nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2024‒09‒23
thirteen papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. Towards an Inclusive Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Morocco: CGEM's Commitment By Gnaoui Imane; Moutahaddib Aziz
  2. Human capital investment and economic development empirical evidence from the Middle East region MENA By Amani Zhor; Boumedienne Mohammed
  3. The Reality and Requirements of Developing the Islamic Banking Industry in Algeria By Bendjebbes Yassamine
  4. Conquering Generation Z in Morocco: Mastering the Keys to Marketing 4.0 Conquérir la génération Z au Maroc : maîtriser les clés du marketing 4.0 By Mohamed Mansouri; Younes EL KHOUILDI; Naama Maoulainine; Malainine Cheklekbire
  5. Auditing profession regulation in Algeria and Qatar a comparative study Algerian law 10 01 Qatari law 2020 08 By Abderrahmane Benaissa
  7. Evaluating The Effectiveness Of The Exchange Rate-Channel In Transmitting The Impact Of Monetary Policy To Inflation In Algeria By Hassani Bouhassoun
  8. Mechanisms for Implementing Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Road Safety in Algeria By Mounira Boulmelh
  9. Management Of Banking Operations and the impact of technology on the future Banks By Amina Adnane
  10. Yukselen Ticari Kredi Faizlerinin Firmalarin Temerrut Olasiliklarina Heterojen Etkisi Uzerine Bir Inceleme By Yusuf Kenan Bagir; Unal Seven; Ertan Tok
  11. Firma Duzeyinde Ihracat Analizinde Kismi Yil Etkileri By Altan Aldan; Enver Sait Kurtaran
  12. Mevduat Dolarizasyonunu Etkileyen Unsurlar By Halil Ibrahim Aydin; Neslihan Kaya Eksi; Halil Ibrahim Korkmaz
  13. Alt Gruplar Kullanilarak Hesaplanan Iþgucu Rezervi By Gulnihal Tuzun; Ayse Arzu Yavuz

  1. By: Gnaoui Imane; Moutahaddib Aziz
    Abstract: Corporate social responsibility encourages companies to integrate social and environmental concerns into their activities and their relations with stakeholders. It encompasses all actions aimed at the social good, above and beyond corporate interests and legal requirements. Various international organizations, authors and researchers have explored the notion of CSR and proposed a range of definitions reflecting their perspectives on the concept. In Morocco, although Moroccan companies are not overwhelmingly embracing CSR, several factors are encouraging them to integrate the CSR approach not only into their discourse, but also into their strategies. The CGEM is actively involved in promoting CSR within Moroccan companies, awarding the "CGEM Label for CSR" to companies that meet the criteria set out in the CSR Charter. The process of labeling Moroccan companies is in full expansion. The graphs presented in this article are broken down according to several criteria, such as company size, sector of activity and listing on the Casablanca Stock Exchange, in order to provide an overview of CSR-labeled companies in Morocco. The approach adopted for this article is a qualitative one aimed at presenting, firstly, the different definitions of the CSR concept and its evolution over time. In this way, the study focuses on the Moroccan context to dissect and analyze the state of progress of CSR integration in Morocco and the various efforts made by the CGEM to implement it. According to the data, 124 Moroccan companies have been awarded the CSR label. For a label in existence since 2006, this figure reflects a certain reluctance on the part of Moroccan companies to fully implement the CSR approach in their strategies. Nevertheless, Morocco is in a transitional phase, marked by the gradual adoption of various socially responsible practices.
    Date: 2024–08
  2. By: Amani Zhor (Université de Tlemcen); Boumedienne Mohammed (Université Aboubekr Belkaid - University of Belkaïd Abou Bekr [Tlemcen])
    Abstract: This paper explores the role of human capital in economic growth in the MENA region. This research proposes empirical approaches using panel data from 2007 to 2019, and employs appropriate econometric techniques. This work argues that investment in human capital is considered a crucial factor in influencing economic success. It is found that human capital has an influence on economic growth; however, this influence may not be as large which can limit a country's growth potential in the MENA region.
    Keywords: Human capital Economic growth MENA region Education Health Investment JEL Classification Codes: O15, I25, J24, O55, O53, O54, Human capital, Economic growth, MENA region, Education, Health, Investment JEL Classification Codes: O15
    Date: 2024–06–30
  3. By: Bendjebbes Yassamine (Université Yahia Fares de Médéa)
    Abstract: This study aims to see the reality of the Islamic banking industry in Algeria, by shedding light on the reality of Islamic windows in traditional banks. We also focused on the experience of Al Baraka Bank.To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical approach was used to try to understand the experience of Islamic banks in Algeria by studying the performance and reality of Al Baraka Bank, as well as the Islamic windows adopted by traditional banks. Information was collected and analyzed using multiple tools and approaches.The study reached a set of results, the most important of which is that Islamic banking in Algeria is still somewhat weak compared to some countries that have made great strides in this field, and also compared to the traditional banking reality in Algeria, as it did not exceed 3% of the total financing volume, despite the efforts and attempts made. By the Bank of Algeria to strengthen Islamic banking, and in order for this type of financing to be promoted, development requirements must be taken into account and horizons studied that make it an Islamic banking industry in line with the reality of the Algerian banking system.
    Keywords: islamic banking, Al baraka bank islamic windows Financial stability JEL Classification Codes: M37 ،M31. G20 G21 G24, Al baraka bank, islamic windows, Financial stability JEL Classification Codes: M37 ،M31. G20, G21, G24
    Date: 2024–06–30
  4. By: Mohamed Mansouri (FEG - Faculté de science économique et gestion Université Ibn Tofail -Kénitra); Younes EL KHOUILDI (FEG - Faculté de science économique et gestion Université Ibn Tofail -Kénitra); Naama Maoulainine (FEG - Faculté de science économique et gestion Université Ibn Tofail -Kénitra); Malainine Cheklekbire (FEG - Faculté de science économique et gestion Université Ibn Tofail -Kénitra)
    Abstract: This study explores digital marketing strategies to reach Generation Z in Morocco within the context of Marketing 4.0. It analyzes the evolution of consumer behavior in the digital era, focusing on the unique characteristics of Generation Z as digital natives. The study highlights the importance of an omnichannel approach integrating online and offline interactions to create a coherent customer experience. It examines the new customer journey, shifting from a linear model to a dynamic and iterative process, where the consumer becomes a co-creator of brand value. The importance of brand authenticity, transparency, and social engagement is emphasized as a key factor in gaining Generation Z's trust. The study proposes managerial implications for Moroccan SMEs, including the adoption of omnichannel strategies, investment in digital skills, leveraging user-generated content, and the importance of a data-driven approach. It concludes by underlining the need for SMEs to continuously adapt to the new realities of digital marketing to remain competitive in the Moroccan and potentially international market.
    Abstract: Cette étude explore les stratégies de marketing digital pour atteindre la génération Z au Maroc dans le contexte du marketing 4.0. Elle analyse l'évolution du comportement des consommateurs à l'ère digitale, en se concentrant sur les caractéristiques uniques de la génération Z en tant que digital natives. L'étude met en lumière l'importance d'une approche omnicanale intégrant les interactions en ligne et hors ligne pour créer une expérience client cohérente. Elle examine le nouveau parcours client, passant d'un modèle linéaire à un processus dynamique et itératif, où le consommateur devient co-créateur de la valeur de marque. L'importance de l'authenticité, de la transparence et de l'engagement social des marques est soulignée comme facteur clé pour gagner la confiance de la génération Z. L'étude propose des implications managériales pour les PME marocaines, incluant l'adoption de stratégies omnicanales, l'investissement dans les compétences digitales, l'exploitation du contenu généré par les utilisateurs, et l'importance d'une approche data-driven. Elle conclut en soulignant la nécessité pour les PME de s'adapter continuellement aux nouvelles réalités du marketing digital pour rester compétitives sur le marché marocain et potentiellement international.
    Keywords: Digital Marketing Strategies, Generation Z, Marketing 4.0, Digital Skills, Consumer Behavior, Stratégies de marketing digital, Génération Z, Compétences numériques, Comportement des consommateurs
    Date: 2024
  5. By: Abderrahmane Benaissa (UMBB - Université M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes)
    Abstract: The purpose of the study was to shed light on the auditing profession in both Algeria and Qatar to pinpoint the key differences in regulation and practices, in order to provide insight into how both countries can benefit from the other, and also to provide an avenue into how accounting and auditing convergence between the two countries my contributes to the international accounting and auditing convergence efforts, led by the different international accounting and auditing organizations around the world.
    Keywords: auditing professions Algerian regulation Qatari law JEL Classification Codes: H83 M41 M42 M48, auditing professions, Algerian regulation, Qatari law JEL Classification Codes: H83, M41, M42, M48
    Date: 2024–06–30
  6. By: Chetouane Hania (Pan-African Institute for Development, African Academy of Sciences and University of Dschang, University of Ebolowa, Cameroon); Boniface Ngah (University of Yaoundé [Cameroun]); Sonia Chetouane (UMSBJ - Université Mohammed Seddik Benyahia [Jijel] | University of Jijel)
    Abstract: This study explores the link between financial inclusion and food security in Algeria from 2003 to 2022. Using a composite financial inclusion index and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM), we analyse the data, subjecting it to various diagnostic tests. Surprisingly, our results reveal that financial inclusion (FI) has a significant and positive impact on undernourishment prevalence, indicating a negative effect on food security in both the short and long term. Likewise, food imports (FIM) contribute to higher undernourishment prevalence, implying a weakening of food security in the long-run. Conversely, unemployment rate (UEM) and food production (FOP) show no substantial long-term impact on food security, although UEM has an opposing effect in the short run, meaning it improves food security at the short term; which can be attributed to the informal economy and other State's policies. Notably, income per capita (INCAPITA) negatively affects undernourishment prevalence, improving food security. These findings offer a nuanced understanding of the complex relationship between financial inclusion and food security in Algeria, emphasizing the need for multifaceted, contextspecific policies to address the country's unique challenges.
    Keywords: financial inclusion food security prevalence of undernourishment Vector Error correction model (VECM) Algeria JEL Classification Codes: B26 C58 D53 E44 L66, financial inclusion, food security, prevalence of undernourishment, Vector Error correction model (VECM), Algeria JEL Classification Codes: B26, C58, D53, E44, L66
    Date: 2024–06–30
  7. By: Hassani Bouhassoun (Université Ahmed Draia d’Adrar)
    Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the impact of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria during the period (1990 -2017 ), by trying to answer the problem of the study which is: in measuring the effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria, relying on the SVAR autoregressive methodology.The results of the study led to the acceptance of the second hypothesis, which is that there is little relative effectiveness of the exchange rate channel in transmitting the effects of monetary policy to inflation in Algeria, which reached a rate of (0.09%).
    Keywords: exchange rate channel monetary policy inflation auto regression (Svar) JEL classification: E43 E52 O44 C32, exchange rate channel, monetary policy, inflation, auto regression (Svar) JEL classification: E43, E52, O44, C32
    Date: 2024–06–30
  8. By: Mounira Boulmelh (UMSBJ - Université Mohammed Seddik Benyahia [Jijel] | University of Jijel)
    Abstract: This study aims to highlight the importance of artificial intelligence systems in achieving traffic safety in Algeria by analyzing the situation of traffic accidents over the period from 2010 to 2023. It also aims to showcase the efforts and measures taken to implement artificial intelligence systems to reduce these accidents and propose suitable solutions to achieve economic performance. The study found that, in the field of traffic safety in Algeria, many regulatory measures and efforts have been taken; however, these laws have not succeeded in reducing traffic accidents. Regarding the application of artificial intelligence systems, their use is limited to security services only, such as radars and cameras.
    Keywords: Artificial Intelligence Traffic Safety health economics Economic Performance JEL Classification Codes: H51 I11 J28 K32 R41, Artificial Intelligence, Traffic Safety, health economics, Economic Performance JEL Classification Codes: H51, I11, J28, K32, R41
    Date: 2024–06–30
  9. By: Amina Adnane (UMSM - Université Mustapha Stambouli de Mascara [Algérie] = University Mustapha Stambouli [Mascara, Algeria])
    Abstract: The strategic management process enables exploration of future opportunities that can help develop business management in banks and reduce or minimize risks in the future. This study was conducted on a group of eight (8) Algerian banks: three (3) private banks, and five (5) public banks. The population of the study is the managers {General Director and his staff, department director and some district managers), and the study sample consisted of 80 individuals, with 10 representatives from each bank. The curriculum that is appropriate for this study involves analytical methods for testing hypotheses, as well as using the descriptive approach in building the theoretical aspect of the study. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using statistical methods through the program (spss). The most important result of this study is that Technology is one of the primary elements that demands close attention at the strategic management level due to its important role in bringing about fundamental changes to suit the requirements of the future. The study recommends that Algerian banks must recognize the significance of the relationship between their success and the direction of creativity in hiring technology and investing in the identification of customer preferences, and they must support technology in order to link strategic orientation towards technology and the general strategy of the bank.
    Keywords: futur bank Strategic Management technology Algeria JEL Classification Codes: G21 G24 G32 J54 M12, futur bank, Strategic Management, technology, Algeria JEL Classification Codes: G21, G24, G32, J54, M12
    Date: 2024–06–30
  10. By: Yusuf Kenan Bagir; Unal Seven; Ertan Tok
    Abstract: [TR] Bu calismada, parasal sikilasmaya konu olan ve referans alinan 2018-2019 donemi ile faiz oranlarinin daha yatay seyrettigi 2014-2015 donemi arasinda reel sektor firmalarinin temerrut davranislarindaki farkliliklar irdelenmistir. Analiz, temerrut davranislarini firmalarin olcegi, faaliyet sektoru ve borcluluk durumlarini gozeterek donemler arasi karsilastirma, yaslandirma analizi ve basit bir regresyon modeli ile incelemektedir. Calismanin sonuclari, borclulugu yuksek firmalarin temerrude dusme olasiliginin daha yuksek oldugunu ve borcluluk-temerrut iliskisinin firmanin olcek ve sektorune gore degistigini gostermektedir. Farkli faiz patikasi donemlerinde temerrude dusme hizi, dusuk borcluluga sahip firmalar icin benzer seyrederken, orta ve yuksek seviye borcluluga sahip orta ve buyuk olcekli firmalar icin belirgin sekilde ayrismaktadir. Ayrica, artan borc yukunun temerrut uzerindeki marjinal etkisinin yuksek faiz donemlerinde gorece daha buyuk oldugu gorulmektedir. Elde edilen bulgular isiginda calismada, Turkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankasinin (TCMB) 2023 yili haziran ayi itibariyla basladigi yeni parasal sikilastirma surecinin firmalarin temerrut davranislari uzerindeki olasi etkileri de tartisilmaktadir. Mevcut durumda hem bankalarin kredi riski tasima hem de firmalarin borc tasima kapasitesi onceki donemlerin oldukca uzerinde seyretmesi nedeniyle faiz artis surecinin temerrut davranislari uzerindeki etkisinin onceki donemlere kiyasla daha ilimli olacagi degerlendirilmektedir. [EN] This study examines the differences in the default behavior of corporate sector firms between the 2018-2019 period, characterized by monetary tightening, and the 2014-2015 period, when interest rates followed a flatter course. The analysis includes inter-period comparison, a vintage analysis, and a simple regression model, considering the size, sector of activity, and indebtedness status of firms. The results indicate that firms with higher levels of indebtedness are more likely to default. However, the relationship between indebtedness and default varies depending on the size and sector of the firm. The pace of default for firms with low levels of indebtedness remains similar across different interest rate periods. However, for medium and large-sized firms with moderate to high levels of indebtedness, the default rates diverge significantly. Additionally, the marginal effect of increasing debt burden on default is relatively larger during high interest rate periods. In light of these findings, the study also discusses the potential impact of the new monetary tightening process initiated by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) in June 2023 on firms’ default behavior. Given that both banks’ credit risk-bearing capacity and firms’ debt-bearing capacity are considerably higher than in previous periods, it is likely that the impact of the interest rate hike on default behavior will be more moderate than in the past.
    Date: 2024
  11. By: Altan Aldan; Enver Sait Kurtaran
    Abstract: [TR] Ihracat piyasasina yeni giris yapan firmalarin ilk yil ihracati ihracata hangi ay basladigina bakilmaksizin ilgili takvim yilindaki ihracati olarak kayitlara gecmektedir. Bu durum yeni ihracatcilarin giris yilinda ihracat seviyesinin dusuk, ikinci yilda ise ihracat artisinin yuksek olarak olculmesine neden olmakta ve Bernard vd. (2017) tarafindan “kismi yil etkileri” olarak adlandirilmaktadir. Bu calismada kismi yil etkilerinin boyutu Turkiye verisi kullanilarak incelenmektedir. Calisma sonuclarina gore kismi yil etkileri ihracata yeni baslayan firmalarin baslangic yili ihracatlarini oldugundan yaklasik yuzde 56 daha dusuk gostermektedir. Benzer sekilde, ihracat artisinda yayilma marjinin katkisinin yaklasik yarisi kismi yil etkileri nedeniyle hatali olarak yogunlasma marji olarak degerlendirilmektedir. Calisma sonuclari Turkiye’de firma duzeyinde ihracat dinamiklerini inceleyen calismalarda kismi yil etkilerinin dikkate alinmasi gerektigine isaret etmektedir. [EN] Initial annual exports of new firms in the export market are calculated as their exports in the relevant calendar year, regardless of the month in which they started exporting. This situation causes the export level of new exporters to be low in the entry year and the export growth to be high in the second year, and it is referred to as “partial year effects” by Bernard et al. (2017). In this study, the size of partial year effects is examined using Turkish data. According to the study results, partial year effects understate the starting year exports of new entrants in the export market by approximately 56 percent. Similarly, approximately half of the contribution of the extensive margin to export growth is incorrectly evaluated as intensive margin due to partial year effects. The study results indicate that it is essential to take partial year effects into account in studies examining export dynamics at the firm level in Turkiye.
    Date: 2024
  12. By: Halil Ibrahim Aydin; Neslihan Kaya Eksi; Halil Ibrahim Korkmaz
    Abstract: [TR] Bu notta, Turkiye’de, gercek ve tuzel kisi ayriminda, yurt ici yerlesiklerin yabanci para (YP) mevduat tercihlerini etkileyen unsurlara iliskin bulgular paylasilmaktadir. Calismada yer alan analizler mevduat dolarizasyonunun, literaturle uyumlu olarak, parasal aktarimin temel unsurlarindan olan mevduat faizleri ve doviz kuru beklentileriyle yakindan iliskili oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir. Sonuclar, gercek kisi mevduat dolarizasyonunda doviz kurunda deger kaybi beklentisi, goreli getiri farki, ihtiyac kredisi-mevduat faiz farki, tuketici enflasyonu ve kuresel altin fiyatlarindaki degisimin anlamli oldugunu ortaya koymaktadir. Tuzel kisi ayriminda ise doviz kurunda deger kaybi beklentisi ve goreli getiri farkina ek olarak reel sektorun ihracat ve ithalat miktarlari ile finansal kesim disindaki firmalarin doviz yukumlulukleri de mevduat dolarizasyonunu aciklamada anlamli bulunmustur. YP mevduat talebinin tarihsel dinamiklerine bakildiginda, analiz doneminde gerek gercek kisi gerekse tuzel kisilerde YP mevduat talebinde getiri saglama ve Turk lirasi varliklarin degerini koruma amacinin one ciktigi gorulmektedir. Calismadan elde edilen bulgular, dolarizasyon egiliminde gozlenen katiliga dair bilgi icermekte ve bu yonuyle para politikasinin etki kanallarini ilgilendirmektedir. [EN] In this note, findings regarding the factors affecting Turkish residents' FX deposit preferences, at the distinction of real and legal entities, are presented. The analyses in the study reveal that deposit dollarization, in line with the literature, is closely related to deposit rate differentials and exchange rate expectations, which are the basic elements of monetary transmission. The results of the study reveal that changes in the exchange rate expectation, Turkish lira-USD deposit rate differentials, consumer loan-deposit spread, consumer inflation and global gold prices are significant in real person deposit dollarization. At the legal entity distinction, in addition to the exchange rate expectation and the relative return difference in deposit rates, the exports and imports of the real sector and the foreign exchange liabilities of companies excluding the financial sector were also found to be significant in explaining deposit dollarization. Moreover, looking at the historical dynamics of the demand for FX deposits during the analysis period, motives of yield and preserving the value of TL assets come to the fore in FX deposit demand surge of both real persons and legal entities. The findings of the study provide information about the rigidity in deposit dollarization trend and, in this respect, are related to the impact channels of monetary policy.
    Date: 2024
  13. By: Gulnihal Tuzun; Ayse Arzu Yavuz
    Abstract: [TR] Issizlik ve katilim oranlari, isgucu piyasasinin gorunumu hakkinda bilgi sunan ve ozellikle politika yapicilar tarafindan yakindan takip edilen onemli degiskenlerdir. Is cevrimlerinin isgucune katilma oranina etkisi, isgucu piyasasinda yilgin ve ilave calisan etkisi olarak adlandirilan ve birbirlerine ters yonde hareket eden iki farkli olguyu ortaya cikarmaktadir. Bu calismada, Turkiye’de isgucune katilim orani modeller cercevesinde, soz konusu etkiler mercek altina alinarak alt gruplar ayriminda incelenmistir. Model sonuclari, Turkiye’de yilgin calisan etkisinin isgucu piyasasinda etkili oldugunu ve ilave calisan etkisinin anlamli bulunmadigini gostermektedir. [EN] Unemployment and participation rates are important variables that provide information about the outlook for the labor market and are especially followed closely by policy makers. The effect of business cycles on the labor force participation rate reveals two different phenomena in the labor market, called the discouraged and the additional workers effect, which work in opposite directions. In this study, the labor force participation rate in Turkiye was examined within the framework of models, by examining the effects in question and separating them into subgroups. Model results show that the discouraged workers effect is effective in the labor market in Turkiye, and the additional workers effect is not found to be significant.
    Date: 2024

This nep-ara issue is ©2024 by Paul Makdissi. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.