nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2025–03–10
forty papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. Economic and Distributional Impacts of Selected Carbon Pricing Policies for the Arab Republic of Egypt By Timilsina, Govinda R.; Sebsibie, Samuel
  2. Connecting People to Projects : A New Approach to Measuring Women’s Employment in the Middle East and North Africa By Assaad, Ragui A; Krafft, Caroline Gould
  3. Female Headship and Poverty in the Arab Region: Analysis of Trends and Dynamics Based on a New Typology By AlAzzawi, Shireen; Dang, Hai-Anh H.; Hlasny, Vladimir; Abanokova, Ksenia; Behrman, Jere R.
  4. For Labor or for Divorce ? Unilateral Divorce Laws and Women’s Labor Outcomes By El Mekkaoui, Najat; Loukili, Sara; Fourouheshfar, Yeganeh; Eissa, Nada Omer
  5. Reassessing the Impacts of Exports on Local Labor Market Outcomes : A Supply Chain Perspective — Evidence from the Arab Republic of Egypt By Tillan, Pablo Antonio; Kokas, Deeksha; Bezerra De Goes, Carlos Andre; Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys C.
  6. Mobilization practices for the organizational commitment of Generation Y employees. The case of Moroccan companies. By Mohamed Azizi; Mohamed Zahidi
  7. The Gaza Strip's Chronic Food Security Crisis: A Preexisting Problem Exacerbated by Recent Conflict By Zelingher, Rotem
  8. Gender Role Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and the "Double Burden'' in Morocco By Barnett, Carolyn Louise
  9. Adopting multi-R strategies for circular economy in emerging economies : case study of Moroccan SMEs By Soufiane Elbroumi; Maha Assaad Idrissi
  10. Exploring Recent Ideological Divides in Turkey: Political and Cultural Axes By KINA, MEHMET FUAT
  11. The effect of war on Palestinian life expectancy in 2023 By Gómez-Ugarte, Ana C.; Acosta, Enrique; Basellini, Ugofilippo; Alburez-Gutierrez, Diego
  12. Job Finding and Separation among Syrian refugees in Jordan and Their Hosts during the COVID-19 Pandemic By Wahby, Sarah Mohammad Osman; Assaad, Ragui A
  13. How Large Are the Economic Dividends from Closing Gender Employment Gaps in the Middle East and North Africa ? By Fiuratti, Federico Ivan; Pennings, Steven Michael; Torres Coronado, Jesica
  14. Could Digital Inclusion Close the Gender Economic Gap in the MENA Region ? By Mohieldin, Mahmoud; Ramadan, Racha
  15. Rethinking Management Control: Challenges and Prospects for Implementation in Territorial Health Groups in Morocco. By Mouhsine Errabai; Hicham Sedra
  16. Are Global Value Chains Women Friendly in Developing Countries ? Evidence from Firm-Level Data By Kalliny, Marize; Zaki, Chahir
  17. Pathology of Public Policy Concerning Iran’s Cooperatives: Bridging Local Challenges and Global Alternatives By Amoozadeh Mahdiraji, Hanif
  18. Performance management using management control tools in RAET Le pilotage de la performance par les outils de contrôle de gestion dans les AREF By Azzeddine Fekkak; Rachid Hasnaoui
  19. The struggles of labour mobilisation in Lebanon and Iraq By Rønn, Anne Kirstine
  20. The Impacts of COVID-19 on Female Labor Force Participation in the Islamic Republic of Iran By Dang, Hai-Anh H.; Salehi Isfahani, Djavad; Do, Minh N. N.
  21. Fiscal Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in a Constrained Environment : The Case of the West Bank and Gaza By Amjad, Beenish; Carrasco Nunez, Haydeeliz; Finn, Arden Jeremy; Goldman, Maya Scott
  22. Exports to Jobs : Morocco’s Trade Patterns and Local Labor Market Outcomes By Roche Rodriguez, Jaime Alfonso; Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys C.; Robertson, Raymond; Zárate, Daniela Ruiz
  23. Labor Market Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the West Bank and Gaza By Deng, Jingyuan; Elmallakh, Nelly Youssef Louis William; Flabbi, Luca; Gatti, Roberta V.
  24. Yemen NIAC review 2018 until January 2022 By Matolín, Maximilian
  25. Assessing the Extent of Monetary Poverty in the Syrian Arab Republic after a Decade of Conflict By Redaelli, Silvia; Infanzon Guadarrama, Michelle; Moreno Herrera, Laura Liliana
  26. The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Iranian Labor Market By Redaelli, Silvia
  27. The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty in Iraq By Amjad, Beenish; Cabrera, Maynor Vinicio; Phadera, Lokendra
  28. DEFEN-CE: Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in Post-COVID-19 Labour Markets. Report on Turkey By Duman, Anil
  29. The Long-Term and Gender-Equalizing Impacts of the Islamic Republic of Iran-Iraq War in 1980–88 on School Access and Labor Market Performance By Xuan Hoang, Trung
  30. Globalization, Dutch Disease, and Vulnerability to External Shocks in a Small Open Economy : The Case of Lebanon in 1916 and 2019 By Bou Habib, Chadi
  31. What Drives Citizens’ Trust in State Institutions ? Large-Scale Survey Evidence on Process and Outcome-Based Trust in Morocco By Zovighian, Diane; Cloutier, Mathieu; Bove, Abel Paul Basile
  32. Gender, Social Support, and Political Speech : Evidence from Twitter By Heath, Rachel; Van Der Weide, Roy
  33. Taxes, Transfers, and Gender : Fiscal Policy Incidence across Fiscal and Care Categories in Jordan By Rodriguez Takeuchi, Laura Kiku; Wai-Poi, Matthew Grant; Woodham, Jeffrey Scott
  34. Tackling Gender Discriminatory Inheritance Law Privately : Lessons from a Survey Expe riment in Tunisia By Hauser, Christina Sarah
  35. Fiscal Policy, Poverty and Inequality in Jordan : The Role of Taxes and Public Spending By Rodriguez Takeuchi, Laura Kiku; Wai-Poi, Matthew Grant
  36. The Effect of COVID-19 on the Gender Employment Gap in Egyptian Manufacturing By El-Haddad, Amirah; Ishak, Phoebe Saad Wasfy
  37. Global Care Policy Index 2024 Country Report: Türkiye By Khamitkhanova, Aiganym; Paul, Anju Mary
  38. Gender stereotypes and professional experiences of female nurses in Türkiye By Aca, Zeynep; Kırcal-Şahin, Arzu; Özdemir, Akın; Kaymakcı, Yavuz Selim
  39. Gender and Fiscal Policy — A Methodological Proposal and Its Application to Jordan and Armenia By Jellema, Jon Robbert; Grown, Caren; Fuchs Tarlovsky, Alan; Wai-Poi, Matthew Grant; Tiwari, Sailesh; Sosa, Mariano Ernesto
  40. When the Rain Stops Falling : Effects of Droughts on the Tunisian Labor Market By Alfani, Federica; Pallante, Giacomo; Palma, Alessandro; Talhaoui, Abdelkader

  1. By: Timilsina, Govinda R.; Sebsibie, Samuel
    Abstract: The Arab Republic of Egypt is the 24th largest carbon dioxide emitter from fossil fuel combustion in the world and the third largest emitter in the Middle East and North Africa region after the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia. Egypt has set a target of reducing one-third of its national greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Climate Agreement. Pricing instruments, such as the removal of existing fossil fuel subsidies and the introduction of a carbon tax, help the country to achieve its emission reduction targets. However, the economic, social, and environmental impacts of such policies are unknown. This study develops a computable general equilibrium model for Egypt to investigate the economic, distributional, and climate change mitigation effects of fossil fuel subsidy removal and introduction of a carbon tax under alternative schemes to recycle the saved subsidies and carbon tax revenues. Four revenue recycling schemes are considered: public debt reduction, equal or progressive cash transfers to households, and cutting corporate income taxes. The numerical results indicate that removing existing petroleum subsidies and introducing of a carbon tax of LE 600 per ton of carbon dioxide would reduce national carbon dioxide emissions by up to 11 percent without significantly affecting the economy. When the saved subsidies and carbon tax revenues are given back to households through cash transfers, the income of poorer households would rise relative to that of richer households, ensuring that this revenue recycling scheme is progressive. The policies affect commodity prices and sectoral output not only in different magnitudes, but also in different directions across the revenue recycling schemes.
    Date: 2024–06–04
  2. By: Assaad, Ragui A; Krafft, Caroline Gould
    Abstract: Innovations to date in detecting women’s employment have focused primarily on improving individual-level questions. This paper explores an alternative approach, using data on household enterprises and asking who participates in these activities. This research uses the latest waves of the Labor Market Panel Surveys for the Arab Republic of Egypt (2018) and Tunisia (2014). The research questions are (1) How do men’s and women’s employment rates change when adding enterprise-based detection questions to standard individual-level questions (2) Was the additional market employment detected with project-based approaches classified as subsistence work with individual measurement approaches (3) For which women is additional employment detected using project-based approaches The paper presents descriptive results on work based on the different approaches. It also estimates changes in state (being reclassified as working) from adding enterprise-level data. The findings show large increases in employment rates for rural women in both countries when including enterprise-based detection questions.
    Date: 2024–01–09
  3. By: AlAzzawi, Shireen; Dang, Hai-Anh H.; Hlasny, Vladimir; Abanokova, Ksenia; Behrman, Jere R.
    Abstract: Various challenges are thought to render female-headed households (FHHs) vulnerable to poverty in the Arab region. Yet, previous studies have had mixed results and the absence of household panel survey data hinders analysis of poverty dynamics. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a novel typology of FHHs and analyzes synthetic panels constructed from 20 rounds of repeated cross-sectional surveys spanning the past two decades from the Arab Republic of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Mauritania, the West Bank and Gaza, and Tunisia. The paper finds that the definition of FHHs matters for measuring poverty levels and dynamics. Most types of FHHs are less poor than non–FHHs on average, but FHHs with a major share of female adults are generally poorer. FHHs are more likely to escape poverty than households on average, but FHHs without children are the most likely to do so. While more children are generally associated with more poverty for FHHs, there is heterogeneity across countries in addition to heterogeneity across measures of FHHs. The findings provide useful inputs for social protection and employment programs aiming at reducing gender inequalities and poverty in the Arab region.
    Date: 2024–01–16
  4. By: El Mekkaoui, Najat; Loukili, Sara; Fourouheshfar, Yeganeh; Eissa, Nada Omer
    Abstract: Despite substantial progress in closing the gender gap, women’s labor force participation in the Middle East and North Africa remains one of the lowest globally, at a mere 18 percent. This paper investigates the effect of the introduction of unilateral divorce laws on women’s labor outcomes, using data from the Demographic and Health Survey program that spans decades and a quasi-experimental difference-in-differences design in three countries: Morocco, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and Jordan. The results highlight that no-fault divorce legislation was associated with a modest increase in mothers’ labor outcomes, measured by current employment, a few years after the reform. These findings are likely induced by a power shift and anticipatory effects that drive women into the labor force. However, when a longer time window is considered, 10 or more years after the reform, the study documents a negative effect of the reform on women’s labor outcomes in Morocco, and a positive effect in the Arab Republic of Egypt and Jordan. These differences can be attributed to a set of countervailing effects, including social norms, labor market dynamics, and evolution of the legislation, that make the derived utility from marriage, in some cases, more attractive than that derived from employment, and vice versa. These findings partially confirm results from previous research on the relationship between no-fault divorce and women’s agency and empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa region, but, at the same time, contrast with prominent perspectives on legislation that aims at reducing gender-based discrimination. Instead, they show that there might be undesired effects of legislation and provide a policy relevant discussion on that basis.
    Date: 2024–01–09
  5. By: Tillan, Pablo Antonio; Kokas, Deeksha; Bezerra De Goes, Carlos Andre; Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys C.
    Abstract: This paper examines the overall impact of exports while accounting for supply chain linkages on local labor market outcomes in the Arab Republic of Egypt between 2007 and 2018. The paper assesses the effects not only on directly exporting industries, but also on industries indirectly affected by rising export demand. Furthermore, it examines potential impacts on specific groups of workers, such as high-skilled individuals and female workers. The results show that trade does not lead to the same connection with domestic labor markets in Egypt as observed in other countries, as highlighted in the existing literature explaining the adverse effects of imports on developing countries. Despite being more open to trade, trade-intensive industries in Egypt have not experienced a significant increase in their share of employment within the overall workforce. To harness the benefits of trade, Egypt must undertake deeper reforms aimed at significantly expanding the export sector.
    Date: 2023–11–21
  6. By: Mohamed Azizi (CERTE - مركز بحوث وتكنولوجيا المياه = Centre de Recherche et Technologies des Eaux = Water Research and Technology Centre, Al-Baha University); Mohamed Zahidi
    Abstract: This paper aims to take stock of the effects of mobilization practices on the organizational commitment of Generation Y employees in Moroccan companies. On the one hand, it seeks to take stock of the level of use of mobilization practices in Moroccan companies as perceived by Generation Y employees, and on the other, to test the impact of these practices on the organizational commitment of these employees. The construction of the research model is based on an analysis of the literature relating to this generation and some theoretical models of human resource mobilization. Methodologically, we relied on a quantitative approach through a field survey, in which we collected responses from our research sample (195 people). Statistical processing was carried out using SPSS (V.25) and Smart PLS (V.3.9). Our results confirm the existence of a strong link between the practices of information sharing, recognition and skills development and the affective commitment of young employees.
    Abstract: Le présent papier vise à faire le point sur les effets des pratiques de mobilisation sur l'engagement organisationnel des salariés de la génération Y dans les entreprises marocaines. Ceci, en cherchant d'une part, à faire le point sur le niveau d'utilisation des pratiques de mobilisation dans les entreprises marocaines perçu par les employés de la génération Y, et d'autre part à tester l'impact de ces pratiques sur l'engagement organisationnel de ces salariés. La construction du modèle de recherche est basée sur l'analyse de la littérature relative à cette génération et quelques modèles théoriques de la mobilisation des ressources humaines. Sur le plan méthodologique, nous avons compté sur une démarche quantitative à travers une enquête du terrain, dans laquelle nous avons collecté les réponses auprès de notre échantillon de recherche (195 personnes). Le traitement statistique a été fait à l'aide de SPSS (V.25) et Smart PLS (V.3.9). Nos résultats confirment l'existence d'un fort lien entre les pratiques de partage d'information, de reconnaissance et de développement des compétences et l'engagement affectif des jeunes employés.
    Keywords: Génération Y, Mobilisation, Pratiques RH, Engagement organisationnel
    Date: 2025–01–28
  7. By: Zelingher, Rotem
    Abstract: The Gaza Strip (GS) is facing a severe food crisis, with a significant portion of the population facing famine conditions, which has aggravated during the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. However, the region's food security challenges are not new, but rather rooted in historical, political, and socioeconomic factors that have shaped the GS's vulnerability and resilience. In this article, we examine the complex causes and consequences of chronic food insecurity in the Palestinian territories, while comparing both regions: the West Bank (WB) and GS. The article draws upon recent reports by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), as well as other sources. We also discuss the urgency of action and the potential long-term solutions to address the food security crisis, focusing on the role of the Gazan government and the international community. We argue that global efforts should aim to encourage the Gazan government to invest in social equity, prioritising food security, health, and other vital aspects, while also supporting humanitarian relief and peace-building initiatives.
    Date: 2024–04–09
  8. By: Barnett, Carolyn Louise
    Abstract: To what extent do attitudes and perceived norms around household roles hinder the emergence of more gender-equal distributions of labor in Morocco Moroccan women undertake a disproportionate share of unpaid household and care labor and participate in the labor force at low rates. Yet everyday practices are shifting, and normative expectations may be as well. From an online survey of predominantly urban, employed Moroccans, this paper finds that respondents aspire for men to be equal contributors in care tasks. Yet, unpaid labor burdens remain highly unequal, respondents disfavor men taking primary responsibility for cooking or cleaning, and women's share of household labor correlates with perceptions of what men prefer more than with individuals' actual preferences. Results from a conjoint survey experiment measuring preferences around employment and the household division of labor confirm respondents' interest in more egalitarian relations in principle, but also suggest that strong preferences for a male breadwinner family model will continue to drive an unequal distribution of labor at home.
    Date: 2024–02–05
  9. By: Soufiane Elbroumi (USMBA - Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah); Maha Assaad Idrissi (UIT - Université Ibn Tofaïl)
    Abstract: The circular economy (CE) represents an innovative approach to addressing contemporary environmental, social, and economic challenges. This study investigates the factors influencing the adoption of circular practices by Moroccan small and medium enterprises (SMEs), focusing on economic, technological, and institutional dimensions. Based on empirical data from 250 SMEs across Morocco's major economic regions, the research highlights how access to funding, clean technologies, and managerial awareness serve as key drivers of this transition. The findings reveal that financial and technological resources significantly promote the adoption of multi-R approaches (reduce, reuse, recycle), while institutional constraints pose substantial barriers. Moreover, sectoral disparities are evident, with higher adoption rates in industry and services compared to commerce. This study offers strategic recommendations to accelerate the circular transition of Moroccan SMEs, including public incentives, institutional reforms, and enhanced stakeholder awareness. The findings contribute to academic discussions on CE in emerging economies while providing practical insights for policymakers and businesses.
    Abstract: L'économie circulaire (EC) constitue une approche novatrice pour répondre aux défis environnementaux, sociaux et économiques contemporains. Cet article examine les facteurs influençant l'adoption des pratiques circulaires par les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) marocaines, en mettant en lumière les dimensions économiques, technologiques et institutionnelles. Basée sur une analyse empirique menée auprès de 250 PME réparties sur les principales régions économiques du Maroc, cette recherche explore comment des leviers tels que l'accès aux financements, aux technologies propres et à la sensibilisation des dirigeants peuvent stimuler cette transition. Les résultats montrent que si les ressources financières et technologiques favorisent l'intégration des approches multi-R (réduction, réutilisation, recyclage), les contraintes institutionnelles freinent considérablement cette adoption. En outre, des disparités sectorielles marquées sont identifiées, l'industrie et les services montrant un engagement plus élevé que le commerce. Cette étude propose des recommandations stratégiques pour accélérer la transition circulaire des PME marocaines, notamment à travers des incitations publiques, des réformes institutionnelles et une sensibilisation accrue des parties prenantes. Les conclusions enrichissent le débat académique sur l'économie circulaire dans les économies émergentes tout en offrant des orientations pratiques pour les décideurs et les entreprises.
    Keywords: Circular economy Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Multi-R practices Sustainable Transition, Circular economy, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Multi-R practices, Sustainable Transition
    Date: 2024–12–31
    Abstract: This study analyzes Turkey's political landscape by harnessing Computational Social Science techniques to parse extensive data about public ideologies from the Politus database. Unlike existing theoretical framework that considers ideologies of political elites and cadres, this study examines public ideologies in a contentious political manner. It distills eight most prevalent ideologies down to the city level and employs unsupervised machine learning models. The Principal Component Analysis delineates two fundamental axes, the traditional left-right political spectrum and a separate spectrum of secular-religious inclination, namely political and cultural dimensions. Then, the Cluster Analysis reveals three distinct groups: left-leaning and religiously inclined, right-leaning and religiously inclined, and those with centrist views with a pronounced secular focus. The outcomes provide valuable insights into the political and cultural axes within political society, offering a clearer understanding of the most recent ideological and political climate in Turkey.
    Date: 2024–05–03
  11. By: Gómez-Ugarte, Ana C.; Acosta, Enrique (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research); Basellini, Ugofilippo; Alburez-Gutierrez, Diego
    Abstract: The Israel-Hamas war, triggered by the October 7th 2023 Hamas-led attack in Israel, has caused extensive mortality and sparked a major humanitarian crisis in the region. Direct conflict mortality has been mostly concentrated among non-combatants in the Gaza Strip. Here, most of the population has been internally displaced and faces limited access to food, water, shelter, sanitation, and essential health services. We aim to assess the impact of conflict deaths reported between October and December 2023 on life expectancy at birth (LE) in Palestine —including Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. For this, we combine multiple sources of data on combatant and non-combatant fatalities and use demographic methods to impute the missing sex and age distribution of conflict mortality. We focus on LE because it is a widely used mortality indicator that is not affected by the population's age distribution and can be meaningfully compared across populations and over time.
    Date: 2024–04–25
  12. By: Wahby, Sarah Mohammad Osman; Assaad, Ragui A
    Abstract: Refugees face important barriers to participation in the formal market, which locks them in informal employment and makes them more vulnerable to shocks. Using data from Jordan, this paper compares the job finding and separation rates of Syrian refugees to those of their hosts before and after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings show the change in these rates over time for Syrians to be similar to those of their Jordanian hosts prior to the pandemic, with a significant divergence after the start of the pandemic. Distinguishing between Syrians living in camps and those living in host communities shows that the Syrian disadvantage was entirely explained by living in camps.
    Date: 2024–01–16
  13. By: Fiuratti, Federico Ivan; Pennings, Steven Michael; Torres Coronado, Jesica
    Abstract: This paper quantifies the gains in gross domestic product per capita from closing gender employment gaps in the Middle East and North Africa, using three neoclassical growth models. The paper starts with baseline impacts from the Gender Employment Gap Index, which suggests that in the long run, gross domestic product per capita would be around 50 percent higher in the typical economy in the region if gender employment gaps were closed (mean 54 percent, median 49 percent). However, the gains are heterogeneous, ranging from less than 10 percent in Qatar to more than 80 percent in the Republic of Yemen. The paper then explores short-term gains, when capital is fixed (or adjusts slowly), and gains in the medium-term, with sluggish implementation of reforms using the Long Term Growth Model, which roughly halves the gains (and lowers the gains by more than half in resource-rich countries). Finally, the paper incorporates the effects of changes in the skill distribution in a model incorporating capital-skill complementarities in production. Because gender employment gaps in the Middle East and North Africa tend to be larger among the unskilled, closing these gaps reduces average skill levels, moderating long-term gains by 5-10 percentage points. However, if women in the Middle East and North Africa continue the current trend toward greater educational attainment, the gains will be greater than in the baseline. All three models—the Gender Employment Gap Index, the Long Term Growth Model, and capital-skill complementarities—point to large increases in gross domestic product per capita from closing gender employment gaps.
    Date: 2024–02–20
  14. By: Mohieldin, Mahmoud; Ramadan, Racha
    Abstract: Closing the gender digital divide by ensuring equal access to and benefit of the internet may reduce economic inequalities and close the gender gap in employment by providing new economic opportunities and facilitating access to market information. This paper estimates the impact of digital inclusion, measured by the Inclusive Internet Index on the female-to-male labor force participation ratio, while controlling for other economic and social factors. Using data from the World Development Indicators, the Economist Intelligence Unit database, and the World Bank’s Women, Business and the Law database for 13 countries in the Middle East and North Africa region for four years (2018 to 2021), a pooled cross section dataset is constructed. The model is estimated using generalized least squares to control for heteroskedasticity. The results show that an inclusive internet environment would reduce the gender gap in the labor force. Other key drivers include the structure of the economic growth, norms, and gender roles in the society. These results are relevant for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals agenda, mainly goals 5 and 10.
    Date: 2024–01–10
  15. By: Mouhsine Errabai; Hicham Sedra (Kénitra - Ecole nationale de commerce et gestion Ibn Tofail)
    Abstract: The article examines the challenges and prospects of implementing management control in territorial health groups (GSTs) in Morocco. This reform aims to enhance coordination, operational efficiency, and resource management in a context marked by healthcare access inequalities, staff shortages, and budget constraints. The study is based on an extensive literature review, using academic databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. The research included 78 scientific articles, 12 reference books, and 23 institutional reports. A thematic content analysis was conducted to identify key concepts and relevant theoretical frameworks. The analysis of agency, resource, and contingency theories led to an integrated analytical framework, highlighting three main axes: 1.Reduction of Agency Problems: Aligning the interests of healthcare system stakeholders. 2.Valorization of Human Resources: Emphasizing the importance of healthcare professionals' skills. 3.Adaptation to Contingencies: Adjusting control mechanisms to organizational specifics. The article proposes a holistic analytical framework for implementing management control in GSTs in Morocco, emphasizing the importance of an integrated approach considering organizational and institutional specifics. This framework provides a solid basis for future research and practical applications aimed at improving the performance of healthcare institutions in the ongoing reform context.
    Abstract: L'article examine les défis et les perspectives de la mise en place du contrôle de gestion dans les groupements sanitaires territoriaux (GSTs) au Maroc. Cette réforme vise à améliorer la coordination, l'efficience opérationnelle et la gestion des ressources dans un contexte marqué par des inégalités d'accès aux soins, une pénurie de personnel et des contraintes budgétaires. L'étude s'appuie sur une revue de littérature approfondie, utilisant des bases de données académiques telles que Scopus et Web of Science. La recherche a inclus 78 articles scientifiques, 12 ouvrages de référence et 23 rapports institutionnels. Une analyse de contenu thématique a été effectuée pour identifier les concepts clés et les cadres théoriques pertinents. L'analyse des théories de l'agence, des ressources et de la contingence a conduit à un cadre d'analyse intégré, mettant en lumière trois axes principaux : 1.Réduction des problèmes d'agence : Alignement des intérêts des acteurs du système de santé ; 2.Valorisation des ressources humaines : Importance des compétences des professionnels de santé ; 3.Adaptation aux contingences : Ajustement des dispositifs de contrôle aux spécificités organisationnelles. L'article propose un cadre d'analyse holistique pour la mise en place du contrôle de gestion dans les GSTs au Maroc, soulignant l'importance d'une approche intégrée tenant compte des spécificités organisationnelles et institutionnelles. Ce cadre offre une base solide pour des recherches futures et des applications pratiques, visant à améliorer la performance des établissements de santé dans le cadre de la réforme en cours.
    Keywords: Management control, territorial health groups, healthcare system reform, efficience opérationnelle, Operational efficiency, Morocco, Contrôle de gestion, groupements sanitaires territoriaux, Réforme du système de santé, operational efficiency, Maroc
    Date: 2025
  16. By: Kalliny, Marize; Zaki, Chahir
    Abstract: Despite the efforts made to increase women’s inclusion in the economy, they are still underrepresented in trade in general and in global value chains in particular. Thus, this paper aims at examining the impact of global value chains on women’s trade participation as entrepreneurs and employees. It also analyzes how this effect is moderated through external (gender provisions in trade agreements) and internal (investment climate variables) factors. The analysis uses firm-level data for 154 developing economies and emerging markets with a special focus on the Middle East and North Africa region, being one of the regions with the lowest female labor force participation. The main findings show that global value chains integration increases the likelihood of being a female owner and the share of female employees, especially production ones. A less robust negative effect is found for the impact on being a female top manager. These effects are moderated by the inclusion of gender provisions in trade agreements and by the characteristics of the investment climate (especially tax policy, access to finance, and corruption). These results remain robust after controlling for the endogeneity of global value chains using an instrumental variable approach and a propensity score estimation method where the treatment is being part of a global value chains. Thus, global value chains can be perceived as a tool that boosts women’s empowerment in emerging economies, especially in the Middle East and North Africa region.
    Date: 2024–01–12
  17. By: Amoozadeh Mahdiraji, Hanif
    Abstract: The cooperative sector in Iran holds a distinctive position within the nation's constitutional framework and official documents. However, despite concerted efforts, it presents a duality in its performance. While demonstrating relative acceptability compared to peers within the Middle East, it remains notably distant from the prescribed standards delineated in foundational documents. Notably, in 2013, an amendment bill addressing the Cooperative Sector Law, aiming for substantial revisions, was presented by the Executive branch to Parliament. This Bill, however, failed to garner the necessary attention from stakeholders and legislative bodies, prompting a critical evaluation of its necessity. This evaluative process encompassed meticulous scrutiny of the sector's standing, involving an alignment of definitions with legal frameworks and a comprehensive assessment of goal achievement utilizing official statistical data. A systematic review of antecedent research on cooperatives was also conducted to unearth and comprehend the critical operational barriers. The findings of this comprehensive analysis unveiled a spectrum of challenges afflicting Iran's cooperative sector, ranging from ambiguity in defining cooperatives to inadequate competitiveness vis-à-vis private enterprises, lack of member awareness, deficiencies in human resources and administrative capacities, financial constraints, overreliance on governmental support, and inefficiencies within supervisory institutions. A series of strategic alternatives have emerged to address these multifaceted challenges effectively. These include redefining cooperatives in alignment with international benchmarks, harnessing the potential of New-Generation Cooperatives (NGCs), diversifying shareholding structures, deploying Crowdfunding tools, establishing Cooperatives Credit Unions, fortifying internal supervisory entities, revising founding member prerequisites, reinstating cooperative education within legal frameworks, integrating specialized expertise on cooperative boards, and rejuvenating cooperative management certifications.
    Date: 2024–03–27
  18. By: Azzeddine Fekkak (FEG - Faculté de science économique et gestion Université Ibn Tofail -Kénitra); Rachid Hasnaoui (FEG - Faculté de science économique et gestion Université Ibn Tofail -Kénitra)
    Abstract: Abstract: Performance management within the Regional Academies of Education and Training (RAET) in Morocco is a necessity to improve the efficiency of the public education sector. Management control tools must be adapted to the specificities of these public organizations, which have different characteristics from the private sector. The central question is to what extent these tools can be adjusted to improve the performance of RAET in the Moroccan education system. To do this, it is crucial to examine how to adapt these tools to the specificities of the public education sector, by transforming informal control mechanisms into a structured and efficient management system. Our methodological approach is based on a qualitative analysis focused on documentary research. We conducted a literature review on the emergence of integrated performance management systems and the BSC as a strategy deployment approach. We subsequently suggested an approach to implementing the Balanced Scorecard adapted to the specificities of RAET.
    Keywords: RAET Balanced Scorecard management control tools adaptation performance indicators, RAET, Balanced Scorecard, management control tools, adaptation, performance indicators
    Date: 2024–12–27
  19. By: Rønn, Anne Kirstine
    Abstract: This paper offers an analysis of contemporary Lebanese and Iraqi labour movements, aiming to explain their hitherto modest role as oppositional forces, and discuss their future potentials. Adopting a wide understanding of labour movements as encompassing both trade unions and professional syndicates, the paper traces the battle between ruling sectarian elites and opposition actors who seek to reduce elite dominance over organised labour. Instead, these movements promote class- or labour-based communities that transcend sect divisions. Drawing on data from interviews with Lebanese and Iraqi activists and members of the labour movement, as well as secondary sources, the paper uncovers differences in the strategies elites have used to thwart oppositional agency within these two types of organisations and across contexts. Moreover, it analyses how opposition groups in turn have sought to exploit narrow opportunities to exercise resistance. Finally, it reflects on the potential for strengthening these movements and explores the trade-offs between different opposition strategies.
    JEL: R14 J01
    Date: 2025–02–13
  20. By: Dang, Hai-Anh H.; Salehi Isfahani, Djavad; Do, Minh N. N.
    Abstract: Although female labor force participation in the Islamic Republic of Iran is among the lowest in the world, there is a lack of studies on the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the country’s female labor force participation. This paper finds that female labor force participation decreased during the pandemic years by around 1 percentage point in 2021 and 2022. When controlling for excess mortality rates, the declines increase by as much as 3.9 and 8.7 percentage points in late 2021 and early 2022, respectively. Compared to the modest, pre-pandemic female labor force participation rates, these figures translate into 5 percen t and 18-40 percent decreases, respectively. There is heterogeneity, with more educated individuals being more likely to work. Compared to married individuals, divorcees were more likely to work, and those who were widowed or never married were less likely to work. The results offer relevant inputs for labor policies, particularly those aimed at reducing gender inequalities.
    Date: 2024–06–12
  21. By: Amjad, Beenish; Carrasco Nunez, Haydeeliz; Finn, Arden Jeremy; Goldman, Maya Scott
    Abstract: This report analyzes the distributional impacts of the main taxes and transfers on households’ welfare in the West Bank and Gaza. The analysis uses the Commitment to Equity methodology, enabling comparison of the results to other countries where this framework has been applied. The report assesses the effects of government taxation, social expenditure, and indirect subsidies on poverty and inequality in the West Bank and Gaza. The results indicate that the combination of taxes and transfers modelled in the West Bank and Gaza reduces inequality by 6.5 Gini points but increases the national poverty headcount by 8.4 percentage points. These fiscal policy outcomes on poverty and inequality reduction are below average in terms of desirability compared to other lower-middle-income countries. The taxes and transfers modelled in the West Bank and Gaza achieve most inequality reduction through in-kind benefits from public basic education and public hospitals, followed by the Cash Transfer Program and the value-added tax (VAT). Their large impact on inequality reduction is explained by a combination of their progressivity and their size relative to household income. The redistributive effect of direct taxes, customs duties, and indirect subsidies is zero or close to zero. Indirect taxes represent the fiscal interventions contributing most to the increase in national poverty; customs duties followed by VAT represent the largest burden on households’ incomes. Direct transfers from social protection cannot offset the impoverishment effect from indirect taxes because they have very limited coverage. Only the poorest decile is a net cash beneficiary after paying taxes and receiving cashable transfers. The rest of the deciles are net payers to the fiscal system. To decrease poverty and inequality in the West Bank and Gaza, the most significant policy recommendation to emerge from the analysis is to expand direct transfers to the second and third deciles to compensate for indirect tax burdens. Financing this reform is feasible through domestic tax mobilization or through rationalization of inefficient fuel and electricity subsidies that benefit the top income deciles most.
    Date: 2024–01–30
  22. By: Roche Rodriguez, Jaime Alfonso; Lopez-Acevedo, Gladys C.; Robertson, Raymond; Zárate, Daniela Ruiz
    Abstract: Morocco’s trade liberalization policies coincided with macroeconomic growth over the past two decades. The relationship between trade liberalization and individual-level labor market outcomes, however, are not well understood. By combining three complementary approaches and modeling techniques, this paper estimates (i) the relationship between trade agreements and trade flows, (ii) the relationship between trade exposure and various local labor market outcomes, and (iii) the relationship between firm employment and exports. The results show that tariffs have fallen and trade as a share of gross domestic product has increased. Morocco’s trade agreements, however, are not always associated with higher trade flows. Furthermore, trade has led to mixed results for workers. Increased trade has decreased informality but may have adversely affected female labor force participation. Trade liberalization seems to have induced a shift from female labor-intensive industries, such as apparel, to capital-intensive sectors that are predominantly male-intensive. The firm-level analysis confirms these results by showing that increases in employment from exports has occurred mainly in male, capital-intensive sectors.
    Date: 2023–11–06
  23. By: Deng, Jingyuan; Elmallakh, Nelly Youssef Louis William; Flabbi, Luca; Gatti, Roberta V.
    Abstract: This paper studies the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on men’s labor market outcomes in the West Bank and Gaza, examining adjustments at the extensive (participation) and intensive (hours of work) margins of the labor supply. Quarterly panel data from national labor force surveys allow observing labor market transitions, job loss and job gain rates, and labor market stocks. The findings show that the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with a decline in employment and labor market participation among men in the immediate aftermath of the pan demic. Moreover, the analysis finds evidence of large adjustments at the intensive margin of employment, as working hours declined. The changes in aggregate labor market indicators seem to be driven by an increase in job loss and a decline in job gain in the West Bank and Gaza. Despite the apparent resilience of the labor market, as labor market indicators quickly bounced back to their pre-pandemic levels, the results show that the most vulnerable segments of the workforce, such as informal workers, workers in blue collar occupations, the least educated, and residents in refugee camps, bore a disproportionately heavier burden.
    Date: 2023–10–06
  24. By: Matolín, Maximilian
    Abstract: The research paper focuses on the internal character of the conflict and the symbiosis of the parties in it. It provides a further understanding of the personal and national security context in relation to the political situation on the West Coast of Yemen, with the focus on Tareq Saleh, nephew of the late Ali Abdullah Saleh, and his personally created militia, Yemeni National Resistance.
    Date: 2024–05–26
  25. By: Redaelli, Silvia; Infanzon Guadarrama, Michelle; Moreno Herrera, Laura Liliana
    Abstract: The data for estimating monetary poverty in the Syrian Arab Republic are outdated. In the context of data scarcity, this paper aims to propose a methodological approach to address the knowledge gap regarding welfare in Syria over the past decade. In particular, the analysis provides (i) updated pre-conflict poverty baseline estimates based on grouped data from the 2009 Household Income and Expenditure Survey; (ii) supporting evidence on the viability of using Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme Demographic and Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene 2022 survey data for the estimation of monetary poverty in 2022; and (iii) supporting theoretical and empirical evidence to identify growth in per capita gross domestic product in current prices deflated by Consumer Price Index as the best metric to project poverty using a nowcasting approach. Based on this analysis, the paper proposes to use 2022 Humanitarian Needs Assessment Programme–based poverty estimates to anchor the most recent estimates to the best available evidence, and to interpolate the poverty evolution obtained from back-casting 2022 and nowcasting 2009 poverty estimates over 2009–22 using the growth rate of per capita gross domestic product in current prices, deflated by the Consumer Price Index with a passthrough of 0.7.
    Date: 2024–03–26
  26. By: Redaelli, Silvia
    Abstract: Despite sizable government interventions to sustain the economy, in the first year of the pandemic (2021/22), approximately 1 million jobs were lost in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and labor force participation contracted by 3 percentage points. Iranian women were the most affected: two out of three jobs lost between 2019/20 and 2020/21 were previously held by women. The gendered impact of the crisis contributed to widening Iranian women’s disadvantage in the labor market. Most importantly, the gains in female labor force participation that had slowly accumulated since 2011 vanished. Consistent with what is observed in other countries, women with young children were the most affected by the crisis. The combined effect of school closures and unequal intra-household allocation of care responsibilities, associated with prevailing gender norms, pushed Iranian women with children out of the labor force. Whether or not these trends will be reversed as the management of the COVID-19 pandemic is normalized and the economy recovers from the crisis remains an important policy question.
    Date: 2024–02–15
  27. By: Amjad, Beenish; Cabrera, Maynor Vinicio; Phadera, Lokendra
    Abstract: This study assesses the distributional impacts of public expenditures and taxes on poverty and inequality in the Republic of Iraq. The analysis uses the Commitment to Equity methodology and is based on the survey and government fiscal administrative data for fiscal year 2017. Results from the analysis show that Iraq’s fiscal policy is modestly progressive. It reduces short-term inequality by 6.7 and 3.0 Gini points with and without including public spending on education and health services. Both results are less than the global and upper-middle-income country averages. However, driven by direct transfers from poverty targeted social safety net cash transfers and generous pension allowances, the fiscal system reduces short-term poverty by 5 percentage points when evaluated using the international poverty line of US$5.5. This is one of the largest in the global and upper-middle-income country databases. These positive short-term results are achieved primarily because households pay almost no taxes. Iraq’s tax revenues are far lower than even the lower-income countries’ average. Unlike in most countries, Iraqi households in all quintiles, even the richest, are net beneficiaries of the fiscal policy. Given oil price volatility and the global movement away from fossil fuels, the high oil dependence and lack of a broader revenue base pose a significant fiscal sustainability challenge in Iraq.
    Date: 2023–10–10
  28. By: Duman, Anil
    Abstract: This report is part of an EU-wide project on the social dialogue regarding labour relations during the Covid-19 pandemic. More specifically the report aims to answer the following questions: 1. What public policy and social dialogue measures targeting the selected vulnerable groups were implemented for employment and social protection during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-2022? 2. To what extent and how did social dialogue play a role in the implementation of social and employment rights of selected vulnerable groups in the COVID-19 pandemic between 2020 and 2022? 3. What lessons and opportunities does the COVID-19 pandemic yield for strengthening social dialogue in the studied countries? In the report, secondary and primary data sources are combined. Labour market and industrial relations analysis largely rely on existing literature. Social policies during the Covid-19 pandemic are based on the Turkish DEFEN-CE Database, which combines multiple sources such as international reports, official documents, reports from trade unions and employers’ organizations, and academic literature. To understand the role of social partners in the defense of vulnerable groups, the report uses 9 semi-structured interviews. 3 Trade Union and 3 Employer Associations from different confederations representing workers and employers across different sectors and sizes are selected to provide a broad range of opinions. Additionally, two NGOs that were quite active during the pandemic and the Turkish Medical Association as one of the most vocal groups and the representative of healthcare sector workers were chosen for interviews. No government officials, either at the local or national level, were willing or able to participate in the interviews. All interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis based on a DEFEN-CE coding scheme.
    Date: 2023–11–17
  29. By: Xuan Hoang, Trung
    Abstract: This paper uses the context of the Islamic Republic of Iran-Iraq war in 1980–88 to study the long-term impacts of exposure to the war during school years on educational attainment and labor market outcomes in Iraq. The analysis uses an event study and the Iraq Household Socio-Economic Surveys 2006–2007. The findings show that the Islamic Republic of Iran-Iraq conflict had a negative impact on the social welfare of men who were exposed to the war, including on social security, pension plan, health care, paid leave, and job permanence, while little impact on women is found. Additionally, the conflict reduced wages for both men and women. Furthermore, men who were exposed to the conflict were more likely to work in dangerous jobs or without air conditioning, while no evidence on this is found for women. The paper also shows the impact of the intensity of the Islamic Republic of Iran-Iraq war on educational attainment and labor market outcomes. It documents the education channel through which the war affects labor market outcomes, showing that the war decreased the educational levels of men and women born between 1971 and 1981. The findings are robust to a variety of robustness checks and falsification tests.
    Date: 2024–02–02
  30. By: Bou Habib, Chadi
    Abstract: This paper investigates the similarities between the economy of 1912 Mount Lebanon on the eve of the famine of 1916 and the economy of 2004 Lebanon that set the stage for the major economic and social crisis of 2019. A simple general equilibrium simulation shows that, as long as the Lebanese economy remains reliant on foreign inflows, crises will persist, with different manifestations. Regardless of the period considered, foreign inflows increase domestic prices and induce real appreciation. Low productive capacities and insufficient job creation lead to high emigration. Emigration increases the reliance on foreign inflows, which in turn increase domestic prices and reduce competitiveness, hence triggering further emigration and further reliance on foreign inflows. Income and prices increase, but exports decline, and growth remains volatile. The interruption of the flows of capital and goods and the impossibility to migrate due to the First World War drove Lebanon into starvation in 1916. The interruption of inflows of capital in 2019 led to a major crisis and massive outmigration, as predicted through the simulations based on the structure of the Lebanese economy in 2004. The simulations effectively capture the impact of external shocks on the Lebanese economy and closely align with the actual changes in economic variables during 2005 to 2020.
    Date: 2024–02–01
  31. By: Zovighian, Diane; Cloutier, Mathieu; Bove, Abel Paul Basile
    Abstract: What drives citizen’s trust in state institutions There are longstanding debates on the pathways towards institutional trust: is trust driven by citizen’s perceptions of policy outcomes or by their perceptions of the integrity and credibility of policy processes This paper investigates this question using data from a large-scale survey of 5, 916 Moroccans and argues that process matters more than outcomes for trust-building. The paper first shows that Moroccans’ trust in institutions is strongly associated with positive evaluations of policy outcomes—including satisfaction with the delivery of public goods and services and with government’s economic performance. It then provides evidence that institutional trust is even more strongly and robustly associated with the quality of governance processes, and in particular with the perception that institutions function with integrity and make credible commitments. Going beyond policy variables, the paper also provides complementary evidence that institutional trust is contingent on individual-level social capital, including social trust, and socio-demographic factors. The conclusion briefly lays out the policy implications of this research and areas for future investigation.
    Date: 2024–05–22
  32. By: Heath, Rachel; Van Der Weide, Roy
    Abstract: Despite evidence that women’s political preferences differ from those of men, women are less likely to participate in political and social discussions on Twitter and other social media. Following recent evidence that in-person social support matters for women’s political participation, women are hypothesized to form similarly supportive communities online. This paper tests this hypothesis using data from Twitter. The collected data comprises 451 hashtags on a broad range of (non-mutually exclusive) topics: social, gender, racial, LGBTQ, religion, youth, education, economic, health, COVID, climate, political, security, entertainment and lifestyle, and the Middle East and Northern Africa. The empirical results indicate that women are more likely to participate when the debate(s) feature female influential voices. This finding supports the potential role of mutual support in bolstering women’s participation in important debates.
    Date: 2024–05–14
  33. By: Rodriguez Takeuchi, Laura Kiku; Wai-Poi, Matthew Grant; Woodham, Jeffrey Scott
    Abstract: Fiscal incidence analysis helps in understanding who contributes to and benefits from the fiscal system, and assessing the impact of fiscal policies in reducing poverty and inequality. Traditionally, the incidence of fiscal policy is assessed for households along the income distribution. In an attempt to tease out the gendered impacts of the fiscal system, this paper instead looks at how much different types of households in Jordan contribute to and benefit from current fiscal policies and the extent to which the fiscal system is helping to equalize post-market outcomes within and across groups. A household typology is constructed for Jordan based on households’ demographic characteristics, which not only determine which taxes and transfers a household experiences, but also influence the participation of women in economic activity outside the household because they affect the generation and allocation of care responsibilities. The paper shows that the receipt of in-kind benefits, primarily education, is what drives which groups that receive the largest net benefits from the fiscal system. The results also show that the fiscal system in Jordan is reducing within-group inequalities, which represent over 80 percent of total inequality for both fiscal and care groups. The fiscal system has a limited impact on inequalities across groups, but they are very small.
    Date: 2024–04–03
  34. By: Hauser, Christina Sarah
    Abstract: When reform of gender discriminatory law fails, individual action can offer a second-best solution. As most Muslim-majority countries, Tunisia applies Islamic inheritance law, systematically favoring sons over daughters. By making gifts to their daughter, parents can privately attenuate gender discrimination in inheritance. This study investigates to what extent gifting can represent an alternative to legal reform and for whom. Within a randomized experiment, this study tests whether providing information on public support for inheritance law reform and/or the possibility to make a gift to one’s daughter has a causal impact on individual attitudes towards women’s right to inheritance. The overall evidence on the effectiveness of the proposed informational treatments to encourage gifting is mixed. However, approval of gifting daughters is high—especially among the wealthy. Men are more likely to gift than women. By contrast, demand for legal reform is significantly higher among women and individuals with low educational attainment. The findings thus suggest that gifting indeed represents an alternative to legal reform; but mostly for a relatively well-off subset of the population, leaving the agency to the traditionally male head of the family.
    Date: 2024–02–06
  35. By: Rodriguez Takeuchi, Laura Kiku; Wai-Poi, Matthew Grant
    Abstract: Analysing who benefits from different taxes and spending is important to understand how fiscal policy is affecting poverty and inequality in Jordan. This study traces how the Jordanian fiscal system affects different households, while paying income tax and GST and benefiting from social assistance, and services, such as, cash transfers, electricity and water subsidies, education and health. The study finds that Jordan’s current fiscal system is modestly progressive, but more could be achieved. Inequality, as measured by the Gini Index, falls 5.8 points between household market incomes and post-fiscal incomes (after paying income and consumption taxes as well as receiving government transfers and subsidized services). When considering only monetary taxes and benefits (that is, excluding non-cash education and health services), inequality falls by only 2.6 points and poverty would be almost the same as the official poverty rate. Nonetheless, the recent expansion of social assistance programs is making Jordan’s fiscal policies more equalizing and there is scope for other reforms which would both close the fiscal gap while further reducing poverty and inequality.
    Date: 2024–03–21
  36. By: El-Haddad, Amirah; Ishak, Phoebe Saad Wasfy
    Abstract: This paper examines the evolution of the gender employment gap post COVID-19 in the Egyptian manufacturing sector, using a unique firm-level data set. The findings show that the COVID-19 shock led to a slight improvement in the gender employment gap, both in absolute and relative terms, driven by a larger reduction in male employment compared to that for female employment. The heterogeneity analysis shows that exporting firms and firms in industrial zones on average increased both types of employment post COVID-19. Two types of firms contributed to a worsening of the gender gap, namely firms that adopted technology and those that provided worker training prior to the pandemic, pushing male employment up while not doing the same for female employment. Additionally, the informal sector contributed to a worsening of the gender gap during the pandemic.
    Date: 2023–12–14
  37. By: Khamitkhanova, Aiganym; Paul, Anju Mary (New York University Abu Dhabi)
    Abstract: Türkiye attained an overall GCPI score of 5.27 (out of 10), placing it in the “Maturing” band of the Index. With a score of 5.12 in Sub-Index A, Türkiye does well in pregnancy and maternity leave coverage, and mother-friendly workplace policies, but needs improvement in its employment protections for working mothers and flexible work arrangements for workers with family responsibilities. Paternity leave and dependent care leave policies are also lacking. Domestic workers are covered by national labor laws under the Code of Obligations, but their coverage and protections are not as comprehensive as those of other workers. Given the significant gaps and deficiencies in fair employment processes, labor rights and protections for migrant domestic workers, Türkiye scored 5.43 in Sub-Index B.
    Date: 2024–04–21
  38. By: Aca, Zeynep; Kırcal-Şahin, Arzu; Özdemir, Akın; Kaymakcı, Yavuz Selim
    Abstract: Introduction: Gender roles and stereotypes play a significant role in shaping the nursing profession, perpetuating systemic inequities that negatively impact professional experiences and healthcare system efficiency. In Türkiye, patriarchal norms and systemic disparities exacerbate these workplace challenges, particularly for female nurses. Methods: This qualitative study utilized semi-structured interviews with 13 female nurses working in intensive care units to examine the influence of societal expectations, workplace discrimination, and institutional policies on gender inequities in nursing. Results: The findings reveal that cultural norms, family influence, and constrained career planning often channel women into nursing, reinforcing perceptions of the profession as an extension of caregiving roles. While participants rejected the notion of nursing as a “women’s profession, ” their narratives highlighted the pervasive impact of gendered expectations. Additionally, political favoritism and nepotism were identified as factors exacerbating workplace challenges, reflecting broader systemic issues in Türkiye’s labor market. The normalization of gender norms and their internalization by female nurses further complicate efforts to combat discrimination. Discussion: The study underscores the necessity for policy interventions to address systemic gender inequities in nursing. Recommendations include implementing mandatory gender equality education within healthcare institutions, stricter enforcement of anti-violence laws, and the establishment of psychological and legal support systems for workplace violence victims. Additional measures, such as childcare support and regulations against marital status-based discrimination, are essential to mitigate inequities. By addressing societal, cultural, and institutional factors, this research provides actionable strategies for healthcare organizations and policymakers to promote equity and improve sector efficiency.
    Keywords: workplace discrimination; professional growth; female nurses; healthcare inequality; gender inequities
    JEL: R14 J01
    Date: 2025–01–24
  39. By: Jellema, Jon Robbert; Grown, Caren; Fuchs Tarlovsky, Alan; Wai-Poi, Matthew Grant; Tiwari, Sailesh; Sosa, Mariano Ernesto
    Abstract: Fiscal policies affect households and individuals in a variety of ways. Even though these effects are likely to be different for men and women, conventional tools of fiscal incidence analysis are typically unable to capture these gender differences. Using a particular type of incidence analysis known in the literature as the Commitment to Equity framework, this paper proposes a methodology to overcome this challenge. A particular novelty the paper introduces is the explicit incorporation of social reproduction into the fiscal incidence analysis framework, enabling the implicit valuation of unpaid work that is typically undertaken by women on activities such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for children and the elderly. Applying this methodology to the cases of Jordan and Armenia — two countries with very different approaches to fiscal policy and cultural norms around the economic and social roles of men and women — the paper also highlights some of the insights that this engendered perspective could add to standard fiscal incidence analysis.
    Date: 2024–03–21
  40. By: Alfani, Federica; Pallante, Giacomo; Palma, Alessandro; Talhaoui, Abdelkader
    Abstract: This paper investigates the effects of severe drought shocks on Tunisia’s agriculture sector during 2000–19. Using labor force surveys aligned with granular weather data, it calculates the Standardized Potential Evapotranspiration Index to detect moderate-to-severe drought shocks at the governorate level and frames the analysis in a staggered difference-in-differences setting. The findings show that shocked areas experience a drop of 7.4 to 10.6 percentage points in agricultural employment with respect the untreated or not-yet-treated governorates. There is a contemporaneous opposite dynamic in the employment rate of low-skill and less climate-sensitive sectors, as well as a modest and transient increase in unemployment. The effects are largely heterogeneous across groups of workers, with very young individuals, women, and low-educated workers paying the highest toll.
    Date: 2024–05–07

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