nep-agr New Economics Papers
on Agricultural Economics
Issue of 2025–03–03
forty papers chosen by
Angelo Zago, Universitàà degli Studi di Verona

  1. Climate Shocks and Their Effects on Food Security, Prices, and Agricultural Wages in Afghanistan By Tosin Kolajo Gbadegesin; Bo Pieter Johannes Andree; Ademola Braimoh
  2. Yield Growth Patterns of Food Commodities : Insights and Challenges By John Baffes; Etienne, Xiaoli
  3. Agriculture Production Potential of Groundwater Irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa By Srivastava, Bhavya; Ifeanyi Nzegwu Edochie; Aparajita Goyal; Andrew L. Dabalen
  4. Crop Diversification for Farmers and Agricultural Labourers By Raya Das; Ashok Gulati
  5. Using Systems Analysis to Solve the World Food Problem By Brown, Lester R.
  6. A fruitful endeavor: Smallholders’ climate change adaptation strategies through tree species selection for planting By Müting, Luisa; Mußhoff, Oliver
  7. USDA Agricultural Projections to 2034 By Dohlman, Erik; Hansen, James; Chambers, William; Interagency Agricultural Projections Committee
  8. Regenerative Agriculture in Practice : A Review By Andrew L. Dabalen; Aparajita Goyal; Ruozi Song
  9. Making Agriculture Work for the Poor in Timor-Leste By Darko, Francis Addeah; Purnamasari, Ririn Salwa
  10. Fertilizer Price Shocks in Smallholder Agriculture : Cross-Country Evidence from High-Frequency Phone Surveys in Sub-Saharan Africa By Amankwah, Akuffo; Ambel, Alemayehu A.; Gourlay, Sydney; Kilic, Talip; Markhof, Yannick Valentin; Wollburg, Philip Randolph
  11. A Longitudinal Cross-Country Dataset on Agricultural Productivity and Welfare in Sub-Saharan Africa By Thomas Patrick Bentze; Philip Randolph Wollburg
  12. Cultivating Collaboration through Joint Participation : Evidence from a Video-Based Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Extension Program in Ethiopia By Friedson-Ridenour, Sophia; Pierotti, Rachael Susan; Springer, Emily Ann; Gebreyohannes, Alemgena
  13. The contribution of desert agriculture to sustainable agricultural development in the state of Oued Souf By Adjlane Sabah; Khiari Reguia; Mokhnane Tarek
  14. Nature-Positive Solutions Initiative survey report: Colombia By Lopera, Diana Carolina; Ordoñez, Juan Camilo; Azzarri, Carlo; Davis, Kristin E.
  15. Inequality and agricultural structural change: Evidence from macro and microdata, 1950-present By Matthew Fisher-Post
  16. Micro-Level Impacts of the War on Ukraine’s Agriculture Sector : Distinguishing Local and National Effects over Time By Klaus W. Deininger; Daniel Ayalew Ali; Kussul, Nataliia; Lemoine, Guido; Shelestov, Andrii
  17. Should Farm Input Subsidy Programs Target Poor or Non-Poor Farmers ? Evidence from Malawi’s Farm Input Subsidy Program By Darko, Francis Addeah
  18. Documentary films can increase nationwide interest in plant-based food By thomas, anna; Hope, Jessica Elizabeth; Mathur, Maya B
  19. Absentee Landlords and Land Tenancy By Maertens, Annemie; Siddharth Sharma; Khamis, Melanie
  20. Profitability of Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa : Evidence from Malawi By Francis Addeah Darko; Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob; Talip Kilic
  21. Service Accessibility and Corresponding Impact on Livelihood Strategies: A Study on Rural Bangladesh By Al Mujtabe, Abdullah; Rahman, Shohanur; Sheikh, Limon; Adri, Neelopal; Waliullah,
  22. Using Satellite Imagery and a Farmer Registry to Assess Agricultural Support in Conflict Settings : The Case of the Producer Support Grant Program in Ukraine By Klaus W. Deininger; Daniel Ayalew Ali
  23. Weather, Water, and Work : Climatic Water Variability and Labor MarketOutcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa By Khan, Amjad Muhammad; Kuate, Landry; Pongou, Roland; Zhang, Fan
  24. Shaping Environmental Attitudes Through Social Justice: Evidence from the 2021 European Floods and Implications for Youth By Bulut, Hamid; Samuel, Robin
  25. Mapping the Risk Posed to Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems by Uncontrolled Access to Photovoltaic Water Pumping in Sub-Saharan Africa By Zuffinetti, Guillaume; Meunier, Simon
  26. Transport Frictions and the Pass-Through of Global Price Shocks in a Spatial Model of Low-Income Countries By Lisa Martin; Mr. Christopher S Adam; Douglas Gollin
  27. Towards a theory of bureaucratic behavior in collaborative natural resource governance: evidence from the US Forest Service By Pennick, Chelsea
  28. The role of local deities and traditional beliefs in promoting the sustainable use of mangrove ecosystems By Setondé Constant Gnansounou; Valère Kolawolé Salako; Corentin Visée; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas; Romain Glèlè Kakaï; Patrick PK Kestemont; Sabine Henry
  29. Adaptation to climate risk: Evidence from cyclones and flooding in Bangladesh By Iqbal, Razi
  30. Experimental Economics-Living Lab Loop in Water Resource Management By Ebun Akinsete; Alina Velias; Lydia Papadaki; Lazaros Antonios Chatzilazarou; Phoebe Koundouri
  31. Diversity of perspectives in biodiversity conservation: A case study of port land use in Antwerp and Rotterdam By Ashlynn Broussard; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas; Jean Huge
  32. Agrivoltaics: Solar as a Third Crop to Augment Farmers' Income By Subhodeep Basu; Ashok Gulati; Alok Adholeya
  33. Estimating Extinction Threats with Species Occurrence Data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility By Susmita Dasgupta; Brian Blankespoor; Wheeler, David
  34. Reforming Land Valuation and Taxation in Ukraine : A Path towards greater Sustainability Fairness, and Transparency By Klaus W. Deininger; Daniel Ayalew Ali; Eduard Bukin; Martyn, Andrii
  35. Yielding Insights : Machine Learning-Driven Imputations to Filling Agricultural Data Gaps By Ismael Yacoubou Djima; Marco Tiberti; Talip Kilic
  36. Weathering challenges: Distributional impacts of climatic shocks on household consumption in Mozambique By Patricia Justino; Gabriel Monteiro; Rodrigo Oliveira; Edson Severnini
  37. Agriculture in interwar Poland: development in a turbulent time By Maciej Bukowski; Michał Kowalski; Marcin Wroński
  38. The Potential Cascading Impacts of Climate Change in Cambodia By Hector Pollitt; Migle Petrauskaite
  39. The composition, distribution, and socio-economic dimensions of Ghana's mangrove ecosystems By Samuel Appiah Ofori; Frederick Asante; Tessia Ama Boatemaa Boateng; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
  40. Why Did Support for Climate Policies Decline in Europe and Central Asia? By Alexandru Cojocaru; Michael M. Lokshin; Ivan Torre

  1. By: Tosin Kolajo Gbadegesin; Bo Pieter Johannes Andree; Ademola Braimoh
    Abstract: This study examines the effects of climate and weather shocks on Afghanistan's agricultural economy, with an emphasis on food security, prices, and wages. By utilizing a dynamical model and a unique data set that includes monthly global and local food prices, agricultural wages, unofficial exchange rates, and local climate data, the research provides econometric estimates of the impacts of droughts and floods. The findings reveal that both flooding and drought significantly increase food insecurity, directly and indirectly. Directly, these climatic shocks are linked to heightened risks of food insecurity in the following months, even when controlling for price and wage fluctuations. Indirectly, droughts and floods drive up food prices and depress agricultural wages, further exacerbating food insecurity. The study suggests that enhancing climate resilience in the agriculture sector could mitigate these risks, stabilize local food prices and wages, and strengthen food security and the broader agricultural economy. The results also show that price data effectively capture food security shocks from various non-economic sources, and can serve as a versatile monitoring tool in situations where detailed data on food security are unavailable.
    Date: 2024–12–12
  2. By: John Baffes; Etienne, Xiaoli
    Abstract: Understanding global food production and productivity patterns is crucial for policy and in-vestment decisions aimed at addressing poverty, food insecurity, and climate change. This pa-per develops comprehensive calorific-based production and yield indexes for 144 crops, cover-ing 98 percent of global agricultural land and food output. These indexes provide standardized measures across various crops and varieties, facilitating comparison of agricultural productivity and consolidating country and regional contributions to global food production. Utilizing a Box-Cox transformation, the analysis finds that a linear model best approximates yield growth. The findings reveal that, at an aggregate level, there has been no discernable slowdown in global yield growth over the past six decades. This translates into an average annual yield increase equivalent to nearly 33 kilograms of wheat per hectare. These results suggest that any observed deceleration in specific commodities, regions, or countries has been offset by gains in others. While these findings are reassuring from a global food supply perspective, caution is warranted about the sustainability of production and the affordability of food. These concerns are particu-larly relevant as global food demand increases due to population and income growth, and as the pressures from climate change intensify. The study underscores the importance of adopting strategic and sustainable agricultural practices to ensure continued food security in the face of evolving global challenges.
    Date: 2024–12–02
  3. By: Srivastava, Bhavya; Ifeanyi Nzegwu Edochie; Aparajita Goyal; Andrew L. Dabalen
    Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa’s low agricultural productivity exacerbates rural poverty. An important investment, the sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation, has the potential to increase agricultural productivity, but the region has been much slower to adopt this irrigation method compared to other regions, despite abundant reserves. This study uses a simulation-driven approach to examine the benefits of sustainably utilizing groundwater for irrigation. By mapping data from 291, 798 global agro-ecological zones to 8, 099 groundwater grids, the study models the production gains from groundwater irrigation for rain-fed croplands. Simulation results indicate that groundwater access could increase output by 27.97 to 129.42 percent, contingent on crop and model conditions. This research facilitates the assessment of the transformative potential of groundwater irrigation and identifies areas in Sub-Saharan Africa where investments can yield significant returns without depleting the groundwater table.
    Date: 2024–08–27
  4. By: Raya Das (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)); Ashok Gulati
    Abstract: The shift in India's economy from agriculture to non-agriculture sectors is complex. While the share of agriculture in overall GDP has been declining steadily, its share in workforce has started increasing since 2019-20, going up from 42 percent to about 46 percent. This seems to have depressed real wage growth in agriculture over the last 5 years. Since wage labourers account for 54 percent of agricultural employment and they are literally at the bottom of economic pyramid, this is very concerning. Between Financial Year 2018-19 (FY19) and FY24, the real wage growth in the agricultural sector has been negative at -0.03 percent. The only silver lining within agriculture is that sub-sectors like horticulture and animal husbandry have witnessed positive real wage growth. However, translating sectoral growth into higher incomes for farmers and better wages for agricultural laborers requires efficient marketing strategies and rural employment generation. The unit level data from Situation Assessment Survey 2018-19, NSS data shows that farmers received higher selling rate on an average for horticulture produce through cooperatives and farmer producer companies (FPCs) compared to local traders. The success story of Sahyadri FPC highlights the role of an organized value chain in fruits and vegetables by strengthening the processing sector and export channels, thereby augmenting farmers' income and creating jobs in rural areas. To replicate this success and drive widespread benefits, India needs 10, 000 similar models for enhancing value-chain efficiency in the agriculture sector. This approach is vital for enhancing incomes, generating rural jobs, and making agriculture a driver of inclusive economic growth.
    Keywords: crop diversification, wage, cooperatives, farmer producer organisations, icrier
    Date: 2025–01
  5. By: Brown, Lester R.
    Abstract: [Contents:] Identifying Some Alternatives --- Relating U. S. Resources to the Food Problem --- Increasing the Supply of Food --- Capital Assistance --- Agricultural Technology --- Family Planning --- Alternative Energy Sources in Agriculture --- Food from Petroleum --- Fertilizing the Rumen --- Augmenting The Crops-Livestock Cycle --- Fortification of Cereal Protein --- New Protein Foods --- More Protein through Plant Breeding --- Importance of Time Horizon --- Conclusions --- Questions Outstanding.
    Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries, International Development, Livestock Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
    Date: 2025–02–24
  6. By: Müting, Luisa; Mußhoff, Oliver
    Abstract: In the African Sahel region, arable land is being increasingly threatened by the implications of climate change. Agroforestry offers opportunities to adapt to these challenges by enhancing ecological 4 resilience and food production through intensification and/or diversification by integrating fertilizer and/or fruit trees. While previous studies have explored agroforestry adoption broadly, little is known about how smallholders’ tree species selection aligns with their perceptions of climate change. This study investigates whether Senegalese smallholders plant trees and how they select fertilizer and/or fruit tree species to adapt their food production to perceived climate change effects. Using survey data from 606 smallholders in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin, we grouped reported tree species into fertilizer and fruit tree categories and applied a Heckman regression model for our analysis. Our results show that resource constraints, such as limited access to wells, secure land tenure, agroforestry knowledge, or financial resources are main barriers to tree planting. Climate change perceptions, however, affect species selection, with fruit trees likely being selected when for instance land degradation or shortened rainy seasons are perceived as threats. The perception of soil salinization discourages fertilizer and fruit tree planting. Policy efforts should focus on improving resource access, promoting salt-tolerant tree species, and encouraging smallholders to integrate both, fertilizer and fruit trees into cropping systems to enhance intensification and diversification of food production as holistic adaptation strategy to climate change effects.
    Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy, Farm Management, Food Security and Poverty, Sustainability
    Date: 2025–02
  7. By: Dohlman, Erik; Hansen, James; Chambers, William; Interagency Agricultural Projections Committee
    Abstract: This report provides projections for the agricultural sector to 2034. Projections cover agricultural commodities, agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators of the sector, such as farm income. The projections are based on specific assumptions, including a macroeconomic scenario, existing U.S. policy, and current international agreements. The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 is assumed to remain in effect through the projection period, as no agreement had been reached on a new Farm Bill as of October 2024. The projections are one representative scenario for the agricultural sector and reflect a composite of model results and judgment-based analyses. The projections in this report were prepared using data through the October 2024 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report, except where noted otherwise. Macroeconomic assumptions were concluded in August 2024.
    Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Dairy Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Financial Economics, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
    Date: 2025–02
  8. By: Andrew L. Dabalen; Aparajita Goyal; Ruozi Song
    Abstract: Regenerative agriculture, a farming approach that focuses on soil health and ecosystems, has recently received considerable attention, particularly as an essential element of sustainable agriculture in the context of climate change. This paper reviews quantitative evidence of regenerative agriculture’s impact on productivity, resilience, and climate change mitigation—through carbon sequestration in soil. The effectiveness of regenerative agriculture depends on local climate conditions and existing practices. In addition, large-scale adoption of regenerative agriculture faces multiple challenges, such as the trade-off between short-term loss and long-term gains, smallholder farmer profitability, and other common market failures in agriculture. These challenges are especially salient in African agriculture. However, payments for ecosystem services, though yet to be carefully designed, can potentially incentivize farmers to adopt regenerative agriculture and create an additional source of income. Finally, further empirical evidence on the causal impacts of regenerative agriculture is needed to support policy design and recommendations. The paper concludes with open questions on regenerative agriculture for future study.
    Date: 2024–09–19
  9. By: Darko, Francis Addeah; Purnamasari, Ririn Salwa
    Abstract: With about 80 percent of poor households in Timor-Leste dependent on agriculture for their livelihood, it is widely acknowledged that growth in the agriculture sector is an important channel for poverty reduction in the country. That notwithstanding, the country’s agricultural production system is one of the least developed in the world, with the sector’s productivity being well below that of other small island developing states and below the average for other low-income states. Using data from the 2007 and 2014 waves of the Timor-Leste Surveys of Living Standards, this paper provides insight into the extent to which increases in agricultural productivity can contribute to poverty reduction, and assesses the drivers of and constraints to increasing agricultural productivity in the country. The findings show that improvements in agricultural productivity reduce the probability of being poor among agricultural households. The paper also finds that for agricultural produ ctivity to increase, the following factors should be considered: facilitation of farm mechanization, improvement in the use of chemical (fertilizer, pesticides, and herbicides) inputs, enhancement of access to credit and extension, encouragement to farmers to join farmer groups, expansion of the commercialization of farm produce, and reduction in the gender gap in agricultural productivity.
    Date: 2024–07–25
  10. By: Amankwah, Akuffo; Ambel, Alemayehu A.; Gourlay, Sydney; Kilic, Talip; Markhof, Yannick Valentin; Wollburg, Philip Randolph
    Abstract: Since 2020, many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have experienced disruptions to agricultural activities due to the adverse effects of multiple global crises. Notably, the Russian invasion of Ukraine caused a surge in inorganic fertilizer prices, which had potentially significant impacts on Sub-Saharan Africa’s agriculture sector given that most countries in the region are net importers of inorganic fertilizers and the Russian Federation is the world’s largest exporter. Using high-frequency longitudinal phone survey data spanning four years from six Sub-Saharan African countries, this paper examines the dynamics of smallholder agriculture against the backdrop of these crises, with particular focus on prices, availability, and use of inorganic fertilizer, as well as the strategies employed by farmers to cope with high fertilizer prices and other accessibility constraints. The results show that inorganic fertilizer prices have increased in the region since 2020, forcing smallholder farmers to adopt coping mechanisms that are less productivity-enhancing, making them even more susceptible to future crises. Specifically, farming households reduced the quantity of inorganic fertilizer applied, by applying it at lower rates or to a smaller area. In some cases, households sold assets or borrowed money to cope with the high prices of inorganic fertilizers. This calls for policies to help smallholder farmers in the region to build strong support systems to be more resilient and better able to cope with the adverse effects of rising inorganic fertilizer prices during polycrises and related shocks.
    Date: 2024–07–09
  11. By: Thomas Patrick Bentze; Philip Randolph Wollburg
    Abstract: Since 2008, the World Bank's Living Standards Measurement Study–Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) program has supported the collection of nationally representative, longitudinal, multi-topic household survey data to inform researchers and policy makers of living standards in Sub-Saharan Africa. The surveys maintain a distinct focus on the agricultural sector, collecting detailed plot-level data and information about agricultural activities, while measuring socioeconomic conditions of thousands of smallholder farmers and households across multiple countries. This paper presents a harmonized panel dataset (HP) from LSMS-ISA surveys from 2008 to 2021 in seven Sub-Saharan African countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda, from 2008 to 2021. It includes more than 200, 000 agricultural plot observations, more than 400, 000 individuals, and about 59, 000 households. The HP allows for in-depth analysis of farm, household, and individual dynamics over time and across countries. It is ideal for researchers interested in studying the dynamics between agriculture, economic development, and welfare outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa.
    Date: 2024–11–18
  12. By: Friedson-Ridenour, Sophia; Pierotti, Rachael Susan; Springer, Emily Ann; Gebreyohannes, Alemgena
    Abstract: Micronutrient deficiency, or hidden hunger, remains a significant problem affecting more than 2 billion people globally. Consuming a diet that is diverse in agricultural products is a primary way of decreasing hidden hunger. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture is recommended as a means of ensuring that investments in agriculture also translate into nutritional gains. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture is a multisectoral approach that requires coordination and cooperation across what are often gendered domains of control inside and outside the home. Agriculture is usually treated as men’s domain and nutrition women’s, with programming generally targeting recipients based on their assumed domain of control. Using evidence from a study of a video-based nutrition-sensitive agriculture program in Ethiopia, this paper provides an in-depth qualitative examination of why targeting both men and women with information on nutrition-sensitive agriculture is preferred by both female and male farmers. The findings indicate that the participation of men and women within the same household not only reduces inequalities in access to information, but also changes whether and how conversations about household production and consumption happen. Household investments in nutrition-sensitive agriculture often involve risk-taking and may require the labor of both men and women. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture interventions that provide information to both women and men ease information-sharing frictions, including those related to intrahousehold gender inequality, and encourage consensus building and the joint assessment of potential benefits and risks. The findings from this study indicate that dual targeting is important for promoting nutrition-sensitive agriculture and addressing hidden hunger because of the potential benefits related to intrahousehold collaboration.
    Date: 2024–07–09
  13. By: Adjlane Sabah (CRSTRA - Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions); Khiari Reguia (CRSTRA - Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions); Mokhnane Tarek (CRSTRA - Center for Scientific and Technical Research on Arid Regions)
    Abstract: Algeria is seeking to achieve sustainable agricultural development due to its increasing effects in providing the growing food needs of the population and providing job opportunities for current and future generations. .The agricultural sector is the main source of food and also contributes to providing inputs for many industries that depend mainly on agricultural products. It is also a source of hard currency through its ability to achieve a surplus for export, in addition to creating new job opportunities through various projects. The aim of this study is to introduce the state of Oued Souf is rich in natural, human and water resources. It is especially known for producing some agricultural crops such as potatoes, wheat, barley, peanuts and more. It also aims at identifying the most important challenges it faces so that we can suggest a number of recommendations that contribute to addressing these challenges.
    Keywords: Desert agriculture sustainable agricultural development constituents obstacles JEL Classification Codes: Q1 Q01, Desert agriculture, sustainable agricultural development, constituents, obstacles JEL Classification Codes: Q1, Q01
    Date: 2023–12–30
  14. By: Lopera, Diana Carolina; Ordoñez, Juan Camilo; Azzarri, Carlo; Davis, Kristin E.
    Abstract: This study is part of the CGIAR Research Initiative on Nature-Positive Solutions for shifting agrifood systems to more resilient and sustainable pathways" (NATURE+), which aims to promote sustainable agricultural productivity through nature-positive solutions (NPS) by addressing three critical challenges
    Keywords: agrifood systems; sustainable agriculture; land degradation; surveys; policies; Americas; South America; Colombia
    Date: 2024
  15. By: Matthew Fisher-Post
    Abstract: Since 1950, agricultural productivity has been increasing even as labourers leave agriculture. However, while average productivity of the sector has been converging, within-sector inequality has been increasing. Agricultural income inequality is still less than overall income inequality, but it measures significantly higher when we use higher-quality and more comprehensive survey data. This means not only to observe the entirety of household farm income, but also to measure the magnitude of capital income and corporate profits in the sector.
    Keywords: Agriculture, Structural change, Inequality
    Date: 2025
  16. By: Klaus W. Deininger; Daniel Ayalew Ali; Kussul, Nataliia; Lemoine, Guido; Shelestov, Andrii
    Abstract: This paper uses remotely sensed and farm-level data to assess the micro-level impacts of the war in Ukraine. Remotely sensed, high-resolution data on areas of war-induced agricultural field damage in different periods are combined with crop cover data for a 2019–23 panel of about 10, 000 village councils. Estimates suggest that there were significant negative effects of field damage on crop area, with persistent, direct impacts, the size of which increased over time. However, the economic losses due to conflict-induced increased transport costs reduced profitability by more than 60 percent, far surpassing the losses from direct crop damage in conflict areas. The lack of diversification into less transport cost sensitive, higher value crops—even in areas far from the conflict zone—points to constraints to adaptation and diversification. By increasing the resilience of farmers in non-conflict areas, removing such constraints could accelerate post-conflict recovery and complement efforts toward reconstruction in directly affected areas.
    Date: 2024–08–19
  17. By: Darko, Francis Addeah
    Abstract: This paper addresses the question of whether farm input subsidy programs should be targeted at non-poor farmers instead of poor farmers, using a two-wave, nationally representative panel data from Malawi. The question is addressed by estimating the net gain in maize yield for targeting non-poor farmers instead of poor farmers after accounting for the difference in inorganic fertilizer use efficiency and the difference in crowding-out of commercial fertilizer by subsidized fertilizer between the poor and non-poor farmers. Consumption expenditure is used to classify households into consumption poor and non-poor households, and an asset-based wealth index is used to classify households into asset poor and non-poor households. The difference in inorganic fertilizer use efficiency is estimated with a multilevel model of maize yield, and the difference in crowding out is estimated with a double hurdle model of demand for commercial, inorganic fertilizer. The results indicate that non-poor farmers are significantly more efficient in the use of inorganic fertilizer but have significantly higher levels of crowding out, compared to poor farmers. This suggests that there is a trade-off between targeting non-poor farmers and targeting poor farmers. However, further analysis of the trade-off indicates that targeting non-poor farmers instead of poor farmers, even after accounting for the difference in crowding out, would result in an overall gain in yield of 3.14 to 4.33 kilograms of maize per kilogram of nitrogen distributed by the subsidy program. Therefore, the productivity enhancing objective of Malawi’s farm input subsidy program would be better served by targeting non-poor farmers instead of poor farmers.
    Date: 2024–07–24
  18. By: thomas, anna; Hope, Jessica Elizabeth (Stanford University); Mathur, Maya B
    Abstract: We investigated national-level impacts of media advocating plant-based diets. Search volume for popular films explains the majority of variance in searches for plant-based food, but is not associated with consumption. For three health-focused documentaries, we estimated that a standard deviation increase in searches for each film increases searches for plant-based food by up to 43% in the following week. Our findings can inform approaches for raising awareness of sustainable diets.
    Date: 2025–02–11
  19. By: Maertens, Annemie; Siddharth Sharma; Khamis, Melanie
    Abstract: Internal migration and structural transformation are strongly interrelated. This paper uses Indian data spanning 2001–13 to examine a little-known aspect of this relationship: how migration affects agricultural land rental contracts. Building on anecdotal evidence and theory, the paper hypothesizes that as landlords migrate away, their choice of contract for tenant-cultivators changes from sharecropping to fixed rent. Using a shift-share instrument that exploits information on bilateral migration flows between districts, the paper shows that migration increased fixed rent tenancy and contract formalization. Given the continued importance of agricultural land rental markets, these findings have significant implications for rural efficiency and equity in developing countries.
    Date: 2024–08–12
  20. By: Francis Addeah Darko; Ricker-Gilbert, Jacob; Talip Kilic
    Abstract: This paper estimates the profitability of inorganic fertilizer use in maize production in Malawi. It employs a two-wave, nationally representative panel of data on smallholder households and plots to estimate household fixed effects, plot fixed effects, and multilevel regressions. The results suggest that inorganic fertilizer use is generally unprofitable at prevailing market prices when, assuming that farmers incur positive transaction costs in the use of fertilizer. The low fertilizer profitability is driven by low nitrogen use efficiency, the kilograms of maize produced per kilogram of nitrogen, which is estimated to range from 9.2 to 12.1. For fertilizer use to be profitable, the nitrogen use efficiency would have to increase by at least 137 percent (from 11.89) if maize output is valued at the farmgate price and by 50 percent (from 11.89) if maize is valued at the lean season market price. For farmers who receive the fertilizer subsidy, it improves the profitability of fertilizer use by increasing the maize-nitrogen price ratio at all rates of subsidy (0 to 100 percent). However, unless farmers can store their produce and sell during the lean season when the output price is relatively higher, they would be better off by at least MKW 66.16 (US$0.18) per kilogram of subsidized nitrogen with the cash equivalent of the subsidy than with subsidized fertilizer. The analysis also finds that, compared to the current rate of nitrogen application, the government recommended rate of application is between 116 and 119 percent more profitable on smallholder fields.
    Date: 2024–07–24
  21. By: Al Mujtabe, Abdullah; Rahman, Shohanur; Sheikh, Limon; Adri, Neelopal; Waliullah,
    Abstract: Agriculture based economy makes the rural areas important in south-east Asia. Lack of accessibility to certain services were observed in countries like, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India etc. As a result, rural-urban migration became a regular practice. Though spatial dimension of accessibility was studied, non-spatial dimension was mostly unexplored for access to education, healthcare, food and modern agricultural services. So, with ten villages of Bangladesh as study area, 452 questionnaire surveys, 22 FGDs and 27 KIIs were conducted to understand the problems behind lack of access to these services. Different statistical tests, and qualitative comparison suggested that non-farm activities were more sustainable for households, and provided more access to services than fully farmingbased households. Some services were available, but inaccessible to the local people due to mismanagement. Livelihood diversification through collaboration of community and women empowerment could be the sustainable solutions for ensuring proper service accessibility in developing countries.
    Date: 2024–11–13
  22. By: Klaus W. Deininger; Daniel Ayalew Ali
    Abstract: While cash transfers have emerged as an attractive option to minimize negative long-term impacts of conflict, the scope for targeting and assessing their impact in such settings is often challenging. This paper shows how a digital farmer registry in Ukraine (the State Agrarian Register) helped to target and evaluate such a program, using the country’s $50 million Producer Support Grant in a way that largely avoided mis-targeting. The analysis applies a difference-in-differences design with panel data from 2019–23 on crop cover at the parcel/farm level for the universe of eligible farmers registered in the State Agrarian Register. The findings suggest that the program significantly increased area cultivated, although the effect size remained modest. Impacts were most pronounced near the frontline and for the smallest farmers. The paper discusses the implications in terms of a more diversified menu of support options and the scope of using the State Agrarian Register to help to implement these options, as well as lessons beyond Ukraine.
    Date: 2024–09–17
  23. By: Khan, Amjad Muhammad; Kuate, Landry; Pongou, Roland; Zhang, Fan
    Abstract: Vulnerability to climate change and water scarcity is increasing globally. How this affects individual employment outcomes is still not well understood. Using survey data collected from approximately half a million individuals across Sub-Saharan Africa over from 2005 to 2018, this paper examines the causal relationship between water availability and labor market outcomes. It combines georeferenced household survey data with a drought index that captures the exogenous effects of both rainfall and temperature on water availability. The findings suggest that extremely dry periods decrease employment by 2.5 percentage points on average, and wet periods with an abundance of soil moisture (not flooding) increase employment by 4 percentage points. The negative effects of dry shocks are larger in rural, poorer, and agriculture-dependent areas and for individuals who hold low-skilled jobs or work as farmers. Moreover, the paper finds that the burden of dry shocks disproportionately falls on women, while the benefits of wet shocks accrue more to men. The presence of irrigation infrastructure and the historical evolution of local livelihood strategies—historical mode of subsistence—partly mediate the impacts of water shocks.
    Date: 2024–06–26
  24. By: Bulut, Hamid; Samuel, Robin
    Abstract: In the face of climate change, the principles of distributive social justice have become paramount in addressing the implications of resource allocation and the unequal impacts of environmental degradation. Our study explores the relationship between distributive social justice and environmental attitudes among young people in the context of climate change. Using a natural experimental design, we examine how the 2021 European Floods influenced social justice and environmental attitudes. Our results indicate significant shifts in attitudes, particularly regarding social justice, following the flooding. We found a strong and robust relationship between social justice and environmental attitudes. A causal mediation analysis revealed that floods affected environmental attitudes indirectly through social justice attitudes beyond direct effects. Our results emphasise the importance of integrating the principles of justice in addressing climate change and suggest that young people’s perspectives on social justice play a crucial role in shaping environmental policies and responses to climate crises.
    Date: 2025–02–06
  25. By: Zuffinetti, Guillaume; Meunier, Simon
    Abstract: Photovoltaic-powered groundwater pumping offers a transformative solution for water services in underserved areas. However, without proper regulation, this technology could overexploit groundwater resources, threatening the groundwater-dependent ecosystems that rely on them. Often overlooked in development planning and water allocation, groundwater-dependent ecosystems hold significant socioeconomic and environmental importance. This study maps the risk to groundwater-dependent ecosystems in Sub-Saharan Africa from uncontrolled access to photovoltaic groundwater pumping using the analytic hierarchy process. It evaluates risks using data on irradiance, groundwater, and population, and novel data on groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Two scenarios are analyzed to improve the robustness of the findings. The results show that 92 percent of Sub-Saharan Africa’s groundwater-dependent ecosystems risk overexploitation if photovoltaic water pumping is implemented without proper controls. Groundwater-dependent ecosystems in Southern and Eastern Africa, particularly in South Africa and Namibia, are found to face higher risks, while those in Gabon, the Republic of Congo, and southern Nigeria tend to be less at risk. Comparing these results with populations relying on unimproved water sources highlights regions like southern Nigeria and South Sudan, which could be prioritized for potential photovoltaic water pumping system investments due to their higher groundwater development needs and lower risks to groundwater-dependent ecosystems. Conversely, areas like Namibia and South Africa, with lower groundwater development needs but higher risks to groundwater-dependent ecosystems, should require targeted investments and very close groundwater monitoring. These findings can help policy makers in targeting investments in photovoltaic water pumping systems and identifying regions needing careful monitoring to ensure sustainable groundwater use and minimal impact on groundwater-dependent ecosystems.
    Date: 2024–09–30
  26. By: Lisa Martin; Mr. Christopher S Adam; Douglas Gollin
    Abstract: We develop a spatial dynamic general equilibrium model of a small open agricultural economy to study the impact of global food, fuel and fertilizer price shocks on consumption patterns of heterogeneous households located in different regions, under alternative fiscal responses, including direct price subsidies and household transfers. We show strong spatial heterogeneity in response to shocks, with associated implications for welfare. In particular, while urban households’ consumption baskets are more exposed to the direct effects of global food price shocks, remote rural households’ production and consumption are more exposed to supply-side dislocations associated with shocks to fuel and fertilizer prices.
    Keywords: Spatial General Equilibrium; Import Price Shocks; Household Heterogeneity; Food Security; Fiscal Policy
    Date: 2025–02–14
  27. By: Pennick, Chelsea (University of Idaho)
    Abstract: This study explores the role of front-line workers in collaborative environmental management. Using an institutional work lens and actor narratives, we reveal how collaborative institutions are created, modified and disrupted amidst conflicting logics. The results indicate that government actors engage in critical institution-building and boundary spanning practices that create opportunities for citizen influence, demonstrate responsiveness, fill institutional voids and overcome organizational barriers. These findings suggest that attention to the routines and practices of street-level bureaucrats is critical for understanding and theorizing the connection between governance design and outcomes and have important implications for the study of institutional and organizational change.
    Date: 2024–08–21
  28. By: Setondé Constant Gnansounou; Valère Kolawolé Salako; Corentin Visée; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas; Romain Glèlè Kakaï; Patrick PK Kestemont; Sabine Henry
    Abstract: Customary laws and traditional beliefs are progressively used in conservation and management of natural resources. However, their effectiveness has received limited attention. This case study from the Benin Republic (West Africa) examines how local deities and traditional beliefs can reduce manmade threats to mangroves. Data were collected from three categories of mangroves (sanctuary, sacralised, and non-deity mangroves) via direct observations, informal interviews (n = 5), in-depth interviews (n = 10), focus group discussions (n = 3) and household surveys (n = 200). We used twelve indicators including the quantity of resources collected, the use value and the perceived diversity of fish and plant species to characterize each category of mangroves. Eight of these twelve indicators showed significant variation among the categories of mangroves. Highly destructive uses were generally associated with non-deity mangroves, whereas moderately and less destructive uses were mostly associated with sacralised and sanctuary mangroves, respectively. Local deities can thus assist to limit unsustainable use of mangrove forests. Among the mangrove users, salt producers and residents with many children collect and commercialise more mangrove resources than others and should be continually involved in sensitization and community engagement to foster the sustainable use of mangroves.
    Keywords: Customary laws; Local governance; Sacralised mangroves; Sanctuary mangroves; Traditional beliefs
    Date: 2024–03–01
  29. By: Iqbal, Razi
    Abstract: This paper evaluates the importance of adaptation in dealing with an increase in climate risk. The paper studies adaptation along two margins: changes in crop choices, and reallocation of workers across sectors. Using long-term data on cyclones and flooding in Bangladesh, I find that the increase in propensity of both cyclones and floods affect crop choice, but only cyclones affect sectoral employment, shifting employment out of agriculture. The paper develops a structural model to study the welfare implications of adaptation and calculate the Value of adaptation i.e. how much worse welfare would be if both adaptation channels were shut off. I find that the Value of adaptation is informed by the nature of the shocks: both the intensity of future shocks and their correlatedness across crops and regions influence the Value of adaptation. The Value of adaptation is 20% in the case in which intensity of both flooding and cyclones doubles relative to the 2000s average, and such increases are correlated within regions.
    Date: 2025–02–10
  30. By: Ebun Akinsete (ICRE8); Alina Velias; Lydia Papadaki; Lazaros Antonios Chatzilazarou; Phoebe Koundouri
    Abstract: Efficient and sustainable water management is imperative due to the mounting pressure on global water supplies from over-exploitation, desertification, and pollution. Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) strategies have demonstrated efficacy in decision support; however, a more comprehensive integration of participatory and economic methodologies is required. The objective of this research is to enhance water resource management through collaborative, stakeholder-driven innovation by integrating experimental economics with Living Labs (LLs). Living Labs offer genuine environments for collaborative creation, enabling scientists and stakeholders to resolve water-related concerns such as supply, demand, and scarcity. These environments establish a connection between controlled experimental conditions and real-world applications, offering a comprehensive understanding of policy formulation and behavioral reactions. We use the Limassol Water Futures Living Lab (LWFLL) as a case study that is dedicated to the creation of a comprehensive, intelligent decision-making framework that will enable the effective management of water resources in the presence of unpredictable climate conditions. LLs can be strengthened and improved by economic methodologies, particularly in water valuation, through integrated frameworks that account for environmental externalities and opportunity costs. Real-time input is provided by technological innovations such as smart meters, desalination technologies or soil moisture sensors, which enables dynamic pricing models to accurately depict the economic and environmental costs associated with water consumption. Experimental economics' external validity is enhanced by the integration of behavioral insights and experimental approaches into LLs, which places interventions in real-world settings.
    Keywords: Behavioral Microeconomics, Field Experiments, Water Resource Management, Water Supply and Demand, Analysis of Collective Decision-Making
    Date: 2025–02–07
  31. By: Ashlynn Broussard; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas; Jean Huge
    Abstract: Conflicts of interest often undermine conservation initiatives against biodiversity decline. Effective decision-making requires a deeper understanding of the positions, criteria, concerns, and perspectives of stakeholders. However, managing so many perspectives can be difficult, and if not done well, conflicts arise which make it difficult to achieve conservation goals. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that identifying areas of consensus is a good starting point to generate more effective debates and address complex issues. To do this, we investigate the diversity of perspectives regarding biodiversity conservation schemes among stakeholders in the studied ports of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Using Q-methodology, a semi-quantitative technique that enables us to systematically study the subjective views of stakeholders involved in a topic, we identified and organized a range of shared perspectives into three groups, known as factors. A total of 20 participants sorted 45 statements according to their perceptions and objectives, from −4 ‘most disagreeable’ to 4 ‘most agreeable’. Then, respondents explained their rankings in a post-sorting interview. Next, the data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis was conducted in two parts: (i) Dividing respondents into groups based on similar perspectives and (ii) coupling distinguishing statements with one of the factors characteristic of that viewpoint. Finally, in a qualitative analysis, we used the distinguishing statements and insights from interviews to create narratives and titles for the three factors: (1) Ports are key for our economic wealth, hence port development should continue, (2) Nature first, and (3) Multi-actor governance. Our findings confirm consensuses in three areas: policy, land use, and mitigation tactics. Interestingly, all narratives unanimously agreed on the importance of regulating port development and land use changes via legislation and environmental impact assessments. However, they debated the rigidity of legislation and whether offsetting port expansion (and associated land and resource use claims) should take place locally or internationally. We also found that decision-making mostly followed a human-centered perspective, where economic values were more relevant than intrinsic ones. These insights can serve as a baseline for stakeholders to form coalitions around areas of consensus to depolarize debates and avoid decision-making gridlocks.
    Keywords: Decision support tools; Port land use; Q-methodology; Stakeholder participation; Sustainability; Value pluralism
    Date: 2023–09–01
  32. By: Subhodeep Basu (Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)); Ashok Gulati; Alok Adholeya
    Abstract: In this report, the global landscape of APV and the critical technological, policy, and economic issues surrounding APV in India have been studied. A diverse group of stakeholders - farmers, solar developers, financiers, distribution utilities - participate in the APV systems. The study has examined the economic feasibility of implementing APV by key stakeholders. Eighty percent of the Indian farmers are smallholders with limited capital available for investment in innovation. In that context, the study has reviewed the possibility of engaging farmer enterprises such as FPOs and cooperative societies to take such models forward. The role of government programs such as PM-KUSUM have been addressed in the context of India's journey of solarising agriculture. The report explores how APV can be integrated into the existing scheme to address key barriers like high capital costs and restrictive land-use regulations. It highlights innovative business models, such as farmer-developer partnerships, that maximize APV benefits while tackling the unique challenges of implementing such innovations in India. Finally, a comprehensive policy framework has been developed to highlight key policy interventions required to make such innovations a success in India. APV has the potential to address several predicaments in India's agriculture and energy sector since such models enhance farmers' income while facilitating their diversification into high-value crops.
    Keywords: APV, PM-KUSUM, agriculture, solar power, income, agrivoltaics, agrisolar, icrier
    Date: 2025–02
  33. By: Susmita Dasgupta; Brian Blankespoor; Wheeler, David
    Abstract: The world is experiencing a severe loss of biodiversity, highlighting the need for a strong global conservation strategy. Effective conservation depends on accurate information about where endangered species live and the local threats they face. Using data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, this paper creates threat and protection indicators for more than 600, 000 species, including animals, plants, and fungi. The indicators include habitat size, level of protection, nearby population density, and specific threats like population encroachment for land species and fishing activity for marine species. The paper then uses an ordered logit model to analyze the relationship between these indicators and the extinction risk categories assigned by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The model is based on 87, 731 species in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility database that have been assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The results are used to predict threat levels for 512, 675 species without International Union for Conservation of Nature ratings, revealing many more potentially threatened species and changing the maps of “conservation hotspots.” The paper concludes by noting that its methods can support rapid updates of species maps and threat indicators as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility database continues to grow.
    Date: 2024–06–25
  34. By: Klaus W. Deininger; Daniel Ayalew Ali; Eduard Bukin; Martyn, Andrii
    Abstract: The shift from administrative to market-based valuation of assets is a key part of Ukraine’s transition from a planned to a market economy. This shift will improve the functioning of financial markets and the ability of local governments to obtain revenue effectively for local service provision. This paper describes the rationale and evolution of Ukraine’s regulatory framework for market-based valuation. The analysis uses prices and publicly available parcel attributes for the nearly 200, 000 agricultural land sale transactions during 2021–24 to estimate a land price model that is then used to predict prices for the roughly 20 million hectares of commercial agricultural land in the country. Mean predicted prices that are 25 to 33 percent above current valuations hide vast interregional differences. Given their proximity to active conflict, predicted prices in the East and South are close to or even below the normative value, but they are 80 percent above it in the West of the country. A transition to market-based valuation is thus a precondition for fair and equitable taxation and incentives for productive land use. By aligning with globally accepted standards for banking regulation and improving credit access in areas where land values have increased, the transition could also affect the speed and quality of reconstruction. The paper discusses legislative steps to move in this direction.
    Date: 2024–12–11
  35. By: Ismael Yacoubou Djima; Marco Tiberti; Talip Kilic
    Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of missing crop yield data in large-scale agricultural surveys, where crop-cutting, the most accurate method for yield measurement, is often limited due to cost constraints. Multiple imputation techniques, supported by machine learning models are used to predict missing yield data. This method is validated using survey data from Mali, which includes both crop-cut and self-reported yield information. The analysis covers several crops, providing insights into the importance of different predictors, including farmer-reported yields and geo-spatial variables, and the conditions under which the approach is valid. The findings show that machine learning-based imputations can provide accurate yield estimates, especially for crops with low intercropping rates and higher commercialization. However, survey-to-survey imputations are less accurate than within-survey imputations, suggesting limitations in extrapolating data across different survey rounds. The study contributes valuable insights into improving cost-efficiency in agricultural surveys and the potential of imputation methods.
    Date: 2024–11–04
  36. By: Patricia Justino; Gabriel Monteiro; Rodrigo Oliveira; Edson Severnini
    Abstract: Mozambique is highly vulnerable to climate change. It faces frequent cyclones, floods, and droughts while having limited revenue collection capacity and social protection programmes. This paper assesses the distributional effects of climate shocks on household consumption and explores adaptation strategies using consumption survey data from 2008 to 2022, combined with district-level climate data.
    Keywords: Mozambique, Consumption, Inequality, Climate shocks, Poverty
    Date: 2025
  37. By: Maciej Bukowski (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences); Michał Kowalski (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences); Marcin Wroński (Warsaw School of Economics, Collegium of World Economy, Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies)
    Abstract: We measure the value added in agriculture in Poland during the interwar period. Our calculation is based on the bottom-up methodology. We provide estimates on the national and regional levels. Cultivated area, yields and yields per hectare increased during the investigated period. Significant regional convergence, both in the case of prices and value added occurred. In the years 1924 -38 value added increased by 5.35% annually, resulting 4.01% per capita growth rate. However, the yields per hectare grew less than in a majority of other European economies. While less developed eastern regions caught up with more economically advanced western Poland, the leading west lost compared to European peers. Therefore, our assessment of the development of agriculture in Poland in that period remains mixed.
    Keywords: agriculture, national income, Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, economic growth, regional convergence
    JEL: N50 N54 N90 N94
    Date: 2025
  38. By: Hector Pollitt; Migle Petrauskaite
    Abstract: This paper develops a “plausible worst-case” scenario for Cambodia to illustrate how a severe, 1-in-10-year flood could trigger cascading impacts, including widespread disease outbreaks and financial instability. The analysis shifts from forecasting to risk management, focusing on the economic consequences at each stage of this disaster chain. As climate change increases the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, Cambodia’s vulnerabilities are likely to intensify, with severe floods leading to disruptions in health care, declines in labor productivity, and risks to financial stability. Although Cambodia’s current financial position provides some resilience, the risk of financial contagion remains, especially due to the growing sovereign-bank nexus. The paper highlights the importance of integrating climate risks into Cambodia’s broader risk management strategies and suggests preemptive interventions, such as improving flood forecasting, health care infrastructure, and exploring disaster risk finance instruments. These measures could help mitigate the cascading impacts of climate-induced disasters and build long-term resilience. The paper concludes that a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive preparedness and adaptation will be crucial for Cambodia’s ability to manage future climate risks and ensure economic and social stability.
    Date: 2024–11–25
  39. By: Samuel Appiah Ofori; Frederick Asante; Tessia Ama Boatemaa Boateng; Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
    Abstract: Mangrove ecosystems are recognised as one of the nature-based solutions to a changing climate. Notwithstanding the socio-ecological benefits of mangrove ecosystems, they are increasingly being destructed in some regions of the world. In Ghana, several studies have reported on the status, use, and management strategies of mangrove ecosystems in different sites of the country. However, these studies do not make it possible to appreciate the broader picture of Ghana's mangrove ecosystems since they are not synthesized into a single comprehensive report. This study uses the ROSES method for systematic reviews to report on Ghana's mangrove ecosystem distribution and species composition, as well as their socio-economic benefits, the anthropogenic and natural impacts on Ghana's mangrove ecosystems, and the management strategies and/or practices on Ghana's mangrove ecosystems. The study reveals there is no existing management strategy for Ghana's mangrove ecosystems, and therefore recommends the need to develop and implement policies and regulations that specifically target the protection and sustainable use of mangrove ecosystems in Ghana.
    Keywords: Climate change; Ecosystem management; Mangroves; Socio-ecological systems; Species distribution; Systematic evidence syntheses
    Date: 2023–11–01
  40. By: Alexandru Cojocaru; Michael M. Lokshin; Ivan Torre
    Abstract: This paper investigates trends in willingness to pay higher taxes to combat climate change in countries of Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia between 2016 and 2023. Using data from the Life in Transition Survey, it shows that despite increasing attention from policy makers, scientists, and the media, the average shares of respondents willing to pay to combat climate change declined over this period. The paper tests several hypotheses that could explain the deterioration of public readiness to support climate change policies. The most likely explanation is the growing politicization of the climate change agenda in the region.
    Date: 2024–09–17

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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.