nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2025–03–24
twenty-one papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. Study of the impact of social networks on the purchasing behaviour of luxury brands in Morocco By Yahya Hassine; Kaoutar Alhaderi
  2. Transitioning towards Sustainable and Climate-Smart Tourism in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) By Syed Adeel Abbas; Ali Ahmad; Ban Edilbi; Amos Abu
  3. Battle of Sects? Iran and Saudi Arabia’s Role Conflict in the MENA By RezaeeDaryakenari, Babak; Özdamar, Özgür; Akbaba, Yasemin
  4. Examining Racism and Discrimination in the Middle East and North Africa Region By World Bank
  5. Innovative Financing Solutions: A Transformative Driver for Financial Performance of Businesses in Morocco By Nohayla Badrane; Zineb Bamousse
  6. Tunisia Economic Monitor By World Bank
  7. Quality and Inequality in Pre-Primary and Home Environment Inputs to Early Childhood Development in Egypt By Krafft, Caroline Gould; Raikes, Abbie; Nikaein Towfighian, Samira; Mojgani, Rebecca Sayre
  8. Türkiye, with the longest coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, is Israel's maritime neighbor By Memoğlu, Ömer
  9. Lebanon Economic Monitor, Fall 2024 By World Bank
  10. Jordan Economic Monitor, Summer 2024 By World Bank
  11. Algeria Economic Update, Fall 2024 By World Bank
  12. World Bank GovTech Operations in Jordan By World Bank
  13. Iraq Human Capital Review By World Bank
  14. Yemen Economic Monitor, Spring 2024 By World Bank
  15. Lebanon Interim Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) By World Bank
  16. Yemen Economic Monitor, Fall 2024 By World Bank
  17. Djibouti Economic Monitor, Fall 2024 By World Bank
  18. State-Owned Enterprises (SOES) in Oman By World Bank
  19. Gulf Economic Update, December 2024 By Muhammad Khudadad Chattha; Hoda Youssef; Olena Ftomova; Ashwaq Natiq Maseeh; Xinyue Wang; Željko Bogeti?; Dominik Naeher; Christian Borja-Vega; Adnan Ghosheh
  20. Libya Economic Monitor, Fall 2024 By World Bank
  21. Economic, Trade, and Industry Implications of the Circular Economy Transition in Türkiye By World Bank

  1. By: Yahya Hassine (UIT - Université Ibn Tofaïl); Kaoutar Alhaderi
    Abstract: This study explores the impact of social networks on the purchasing behaviour of luxury brand consumers in Morocco, by focusing on startups using social media platforms with a literature review emphasizes the main research objective is to know the characteristics of online shopping with luxury products. The results show that social networks increase visibility and influence the perception of luxury brands, especially among educated young adults, while raising concerns about the quality of Moroccan startups' products.
    Abstract: Cette étude explore l'impact des réseaux sociaux sur le comportement d'achat des consommateurs de marques de luxe au Maroc, en mettant l'accent sur les startups utilisant les plateformes des réseaux sociaux avec une revue de littérature met l'accent sur l'objectif principal de recherche st de savoir les caractéristiques d'achat en ligne avec les produits de luxe. Les résultats montrent que les réseaux sociaux augmentent la visibilité et influencent la perception des marques de luxe, en particulier parmi les jeunes adultes éduqués, tout en soulevant des réserves sur la qualité des produits des startups marocaines.
    Keywords: Réseaux sociaux Comportement d'achat Attitude Perception, Maroc Social networks Shopping behaviour Attitude Perception Morocco, Réseaux sociaux, Comportement d'achat, Attitude, Perception, Maroc Social networks, Shopping behaviour, Morocco
    Date: 2024–08–15
  2. By: Syed Adeel Abbas; Ali Ahmad; Ban Edilbi; Amos Abu
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth
    Date: 2024–07
  3. By: RezaeeDaryakenari, Babak (Leiden University); Özdamar, Özgür; Akbaba, Yasemin
    Abstract: This paper examines the impact of faith-based national role conceptualizations (NRCs) in the Iran-Saudi Arabia rivalry in recent history. We build on the previous scholarship that merges the influence of power politics and religion with a focus on how instrumental motivations shape religion-based policymaking. Employing automated content analysis, we quantify religious and secular foreign policy role conceptualizations ascribed to Iranian and Saudi foreign policy by their officials from 2015 to 2021. We analyze eight official Twitter/X accounts to illustrate role conceptualizations. Results reveal the coexistence and frequent, dynamic, and selective use of both types of NRCs by both states’ officials. Also, each state’s utilization of specific NRCs correlates with responses to the rival’s adoption of competing NRCs, offering insights into the nature of Iran-Saudi competition in the region. We conclude by discussing the role of religion in the foreign policies of Saudi Arabia and Iran, two MENA states with theocratic structures. Methodologically, this study contributes to the emerging field of political analysis of social media data in International Relations and represents a pioneering effort within religion literature in political science.
    Date: 2024–10–10
  4. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Communities and Human Settlements-Human Migrations & Resettlements Conflict and Development-Conflict and Fragile States Gender-Gender and Social Development Social Development-Race in Society
    Date: 2024–08
  5. By: Nohayla Badrane (ENCGS); Zineb Bamousse
    Abstract: In a rapidly evolving landscape marked by continuous change and complex challenges, effective cash management stands as a cornerstone for ensuring business sustainability and driving performance. To address these pressing demands, cash managersare increasingly turning to innovative financing solutions such as venture capital, green finance, crowdfunding, advanced services from Pan-African banks, and blockchain technology. These cutting-edge tools are pivotal in bolstering resilience against market volatility, ecological transitions, and the accelerating pace of technological change. The present article aims to examine how such innovative financial approaches can serve as strategic drivers, enabling businesses to transform challenges into opportunities. The analysis underscores that rethinking cash management through innovation is a critical pathway toboost the performance of Moroccan companies. Therefore, embracing these forward-thinking strategies unlocks new avenues for development empowering them to adapt with agility amidst the uncertainties of a shifting environment.
    Date: 2025–02
  6. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Modeling and Statistics Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Development
    Date: 2024–11
  7. By: Krafft, Caroline Gould; Raikes, Abbie; Nikaein Towfighian, Samira; Mojgani, Rebecca Sayre
    Abstract: By the time children in low- and middle-income countries start primary school, large socioeconomic disparities are evident in children’s learning and development. Both pre-primary and home environments can play important roles in influencing school readiness and can contribute to disparities in early childhood development, but there is limited evidence on their relative roles in low- and middle-income countries. This paper examines how pre-primary quality, stimulation at home, and early childhood development vary by socioeconomic status for pre-primary students in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The results demonstrate substantial socioeconomic inequality in stimulation at home, more so than in pre-primary quality and inputs, although there is variation in the degree of inequality across different dimensions of pre-primary quality. “Double inequality” is observed, where students with less stimulating home environments experience slightly lower quality pre-primary inputs. There are particularly large pre-primary inequities in structural quality (physical environment) and less inequity in process quality (pedagogy). These results suggest that targeted investments in pre-primary education in Egypt are necessary to reduce inequality in school readiness but are likely insufficient to close the socioeconomic status gap in children’s development. Investing in interventions to improve vulnerable children’s home learning environments, as well as investing in quality pre-primary, is critical to address disparities in children’s development.
    Date: 2023–02–24
  8. By: Memoğlu, Ömer (High Technology Research Center (YUTAM))
    Abstract: Türkiye adopts a 'win-win' strategy in the context of maritime disputes. The Republic of Türkiye, which aims to show how much maritime jurisdiction coastal states will gain in their agreements with Türkiye, also implements a strategy to show how much they will lose if they do not reach an agreement with Türkiye. Türkiye, which embraces international principles such as fair distribution, fairness, geographical superiority, proportionality, and non-closure, being the country with the longest coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean, naturally has maritime boundaries with Israel as well. In this context, Israel is Türkiye's maritime neighbor. The Turkish Sword drawn in the west with Libya and in the east with Israel can be effectively applied. The thesis of Doç. Dr. Cihat Yaycı, 'Libya-Türkiye EEZ Agreement, Libya is Türkiye's Maritime Neighbor, ' was realized with the will of President Erdoğan and formed a strategy that disrupted a global game planned to seize the maritime jurisdiction areas of countries bordering the Eastern Mediterranean, including Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration. The Eastern Mediterranean, which excites global multi-actor actors and those who monopolize energy hegemony, will make Türkiye a global actor with its Blue Homeland strategy, given that it has the longest coastline. Those actors who do not want Türkiye to become a great power and use various methods to deter Türkiye from the Blue Homeland Doctrine try to implement their plans to chain Türkiye by presenting the Seville map, which was drawn to confine Türkiye to its land borders, as the maritime reflection of the Seville agreement of yesteryears. Because when Türkiye claims its maritime rights, it can solve its energy problem and fulfill one of the 'one necessary and two sufficient conditions' to become a great power. Elements that fund Türkiye’s lobbies to label the Blue Homeland as expansionist, maximalist, or Neo-Ottomanist aim to prevent Türkiye from becoming a great power. Based on Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha’s principle 'He who controls the water controls the land, ' the main strategy is to conduct a study showing how much maritime jurisdiction Israel can gain with agreements with Türkiye. Reminding us of the maritime spirit of our millennial civilization and the losses suffered when separated from its seas, and addressing the global competition in the Eastern Mediterranean and its reflections on the Republic of Türkiye in terms of maritime security are the main outlines of the study.
    Date: 2024–12–14
  9. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Forecasting Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth Conflict and Development-Conflict and Fragile States
    Date: 2024–12
  10. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Development Economics & Aid Effectiveness Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth
    Date: 2024–10
  11. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Energy-Oil & Gas Environment-Carbon Policy and Trading Environment-Adaptation to Climate Change Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth
    Date: 2024–12
  12. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies-ICT Applications Governance-E-Government
    Date: 2024–10
  13. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Social Development-Social Analysis
    Date: 2024–10
  14. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Forecasting Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth
    Date: 2024–08
  15. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Communities and Human Settlements-Human Migrations & Resettlements Conflict and Development-Conflict and Fragile States Conflict and Development-Post Conflict Reconstruction Conflict and Development-Peace & Peacekeeping
    Date: 2024–12
  16. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Finance and Financial Sector Development Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth Finance and Financial Sector Development-Strategic Debt Management Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Fiscal & Monetary Policy
    Date: 2024–11
  17. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Forecasting Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth
    Date: 2024–10
  18. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Private Sector Development-Enterprise Development & Reform Governance-Governance and the Financial Sector Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth Finance and Financial Sector Development-Finance and Development
    Date: 2024–11
  19. By: Muhammad Khudadad Chattha; Hoda Youssef; Olena Ftomova; Ashwaq Natiq Maseeh; Xinyue Wang; Željko Bogeti?; Dominik Naeher; Christian Borja-Vega; Adnan Ghosheh
    Keywords: Water Resources-Freshwater Resources Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth
    Date: 2024–12
  20. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth Social Protections and Labor-Employment and Unemployment Social Protections and Labor-Labor Markets Poverty Reduction-Poverty Reduction Strategies
    Date: 2025–01
  21. By: World Bank
    Keywords: Macroeconomics and Economic Growth-Economic Growth International Economics and Trade-Trade Facilitation Urban Development Water Supply and Sanitation-Urban Solid Waste Management Private Sector Development-Global Value Chains and Business Clustering
    Date: 2025–01

This nep-ara issue is ©2025 by Paul Makdissi. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.