nep-acc New Economics Papers
on Accounting and Auditing
Issue of 2022–11–14
seven papers chosen by
Alexander Harin

  1. Territorial Tax Reform and Profit Shifting by US and Japanese Multinationals By Makoto HASEGAWA
  2. The shaping of public services through calculative practice: the roles of accountants, citizens, professionals, and politicians By Lapsley, Irvine; Miller, Peter; Steccolini, Ileana
  3. "Determinant of Firm's Value: Empirical Evidence from Top 100 Listed Companies in Indonesia " By Rosita Suryaningsih
  4. Taxes and Telework: The Impacts of State Income Taxes in a Work-from-Home Economy By David R. Agrawal; Jan K. Brueckner
  5. How to account for tax planning and tax uncertainty in valuation: Separate vs. composite view By Knaisch, Jonas
  6. Enhancing online disclosure effectiveness By OECD
  7. Taxation of Top Incomes and Tax Avoidance By Di Nola, Alessandro; Kocharkov, Georgi; Scholl, Almuth; Tkhir, Anna-Mariia; Wang, Haomin

  1. By: Makoto HASEGAWA
    Abstract: In 2009, Japan adopted a territorial tax regime by exempting dividends paid by Japanese-owned foreign subsidiaries to their parent firms from home-country taxation. This paper examines the impact of this tax reform on profit shifting by Japanese multi- nationals. I find that the semi-elasticity of pre-tax profits with respect to host-country corporate tax rates for Japanese-owned foreign subsidiaries, particularly large sub- sidiaries, sharply increased after the 2008 announcement of the implementation of the territorial tax regime, relative to that for US-owned foreign subsidiaries. This suggests that the territorial tax reform encouraged profit shifting by Japanese multinationals that owned large foreign subsidiaries.
    Keywords: International taxation; Multinational corporations; Profit shifting; World-wide tax system; Territorial tax system
    JEL: H25 H26 F23
    Date: 2022–10
  2. By: Lapsley, Irvine; Miller, Peter; Steccolini, Ileana
    Abstract: This contribution introduces the special issue on the roles of accounting practices in the context of reforms to and within public service organizations. The papers in the special issue provide fresh insights into the ways in which calculative practices intervene in public services, and thus come to affect the experiences of such actors, offering important perspectives on how the latter act to resist, reshape, redefine, and change those very practices, or strategically and tactically use (or avoid the use of) accounting to impact the ways in which services are defined and delivered.
    Keywords: calculative practices; NPM; public sector accounting; public services
    JEL: M40
    Date: 2020–11–01
  3. By: Rosita Suryaningsih (Faculty of Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Author-2-Name: Lydia Fransiska Imanuel Author-2-Workplace-Name: Faculty of Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Author-3-Name: Author-3-Workplace-Name: Author-4-Name: Author-4-Workplace-Name: Author-5-Name: Author-5-Workplace-Name: Author-6-Name: Author-6-Workplace-Name: Author-7-Name: Author-7-Workplace-Name: Author-8-Name: Author-8-Workplace-Name:)
    Abstract: " Objective - The study examines the influence of profitability, leverage, firm size, and the proportion of independent commissioners on a firm's value with dividend policy as a moderating variable of the top 100 listed companies in Indonesia. Methodology/Technique - The sample was selected using purposive sampling, which consists of publicly-traded non-finance companies listed on the Kompas 100 Index and preparing audited financial statements for the year ended December 31 using Rupiah as its reporting currency. The secondary data were analyzed with moderated regression analysis method. Findings - The result indicated that profitability, leverage, and proportion of independent commissioners significantly enhance firms' value and strengthen these conditions by dividend policy. This study also finds that company size does not influence the value of firms. Novelty - This study contributes to knowledge of a firm's value using dividend policy as a variable that moderates the effect of profitability, leverage, firm size, and proportion of independent commissioners toward the value of firms. The implication of this study could guide a company's corporate action to create a balanced return on the firm's value between existing and potential investors, giving a positively impacting Type of Paper - Empirical."
    Keywords: Corporate Governance, Payout Policy, Firm Size, Value of Firms, Financing Policy, Profitability.
    Date: 2022–09–30
  4. By: David R. Agrawal; Jan K. Brueckner
    Abstract: This paper studies the interstate effects of decentralized taxation and spending when individuals can work from home (WFH). Because WFH decouples population and employment, the analysis of tax impacts on state populations, employment levels, wages and housing prices is radically different than in the standard model where individuals live and work in the same state. Which state can tax teleworkers—leading to either source or residence taxation—matters for tax impacts under WFH. Our main findings, which pertain to the employment and wage effects of WFH, show that a shift from a non-WFH economy to WFH reduces employment and raises the wage in high-tax states, with larger effects under source taxation. Once WHF is established, an increase in a state’s tax rate either reduces employment further while raising the wage (source taxation) or leaves the labor market unaffected (residence taxation). The analysis also shows that the residence-taxation equilibrium is efficient, while source taxation is inefficient.
    Keywords: state income taxes, telework, work-from-home
    JEL: H20 H73 R12
    Date: 2022
  5. By: Knaisch, Jonas
    Abstract: I investigate how investors value tax planning and tax uncertainty for the case of publicly listed German firms. I compare two recent approaches how to account for tax uncertainty: the separate view by Drake et al. (2019) and the composite view by Jacob and Schütt (2020) to find the better suited way to incorporate tax planning and uncertainty simultaneously. In a battery of tests, I fail to produce results consistent with the separate view. In contrast, the composite view yields robust results that are in line with theory and prior literature: A one standard deviation increase in the quality of tax planning leads to an increase in the positive effect of the return on equity on the firm value of 7.7%. Investors seem to not only care about the level of firms' tax planning, but also how it is achieved. Only combining the degree of tax planning and its associated uncertainty in a single measure (Tax Planning Score) leads to robust results, thereby providing support for the notion of Jacob and Schütt (2020) that these constructs should be considered jointly.
    Keywords: Tax Avoidance,Tax Uncertainty,Firm Value,Tax Planning Score
    JEL: G32 H25 H26 M21 M41
    Date: 2022
  6. By: OECD
    Abstract: Online disclosures can play a key role in informing consumer decisions. However, cognitive limitations such as information overload, as well as technical ones such as small screen sizes on mobile devices, may limit their effectiveness. Additionally, businesses may sometimes focus on technical compliance with disclosure requirements rather than maximising their effectiveness in informing consumer decisions. This report supports consumer authorities in enhancing disclosure effectiveness by providing i) a systematic overview of key disclosure characteristics; ii) guidance on the effective design of disclosures based on a review of the empirical literature; iii) an overview of overarching challenges to disclosure effectiveness and iv) an overview of possible ways to address them, including possible policy alternatives when disclosures may not be sufficient on their own.
    Date: 2022–10–25
  7. By: Di Nola, Alessandro; Kocharkov, Georgi; Scholl, Almuth; Tkhir, Anna-Mariia; Wang, Haomin
    JEL: E21 E62 H26
    Date: 2022

This nep-acc issue is ©2022 by Alexander Harin. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.