on MENA - Middle East and North Africa |
By: | Rabah Menacer (ENSSEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée [Tipaza]); Amrane Becherair (ENSSEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée [Tipaza]) |
Abstract: | This study investigates the nuanced relationship between institutional quality and human development in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. we examine the multifaceted elements shaping human development, with a particular emphasis on institutional quality. Utilizing a panel data approach within the Stata software, we rely on key indicators from the World Bank and Worldwide Governance Indicators covering 16 MENA countries from 1996 to 2017. By unraveling the impact of institutional quality on the Human Development Index, our analysis provides valuable insights into the complex interplay between institutional dynamics and the progress of human development in the MENA region. |
Keywords: | Institutional Quality Human development MENA Panel data. JEL Classification Codes: O12 O3 R11 R58, Institutional Quality, Human development, MENA, Panel data. JEL Classification Codes: O12, O3, R11, R58 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521299 |
By: | Khellil Khaled (OEB - Université Larbi-Ben-Mhidi [Oum-El-Bouaghi]); Loucif Kamilia (OEB - Université Larbi-Ben-Mhidi [Oum-El-Bouaghi]) |
Abstract: | This study aims to assess the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Algeria from 2010 to 2022 and their contribution to economic diversification and reducing Algeria's reliance on oil revenues, using descriptive and analytical techniques plus the inductive approach to examine and analyze data collected, the study shows that Algeria's small and medium-sized enterprises are vulnerable and ineffective at contributing to the country's economic diversification, and their extensive orientation towards the services and construction sectors does not help create added value despite the significant growth in their count during the period of study. |
Keywords: | Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Economic Diversification Algerian exports. JEL Classification Codes : Q32 Q37, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Economic Diversification, Algerian exports. JEL Classification Codes : Q32, Q37 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521465 |
By: | Mezili Imad (Université d'Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella [Oran]); Belkhadem Ibtissem (Ecole Supérieure d'Economie d'Oran (ex. EPSECG Oran)) |
Abstract: | This paper examines the alignment between the university education at ISTA Oran and labor market needs in Algeria. The high unemployment rate among Algerian university graduates points to a general problematic of mismatch between education and jobs. The main hypothesis is that there is a gap between the educational services and actual labor market requirements. The methodology used is a survey of 47 ISTA teachers. Overall, the study highlights the need for better training-employment alignment to positively impact graduates' employability. |
Keywords: | Skills labor market innovative pedagogy university training JEL Classification Codes: J21 J24 A22 I23, Skills, labor market, innovative pedagogy, university training JEL Classification Codes: J21, J24, A22, I23 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521418 |
By: | Segnana, Juan; Gladys Lopez-Acevedo; Robertson, Raymond; Roche Rodriguez, Jaime Alfonso |
Abstract: | The Syrian Civil War in 2011 led to a substantial influx of refugees into Jordan, with more than 660, 000 Syrians arriving by 2015. More than half of these refugees were of working age. This study shows that Syrian refugees have less education than their Jordanian counterparts, and policies attempted to help them to assimilate into manufacturing. The study tests two hypotheses related to refugee assimilation. The first hypothesis examines the 2016 Jordan Compact with the European Union, which aimed to integrate Syrian refugees and improve Jordan’s export profile with simplified rules of origin for certain industries. If the Jordan Compact was effective, a relative increase in exports to the European Union, compared to other regions, would be expected. The second hypothesis suggests that the successful integration of Syrian workers into the manufacturing sector contributed to a boost in manufacturing exports to all destinations relative to other exports. The study conducts a gravity difference-in-differences analysis to evaluate these two hypotheses. The findings show little, if any, evidence supporting the first hypothesis but strong support for the second. These findings suggest that although the simplified rules of origin had limited impact on exports to the European Union, the Jordanian government effectively integrated Syrian workers into the manufacturing sector. Labor force surveys indicate that a skill mismatch impeded the integration of Syrian workers into the industries targeted by the Jordan Compact, but refugees were successfully assimilated into the manufacturing industry. |
Date: | 2024–09–09 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:10903 |
By: | Ayse Karasoy; Gokce Karasoy Can; Emine Ozgu Ozen |
Abstract: | [EN]This note aims to provide an overview of “relationship lending” (RL) which represents the beneficial alliance between the lender and the borrower in terms of available funds and affordable rates for Türkiye. The examination of the data provides following findings: 1) When the relationship is measured by loan share (the weight of the bank in the overall debt of the firm), it is strongly associated with loans having longer maturities and lower interest rates. 2) These observations are even stronger for small and medium-sized firms. 3) The correlation between loan share with interest rates and maturity changes over time. 4) RL has a more pronounced effect on interest rates and maturities when the bank is the main lender. 5) The duration (length of the relationship between bank and the firm) as an RL indicator works in the same direction as loan share. 6) Duration is also strongly associated with larger amounts of new loans. 7) The number of lenders matters. A firm’s engagement with multiple banks might signal its riskiness. Having more lenders results in higher interest rates and shorter loan maturities. 8) Securing multiple new loans from the same bank within a quarter often leads to slightly higher interest rates and shorter maturities. These observations demonstrate the existence of the phenomenon of RL within the Turkish banking sector, thereby affording borrowers with strong relations access to more favorable credit conditions. The results are mostly in line with the literature on relationship lending and likely to motivate further research on credit markets and transmission channels. [TR]Bu not, Turkiye icin borc veren ve borc alan arasindaki faydali ittifak anlamina gelen "iliski bankaciligi" (iB) kavramina genel bir bakis saglamayi amaclamaktadir. Gozlemler soyle ozetlenebilir: 1) “guclu iliski”, kredi payi (bankanin firmanin toplam borcu icindeki agirligi) ile olculdugunde, daha guclu iliskiler daha uzun vadeler ve daha dusuk faiz oranlari ile dogru orantilidir. 2) Bu gozlemler kucuk ve orta olcekli firmalar icin daha da gucludur. 3) Bunlar arasindaki (kredi payi ile faiz oranlari ve vade) korelasyon zaman icinde degismektedir. 4) iliski bankaciligi, bankanin ana borc veren oldugu durumlarda faiz oranlari ve vadeler uzerinde daha belirgin bir etkiye sahiptir. 5) Bir iliski gostergesi olarak sure (banka ile firma arasindaki iliskinin uzunlugu) degiskeni, kredi payi ile benzer yonde calismaktadir. 6) Ayrica sure, daha yuksek tutarli yeni krediler ile guclu sekilde iliskilidir. 7) Kredi saglayan banka sayisi onemlidir. Birden fazla banka ile kredi iliskisine girmesi, firmalarin kredi riskliligine isaret edebilir. Daha fazla banka ile calismak daha yuksek faiz oranlari ve daha kisa kredi vadeleri ile sonuclanmaktadir. 8) Bir ceyrek icinde ayni bankadan birden fazla yeni kredi sozlesmesi daha yuksek faiz orani ve daha kisa vadeler ile dogru orantilidir. Bu gozlemler, Turk bankacilik sektorunde IB olgusunun varligini gostermekte ve boylece guclu iliskilere sahip firmalarin daha uygun kredi kosullarina erisim sagladiklarini gostermektedir. Bu gozlemler cogunlukla iliski bankaciligi literaturu ile uyumludur. Bulgularin kredi piyasalari ve aktarim kanallarina iliskin pek cok arastirmayi motive edecegi degerlendirilmektedir. |
Date: | 2025 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tcb:econot:2505 |
By: | Fazekas, Mihály; Brenner, Dominik; Peter Farup Ladegaard |
Abstract: | Laws and regulations represent a central tool for governments to achieve policy objectives, and they also represent a fundamental condition for making desirable individual and business decisions. While laws and regulations regularly have to be adapted to changing circumstances, frequent and sudden modifications indicate legislative unpredictability and are expected to impose considerable costs on citizens and businesses. Legislative predictability is assumed to be the consequence of high-quality laws, and existing evidence shows that regulatory management systems indeed impact legislative predictability. This paper proposes and implements an innovative legislative big data analytics approach to measuring legislative predictability in the Kingdom of Jordan and selected global comparator countries. It also maps out the feasibility of such an approach for the wider Middle East and North Africa region. Legislative data gathered from official government sources point to the high frequency of modifications in Jordan compared to a wide range of countries where data are available Around 10 to 15 percent of the original laws have been modified within 24 months of enactment over the past 20 years. In addition to prevalent modifications of new laws, even older laws face a comparatively high risk of modification in Jordan. Additional data collection following the template outlined in this paper could deliver a comparative data set, enabling a better understanding of the drivers and trends of legislative predictability and hence better evidence-based policies. |
Date: | 2024–08–12 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:10864 |
By: | Ammar Kherddine (TIPAZA UNIVERSITY CENTER DZA - Partenaires IRSTEA - IRSTEA - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture); Bentalha Saliha (TIPAZA UNIVERSITY CENTER DZA - Partenaires IRSTEA - IRSTEA - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture) |
Abstract: | The Algerian economy still suffers from dependence on the hydrocarbon sector, despite the government`s successive reforms schemes since its independence in 1962. This paper deals with the scourges that the Algerian economy suffers from, such as Holland syndrome and Natural resources` price volatility, which hamper the Algerian economic diversification. It is noticeable that the state`s efforts to promote the private sector, which is characterized by the entrepreneurial and innovative returning, and in collaboration with the public dominant sector. The focus was also on legal reforms in 2019, which were represented in amending laws and regulations related to motivating investors and attracting foreign investments. What causes optimism, is that, these recent legal reforms require time to ensure their effectiveness in achieving economic development and export diversification. |
Keywords: | Export Diversification Oil exporting economy Economic diversification Oil dependence. JEL Classification Codes: O43 E31 O11 F41, Export Diversification, Oil exporting economy, Economic diversification, Oil dependence. JEL Classification Codes: O43, E31, O11, F41 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521274 |
By: | Koul, Sanjay |
Abstract: | This paper explores global, regional, and national initiatives aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, focusing on progress made at each level. The global push for decarbonization has seen over 130 countries committing to net-zero targets, driven by international agreements and the growing urgency to mitigate climate change. Major global players, including the United States, the European Union, and Japan, have made legally binding commitments, while financial projections suggest that approximately $275 trillion will be required globally to transition to sustainable energy systems by 2050. This includes investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and carbon capture technologies. The Middle East, historically reliant on fossil fuels, is undergoing a significant transformation, with nations like Saudi Arabia and the UAE setting ambitious net-zero goals. Saudi Arabia has pledged to achieve net-zero by 2060, while the UAE has set its target for 2050. These countries are leading the region in renewable energy investments, focusing heavily on solar power, with projects such as the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park and Saudi Arabia’s NEOM city project. This paper analyzes the economic, technological, and policy frameworks supporting these net-zero initiatives across the globe, with a specific focus on the Middle East’s unique challenges and progress. It highlights the growing reliance on renewable energy, the role of international collaborations, and the hurdles that remain for regions heavily dependent on hydrocarbons. The analysis underscores the importance of sustained financial investments, innovation in green technologies, and multilateral cooperation to meet net-zero targets by 2050. |
Date: | 2025–02–11 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:osf:osfxxx:ek3gd_v1 |
By: | Okan Eren |
Abstract: | [TR] Bu calisma, kuresel tasimacilik maliyetlerinin Turkiye’nin reel ihracat buyumesine etkisini 2013C1- 2024C1 doneminde incelemektedir. Tasimacilik maliyetleri, temel olarak ihracatcilar ile yerel ureticiler arasindaki rekabeti dogrudan, ihracatcilarin kendi aralarindaki rekabeti de dolayli etkilemektedir. Ana ihracat pazarlarina cografi olarak cogu rakibinden daha yakin olan Turkiye’nin, tasimacilik maliyetlerinin yukseldigi (azaldigi) donemlerde daha uzaktaki ihracatci rakiplerine gore fiyat avantaji kazanmasi (kaybetmesi) beklenir. Bulgular, tasimacilik maliyetleri icin tahmin edilen katsayinin istatistiksel olarak anlamli ve pozitif olduguna isaret etmektedir. Kuresel tasimacilik maliyetlerinde 10 yuzde puanlik bir artis (azalis), reel ihracat buyumesini ortalama 0, 3 yuzde puan yukseltmektedir (dusurmektedir). Bu etki, tasimacilik maliyetlerinin yuksek artis ve azalis sergiledigi donemlerde iktisadi olarak daha belirgin hale gelmektedir. Ayrica bu sonuclar, Turkiye icin dolayli etkilerin dogrudan etkilerden daha baskin oldugunu gostermektedir. [EN] This study examines the impact of global transportation costs on Türkiye’s real export growth between 2013Q1 and 2024Q1. Transportation costs primarily affect the competition between exporters and local producers directly and the competition among exporters indirectly. When transportation costs increase (decrease), Türkiye, which is geographically closer to its main export markets than most of its competitors, is expected to gain (lose) a price advantage over its more distant export competitors. The findings indicate that the estimated coefficient for transportation costs is statistically significant and positive. A 10-percentage-point rise (fall) in global transportation costs, on average, increases (decreases) real export growth by 0.3 percentage points. This effect becomes more pronounced economically during periods when transportation costs exhibit high increases and decreases. Furthermore, these results show that indirect effects are more dominant than direct effects for Türkiye. |
Date: | 2025 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tcb:econot:2503 |
By: | Zeljko Bogetic; Naeher, Dominik |
Abstract: | This paper analyzes fiscal policy cyclicality, with a specific focus on the Middle East and North Africa region, which is known for its significant output volatility. The paper provides new and more granular evidence on the direction, intensity, and specific fiscal sources of cyclicality. Based on annual data covering 184 countries from 2000 to 2022, the findings suggest that there are important differences in the assessment of countercyclical fiscal policy achievements among different fiscal policy variables, across world regions, and also within the Middle East and North Africa region. While the global associations between fiscal cyclicality and income levels have remained relatively stable, countries in the Middle East and North Africa have exhibited diverse performances, some transitioning toward countercyclicality and others moving away from it. The paper also identifies several countries in the Middle East and North Africa that have successfully shifted from procyclical to countercyclical fiscal policy, breaking free from the “fiscal pro-cyclicality trap.” To understand more specific fiscal sources of cyclicality, the paper examines subcomponents of revenues and expenditure. It shows that nontax revenues exhibit a greater degree of procyclicality than tax revenues, and subsidy expenditures tend to be less countercyclical than other fiscal expenditures. This has policy implications and adds a dimension of assessment to subsidies that is not addressed in the literature: subsidies, being less countercyclical than other expenditures in the Middle East and North Africa, do not contribute to macroeconomic stability and long-term growth through this channel, independent of their adverse efficiency, distributional, and fiscal space effects. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings, aimed at improving countercyclicality in fiscal policy. |
Date: | 2024–10–28 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:10959 |
By: | Yahia Amel (University of Algiers 3 : Université d' Alger 3) |
Abstract: | This article aims to study the effectiveness and symmetry of the transmission of monetary policy in Algeria through the channels of interest rates, credit, and exchange rates in both the short and long term, using the Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) method. The study of asymmetric effects of monetary policy channels on both output and prices stability is of paramount value for monetary policy analysis and implementation. The results have shown that the transmission of monetary policy in Algeria exhibits an asymmetric nature, except for the effect of bank lending interest rates on real gross domestic product and inflation and that the traditional interest rate channel is the most effective in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to real gross domestic product, while positive variations in credit volume are most effective in the long term, and negative changes in the exchange rate are the most efficient in the short-term concerning the transmission to inflation. |
Keywords: | Monetary Policy NARDL Monetary Policy Transmission Channels Inflation Gross National Produc. JEL Classification Codes : E42 E52 E58 F31, Monetary Policy, NARDL, Monetary Policy Transmission Channels, Inflation, Gross National Produc. JEL Classification Codes : E42, E52, E58, F31 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04511900 |
By: | Yavuz Selim Sahin |
Abstract: | [TR] Bu calismada, 2017-2024 donemi icin sanayi uretimi ile elektrik tuketimi arasindaki iliski incelenmekte ve iki seri arasinda son donemde gozlenen ayrisma ortaya koyulmaktadir. Sanayi uretimi ile elektrik tuketimi iliskisini toplam elektrik tuketimi verisini kullanarak inceleyen onceki calismalarin aksine, bu calismada, soz konusu iliski, sanayi sektorunun elektrik tuketimi kullanilarak da incelenmektedir. Bu dogrultuda, sanayinin elektrik tuketiminin toplam elektrik tuketimine kiyasla sanayi uretimiyle korelasyonunun daha yuksek oldugu gosterilmektedir. Sanayi uretimi ile elektrik gostergeleri arasindaki ayrismanin nedenlerine iliskin olarak ise, 2021 yili sonrasi artan elektrik maliyetleriyle birlikte sanayi kuruluslarinin kendi tesislerinde elektrik uretimini artirmasi, ancak bunun toplam rakamlar icinde raporlanmamasi nedeniyle elektrik tuketimi verilerinin gecmis doneme kiyasla daha zayif bir gorunume isaret ediyor olabilecegi degerlendirilmektedir. [EN] In this study, the relationship between industrial production and electricity consumption for the period 2017-2024 is examined, and the recently observed divergence between the two series is revealed. Unlike previous studies that examined the relationship between industrial production and electricity consumption using total electricity consumption data, this study examines the relationship also using the electricity consumption of the industrial sector. Accordingly, it is shown that the correlation between industrial electricity consumption and industrial production is higher compared to total electricity consumption. Regarding the reasons for the divergence between industrial production and electricity indicators, it is evaluated that the electricity consumption data may indicate a weaker outlook compared to the previous period due to the fact that industrial enterprises increased electricity production in their own facilities with the increasing electricity costs after 2021, yet this was not reported in the total figures. |
Date: | 2025 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:tcb:econot:2502 |
By: | Jesica Torres Coronado; Parro, Francisco |
Abstract: | This paper develops a tractable general equilibrium model to quantify the aggregate productivity gains from adjusting the public sector premium and the size of the public sector to their optimal levels. In the framework, the optimal size of the public sector is contingent on the efficiency level of public goods in increasing the productivity of the private sector. The model also incorporates an endogenous decision between market and non-market activities for women. The model is calibrated using data from the Arab Republic of Egypt, a country that exhibits a disproportionate share of workers, and women especially, in the public sector. The findings show that, under a conservative value for the efficiency of the public sector, aligning the public sector premium with its optimal level, thus lowering the share of employment in the public sector, results in aggregate efficiency gains of 12 percent for output per worker and 8 percent for total factor productivity. For lower values of the elasticity of private output to public goods, the productivity gains are almost twice as large. The optimal premium is positive for women and approaches zero for men, preventing a shift of mid-high-level skilled women from the public sector to non-market activities and also a contraction of the male entrepreneurial sector. Notably, a reduced female public sector premium fosters greater female labor force participation in market activities through an expansion of the female entrepreneurial sector, which increases the demand for production labor and drives wages up. |
Date: | 2024–10–31 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:10963 |
By: | Sobhy, Hania |
Abstract: | The limited electoral success of pro-Revolution forces during the Arab uprisings is often attributed to their weak political and organizational resources. Yet, in the first round of Egypt’s historic 2012 presidential elections, pro-Revolution candidates Hamdin Sabahi and Abdel-Monim Abul-Futuh jointly outperformed both the ‘old regime’ and Muslim Brotherhood contenders, with Sabahi nearly reaching the runoff. Drawing on extensive fieldwork across Egypt between 2012 and 2013, this article examines how the campaigners of these two candidates translated the Revolution’s core ideals of freedom and social justice. It introduces the notion of citizenship imaginaries to capture how campaigners communicated these ideals across divergent experiences and narratives of relating to the state. It argues that the two campaigns—differently—compensated for their weaknesses by aligning their messaging with dominant imaginaries in three important ways: downplaying appeals to democracy and radical change except when engaging “cultured voters”; advancing a vague but credible pro-poor stance; and adapting appeals traditionally tied to the two more powerful political forces: stability, Islamism and patronage. By linking resources, imaginaries and the agency of social movement actors, the article offers new perspectives on electoral dynamics and the strategic communication of mobilization frames, especially in transitional and global South contexts. |
Date: | 2024–12–04 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:osf:socarx:qkme8_v1 |
By: | Hauer, Mathew; Brewster, Karin; Brooks, Matthew M (McGill University) |
Abstract: | Historical estimates of the total fertility rate (TFR) are relatively uncommon, owing to the onerous data requirements for direct calculation and the lack of digitized records. Recent advancements in indirect fertility estimation 1 allow for estimation of TFR using data as minimal as a population pyramid – relatively common data in historical contexts through census records and population registers. Here we use published data on the age structure of Roman Egypt circa AD 12 to AD 259 2 to estimate TFR and 90%ile credible interval in an ancient time period and place using a Bayesian approach. Furthermore, the population data is separated by urban and rural areas, allowing for an unprecedented glimpse into ancient fertility levels. We find that ancient Roman Egyptian women in urban areas had considerably lower fertility than women in rural areas -- urban TFR: 3.37 [2.26 – 4.55], and rural TFR: 8.57 [6.01 – 11.25]. Our findings suggest that the modern day urban/rural fertility differential dates back nearly 2000 years. As demonstrated here, the advancements in indirect estimation could be deployed to better understand historical and ancient fertility regimes, shedding light on societies far before the existence of modern vital statistics systems. |
Date: | 2024–12–07 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:osf:socarx:ru8xd_v1 |
By: | Meziane Amina (UMBB - Université M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes) |
Abstract: | The aim of this study is to identify the presence of entrepreneurial intention among Algerian researchers for creating academic spin-offs. We relied on a questionnaire administered to 88 researchers from the University of Boumerdes. The findings led to the conclusion that researchers show limited interest in starting a business. Furthermore, desirability and feasibility are the primary factors influencing this inclination. To facilitate the establishment of such enterprises, a comprehensive framework enveloping legislative, cultural, and financing elements is essential to improve the capacity of universities in forming spin-off companies. |
Keywords: | entrepreneurial intention researchers universities business creation (Spin-Off) scientific research commercialization (valorization). JEL Classification Codes: M13 O3, entrepreneurial intention, researchers, universities, business creation (Spin-Off), scientific research, commercialization (valorization). JEL Classification Codes: M13, O3 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521401 |
By: | Kherchi Medjden (ENSSEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée [Tipaza]); Hanya Meziani Elmahdi (ENSSEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquée [Tipaza]) |
Abstract: | The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of unconventional monetary policy on inflation and economic growth in Algeria. To investigate this impact, we estimated a SVAR model, covering the period from 2006 to 2022 using quarterly data. The originality of this study is the use of the estimated dynamic effects of shocks (stylized facts) as a benchmark for assessing the effectiveness and pass-through of unconventional policies. Our results show that the shock induced by unconventional monetary policy is not transmitted to inflation, neither in the short run nor in the long run, even under theoretical restrictions. In addition, unconventional monetary shocks have no effect on real variables (economic growth). |
Keywords: | SVAR unconventional monetary policy impulse responses short-run and long-run restrictions. JEL Classification Codes : E510 E520 C320, SVAR, unconventional monetary policy, impulse responses, short-run and long-run restrictions. JEL Classification Codes : E510, E520, C320 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521309 |
By: | Mohamed Daami (TIPAZA UNIVERSITY CENTER DZA - Partenaires IRSTEA - IRSTEA - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture) |
Abstract: | This research aims to assess the degree of Algerian economy regarding the indicators of the common features of developing economies, and this is during the period 2000-2021. The focus was on the main and pivotal economic indicators that characterize most developing economies. To address the topic, the descriptive approach was used, and the official statistical data were relied upon by government agencies and some international websites, where we concluded that the Algerian economy remains characterized by the common features of developing economies, and thus remains within the circle of developing economies, with very weak indications of exit from this circle. |
Keywords: | Developing Economies Developed Economies Productive Sectors Indicators of Common Features of Developing Economies Economic Development. JEL Classification Codes: O11 E23 E24 O14 F41, Developing Economies, Developed Economies, Productive Sectors, Indicators of Common Features of Developing Economies, Economic Development. JEL Classification Codes: O11, E23, E24, O14, F41 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04511013 |
By: | Abdelhalim Lachache (Université Abdelhafid Boussouf [Mila]) |
Abstract: | This paper aims to study the extent to which Algerian companies understand artificial intelligence in order to achieve a competitive advantage. As artificial intelligence is the direction of Algerian politics. Competitive requirements are understand customer mentality, speed of service delivery and quality. Through this, we test our hypotheses based on a questionnaire answered by companies. We found that there is an accepted understanding by companies of artificial intelligence as a new revolution in achieving competitive advantage. |
Keywords: | Artificial Intelligence Competitive Advantage Customer Mentality Speed Service Quality. JEL Classification Codes: L11 ، M31, Artificial Intelligence, Competitive Advantage, Customer Mentality, Speed Service, Quality. JEL Classification Codes: L11 ، M31 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04510993 |
By: | Abdelouahab Kouider (Université Ziane Achour de Djelfa); Mohammed Benmoussa (Université Ziane Achour de Djelfa) |
Abstract: | This research aims to assess faculty members' attitudes at Djelfa University's Faculty of Economic Sciences in Algeria toward organizational trust's influence on improving organizational citizenship behaviors. Moreover, the research used a descriptive approach and case study methodology to achieve this goal. Furthermore, the research included a sample of 98 permanent professors. The results indicated that faculty members had a medium level of perception regarding organizational trust and citizenship behaviors. The research also demonstrated that trust in an organization's management significantly and positively promotes organizational citizenship behaviors within the studied college. In contrast, neither trust in co-workers nor direct supervisors affect organizational citizenship behaviors among faculty members. |
Keywords: | Organizational Trust Trust in co-workers trust JEL Classification Codes : M1 M12 M19 L0, Organizational Trust, Trust in co-workers, trust JEL Classification Codes : M1, M12, M19, L0 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521368 |
By: | Laoudj Ouardia (ENSM - Ecole nationale supérieure de management - pôle universitaire Koléa - Ecole nationale supérieure de management - pôle universitaire Koléa); Krim Yasmine (ENSM - Ecole nationale supérieure de management - pôle universitaire Koléa - Ecole nationale supérieure de management - pôle universitaire Koléa) |
Abstract: | The marketing of artisanal products on the global market has long contributed to the generation of wealth and economic development of nations. This positive trend has quickly removed barriers to entry into the international artisan market, thanks to the emergence of new management practices that have enabled businesses to develop sustainable and defensible competitive advantages. However, this global artisanal landscape has disadvantaged the positioning of artisanal products from developing countries. Indeed, the International Symposium on Global Handicrafts held in Manila in 1997 revealed the urgent need to protect handicraft products through a codification system and elements of intellectual property (Document CLT/CONF/604/5). Nevertheless, Algerian artisans have long overlooked the need to valorize their creativity in the market through intellectual property assets such as trademarks, brands, appellations of origin, geographical indications, and more. Our work will now focus on the intellectual property of artisanal innovations, its interplay with export marketing elements, and the differentiation strategies for traditional craft products to ensure better marketing on both local and international markets. |
Keywords: | intellectual property art-crafts innovation commercialization Jel Classification codes :F13 O31 O32 Q55, intellectual property, art-crafts, innovation, commercialization Jel Classification codes :F13, O31, O32, Q55 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521329 |
By: | Nariman Djoudi (Université Yahia Fares de Médéa); Kheira Belhamri (Université Yahia Fares de Médéa) |
Abstract: | This study aims to highlight the importance and effectiveness of using the Altman and Sherrod models in predicting the financial failure of Saidal institution during the period 2017-2020 to give early warning in disclosing the likelihood of bankruptcy. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the two models were applied based on the institution's financial statements and the most important financial indicators. Thus, the study found that the two models are effective in predicting the future financial failure of Saidal institution during the period studied, 100% is needed. |
Keywords: | Altman Model Sherrod Model Financial Failure Prediction Saidal Institution. JEL Classification Codes: G17 G32 M4, Altman Model, Sherrod Model, Financial Failure Prediction, Saidal Institution. JEL Classification Codes: G17, G32, M4 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521389 |
By: | Sihem Guidoum (University of Algiers 3 : Université d' Alger 3); Elkhansaa Saadi (University of Algiers 3 : Université d' Alger 3) |
Abstract: | This study examines the relationship between mobile payment app quality and customer loyalty, using the Baridi Mob case. It also investigates the role of customer satisfaction as a mediator. The research model includes app design, privacy, security, reliability, and ease of use, as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty. Data analysis was based on 435 responses. The structural equation modelling technique was used to estimate the hypothesized relationships. The results show that reliability and ease of use have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction also has a positive effect on loyalty. Furthermore, customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between service quality and loyalty, with reliability and ease of use being fully mediated and app design being indirectly mediated. Security and privacy do not have a mediated relationship. These findings can be useful for Baridi Mob providers in managing services and improving quality and satisfaction. |
Keywords: | mobile payment application quality customer loyalty customer satisfaction structural equation modelling JEL Classification Codes: G21 O33 L15 M31 C52 C38, mobile payment application, quality, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, structural equation modelling JEL Classification Codes: G21, O33, L15, M31, C52, C38 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521359 |
By: | Adjlane Sabah (CRSTRA - Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions); Khiari Reguia (CRSTRA - Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions); Mokhnane Tarek (CRSTRA - Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions) |
Abstract: | Algeria is seeking to achieve sustainable agricultural development due to its increasing effects in providing the growing food needs of the population and providing job opportunities for current and future generations. .The agricultural sector is the main source of food and also contributes to providing inputs for many industries that depend mainly on agricultural products. It is also a source of hard currency through its ability to achieve a surplus for export, in addition to creating new job opportunities through various projects. The aim of this study is to introduce the state of Oued Souf is rich in natural, human and water resources. It is especially known for producing some agricultural crops such as potatoes, wheat, barley, peanuts and more. It also aims at identifying the most important challenges it faces so that we can suggest a number of recommendations that contribute to addressing these challenges. |
Keywords: | Desert agriculture sustainable agricultural development constituents obstacles JEL Classification Codes: Q1 Q01, Desert agriculture, sustainable agricultural development, constituents, obstacles JEL Classification Codes: Q1, Q01 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04521434 |
By: | Bedis Bourabia (Université d'Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella [Oran]); Miloud Larbi Benhadjar (Université d'Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella [Oran]) |
Abstract: | This study examines how digitization has influenced the supervisory role of the Ministry of Pharmaceutical Industry in promoting social responsibility among economic operators. We employed a descriptive approach and conducted interviews as the primary method of data collection. The study reviews the advantages and the challenges associated with digitization. The ministry's digitization initiatives have led to a modernization of its administrative procedures, resulting in a radical transformation of licensing, registration, quality control, inspections, and monitoring of pharmaceutical products. Additionally, digitization has brought changes in regulatory and oversight aspects, enabling the enhancement of adherence to social responsibility standards. However, challenges related to privacy, data security, interoperability with pharmaceutical companies, and the transition to digital processes have emerged. This study enhances the understanding of digitization in the Ministry of the Pharmaceutical Industry. |
Keywords: | Digitization Ministry of Pharmaceutical industry Supervisory role Social responsibility JEL Classification Codes : O32, L51, I18, Digitization, Ministry of Pharmaceutical industry, Supervisory role, Social responsibility JEL Classification Codes : O32 |
Date: | 2023–12–30 |
URL: | https://d.repec.org/n?u=RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-04511907 |