productive Russian firm? A comparative analysis using firm-level data By Lenka Wildnerova; Hansjörg Blöchliger
  4. The phenomena of after socialist institutional transformation: China and Russia comparison By Martynov, Arkady
  5. Republic of Georgia; Fifth Review Under the Extended Arrangement, Requests for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, Modification of Performance Criteria, and an Extension of the Arrangement and Rephasing of Access By International Monetary Fund
  8. QUESTIONS IN KINA RUTUL By Alexandra Konovalova
  11. PENERAPAN SISTEM INFORMASI BANK PADA PT. BANK CENTRAL ASIA Tbk (BCA) By Rigawan, Gyanriscky; Afriyeni, Afriyeni
  12. The Renewable Energy Consumption-Environmental Degradation Nexus in Top-10 Polluted Countries: Fresh Insights from Quantile-on-Quantile Regression Approach By Sharif, Arshian; Mishra, Shekhar; Sinha, Avik; Jiao, Zhilun; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Afshan, Sahar
  13. World economic momentum peaks By Gern, Klaus-Jürgen; Hauber, Philipp; Kooths, Stefan; Stolzenburg, Ulrich
  14. World Economy Summer 2018 - Reduced world economic momentum By Gern, Klaus-Jürgen; Hauber, Philipp; Kooths, Stefan; Stolzenburg, Ulrich

  1. By: Anatoliy Kostruba (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University)
    Abstract: The institution of succession is a complex system of constructs. Depending on the method of organization and construction of the whole from the constituent parts, different variations of the design of hereditary legal succession are observed. In turn, modern socioeconomic conditions significantly accelerate a person's life cycle, which draws increased attention to their rights and obligations, which will be transferred by legal succession to other persons – heirs. Therefore, the main goal of the article is to conduct a comprehensive study of the institution of succession in the civil law of Ukraine through the lens of theoretically substantiated issues in the context of the qualitative transformations of the relevant legal relations and their legal regulation. To achieve this goal, the author used the laws and categories of dialectics, formal and logical techniques, means of hermeneutics. The general methodological basis of the article was the dialectical method of cognition. As a result of the study, the author ascertained the limitation of the role of the family support function in the succession law of Ukraine and the development of the concept of a singular succession therein. The author substantiates the conclusion that the legal succession of certain objects of civil law is either not subject to civil law regulation at all, or confirms that the singular nature of inheritance of objects of civil law is inherent in succession law. The author also performed a research of universal and singular succession through the lens of their genesis from legal regulation of the times of Ancient Rome to today. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, the most pressing issues in the field of succession in civil law of Ukraine were outlined, which require their gradual and balanced solution by consolidating the efforts of representatives of the doctrine and practice in order to unify, update, and as a result – qualitatively reform the legal regulation of the institution of hereditary legal succession in Ukraine in the context of the positive experience of other states and its gradual testing at the national level.
    Abstract: Анотація. Інститут спадкування є складною системою конструкцій. Залежно від спо-собу організації та побудови цілого із складових частин спостерігаються різні варіації конструювання спадкового правонаступництва. У свою чергу, сучасні соціально-еконо-мічні умови значно прискорюють життєвий цикл людини, що привертає підвищену увагу до його прав і обов'язків, які перейдуть в порядку правонаступництва до інших осіб-спадкоємців. Тому основна мета роботи полягає в проведенні комплексного до-слідження інституту спадкового правонаступництва в цивільному праві України крізь призму теоретично обґрунтованої проблематики в контексті якісних трансформацій відповідних правовідносин та їх правового регулювання. Для досягнення поставленої мети автором були використані закони та категорії діалектики, формально-логічні прийоми, засоби герменевтики. Загальну методологічну основу статті склав діалек-тичний метод пізнання. В результаті дослідження автором констатовано обмеження ролі сімейно-забезпечувальної функції в спадковому праві України і розвиток в ньому концепції сингулярного правонаступництва. Автором обґрунтовано висновок про те, що правонаступництво окремих об'єктів цивільного права або взагалі не підлягає ци-вільно-правовому регулюванню, або підтверджує, що спадковому праву притаманний сингулярних характер успадкування об'єктів цивільного права. Автором також про-ведено дослідження універсального і сингулярного спадкового правонаступництва через призму їх генезису від правового регулювання часів Стародавнього Риму до сьогодні. В результаті комплексного аналізу були окреслені провідні проблеми в сфері спадкового правонаступництва в цивільному праві України, які вимагають свого поступового і зваженого рішення шляхом консолідації зусиль представників доктрини і практики з метою уніфікації, поновлення, і як підсумок-якісного реформування правового регу-лювання інституту спадкового правонаступництва в Україні в контексті позитивного досвіду інших держав та його поступової апробації на національному рівні. Ключові слова: спадкове право, сингулярне правонаступництво, спадкодавець, запові-дальний відказ, цивільне право.
    Keywords: succession law,singular succession,testator,testamentary gift,civil law
    Date: 2019–12–15
  2. By: Natalia V. Rostovtseva (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: This paper examines one of the most important concepts of intestate succession – inheritance by right of representation. The following analysis is based on civil law in Russia and France. The paper provides an overview of the meaning and the role of the right of representation, determines those who can inherit by right of representation under the Russian and French civil codes as well as the grounds for succession; examines the limitations on inheritance by right of representation under civil law in both states; identifies the legal nature of the rights of the representing heirs. Specific attention is paid to the issue of representation of the parent who is the commorient of the decedent. As a result of the comparative study, the author makes proposals on the improvement of the concept of inheritance by right of representation in Russia and France
    Keywords: inheritance by right of representation, intestate succession, the time of opening of an inheritance, commorients, renunciation of inheritance.
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2019
  3. By: Lenka Wildnerova; Hansjörg Blöchliger
    Abstract: Productivity in Russia has fallen steadily over the past 15 years. This paper explores micro-level data to understand the contribution of individual firms to aggregate productivity. Overall, firm-level data corroborate the decline in aggregate productivity and a widening productivity gap against several European countries. They also show that the gap between “the best” and “the rest” has widened in Russia, similar to other countries. Russian markets are quite concentrated, i.e. dominated by few large firms. Larger firms tend to be more productive, but firms at the productivity frontier have become smaller and younger over time, suggesting that more support for young and innovative firms could help raise productivity. Foreign ownership is associated with higher productivity, and there is evidence that foreign firms generate positive productivity spillovers for domestic firms. Service firms belong to the most productive, yet the service sector remains underdeveloped. Mining is also very productive but less than in other countries. Differences in productivity across regions are large, even controlling for many other determinants, suggesting a lack of capital and labour mobility and knowledge transfer across regional borders.
    Keywords: entry and exit of firms, firm-level productivity, foreign ownership, industrial organisation, privatisation, productivity gap, regional productivity differences, Russian economy
    JEL: D24 L16 O43
    Date: 2019–12–23
  4. By: Martynov, Arkady
    Abstract: The author presents an approach to the comparison of fundamental institutional changes in China and Russia attributed to the after socialist countries. Proceeding from the analysis, the trend of the institutional divergence between China and Russia considered in the nineties later changed to the trend of convergence. A unifying feature of the both economies concludes in the prevailing institutions of state capitalism in combination with the at-tributes of socialized market. In the current moment, there are discrepancies with respect to fundamental institu-tional changes between two countries, which may result in the emergence of new divergence trend.
    Keywords: after socialist countries, state capitalism, socialized market, convergence, divergence
    JEL: O57 P00 P52
    Date: 2019–11–27
  5. By: International Monetary Fund
    Abstract: GDP growth remains on track to reach 4.6 percent despite the ban on direct flights from Russia. The current account deficit reached a historic low. Inflation accelerated to 6.9 percent in October reflecting higher food prices and nominal depreciation. The National Bank of Georgia used FX sales and higher policy rates to address rising inflationary pressures. Strong revenue growth has more than offset higher-than-envisaged capital spending, and the 2019 fiscal deficit is likely to be lower than projected at the Fourth Review.
  6. By: Boris Sokolov (National Research University Higher School of Economics); Eduard Ponarin (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: This paper seeks to test if the disillusionment theory developed by Sokolov et al. (2018) to explain the rise of anti-Americanism in post-Soviet Russia, can also explain the recent growth of Euroscepticism in East-Central Europe (ECE). We provide anecdotal evidence of anti-EU disillusionment in the region and then test several empirical implications of the disillusionment theory using mass-level survey data from the European Social Survey (ESS). Our empirical findings are, however, contradictory. This suggests that the disillusionment model cannot be directly applied to the ECE case and should be modified to some extent. We propose two potential modifications. The first is based on David Laitin’s concept of “the most favored lords” and the second underscores the benefits that EU membership offers to the upper strata of Eastern European societies
    Keywords: East-Central Europe, Euroscepticism, Disillusionment, Democratization
    JEL: Y80 Z13
    Date: 2019
  7. By: Kirill A. Aksenov (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: This paper aims at describing the syntactic and semantic properties of gradable predicates in Russian Sign Language (RSL). Property signs in RSL, such as BIG or BEAUTIFUL, generally behave similarly to stative predicates. However, their compatibility with the degree modifiers and aspectual markers shows that they significantly differ from other stative verbs. Thus, they can be categorized as a separate adjective class. In addition to that, adjective class in RSL is not homogeneous. Property signs of age and size form the core of this syntactic category.
    Keywords: property signs, Russian Sign Language, categorical status of adjectives, gradable predicates.
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2019
  8. By: Alexandra Konovalova (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: This paper describes different types of questions in Rutul (Lezgic, East Caucasian). Data analyzed in the work were collected during fieldwork in the Kina village (Rutul district, Republic of Dagestan, Russia) from 2016 to 2019. I provide a description of the interrogative markers and their positions in the sentence, word order, and the possibility of constituent fronting.
    Keywords: questions; Rutul; East Caucasian; interrogative sentences
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2019
  9. By: Valeriya A. Dushkina (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: While spoken languages primarily make use of the acoustic-auditory modality, sign languages use visual-gestural modality. This results in structural differences between those languages. Sign language properties are especially intriguing due to three domains used to convey linguistic information: simultaneity, iconicity and use of space (Meier 2012). The main purpose of my research is to define modality-specific strategies of marking overlapping events in Russian Sign Language (RSL), e.g. simultaneous production of two predicates. I will show what types of syntactic constructions are used to mark simultaneity and what are the criteria for fully-simultaneous production of predicates
    Keywords: simultaneity, polypredicative constructions, Russian Sign Language, sign language syntax.
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2019
  10. By: Alexander B. Letuchiy (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
    Abstract: The article focuses on cases when the length of the constituent is relevant for Russian syntax and leads to ungrammaticality or partial acceptability of some structures. The list of phenomena under consideration includes ‘one-word restrictions’; differences between complement clauses of matrix verbs in indicative vs. imperative, include constructions with ‘predicatives’, special properties of nominalizations, structures with short embedded clauses, and so on. I show that the ‘length restrictions’ are in fact of different nature: some are related to discourse factors (deictic / non-deictic semantics, discourse coherence, imperative addressee orientation), while others are related to parsing needs (grammatical units are typically shorter than lexical ones, main clauses are more explicit than embedded ones). Another feature of length restrictions is that they are never holistic / integral: the particular rule usually holds for a particular type of structure, not for the whole domain of syntax (this is what makes our data different from purely syntactic restrictions, such as c-command requirements and island restrictions, which often cover a broad set of constructions and grammatical contexts)
    Keywords: length of constituents, predicatives, complement clauses, mood, subject expression, one-word restrictions
    JEL: Z
    Date: 2019
  11. By: Rigawan, Gyanriscky; Afriyeni, Afriyeni
    Abstract: Teknologi merupakan pengaruh penting bagi kemajuan sistem informasi suatu perusahaan. Hal ini tidak terlepas dengan semakin tajamnya persaingan antar perusahaan perbankan, maka dari itu perusahaan perlu menerapkan suatu teknologi sistem informasi pada bank. Sistem informasi pada perbankan bertujuan untuk memberikan kenyamanan, kemudahan dan kepuasan terhadap konsumen atau nasabahnya dan juga untuk perusahaan teknologi sistem informasi yang modern mampu meningkatkan operasional perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang sistem informasi bank pada PT. Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA). Teknik pembahasan yang digunakan adalah dengan metode deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan ke perpustakaan beberapa buku-buku ilmiah dan tulisan-tulisan yang berhubungan dengan pembahasan yang dilakukan serta jurnal yang berhubungan dengan tugas akhir ini. Sistem informasi bank yang ada di BCA yaitu internet banking atau yang dikenal sebagai e-Banking. Istilah e-Banking ini adalah melakukan transaksi, pembayaran, dan transaksi lainnya melalui internet dengan website milik bank yang dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan. Kelebihan dari e-Banking ini adalah nasabah tidak perlu antri untuk melakukan transaksi keuangan. Nasabah bisa langsung melakukan kegiatan perbankan dirumah dan dimana saja. Selain itu juga menghemat waktu, nasabah tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu seharian hanya untuk menyelesaikan berbagai transaksi keuangan. Namun kekurangan dari sistem informasi bank ini adalah rawan pembobolan, ini menjadi perhatian banyak pihak kalau dana nasabah sering dibobol orang tak dikenal. Dana yang hilang sering tidak dapat dikembalikan dan nasabah mengalami kerugian. Selain itu kekurangan lainnya yaitu tergantung pada internet, tidak mungkin melakukan transaksi e-Banking dikawasan yang jaringan internetnya belum ada. Jaringan internet yang diharapkan juga harus lebih kencang kecepatannya, jika jaringan internetnya lama maka e-Banking akan mengalami gagal transaksi.
    Date: 2018–12–02
  12. By: Sharif, Arshian; Mishra, Shekhar; Sinha, Avik; Jiao, Zhilun; Shahbaz, Muhammad; Afshan, Sahar
    Abstract: This empirical examination explored the link between renewable energy utilization and environmental degradation in top-10 polluted countries by using monthly data from 1990-2017. The Quantile-on-Quantile regression (QQ) proposed by Sim and Zhou (2015) and Granger causality in quantiles developed by Troster (2018) are applied. In particular, we examine in what manners, quantiles of renewable energy consumption affect the quantiles of environmental degradation. Our empirical findings unfold overall dependence between renewable energy consumption and ecological deterioration. The findings recommend the presence of a significant negative association between renewable energy consumption and environmental degradation in China, USA, Japan, Canada, Brazil, South Korea and Germany, predominantly in high and low tails but results are totally contrasting in the case of India, Russia and Indonesia. Furthermore, the outcomes of Granger-causality in quantiles conclude a bidirectional causal link between renewable energy consumption and environmental degradation. The empirical findings suggest that governments should need to subsidize green energy in declining ecological degradation.
    Keywords: Renewable Energy; CO2 Emissions; Quantile-on-Quantile (QQ) Approach; Granger-Causality in Quantiles
    JEL: Q5
    Date: 2019–12–15
  13. By: Gern, Klaus-Jürgen; Hauber, Philipp; Kooths, Stefan; Stolzenburg, Ulrich
    Abstract: At the start of 2018 the global economy is in full swing. On a PPP-basis growth in 2017 was 3.9 percent, the highest rate since 2011. While leading indicators point to still robust growth in early 2018, sentiment has recently been negatively affected by increasing uncertainty about the pace of monetary tightening in the US and concerns about the future of global trade. Financial market turbulence in the course of the coming normalization of monetary policies and an escalation of trade conflicts constitute major risks to our baseline forecast of a gradually moderating but still robust world economy. We expect global output to rise by 4.0 percent and 3.8 percent in 2018 and 2019, respectively. The upward revision from our December forecast by 0.1 resp. 0.2 percentage points to a large extent reflects the incorporation into our baseline of the US tax reform.
    Keywords: advanced economies,emerging economies,monetary policy,Japan,Russia,ASEAN
    Date: 2018
  14. By: Gern, Klaus-Jürgen; Hauber, Philipp; Kooths, Stefan; Stolzenburg, Ulrich
    Abstract: The world economy has lost momentum in the beginning of this year, although partly due to special factors. We have reduced our forecast for global growth in both 2018 and 2019 by 0.2 percentage points. In the advanced economies capacity utilization will continue to increase, supporting an increase in underlying inflation in addition to the temporary impact of higher oil prices on headline inflation. Escalating trade conflicts constitute a major risk for the forecast. Other notable risks are increased political uncertainty in Europe following the elections in Italy and potential disruptions associated with the process of monetary policy normalization, including financial stress in emerging economies.
    Keywords: advanced economies,emerging economies,monetary policy,Japan,Russia,ASEAN
    Date: 2018

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.