nep-ara New Economics Papers
on Arab World
Issue of 2010‒10‒02
one paper chosen by
Quentin Wodon
World Bank

  1. The Relationship between the Perception of Risk and the Decision-making Process of Travel of French Tourists By Azim, Tare Sayed Abdel

  1. By: Azim, Tare Sayed Abdel
    Abstract: This exploratory study was conducted in order to investigate the impact of socio-demographic variables “age, sex, familial situation, qualification, profession, income per capita”, international tourism experience, and tourism experience in Egypt on the decision making process of travel under the effect of the risk factor “terrorist attacks of last April, 2006, in Sinai, Egypt». For this purpose, a two decision making process probabilities have been estimated by the ordinal logit model.
    Keywords: Risk; tourism experience; Decision making process of travel Socio-demographic variables; tourist behaviour
    JEL: O1 M1 L83
    Date: 2009–10–08

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