nep-ara New Economics Papers
on MENA - Middle East and North Africa
Issue of 2024‒08‒19
thirteen papers chosen by
Paul Makdissi, Université d’Ottawa

  1. Improving Breast Cancer Care in the Middle East and Africa By Manzano, Andrea; Gralén, Katarina; Wilking, Nils; Hofmarcher, Thomas
  2. Bottom of the Pyramid Strategies as a Development Tool: Case of Morocco Microfinance By Abdellatif Zriouli; Salma Echcharqy
  3. Managerial Identities: The Case of Tunisian SME Managers By Zouhour Ben Hamadi; Helena Karjalainen
  4. Advancing the Circular Carbon Economy in Saudi Arabia By King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center
  5. Study of Moroccan companies' behavior towards VAT: between economic neutrality and incentives for tax fraud By Ayoub Bourass; Naima Aba
  6. The United Arab Emirates’ labour market: an overview By Elsayed, Mona
  7. Psychological contract breach and intention to leave: Proposal of a conceptual model to explain the voluntary departure of health professionals from the public sector in Morocco By Jaafar El Bardai; Amina Aomari
  8. Does it pay to deliver superior ESG performance? The case of companies listed on the Casablanca stock exchange value. By Abdelati El Arfaoui; Nouredine Marchoud
  9. Evolution of human resources management practices and models: Exploratory study of Moroccan organizations. By Maryeme EL HAMMOUCHI; Jalila AIT SOUDANE
  10. Food security and social assistance in Sudan during armed conflict: Evidence from the first round of the Sudan Rural Household Survey (November 2023–January 2024) By Kirui, Oliver K.; Ahmed, Mosab; Siddig, Khalid; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum; Abushama, Hala; Dorosh, Paul A.; Krishnaswamy, Siddharth; Monetta, Cinzia; Clough, Alice; Gualtieri, Alberto; Leaduma, Amos
  11. The Myth of Meritocracy: Does Meritocracy Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from Turkey By Barıs Alpaslan; Mevza Kurtulmuslar
  12. Türkiye’de işçi devri ve yeni işlerin getirisi: 2005-2019 Hane halkı işgücü anketlerinden çıkarımlar By Polat, Sezgin; Ulus, Mustafa
  13. Die Machtpolitik Saudi-Arabiens im Syrienkonflikt. Eine Analyse vor dem Hintergrund geschichtlicher und religiöser Entwicklungen By Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic

  1. By: Manzano, Andrea (IHE - The Swedish Institute for Health Economics); Gralén, Katarina (IHE - The Swedish Institute for Health Economics); Wilking, Nils (Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden); Hofmarcher, Thomas (IHE - The Swedish Institute for Health Economics)
    Abstract: This report describes the current state of breast cancer care in the Middle East and Africa. Nine countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Türkiye, and United Arab Emirates) are included. The report builds on a comprehensive analysis of secondary literature and interviews with 41 local experts and patient organizations in these countries. <p> The report provides a detailed review of the burden of breast cancer and the challenges patients face along the care pathway in each country. The analysis covers the three pillars of the WHO Global Breast Cancer Initiative – detection, diagnostic process, treatment – and complements this with a description of the organization of breast cancer care as well as an overview of the health systems and the governance of breast cancer care. Country-specific recommendations on how to improve the current state of breast cancer care are also provided. <p> A list of the 41 local experts and patient organizations is on page 11-12 of the report. We would like to express our gratitude to all experts for sharing their insights and contributions. <p> Country cards in the Appendix of the report provide short and illustrative summaries of the main findings and recommendations for each country.
    Keywords: breast cancer; diagnostic; early detection; screening; medicines; radiation therapy; genetic counseling; BRCA; WHO; Global Breast Cancer Initiative; Africa; Middle East; Algeria; Egypt; Israel; Jordan; Morocco; Saudi Arabia; South Africa; Türkiye; United Arab Emirates
    Date: 2024
  2. By: Abdellatif Zriouli (LAREM - Laboratoire de Recherches en Management - ISCAE - Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises); Salma Echcharqy (ISCAE - Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d’Administration des Entreprises)
    Abstract: Microfinance emerges as a special tool for Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) strategies developed by Prahalad (2005). It has an interesting history in Morocco since 1993 with a non-profit organization granting small loans to rural women (Diani, 2019). The initiative has aroused the interest of public authorities and international institutions, allowing a considerable growth of microfinance (Duval, 2001). Using a systematic review of empirical articles, this paper aims to explore how BoP strategies function as a development tool in Moroccan microfinance. We'll consider financial outcomes as income, saving, expenditure, accumulation of assets, and expanding current activities; as well as non-financial outcomes including health, food security and nutrition, education, child labor, and women's empowerment. We'll examine the regulatory environment, key players, and trends in the sector, assessing the impact of microcredit on low-income populations. We'll also identify challenges and opportunities to enhance financial inclusion and economic development in Morocco. The mixed outcomes of microcredit on poor populations all over the world led us to investigate the case of Morocco, answering the question: Does microcredit combine social development with profitability? We find positive impact for borrowers, although some cases reveal non-significant or even negative outcomes whose causes must be sought elsewhere, such as in the transformative effect (Banerjee et al., 2015) or in loan delinquency (Chong, 2021).
    Abstract: La microfinance apparaît comme un outil spécial pour les stratégies du bas de la pyramide (BdP) développées par Prahalad (2005). Elle a une histoire intéressante au Maroc depuis1993 avec une organisation à but non lucratif accordant de petits prêts aux femmes rurales (Diani, 2019). L'initiative a suscité l'intérêt des pouvoirs publics et des institutions internationales, permettant une croissance considérable de la microfinance (Duval, 2001). En utilisant une revue systématique d'articles empiriques, cet article vise à explorer comment les stratégies de la BdP fonctionnent comme un outil de développement dans la microfinance marocaine. Nous examinerons les résultats financiers comme les revenus, l'épargne, les dépenses, l'accumulation d'actifs et l'expansion des activités courantes, ainsi que les résultats non financiers, y compris la santé, la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition, l'éducation, le travail des enfants et l'autonomisation des femmes. Nous examinerons l'environnement réglementaire, les principaux acteurs et les tendances du secteur. Nous identifierons également les défis et les opportunités pour améliorer l'inclusion financière et le développement économique au Maroc. Les résultats mitigés du microcrédit sur la population pauvre mondiale nous ont conduit à investiguer le cas du Maroc, répondant à la question : Le microcrédit combine-t-il le développement social avec la rentabilité ? Nous constatons un impact positif pour les emprunteurs, bien que certains cas révèlent des résultats non significatifs, voire négatifs, dont les causes sont à rechercher ailleurs, comme dans l'effet transformateur (Banerjee et al., 2015) ou dans la délinquance du prêt (Chong, 2021).
    Keywords: Stratégies BdP, microcrédit, impact, Maroc.
    Date: 2024–06–30
  3. By: Zouhour Ben Hamadi (Métis Lab EM Normandie - EM Normandie - École de Management de Normandie); Helena Karjalainen (Métis Lab EM Normandie - EM Normandie - École de Management de Normandie)
    Abstract: This study aims to deepen the knowledge of the profiles of SME managers in the Tunisian context. In this study, a quantitative analysis was conducted on a sample of 116 Tunisian SME managers. The first result is the typology of three different managerial identities: young managers with an accentuated Tunisian culture, managers with a mixed culture and senior managers with a reinforced Arab culture. Secondly, these three profiles are mainly differentiated by three pillars: (1) generation: age; (2) education and (3) attachment to a culture. This study shows the importance of avoiding amalgams between the different types of Tunisian managers when trading with Tunisian SMEs.
    Abstract: Cette étude vise à approfondir la connaissance des profils des dirigeants de PME dans le contexte tunisien. Une analyse quantitative a été menée sur un échantillon de 116 dirigeants de PME tunisiennes. Le premier résultat est la typologie de trois identités managériales différentes : les jeunes managers à la culture tunisienne accentuée, les dirigeants à la culture mixte et les doyens à la culture arabe renforcée. Deuxièmement, ces trois profils se différencient principalement par trois piliers : (1) la génération : l'âge ; (2) l'apprentissage et (3) l'attachement à une culture. Cette étude montre l'importance d'éviter les amalgames entre les différents types de dirigeants tunisiens lors des échanges commerciaux avec les PME tunisiennes.
    Keywords: SME, Tunisia, Generation, Managerial identity, Identité managériale, PME, Tunisie, Culture, Génération, Apprentissage
    Date: 2024–06–01
  4. By: King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center)
    Abstract: In May 2022, the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC) and King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) co-organized an event titled “Advancing the Circular Carbon Economy in Saudi Arabia.” The one-day event, which comprised a high-level event and a workshop, took stock of progress in the circular carbon economy (CCE) in the Kingdom to date and implementation plans going forward. It also sought to draw attention to the role of research in supporting planning and implementation for the CCE across the public and private sectors.
    Keywords: Air conditioning, Applied general model, Article 6, Circular carbon Economy
    Date: 2023–05–10
  5. By: Ayoub Bourass (UH2C - Université Hassan II de Casablanca (UH2C)); Naima Aba (UH2MC - Université Hassan II [Casablanca])
    Abstract: Embedded in a liberal approach based on the "invisible hand" of the market, the pursuit of economic neutrality of VAT, in the context of perfectly competitive markets, demands that this tax creates no economic distortion for businesses and remains invisible to consumers, thereby promoting optimal allocation of resources. The objective of this article is to verify two hypotheses: firstly, that VAT in Morocco generates a surplus on production costs, thus causing economic distortion and hindering the proper functioning of businesses; secondly, that these surcharges incentivize businesses to seek means to reduce these costs, to conceal income, or to avoid tax obligations, potentially leading to harmful effects on the Moroccan economy and society. Our methodology is systematic, comprising a literature review and critical analysis, during which we examined a wide range of works to analyze the implications of VAT on production costs and its consequences on business performance. The results of our study, both theoretical and empirical, reveal that the countless exemptions as well as the Moroccan VAT rate differentiation policy cause a disruption in the deduction chain. This disruption generates "VAT remnants" in the selling price, prompting double taxation and potentially compromising the neutrality of VAT, as well as a situation that could lead to the "butoir" rule. This issue can threaten the cash flow balance of the company, especially if the "butoir" persists and becomes chronic. This suggests a reform of VAT to make it more neutral and less distorting, as well as the implementation of measures to combat tax fraud and income concealment.
    Abstract: Inscrite dans une approche libérale fondée sur la "main invisible" du marché, la quête de neutralité économique de la TVA, dans le contexte de marchés parfaitement concurrentiels, exige que cette taxe ne crée aucune distorsion économique pour les entreprises et reste invisible aux yeux des consommateurs, favorisant ainsi une allocation optimale des ressources. L'objectif de cet article est de vérifier deux hypothèses : d'une part, la TVA au Maroc engendre un surplus sur le coût de production, provoquant de ce fait une distorsion économique et posant un obstacle au bon fonctionnement des entreprises ; d'autre part, ces surcoûts incitent les entreprises à rechercher des moyens de réduire ces charges, à dissimuler des revenus ou à éviter des obligations fiscales, ce qui pourrait entraîner des effets néfastes sur l'économie et la société marocaines. Notre méthodologie est systématique, comprenant une revue de la littérature et une analyse critique, au cours de laquelle nous avons examiné une vaste gamme de travaux pour analyser les implications de la TVA sur le coût de production et ses conséquences sur les performances des entreprises. Les résultats de notre étude, à la fois théoriques et empiriques, révèlent que les exonérations innombrables ainsi que la politique de différenciation des taux de la TVA marocaine provoquent une rupture de la chaîne des déductions. Cette rupture engendre des "rémanences" de la TVA dans le prix de vente, suscitant une double taxation et compromettant potentiellement la neutralité de la TVA, ainsi qu'une situation pouvant conduire à la règle du "butoir". Ce problème peut menacer l'équilibre de trésorerie de l'entreprise, surtout si le butoir persiste et devient chronique. Cela suggère une réforme de la TVA pour la rendre plus neutre et moins distorsive, ainsi que la mise en place de mesures pour lutter contre la fraude fiscale et la dissimulation de revenus.
    Keywords: tax neutrality, economic distortion, VAT fraud, production cost, Fiscalité, TVA, neutralité fiscale, distorsion économique, fraude à la TVA, Libéralisme
    Date: 2024
  6. By: Elsayed, Mona
    Abstract: This paper provides an overview of both the quantity and quality of employment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s labour market. It first presents a review of employment regulation, covering legislation that apply to Emirati and migrant workers, as well as to the public and private sectors and details how particular subgroups of workers are treated differently by the existing employment legislation. The discussion shows that employment regulations are significantly more favourable in the public sector. While new labour laws introduced in the private sector are considered a crucial step in the right direction, they are not sufficient to level the playing field between different groups of workers. Second, the paper examines available data from the UAE’s labour force survey and discusses findings from relevant studies, while highlighting problems with data availability and gathering. It identifies key challenges in the UAE labour market. While the UAE performs well in terms of overall employment levels, there are considerable disparities between groups, particularly when data is disaggregated by nationality. Unemployment rates among Emiratis are much higher and participation rates are lower. Yet, employment conditions among Emirati workers are significantly better than those of migrant workers, mainly because they are more likely to work in the public sector. Conversely, non-Emiratis have higher participation rates and lower levels of unemployment, yet their working conditions are significantly worse than those of Emiratis. The paper concludes by discussing the policy implications of these findings.
    JEL: R14 J01
    Date: 2024–07–25
  7. By: Jaafar El Bardai (Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences- Souissi, University Mohamed V of Rabat); Amina Aomari (Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences- Souissi, University Mohamed V of Rabat)
    Abstract: Public health in Morocco is faced with severalchallenges and constraints that dissipate the efforts deployed by decision-makers and managers, thus impacting the achievement of national and international objectives in terms of medical coverage, performance, the satisfaction of citizens' needs, and, above all, the attainment of universal health coverage by 2030. Today, faced with the new projects undertaken by the Department of Health, namely the overhaul of the national health system, embodied in Framework Law n°06-22, the creation of health groups, and the introduction of the health function, the State and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection must imperatively overcome these obstacles, especially in terms of human resources, which is one of the key pillars linked to this overhaul. One of the challenges to be overcome inhuman resources management is undoubtedly that of the premature voluntary departure of health professionals, particularly nurses, midwives, and health technicians -the cornerstone of any healthcare system. With this in mind, andtoshed more light on the subject, we have attempted, based ona rich review of the literature, to propose a conceptual model that could form the basis of any subsequent empirical research. To this end, the breach of the psychological contract and trust seem to be key concepts to be grasped and studied topropose tangible solutions for decision-makers to limit the voluntary departure of the said individuals, through the study of the intention to leave, to anticipatethis behavior, which is detrimental to the smooth running of care structures. The methodology adopted for this article is based on a narrative literature review
    Abstract: La santé publique au Maroc est confrontée par plusieurs défis et contraintes qui dissipent les efforts déployés par les décideurs et managers, impactant ainsi l'atteinte des objectifs nationaux et internationaux en termes de couverture médicale, de performance, de satisfaction des besoins des citoyens et surtout la réalisation de la couverture sanitaire universelle d'ici 2030. Effectivement, aujourd'hui et devant les nouveaux chantiers entamés par le département de la santé, en l'occurrence, la refonte du système national de santé, concrétisée par la loi-cadre n°06-22, la création des groupements sanitaires et l'instauration de la fonction sanitaire, l'État et le Ministère de la Santé et de la Protection sociale doivent impérativement surmonter ces obstacles, surtout en matière de ressources humaines, qui est parmi l'un des piliers phares liés à cette refonte. Ainsi et parmi les défis à contrecarrer en relation avec la gestion des ressources humaines, est sans doute celui du départ volontaire, qualifié de prématuré, des professionnels de la santé et principalement les infirmiers, les sages-femmes et les techniciens de santé; pierre angulaire de tout système de santé. Dans ce sens, et afin d'apporter plus d'éclaircissement à ce sujet, nous avons essayé sur la base d'une riche revue de littérature de proposer un modèle conceptuel qui pourra faire l'étude d'une éventuelle recherche empirique ultérieure. Àcet effet, la rupture du contrat psychologique et la confiance semblent être des concepts clés à appréhender et à étudier afin de proposer des solutions tangibles pour les décideurs pour limiter le départ volontaire desdits individus et ce travers l'étude de l'intention de quitter dans une optique d'anticiper ce comportement qui porte préjudice au bon fonctionnement des structures de soins. La méthodologie qui a été adoptée pour l'élaboration de cet article est basée sur une revue de littérature narrative
    Keywords: Intention to leave, Psychological contract, Turnover, emotional trust, intention to leave, Départ volontaire, Contrat psychologique, Intention de départ, Intention de quiter
    Date: 2024–06–18
  8. By: Abdelati El Arfaoui (Ecole Supérieur de Technologie, Université Moulay Ismail Meknès.); Nouredine Marchoud (Ecole Supérieur de Technologie, Université Moulay Ismail Meknès)
    Abstract: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities have become essential and viable for companies due to the growing concern for environmental, social, and governance issues. The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between a company's achievement of superior ESG performance and its financial performance (FP). A sample of 30 Moroccan companies listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange from 2020 to 2022 was considered. The study utilises the least squares method to evaluate the correlation between ESG and FP. The study concludes that there is a significant negative correlation between GSE and FP. This study enhances comprehension of the correlation between ESG and PF, aiding companies in formulating corporate strategies and stakeholders in making investment decisions. This study is unique in that it examines the effect of ESG on the financial performance of Moroccan companies listed on the stock exchange. It will serve as a foundation for future research.
    Abstract: Résumé Les activités environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance (ESG) sont devenues des activités essentielles et viables pour les entreprises en raison de la préoccupation croissante pour les questions environnementales, sociales et de gouvernance. L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier la relation entre l'obtention de performances ESG environnementale, sociale et de gouvernance (ESG) supérieures par une entreprise et sa performance financière (PF). Un échantillon de 30 sociétés marocaines cotées en bourse des valeurs de Casablanca de 2020 à 2022 a été pris en compte. . L'étude s'appuie sur la méthode des moindres carrés pour évaluer l'association entre l'ESG et la PF. Les conclusions de cette étude sont qu'il existe une association négative significative entre l'ESG et la PF. Cette étude permet de mieux comprendre l'association entre ESG et PF et aide les entreprises à formuler des stratégies d'entreprise et les parties prenantes à prendre des décisions d'investissement. L'originalité de cette étude est qu'elle aborde l'impact de l'ESG sur la PF des sociétés marocaines cotées en bourse et qu'elle servira de base à de futures études. Mots clés : RSE, ESG, performance financière, parties prenantes. Abstract Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities have become essential and viable for companies due to the growing concern for environmental, social, and governance issues. The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between a company's achievement of superior ESG performance and its financial performance (FP). A sample of 30 Moroccan companies listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange from 2020 to 2022 was considered. The study utilises the least squares method to evaluate the correlation between ESG and FP. The study concludes that there is a significant negative correlation between GSE and FP. This study enhances comprehension of the correlation between ESG and PF, aiding companies in formulating corporate strategies and stakeholders in making investment decisions. This study is unique in that it examines the effect of ESG on the financial performance of Moroccan companies listed on the stock exchange. It will serve as a foundation for future research. Keywords: CSR, ESG, financial performance, stakeholders.
    Keywords: CSR, ESG, Financial performance, stakeholders, RSE, Performance financière, Parties prenantes
    Date: 2024–06
  9. By: Maryeme EL HAMMOUCHI (UM5 - Université Mohammed V de Rabat [Agdal]); Jalila AIT SOUDANE (UM5 - Université Mohammed V de Rabat [Agdal])
    Abstract: The aim of this research is to gain an understanding of human resources management practices and models in Morocco. To achieve this, we opted for a qualitative method of data collection by studying the case of 10 Moroccan organizations belonging to the public and private sectors. The collection of material from these case studies was based both on a documentary study of various internal reports and documents, and on semi-structured interviews with human resources managers. To facilitate processing of the documentary data and analysis of the thematic content of the responses, NVivo software was used. Our exploratory approach enabled us to understand the human resources management model of these organizations, and even to identify the main factors involved in human resources management decision-making: structure, strategy, and environment. Among the main findings of our empirical study is the existence of a hybrid model of human resources management, combining both an administrative and a strategic logic of human resources management. We also discovered the existence of a variety of human resources management practices, including technical practices considered indispensable, and practices for mobilizing and developing human capital. These various findings led us to conclude that human resources management in Moroccan organizations has undergone a major evolution and dynamism which is beginning to take off, thanks to a strategic approach to human resources management.
    Abstract: Cette recherche vise à appréhender les pratiques et le modèle de gestion des ressources humaines au Maroc. Pour cela, nous avons opté pour une méthode qualitative de collecte des données, notamment, en étudiant le cas de 10 organisations marocaines appartenant au secteur public et privé. Le recueil des matériaux auprès de ces études de cas s'est basé à la fois sur une étude documentaire des différents rapports et documents internes et sur des entretiens-semi-directifs réalisés avec les responsables ressources humaines. Pour faciliter le traitement des données documentaires et l'analyse du contenu thématique des réponses, on a fait appel au logiciel NVivo. Ainsi, notre posture exploratoire, nous a permis de comprendre le modèle de gestion des ressources humaines de ces organisations et même d'identifier les principaux facteurs intégrés dans la prise des décisions relatives à la gestion des ressources humaines : la structure, la stratégie et l'environnement. Parmi, les principales conclusions de notre étude empirique, c'est l'existence d'un modèle hybride de management des ressources humaines combinant à la fois une logique administrative et stratégique de gestion des ressources humaines. On a pu découvrir également l'existence des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines variées et composées des pratiques techniques considérées comme indispensables, des pratiques de mobilisation et des pratiques de valorisation du capital humain. Ces différents constats nous ont permis de conclure que la gestion des ressources humaines dans les organisations marocaines a connu une grande évolution et dynamisme grâce à un raisonnement stratégique de gestion des ressources humaines.
    Keywords: Human resources management practices, Human resources management model, Exploration, Qualitative study, Case studies., Pratiques GRH, Modèle de GRH, Méthode qualitative, Etudes de cas.
    Date: 2024–06–21
  10. By: Kirui, Oliver K.; Ahmed, Mosab; Siddig, Khalid; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum; Abushama, Hala; Dorosh, Paul A.; Krishnaswamy, Siddharth; Monetta, Cinzia; Clough, Alice; Gualtieri, Alberto; Leaduma, Amos
    Abstract: The conflict in Sudan has severely impacted the food security landscape in rural areas, with profound implications for household diets, coping strategies, and overall food insecurity levels. Data from a national rural household phone survey conducted between October 2023 and January 2024 highlights the dire food consumption patterns, the prevalence of food insecurity, and the reliance on reduced coping strategies among the rural population of Sudan. As of the end of 2023, nearly 40 percent of rural households were consuming inadequate diets, with West Kordofan, South Kordofan, North Darfur, East Darfur, and Sennar states experiencing the highest prevalence of poor food consumption (34, 33, 29 and 24 percent, respectively). The primary components of diets were cereals and oils, with nutrient-rich foods, such as meats and fruits, consumed less frequently, highlighting a critical gap in nutritional adequacy. The situation has resulted in households across Sudan resorting to a range of coping strategies to try to meet their food needs, such as buying less preferred or less expensive food (on average 4 days out of 7), limiting portion sizes, or reducing the number of daily meals. The five coping mechanisms that were examined in the analysis were found to be implemented with approximately similar frequencies across rural Sudan. However, the situation was particularly dire in West Darfur, South Kordofan, and Khartoum, the states recording the highest prevalence of consumption of inadequate diets and the highest reduced Coping Strategy Index (rCSI) scores.
    Keywords: capacity development; food security; rural areas; households; diet; Sudan; Africa; Northern Africa
    Date: 2024
  11. By: Barıs Alpaslan; Mevza Kurtulmuslar
    Abstract: This paper makes a contribution to the literature in a number of important ways: First, this paper offers a two-period OLG model of endogenous growth that incorporates both meritocracy and social capital: in our theoretical framework, meritocracy can promote social capital. Second, this paper provides a measure of the meritocracy degree to determine the extent to which there is an incidence of nepotism in the society this is because meritocracy is the opposite of nepotism, that is, the lower meritocracy degree, the higher nepotism is or the other way around. Third, this is the first study that has provided a solid evidence base for Turkey in linking the notion of meritocracy with social capital and explaining its implications for long-run growth. To this end, we calibrate our theoretical model based on a combination of theoretical restrictions and empirical observations. We conduct several policy experiments. We first consider an increase in the share of public spending on social capital building activities and infrastructure investment under two scenarios: each increase is financed by a cut in either other items or education. We also run a policy experiment associated with a decrease in the share of non-meritocratic political elites. In general, the findings of our policy experiments show that a higher meritocracy degree can promote social capital and therefore long-run growth. However, when an increase in the share of government spending on either social capital building activities or infrastructure investment is financed by a cut in education, in the benchmark case, the net impacts on long-run growth turn out to be negative or very small due to the trade-off effect because it seems that the cut in the share of government spending on education is detrimental to growth.
    Keywords: meritocracy, social capital, political capital, economic growth, Turkey
    JEL: D73 J10 J45 O10 O41
    Date: 2024–07
  12. By: Polat, Sezgin (Galatasaray University Economic Research Center); Ulus, Mustafa (Galatasaray University Economic Research Center)
    Abstract: Türkiye'de her dört çalışandan biri mevcut işinde bir yıldan daha kısa bir süredir çalışmaktadır. Benzer şekilde, her dört çalışandan biri son bir yıl içinde işinden ayrılmıştır. Bu oranlar ücretli çalışanlar arasında her üç kişiden birine yükselmektedir. Toplam işe giriş ve çıkışlar ile net istihdam değişiminin farkı olan işçi akımı fazlası da 2005 yılında toplam istihdamın %25'i iken 2019 yılında %55'e yükselmiştir. Birçok gelişmiş ülke brüt işçi akımındaki azalma ve işgücü piyasasındaki durgunluktan endişe ederken, Türkiye işgücü piyasası tam tersi yönde artan işçi devir hızından kaynaklanan sorunlar yaşıyor gibi görünmektedir. Buna rağmen Türkiye’de işçi akımları yeterince ele alınmamıştır. Bu çalışmada, ilk olarak 2005-2019 TÜİK Hanehalkı İşgücü Anketlerini kullanarak Türkiye'deki işçi akımlarında meydana gelen değişimleri ve farklı demografik grupların bu değişimlerden nasıl etkilendiğini ele alıyoruz. Daha sonra, mevcut işinde çalışmaya son 12 ay içerisinde başlayan çalışanlarla mevcut işindeki bir yıldan uzun süredir çalışanlar arasındaki ücret farklarını kıdem süresini dikkate alarak tahmin ediyoruz. İşçi devri, yaratıcı yıkımı ve büyümeyi teşvik eden, aynı zamanda işler arası geçiş yoluyla verimliliği ve dolayısıyla işçi refahını artıran bir sürecin göstergesi olabilir. Ancak, betimleyici analizlerimiz işçi devrindeki artışa bağlı olarak işgücü piyasasındaki katmanlaşmanın derinleştiğine ve bir grup çalışanın geçici/kötü işlerle işsizlik döngüsünde sıkışıp kaldığına işaret etmektedir. İşçi akımlarındaki artıştan en fazla düşük eğitimli/vasıflı çalışanlar etkilenmiştir. Üstelik, bu kategoride işçi devri her yaş grubunda çok büyük oranda artmıştır. Buna karşın, eğitimli/vasıflı çalışanlar arasında işçi devrindeki artış esas olarak gençlerden kaynaklanmaktadır ve daha zayıftır. Mevcut işinde son 12 ay içerisinde işe başlayanların büyük kısmı iş değiştirenlerden oluşmaktadır ve zaman içerisinde iş değiştirenlerin oranı artarken işsizlikten veya işgücü dışından istihdama geçişlerin oranı çok değişmemiştir. Buna ek olarak, yeni başlayan işlerin içerisinde geçici işlerin oranı çok hızlı bir şekilde yükselmiştir. İşçi akımlarındaki değişimin ücretler üzerindeki etkisine dair bulgularımız, son 12 ay içinde iş değiştiren işçilerin, devam eden işlerinde kalan işçilere kıyasla daha düşük ücretler aldıklarını göstermektedir. Özellikle işgücü dışından gelerek işe giren kişiler için negatif etki daha da yüksektir. Ayrıca, farklı alt örneklemler kullanarak gerçekleştirdiğimiz tahminler, işe yeni başlayan kişilerle 1-2 yıl kıdemi olan çalışanlar arasındaki ücret farkının kadınlar ve iyi eğitimli işçiler için daha büyük olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Başka bir ifadeyle, sonuçlarımız deneyimin getirisi yüksek olduğunda iş değiştirmenin daha maliyetli olabileceğini göstermektedir.
    Keywords: Wage; Worker Turnover; Tenure; Labor Mobility; Turkey
    JEL: J60 J63
    Date: 2024–08–08
  13. By: Dietlmeier, Simon Frederic
    Abstract: The research examines Saudi Arabia's foreign policy against the background of the Syrian conflict. It focuses in particular on religious and historical backgrounds, which are of great importance for understanding developments in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia's changing role in a region that has been characterised by instability and rivalry with Iran since the Arab Spring has also been investigated.
    Keywords: Resolution; Mapping; Analysis; Evolution
    JEL: B1 E1 G0 I3 K0 L3 N9 P5 Q5 R2 Z1
    Date: 2024–07–23

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.